Dementia: Biden says he was vice president during the Covid pandemic, and Barack Obama sent him to Detroit

The truly funny part is that every Biden supporter on this board will swear that is true, just like they'll swear inflation was at 9% when Joe took office.


In large part, this is why the leftists don’t want the Hur audio tapes released. First, there is a real possibility that the Dems edited the transcripts. Biden’s babysitters routinely edit White House transcripts. But second, to hear ole’ stumblebum wander aimlessly through a series of questions is really embarrassing.
"Biden was vice president during the Covid pandemic, and Barack Obama sent him to Detroit" --

looks like a statement that Trump could've spouted. After all, Trump has confused much about Biden and Obama.

You seem as confused as Slow Joe.

But you agree he was vice president during the pandemic, right?

"Biden was vice president during the Covid pandemic, and Barack Obama sent him to Detroit" --

looks like a statement that Trump could've spouted. After all, Trump has confused much about Biden and Obama.

You and the other libs here missed a turn

So I’ll try to help you out

Biden didnt say which pandemic he handled while vice president
You and the other libs here missed a turn

So I’ll try to help you out

Biden didnt say which pandemic he handled while vice president

That’s true. As we know, ole’ Joe was busy leading the civil rights movement while simultaneously working in clinics, saving lives during the Spanish Flu epidemic… and… commanding the French forces at Waterloo.
That’s true. As we know, ole’ Joe was busy leading the civil rights movement while simultaneously working in clinics, saving lives during the Spanish Flu epidemic… and… commanding the French forces at Waterloo.
How do we know biden commanded the French instead of the other side?

Because the French lost

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