Which does more damage 1 million barrels or 325 barrels???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Would you Keystone critics explain how you are in favor of 1 million barrels shipped daily waiting for another Exxon Valdez disaster when there is:

1) Less of a risk of a pipeline being damaged by crew mistakes,weather,etc.


2) if something DID happened in one mile of pipeline less then 325 barrels would spill.

Really folks WHY are environmentalists so in favor of another Exxon Valdez when a pipeline will do LESS DAMAGE! The total foot print of the 2,147 mile pipeline is less then
10 square miles at 25 feet width for pipeline.

Again.. Exxon Valdez DAMAGED 1,000s of SQUARE MILES of the ocean and coastlines, killed 100,000+ of wildlife and BILLIONS of dollars in costs!
Why didnt you just bump 1 of your 12 other threads that asked the same question?
Well, the 325 barrel max is complete bullshit (of course). But hey, I'll take a million barrels in the middle of the Atlantic over 350 barrels in my water supply any day.

Hey Healthmyths, do you think this pipeline transporting oil from Canada to ports in the Gulf is going to make gas cheaper in the US?
Well, the 325 barrel max is complete bullshit (of course). But hey, I'll take a million barrels in the middle of the Atlantic over 350 barrels in my water supply any day.

Hey Healthmyths, do you think this pipeline transporting oil from Canada to ports in the Gulf is going to make gas cheaper in the US?

Hey.. idiot.. HOW MUCH OIL will be in any ONE MILE of pipeline or do you think the figure of 700,000 barrels ALL FLOWS at ONE TIME???

IDIOT the dimensions of a 36 inch pipe means in one mile ONLY 325 barrels of oil is flowing DO YOU COMPREHEND that???

AND YOU ARE an IDIOT! HOW..f..king much WATER do you consume in ONE DAY?
YOU don't even know that and YOU make a stupid comment about 325 NOT 350 barrels idiot can't even read can you ?

Finally YOU are that stupid to think that OIL sent to China WILL LOWER your gas price?
G...d.... you people can't EVEN admit to the FACTS that:
1) 1 million barrels in another Exxon Valdez type wreck IS MORE likely and do MORE damage then 325 barrels of oil from Keystone spill in just one mile!
2) That the OIL will be sold! Anyone other the USA buys it.. LOWERS the available supply for the USA and RAISES THE PRICE!

Get your f...king FACTS STRAIGHT and BE HONEST for once in your miserable life!
Well, the 325 barrel max is complete bullshit (of course). But hey, I'll take a million barrels in the middle of the Atlantic over 350 barrels in my water supply any day.

Hey Healthmyths, do you think this pipeline transporting oil from Canada to ports in the Gulf is going to make gas cheaper in the US?

Hey.. idiot.. HOW MUCH OIL will be in any ONE MILE of pipeline or do you think the figure of 700,000 barrels ALL FLOWS at ONE TIME???

IDIOT the dimensions of a 36 inch pipe means in one mile ONLY 325 barrels of oil is flowing DO YOU COMPREHEND that???


Finally YOU are that stupid to think that OIL sent to China WILL LOWER your gas price?
G...d.... you people can't EVEN admit to the FACTS that:
1) 1 million barrels in another Exxon Valdez type wreck IS MORE likely and do MORE damage then 325 barrels of oil from Keystone spill in just one mile!
2) That the OIL will be sold! Anyone other the USA buys it.. LOWERS the available supply for the USA and RAISES THE PRICE!

My gawd your simple. You think tar sands oil (with it's economically viable extraction price of about 90$ per barrel) is going to lower the price of oil. That's precious. The oil companies have taught you well.

Get your f...king FACTS STRAIGHT and BE HONEST for once in your miserable life!
Well, the 325 barrel max is complete bullshit (of course). But hey, I'll take a million barrels in the middle of the Atlantic over 350 barrels in my water supply any day.

Hey Healthmyths, do you think this pipeline transporting oil from Canada to ports in the Gulf is going to make gas cheaper in the US?

Hey.. idiot.. HOW MUCH OIL will be in any ONE MILE of pipeline or do you think the figure of 700,000 barrels ALL FLOWS at ONE TIME???

IDIOT the dimensions of a 36 inch pipe means in one mile ONLY 325 barrels of oil is flowing DO YOU COMPREHEND that???

AND YOU ARE an IDIOT! HOW..f..king much WATER do you consume in ONE DAY?
YOU don't even know that and YOU make a stupid comment about 325 NOT 350 barrels idiot can't even read can you ?

