Why do people refuse to do the research?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Indoctrination. Looking back I depended on doctors to know wtf they were talking about and now I know that they missed the mark terribly because I have still have health issues that they treated for but did not cure. I can't say whether that was on purpose on the doctors that were supposed to be specialist for sure or not but when looking at the dates on the studies and the information available back when surgeries were done it seems they should have known better. Part of that is a commerce issue as some would rather collect the money involved than cure the patient. Its like putting Mercury into teeth. Its so outdated and ghastly that dentist are still using it but they are and even teaching young'ins coming into the dental field that there is nothing wrong with putting Mercury permanently into a humans mouth.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Oh, totally.

Often the problem is when you're young, you feel invincible and you get injured, or you eat badly, it doesn't impact you noticeably.

When people get older, it does, but they'll blame something else.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
...the Germans were/are known for strictness/discipline..preciseness ..puctuality
..from my many, many readings on WW2, it seems the Germans were very into sports/health/etc
...my family ancestry is German...I am very disciplined/etc....it's one of the reasons why I did so well in the service and at work with attention to detail and preciseness..punctual...

Germans are very aware of their health and health care issues.
Germany's Health Beliefs

Germans are stoic people who strive for perfectionism and precision in all aspects of their lives.
I would think this includes their health/body
German Culture: Facts, Customs and Traditions

Germans were among the leaders in the development of both Western biomedicine and national health insurance. Biomedical health care in Germany is extensive and of high quality. In addition to having advanced medical technology,
Culture of Germany - history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family

North America, with very few exceptions, is a get-in-your-car-and-drive culture. Europe is a get-on-your-bike-and-ride or walk-to-the-market culture.
The German Way: 10 ways Germany is different from the US
..I used to bike everyday to work--total 6 miles total--perfect for me
..when it got around 15 F and/or snowed , I would walk...people [ Americans! ] thought it amazing/crazy that I walked 3 miles in 5F weather..I was over 50 years old
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Looks like you've read too many "The doctors don't want you to know this" magazines. I am not a doctor, and don't have the knowlege that a doctor has, but I have paid for the long, hard fought road to become a doctor, and had frequent discussions about what was being taught throughout the ordeal. You don't understand that doctors are rarely consulted until an illness has already presented it's self, and it's a little late to expect a multivitiman to cure a chronic illness. There is no ancient Chinese cure that can compare to penicillin, or any of the other miraculous medicines developed to treat diseases. Quit whining about doctors. Their main goal is trying to fix broken bodies after people have misused and abused them.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
..I researched the topic a little sometime ago....I think it said, genetics is a major aspect of obesity
...also heart problems--my father was in great shape--doing all kinds of stuff till he died in his mid 80s--including sports/shoveling snow/etc...but his family had a long history of heart problems
...but like you and the experts say---you can cut the risk
...my father never had time to work out --- like I do---when we we growing up--but he watched his weight/eating habits/walked a lot/etc
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Oh, totally.

Often the problem is when you're young, you feel invincible and you get injured, or you eat badly, it doesn't impact you noticeably.

When people get older, it does, but they'll blame something else.
I worked with a guy in the mid 80s, who was obese in his late 20s. He was a lawyer with a good income and successful career. He and I went to lunch often for about five years, until I left that job. He ALWAYS ordered a well done hamburger and fries for lunch....I mean every single time. He never exercised and drink too much. He had a beautiful wife and three kids. He died of a heart attack in his late 50s. He essentially killed himself.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
..I researched the topic a little sometime ago....I think it said, genetics is a major aspect of obesity
...also heart problems--my father was in great shape--doing all kinds of stuff till he died in his mid 80s--including sports/shoveling snow/etc...but his family had a long history of heart problems
...but like you and the experts say---you can cut the risk
...my father never had time to work out --- like I do---when we we growing up--but he watched his weight/eating habits/walked a lot/etc
I think with proper diet and a good vitamin regime, one can overcome poor genetics.

