When i Blackface not Blackface?


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
When i Blackface not Blackface? Apparently when you are a friend and cohost of Whoopi Goldberg
Donald Trump Jr. said “We’ve all done things that we regret, I mean for talking about bringing the discourse down, Joy, you’ve worn blackface.”
Goldberg cut in to defend Behar, saying ” No she was not in black face. Listen, being black, I recognize black face, this I can say, okay.”
In February, Behar admitted to wearing an “African woman” costume that included “dark makeup.

.Truly Bonkers: Don Jr Defends 'Mexicans Are Rapists' Slur By Telling Joy Behar 'You've Worn Blackface!'
It's not blackface if it's a liberal wearing it and calling it blackface would appear to lead to inconsistent beliefs and behaviors.
Trump Jr absolutely slayed “The View”. They were in overdrive meltdown as he tore them a new one. They were shouting for most of the time about him “outting” the whistleblower, when he kept pointing out it was already on Drudge and made public last week. Love the fact his book is called “Triggered”. The View pretty much proved his point of his book....the hypocrisy of the left.
whoopie--ugly and foul mouthed = not beautiful ---abhorrent to look at
Don Jr slayed someone??

Who was that broad next to Don Jr?

I thought he was married...did something bad happen??
Behar is the female Trump - a bigmouth, a buffoon and an embarrassment.
So Behar can be "politically incorrect"?

I yield to the PC police on these matters.
It's a shame the way you guys have wrecked that important term.

PC has been weaponized by the Regressive Left and it has caused this country great harm over the generations.

But now you Trumpsters have stolen it, to use it in a feeble attempt to justify your hero's obscene temperament.

Another terribly important term flushed down the shitter by nutters.

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