Finally YOU are that stupid to think that OIL sent to China WILL LOWER your gas price?
G...d.... you people can't EVEN admit to the FACTS that:
1) 1 million barrels in another Exxon Valdez type wreck IS MORE likely and do MORE damage then 325 barrels of oil from Keystone spill in just one mile!
2) That the OIL will be sold! Anyone other the USA buys it.. LOWERS the available supply for the USA and RAISES THE PRICE!

Get your f...king FACTS STRAIGHT and BE HONEST for once in your miserable life!


8537 will crush you in the facts game homey. Fall back.
Why didnt you just bump 1 of your 12 other threads that asked the same question?

Because IDIOTS like you don't seem to know that 1 million barrels is more then 325 barrels of oil!

THANK you though for your ignorant response BECAUSE it HELPS get that idiot Obama out of office!
You won't get this but it is intended for the "independent" voter/readers that PUT Obama in office now with VOTER's Remorse" that are now comprehending that:
1) Obama is destroying our country and
2) Idiots LIKE you evidently ARE more interested in supporting Obama then not destroying our country..i.e. in this specific example..
YOU WANT to see 1 million barrels despoiling 1,000s of miles of the Ocean!
YOU ARE evidently such a destructive person you put Obama being right above our country and that's why the "independent" voter is leaving by droves!!!!
Why didnt you just bump 1 of your 12 other threads that asked the same question?

Because IDIOTS like you don't seem to know that 1 million barrels is more then 325 barrels of oil!

I'm quite certain G.T. understands the distinction between 1 million barrels in the ocean and 350 in his water supply. The solution to pollution is dilution.

You won't get this but it is intended for the "independent" voter/readers that PUT Obama in office now with VOTER's Remorse" that are now comprehending that:
1) Obama is destroying our country and

People like you are going to have an awfully difficult next four years. After more than a year of running on "The economy sux and the automaker bailout that Bush started was a farce!", it's hard to keep up the preaching in face of record profits and an improving economy.

What the fuck are you going to talk about when the unemployment rate is a Reaganesque 7.2% in October?
Why didnt you just bump 1 of your 12 other threads that asked the same question?

Because IDIOTS like you don't seem to know that 1 million barrels is more then 325 barrels of oil!

THANK you though for your ignorant response BECAUSE it HELPS get that idiot Obama out of office!
You won't get this but it is intended for the "independent" voter/readers that PUT Obama in office now with VOTER's Remorse" that are now comprehending that:
1) Obama is destroying our country and
2) Idiots LIKE you evidently ARE more interested in supporting Obama then not destroying our country..i.e. in this specific example..
YOU WANT to see 1 million barrels despoiling 1,000s of miles of the Ocean!
YOU ARE evidently such a destructive person you put Obama being right above our country and that's why the "independent" voter is leaving by droves!!!!


I love picturing an angry little man in some 1 bedroom hell hole somewhere all pissed off hammer-jacking his keyboard thinking "H0w cAnT PEoplE D0 simPLe MATH!" and actually thinking there's anyone who doesn't know thjat 1 million is greater than 325.

The reason your question continues and continues, to your keyboard's demise and your anger management Coach's peril, to go unanswered - - - - - - - is because IT'S a STUPID FUCKING QUESTION.

You ignore the several hundred other factors that go into such a decision, and put your fingers in your ear like a Remedial idiot and go "325 or a million! 325 or a million! 325 or a million!"

It's buffoonery. Get help. Take a chill pill. Learn how to read and write. Look deeper into the opposer's views on the issues, with actual research done on your own, instead of "325 or a million 325 or a million 325 or a million."

*slaps forehead*
Why didnt you just bump 1 of your 12 other threads that asked the same question?

Because IDIOTS like you don't seem to know that 1 million barrels is more then 325 barrels of oil!

THANK you though for your ignorant response BECAUSE it HELPS get that idiot Obama out of office!
You won't get this but it is intended for the "independent" voter/readers that PUT Obama in office now with VOTER's Remorse" that are now comprehending that:
1) Obama is destroying our country and
2) Idiots LIKE you evidently ARE more interested in supporting Obama then not destroying our country..i.e. in this specific example..
YOU WANT to see 1 million barrels despoiling 1,000s of miles of the Ocean!
YOU ARE evidently such a destructive person you put Obama being right above our country and that's why the "independent" voter is leaving by droves!!!!