Few Americans know the tremendous effect taking vitamin C in large doses throughout the day, can have. It is truly a wonder 'drug' few know about. I have been taking 8-10 grams of C every day for years now. I haven't had a cold that caused me more the slightest sore throat. Dr Linus Pauling outlined the wonderful benefits of C back in the 1970s, and won two Nobel Prizes. Yet, his work is ignored by nearly everyone.
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...my father did play some basketball with us when we were gr
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Oh, totally.

Often the problem is when you're young, you feel invincible and you get injured, or you eat badly, it doesn't impact you noticeably.

When people get older, it does, but they'll blame something else.
I worked with a guy in the mid 80s, who was obese in his late 20s. He was a lawyer with a good income and successful career. He and I went to lunch often for about five years, until I left that job. He ALWAYS ordered a well done hamburger and fries for lunch....I mean every single time. He never exercised and drink too much. He had a beautiful wife and three kids. He died of a heart attack in his late 50s. He essentially killed himself.
they say obesity, no exercise, bad diet is ''automatic'' killer/major problems
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
..I researched the topic a little sometime ago....I think it said, genetics is a major aspect of obesity
...also heart problems--my father was in great shape--doing all kinds of stuff till he died in his mid 80s--including sports/shoveling snow/etc...but his family had a long history of heart problems
...but like you and the experts say---you can cut the risk
...my father never had time to work out --- like I do---when we we growing up--but he watched his weight/eating habits/walked a lot/etc
I think with proper diet and a good vitamin regime, one can overcome poor genetics.

Few Americans know the tremendous effect taking vitamin C in large doses throughout the day, can have. It is truly a wonder 'drug' few know about. I have been taking 8-10 grams of C every day for years now. I haven't had a cold that caused me more the slightest sore throat. Dr Linus Pauling outlined the wonderful benefits of C back in the 1970s, and won two Nobel Prizes. Yet, his work is ignored by nearly everyone.
...I just bought my daughter multivitamins ...she's on a veggie diet which I don't like...cost $$$ for one [ generally ]
...so you think the C stuff is good? maybe I'll try the multivitamins
...my coworker would make fun of my lunch all the time--I would have some fruit, vegetable, sandwich with 1 piece of meat, cookies, water
...he would buy all the time--hamburger/pizza/tacos--no fruit-veggies
..he is a big drinker --was smoker--but quit
..for most people in general, this is ok if you are '''young'''.....but once you get older, it's bad and harder to get rid of the weight
...of course if you eat right from the ''start'', this is a big help for the future
...and it's harder to change your diet after you've been with it for years
...ever since I started reading WW2 books when I was young, I've been very grateful for any food I get---because in WW2 soldiers and civilians did not get much, and they went without what we take for granted:
eggs/real eggs
cold water
or they were severely rationed
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
..I researched the topic a little sometime ago....I think it said, genetics is a major aspect of obesity
...also heart problems--my father was in great shape--doing all kinds of stuff till he died in his mid 80s--including sports/shoveling snow/etc...but his family had a long history of heart problems
...but like you and the experts say---you can cut the risk
...my father never had time to work out --- like I do---when we we growing up--but he watched his weight/eating habits/walked a lot/etc
I think with proper diet and a good vitamin regime, one can overcome poor genetics.

Few Americans know the tremendous effect taking vitamin C in large doses throughout the day, can have. It is truly a wonder 'drug' few know about. I have been taking 8-10 grams of C every day for years now. I haven't had a cold that caused me more the slightest sore throat. Dr Linus Pauling outlined the wonderful benefits of C back in the 1970s, and won two Nobel Prizes. Yet, his work is ignored by nearly everyone.
...I just bought my daughter multivitamins ...she's on a veggie diet which I don't like...cost $$$ for one [ generally ]
...so you think the C stuff is good? maybe I'll try the multivitamins
...my coworker would make fun of my lunch all the time--I would have some fruit, vegetable, sandwich with 1 piece of meat, cookies, water
...he would buy all the time--hamburger/pizza/tacos--no fruit-veggies
..he is a big drinker --was smoker--but quit
..for most people in general, this is ok if you are '''young'''.....but once you get older, it's bad and harder to get rid of the weight
...of course if you eat right from the ''start'', this is a big help for the future
...and it's harder to change your diet after you've been with it for years
Vitamin C is truly amazing. It is our greatness anti-oxidant, strengthens your immune system and detoxifies your body. Very powerful.

