why are liberals so afraid of the 1st amendment?

Does this mean that those criticize the mainstream media are also opposed to the 1st Amendment? Not hardly.
Retard radio promotes idiocy. We already have plenty of regressive idiots.
So you don't listen to music , news, or anything else on the radio?

How did you jump to such an idiotic, wild conclusion from that?!? Wow!

What do you do? You just pick and chose your songs and news from the net?

God Damn you are ignorant

I think personally why the left has a problem with it once a person gets smart, you can never bring them back to dumb dumbville

Spoken like the true dummy that you are. Except in plastic. I know.

What's is scary about FOX is how dumb the people are who watch regularly. The programming of pretty large numbers of dumb people is something to keep an eye on.

Anyone ever watch some of the other FOX station programming? Some of the most stupid, embarrassing programs on TV. Maury Povic? Judge Judy Whoever? Divorce Court/ Embarrassing people for entertainment. People wanting to be embarrassed. Programming that appeals to the most hateful, divisive, stereo type confirming misconceptions that divide us today.

No wonder FOX is successful. Appeal to the lowest common denominator. Most FOX reg viewers can say; well hell honey, at least we ain't as fucked up as them people are. Damn Obama.
Spoken like the true dummy that you are. Except in plastic. I know.

What's is scary about FOX is how dumb the people are who watch regularly.

So, you're a regular watcher then!

The programming of pretty large numbers of dumb people is something to keep an eye on.

Anyone ever watch some of the other FOX station programming? Some of the most stupid, embarrassing programs on TV. Maury Povic? Judge Judy Whoever? Divorce Court/ Embarrassing people for entertainment. People wanting to be embarrassed. Programming that appeals to the most hateful, divisive, stereo type confirming misconceptions that divide us today.

No wonder FOX is successful. Appeal to the lowest common denominator. Most FOX reg viewers can say; well hell honey, at least we ain't as fucked up as them people are. Damn Obama.

If Fox is appealing to the lowest common denominator, then they are factoring you in to lower the bar.
Why do they talk so much about Fox news and talk radio?

What are they really afraid of?

If I don't like something I just change the channel.

What's so hard about it?

Just saying..

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The explanation is relatively so simple it is almost unnoticed: Liberals are people who demand their constitutional rights in order to deprive you of your constitional rights. No other definitions apply.

How does pointing out Fox Lies deprive you of anything?
That is not Fox News,Ethel. That is a Hossfly truism. And while on the subject of FNC, the national poll yesterday indicated Fox is the most trusted news source in America. Choke on that, Libby.

Not surprising. Everybody is used to "Housefly" spouting random statements. I'm guessing it's a mild form of turret's syndrome. As I've pointed out before, Fox believers base their self worth on fox ratings. Usually these polls show fox as the most as well as the least trusted source. How do you explain that?
Why do they talk so much about Fox news and talk radio?

What are they really afraid of?

If I don't like something I just change the channel.

What's so hard about it?

Just saying..

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Dear bear513
from speaking with friends and activists who DON'T invoke authority of law DIRECTLY
through either Scripture or the Constitution directly (as Christians and Conservatives do)
they depend on Parties and Govt to establish law or "the will of the people" for them.

The general fear is that the Christians Conservatives and Constitutionalists who do empower
themselves directly "have more authority as a unified group" to bully their way through govt,
so the liberals who don't have this sense of self-government directly
rely on collective force through the party to try to do the same thing.

They are using the party as their religion, to organize collectively,
and using the govt as their church to try to establish and practice it.

Otherwise they fear there is no other way they can stand up to the right wing
that doesn't rely on govt but invokes and enforces laws directly through churches, businesses, etc.
and doesn't need govt to establish their rights, beliefs and policies.
RW rumor mill in action. Hate, Another favorite 4 letter word of theirs.


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