I'm an independent voter who did not put Obama in office and I still think you're a partisan moron. :dunno:
Would you Keystone critics explain how you are in favor of 1 million barrels shipped daily waiting for another Exxon Valdez disaster when there is:

1) Less of a risk of a pipeline being damaged by crew mistakes,weather,etc.


2) if something DID happened in one mile of pipeline less then 325 barrels would spill.

Really folks WHY are environmentalists so in favor of another Exxon Valdez when a pipeline will do LESS DAMAGE! The total foot print of the 2,147 mile pipeline is less then
10 square miles at 25 feet width for pipeline.

Again.. Exxon Valdez DAMAGED 1,000s of SQUARE MILES of the ocean and coastlines, killed 100,000+ of wildlife and BILLIONS of dollars in costs!

So they have auto cutoffs every mile to ensure that only one mile of pipe can leak out?

In my area when one of the natural gas lines ruptures they roar and burn for about 1/4 day. Seems to be more than 1 miles worth of gas leaking out.

What is the ID of the proposed Keystone pipleline? 350 barrels per mile would seem to indicate it to be a pretty small pipeline. Do the math.
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Well, the 325 barrel max is complete bullshit (of course). But hey, I'll take a million barrels in the middle of the Atlantic over 350 barrels in my water supply any day.

Hey Healthmyths, do you think this pipeline transporting oil from Canada to ports in the Gulf is going to make gas cheaper in the US?

Hey.. idiot.. HOW MUCH OIL will be in any ONE MILE of pipeline or do you think the figure of 700,000 barrels ALL FLOWS at ONE TIME???

IDIOT the dimensions of a 36 inch pipe means in one mile ONLY 325 barrels of oil is flowing DO YOU COMPREHEND that???


Finally YOU are that stupid to think that OIL sent to China WILL LOWER your gas price?
G...d.... you people can't EVEN admit to the FACTS that:
1) 1 million barrels in another Exxon Valdez type wreck IS MORE likely and do MORE damage then 325 barrels of oil from Keystone spill in just one mile!
2) That the OIL will be sold! Anyone other the USA buys it.. LOWERS the available supply for the USA and RAISES THE PRICE!

My gawd your simple. You think tar sands oil (with it's economically viable extraction price of about 90$ per barrel) is going to lower the price of oil. That's precious. The oil companies have taught you well.

Get your f...king FACTS STRAIGHT and BE HONEST for once in your miserable life!

WHO is talking about COSTS!
MY point was 1 million barrels at risk everyday i.e. Exxon Valdez versus 325 barrels.

WHICH IS a bigger risk of occurring and if OCCURS would do more damage?
I am so glad you are still responding though because every time you ignore the
simple question more independent people who had voted for Obama are questioning
supporters sanity..i.e. YOU for example ..(prefer 1 million barrels going by ship to china over 325 barrels possibly leaking going to the USA?) this really confirms the growing number of people that now admit Obama and his supporters are CRAZY and Obama must not be re-elected!

I mean why would any sane person want 1 million barrels a day potentially damaging 1,000s of miles of ocean EVERY day versus 325 barrels!

IT is that simple and as the independent voters are now seeing IN spite of the facts people like you are can't even admit a simple truth,i.e. 1 million barrels is bigger then 325 barrels!
LMAO. mUch of that oil that would flow thru the Keystone would be loaded onto ships in the Gulf of Mexico where spills would damage the USA much more than one in the pacific ocean or along the western Canadian coast.

Your argument is without any merit.
You know, USCitizen, I hadn't thought of that earlier but that just blew this dude's whole entire thesis up in smoke.

Once the oil travels through the pipeline, the GULF will then be shipping the Millions of Barrels that the Pacific would have been shipping without the PIPELINE,

and instead of it ending up in Northern pacific waters, we have the Gulf of Mexico polluted with the million barrels which hurts us a great deal more.


Why didnt you just bump 1 of your 12 other threads that asked the same question?

Because IDIOTS like you don't seem to know that 1 million barrels is more then 325 barrels of oil!

THANK you though for your ignorant response BECAUSE it HELPS get that idiot Obama out of office!
You won't get this but it is intended for the "independent" voter/readers that PUT Obama in office now with VOTER's Remorse" that are now comprehending that:
1) Obama is destroying our country and
2) Idiots LIKE you evidently ARE more interested in supporting Obama then not destroying our country..i.e. in this specific example..
YOU WANT to see 1 million barrels despoiling 1,000s of miles of the Ocean!
YOU ARE evidently such a destructive person you put Obama being right above our country and that's why the "independent" voter is leaving by droves!!!!