We could eliminate so many premature deaths and so many diseases, if we were all taking it to bowel tolerance. There is numerous documented cases of C curing people, but the medical establishment ignores it. It was proven to cure polio, back in the 1930s. Of course, this was ignored.

Great doctors have proven the efficacy of C including Pauling, Cathcart, Levy, Riordan, Klenner, Huggins, Jungeblut, and many others. Their tremendous work has been all but ignored by mainstream medicine. Not a doctor, but truly an expert is Andrew Saul. He has a great website loaded with quality information. DoctorYourself.com: Andrew Saul's Natural Health Website

another great website...http://orthomolecular.org/index.shtml

Interesting...video. 60 Minutes New Zealand. The system tried to kill this man, but C saved him.

The great Dr Levy explains.
The Big Four according to Dr. Levy are in order of importance:

1. Magnesium
2. Vitamin C
3. Vitamin K
4. Vitamin D

How many Americans know this? Dr Levy has documented that taking JUST ONE of these four supplements (mono-therapy), decreases the chance of death from anything.

Of course, many other supplements are also good.

Here is the great Dr. Saul...with great information that should be taught in the government schools.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
..I researched the topic a little sometime ago....I think it said, genetics is a major aspect of obesity
...also heart problems--my father was in great shape--doing all kinds of stuff till he died in his mid 80s--including sports/shoveling snow/etc...but his family had a long history of heart problems
...but like you and the experts say---you can cut the risk
...my father never had time to work out --- like I do---when we we growing up--but he watched his weight/eating habits/walked a lot/etc
I think with proper diet and a good vitamin regime, one can overcome poor genetics.

Few Americans know the tremendous effect taking vitamin C in large doses throughout the day, can have. It is truly a wonder 'drug' few know about. I have been taking 8-10 grams of C every day for years now. I haven't had a cold that caused me more the slightest sore throat. Dr Linus Pauling outlined the wonderful benefits of C back in the 1970s, and won two Nobel Prizes. Yet, his work is ignored by nearly everyone.
I think a lot of what they call be genetic are sometimes just those microscopic critters being passed down through the generations. Fat is also depository for things the body is not sure what else to do with it and cellulite is also caused from certain bacterium and viruses. I notice now children with those tires around their waist that is a sign of early organ failure. That is more predominant now locally after the lake which provides the local town's water system was treated with the chemical Rotone to kill off the fish (Oxygen starvation). Their claim was it wouldn't hurt the water and would dissipate readily but even 7 months later the chemicals in that water burned my nose. It just added more nasty stuff to an already polluted water system full of farm runoff of chemicals and nitrates. A lot more people were also diagnosed with cancer around here after that. With any added oxygen deprivation the body cannot heal properly.

I also learned that sunshine holds off some of the things we can suffer from as mammals. When we moved to a colder climate and then started staying here during the winter some things that came and went like Lyme (I didn't know I had) was kept at bay. The weaker the immune system the susceptible it becomes to organism that are not conducive to good health. Sunshine/Ultraviolet light kills certain parasitical mycotoxins and organism that nothing else seems to touch plus we need a certain amount of that sunshine for our bods to make vitamin D.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Ever hear of the term advice without consent?

Maybe people don't like you telling them what to do.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.There
Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
..I researched the topic a little sometime ago....I think it said, genetics is a major aspect of obesity
...also heart problems--my father was in great shape--doing all kinds of stuff till he died in his mid 80s--including sports/shoveling snow/etc...but his family had a long history of heart problems
...but like you and the experts say---you can cut the risk
...my father never had time to work out --- like I do---when we we growing up--but he watched his weight/eating habits/walked a lot/etc
I think with proper diet and a good vitamin regime, one can overcome poor genetics.

