Mississippi Congressman Becomes Violent With Palestinian American In Congress


Blaster said:
Did Hitler call Muslims cockroaches?
Now we have "Palestinian Americans" too?

"Arab American" wasn't good enough to ethno-isolate the grievance group?
Do yu say this to the whites crying about anti white stuff?
So 14thousand dead Palestinian kids don't count, WTF is the matter with you people? and anyone who thinks a bunch of guys with AKs and RPGs were resposible for this need to get their head tested.

Your Islamic terrorist heroes fired rockets at Israel just a day ago. Acts of war by Hamas will generate a response.
Wouldn't surprise me if this piece of work was in the Mississippi Klan back in the day, what a scumbag.

Good for him. Just because Medea Benjamin is a Jew doesn't mean she speaks for all Jews. She's a pot-stirring POS with nothing to live for but her "causes". When the inevitable anti-Jewish bloody pogroms come to America, she should never be allowed to make aliyah...
Good for him. Just because Medea Benjamin is a Jew doesn't mean she speaks for all Jews. She's a pot-stirring POS with nothing to live for but her "causes". When the inevitable anti-Jewish bloody pogroms come to America, she should never be allowed to make aliyah...
She's also funded by the Chinese communist party.

She is a traitor to this country.
Yes, that Congressman was wrong to put his hands on her (if he did). By doing so, she has gained victim status in her community.

And he was definitely wrong to even reply to them.

He should have ignored their questions and comments -- as members of Congress often do when questioned even by the media (especially FOX!!!).

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