I love picturing an angry little man in some 1 bedroom hell hole somewhere all pissed off hammer-jacking his keyboard thinking "H0w cAnT PEoplE D0 simPLe MATH!" and actually thinking there's anyone who doesn't know thjat 1 million is greater than 325.

The reason your question continues and continues, to your keyboard's demise and your anger management Coach's peril, to go unanswered - - - - - - - is because IT'S a STUPID FUCKING QUESTION.

You ignore the several hundred other factors that go into such a decision, and put your fingers in your ear like a Remedial idiot and go "325 or a million! 325 or a million! 325 or a million!"

It's buffoonery. Get help. Take a chill pill. Learn how to read and write. Look deeper into the opposer's views on the issues, with actual research done on your own, instead of "325 or a million 325 or a million 325 or a million."

*slaps forehead*

THERE IS NO justification to ship 1 million barrels of oil by tankers.. ARE YOU AWARE of what is happening RIGHT NOW on the Mississippi RIVER RIGHT NoW???

Two vessels collided on the Mississippi River near LaPlace early Friday morning, creating an oil spill and forcing the closure of a portion of the waterway, the Coast Guard said. The Coast Guard received a report at 1:58 a.m. that the vessels collided at mile marker 139.

Collision on Mississippi River leaves oil spill near LaPlace, closes portion of waterway | NOLA.com
Are you aware that the pipeline would be transporting oil to be SHIPPED FROM THE GULF, dipshit?
Wouldn't the US prefer a reliable and endless supply from us Canadians, a neighbour and close friend? We pipe the bitumen from Alberta to your great state of Texas, where your refineries will keep people employed refining it. Well Obama opted to play politics with it. We are diversifying up here now. The Chinese have invested billions into the oil sands and into the building of a pipe line to our Pacific coast. The prime minister has just ended a visit to China and the chinese are talking about free trade with Canada. If Obama gets re elected there may be no interest up here for a pipe line to Texas.
Hey.. idiot.. HOW MUCH OIL will be in any ONE MILE of pipeline or do you think the figure of 700,000 barrels ALL FLOWS at ONE TIME???

IDIOT the dimensions of a 36 inch pipe means in one mile ONLY 325 barrels of oil is flowing DO YOU COMPREHEND that???


Finally YOU are that stupid to think that OIL sent to China WILL LOWER your gas price?
G...d.... you people can't EVEN admit to the FACTS that:
1) 1 million barrels in another Exxon Valdez type wreck IS MORE likely and do MORE damage then 325 barrels of oil from Keystone spill in just one mile!
2) That the OIL will be sold! Anyone other the USA buys it.. LOWERS the available supply for the USA and RAISES THE PRICE!

My gawd your simple. You think tar sands oil (with it's economically viable extraction price of about 90$ per barrel) is going to lower the price of oil. That's precious. The oil companies have taught you well.

Get your f...king FACTS STRAIGHT and BE HONEST for once in your miserable life!

WHO is talking about COSTS!

The people building and approving the pipeline..and anyone with a brain.

MY point was 1 million barrels at risk everyday i.e. Exxon Valdez versus 325 barrels.

WHICH IS a bigger risk of occurring and if OCCURS would do more damage?

325 barrels in my local water supply would do more damage to humasn than the Exxon Valdez

I mean why would any sane person want 1 million barrels a day potentially damaging 1,000s of miles of ocean EVERY day versus 325 barrels!
Because a sane person realizes that a bunch of tourists pissing in the ocean in Hawaii are far less dangerous than one person pissing in the pipe that brings water to my sink.

IT is that simple and as the independent voters are now seeing IN spite of the facts people like you are can't even admit a simple truth,i.e. 1 million barrels is bigger then 325 barrels!

That explains why Obama's approval is at 50% and he beats every Republican candidate by a wide margin. Oh wait....no, that doesn't explain it!

Gawd I hope Obama wins - just so I can watch heads explode on this site.
Wouldn't the US prefer a reliable and endless supply from us Canadians, a neighbour and close friend?

Wait - are the Canadians agreeing to sell the oil to the US and guaranteeing that the companies purchasing it have to distribute in the US?


Then I don't care. It won't impact our prices and it assumes oil at 90+ / barrel (which is fine by me, mind you)

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