Few Americans know the tremendous effect taking vitamin C in large doses throughout the day, can have. It is truly a wonder 'drug' few know about. I have been taking 8-10 grams of C every day for years now. I haven't had a cold that caused me more the slightest sore throat. Dr Linus Pauling outlined the wonderful benefits of C back in the 1970s, and won two Nobel Prizes. Yet, his work is ignored by nearly everyone.
I think a lot of what they call be genetic are sometimes just those microscopic critters being passed down through the generations. Fat is also depository for things the body is not sure what else to do with it and cellulite is also caused from certain bacterium and viruses. I notice now children with those tires around their waist that is a sign of early organ failure. That is more predominant now locally after the lake which provides the local town's water system was treated with the chemical Rotone to kill off the fish (Oxygen starvation). Their claim was it wouldn't hurt the water and would dissipate readily but even 7 months later the chemicals in that water burned my nose. It just added more nasty stuff to an already polluted water system full of farm runoff of chemicals and nitrates. A lot more people were also diagnosed with cancer around here after that. With any added oxygen deprivation the body cannot heal properly.

I also learned that sunshine holds off some of the things we can suffer from as mammals. When we moved to a colder climate and then started staying here during the winter some things that came and went like Lyme (I didn't know I had) was kept at bay. The weaker the immune system the susceptible it becomes to organism that are not conducive to good health. Sunshine/Ultraviolet light kills certain parasitical mycotoxins and organism that nothing else seems to touch plus we need a certain amount of that sunshine for our bods to make vitamin D.
There are some experts who claim the flu is the result of deficiencies of vitamin D. Notice how influenza occurs generally during the winter months, when our ability to naturally process vitamin D from the sun is gone.

Vitamin D Is More Effective Than Flu Vaccine, Study Says
Vitamin D Is More Effective Than Flu Vaccine
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Ever hear of the term advice without consent?

Maybe people don't like you telling them what to do.
LOL. You don't know me.

I don't TELL anyone what to do.
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
..I researched the topic a little sometime ago....I think it said, genetics is a major aspect of obesity
...also heart problems--my father was in great shape--doing all kinds of stuff till he died in his mid 80s--including sports/shoveling snow/etc...but his family had a long history of heart problems
...but like you and the experts say---you can cut the risk
...my father never had time to work out --- like I do---when we we growing up--but he watched his weight/eating habits/walked a lot/etc
I think with proper diet and a good vitamin regime, one can overcome poor genetics.

Few Americans know the tremendous effect taking vitamin C in large doses throughout the day, can have. It is truly a wonder 'drug' few know about. I have been taking 8-10 grams of C every day for years now. I haven't had a cold that caused me more the slightest sore throat. Dr Linus Pauling outlined the wonderful benefits of C back in the 1970s, and won two Nobel Prizes. Yet, his work is ignored by nearly everyone.
I think a lot of what they call be genetic are sometimes just those microscopic critters being passed down through the generations. Fat is also depository for things the body is not sure what else to do with it and cellulite is also caused from certain bacterium and viruses. I notice now children with those tires around their waist that is a sign of early organ failure. That is more predominant now locally after the lake which provides the local town's water system was treated with the chemical Rotone to kill off the fish (Oxygen starvation). Their claim was it wouldn't hurt the water and would dissipate readily but even 7 months later the chemicals in that water burned my nose. It just added more nasty stuff to an already polluted water system full of farm runoff of chemicals and nitrates. A lot more people were also diagnosed with cancer around here after that. With any added oxygen deprivation the body cannot heal properly.

I also learned that sunshine holds off some of the things we can suffer from as mammals. When we moved to a colder climate and then started staying here during the winter some things that came and went like Lyme (I didn't know I had) was kept at bay. The weaker the immune system the susceptible it becomes to organism that are not conducive to good health. Sunshine/Ultraviolet light kills certain parasitical mycotoxins and organism that nothing else seems to touch plus we need a certain amount of that sunshine for our bods to make vitamin D.
There are some experts who claim the flu is the result of deficiencies of vitamin D. Notice how influenza occurs generally during the winter months, when our ability to naturally process vitamin D from the sun is gone.

Vitamin D Is More Effective Than Flu Vaccine, Study Says
Vitamin D Is More Effective Than Flu Vaccine
Licorice root if all else fails. We haven't gotten any bad bugs that it hasn't stopped in its tracks thus far. Studies found it effective against almost every flu out there I could find.

Zinc and C also helps take away any signs of something coming on and I give it to the dogs too when they get a bit of a hot nose and whatever clears right up for them too.

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