Whoopi and Behar Defend Biden


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I hate to say I agree with these trwo women but I do.

Jesus greeted His disciples with a kiss, and if that is the most a woman can complain about, then grow the hell up, woman.

Whoopi Goldberg Defends Biden: 'I Don't Want Joe to Stop' Kissing and Smelling Women's Hair | Breitbart

Monday on ABCā€™s ā€œThe View,ā€ co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain and Joy Behar defended former Vice President Joe Biden in the wake of former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Floresā€™ claim he inappropriately touched and kissed her in 2014 at a campaign rally.

Goldberg said, ā€œListen, in the old days we would call Joeā€”some folks of a certain age would say heā€™s overly familiar. Most politicians when theyā€™re doing this with you, they areā€”Joe is a hands-on kind of guy. Iā€™ve never heard anyoneā€”she says she felt violated. I have to take her at her word. But it would have been nice if she turned to him and say, ā€˜You know what, I donā€™t really like this. Please donā€™t do this, Mr. Vice President. Iā€™m not comfortable with this.ā€™ Something, because heā€™s standing right there.ā€...

Joy Behar said, ā€œItā€™s a long way from smelling your hair to grabbing your hoo-ha. Letā€™s tell the truth. But she felt annoyed or uncomfortable, and we have to accept that. I donā€™t think it rises to the point weā€™ve been listening to like Harvey Weinstein and the rest of these people. It just doesnā€™t look like that. We all know Joe Biden. Heā€™s been here. When I met him in Florida before he was vice president, heā€™s so friendly. Heā€™s a close talker. He comes right up into your face, and youā€™re thinking I hope my breath is good. Or more important I hope he is. He talks close, he touches. Thatā€™s what heā€™s like. I feel it would be unfortunate if we got rid of everybody whoā€™s an affectionate kind of person. Those are nice people too.ā€...

Goldberg said, ā€œThat pisses me off. Iā€™m telling you ā€¦ I donā€™t want Joe to stop doing that.ā€

Meghan McCain said, ā€œI donā€™t either. Iā€™m going to say one thing. Thereā€™s a certain kind of retail politician that loves people. I would put Bill Clinton in that category and my father in that category, and certainly, I would put Joe Biden in that category. Heā€™s the only politician other my father to go into the crowd and shake everyoneā€™s hands. That means something when you are in Iowa. When I heard this, I read her entire statement. I agree women should be heard. I worked at Fox News during the Roger Ailes time. There is a very big difference between things like that and things like this.ā€

She continued, ā€œJoe Biden is a good and decent man.ā€

She added, ā€œI vouch for his character and in my personal experience.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œIā€™m doing the same.ā€

Behar added, ā€œMe too.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œFor me, these things are not Democratic or Republican.ā€

She continued, ā€œI want women to get to the place where they can say, ā€˜hey, you just made me uncomfortable.ā€™ This idea that you have to tiptoe away from this, or you have to carry it. You do not have to carry it. If someone makes you uncomfortable, tell them. He came down to do you a favor. He came down to do you a favor. He was at your fundraiser. You had every right to say ā€˜Donā€™t do that Joe.'ā€​
Funny how those hypocritical bitches on The View bend over backwards to blame the woman when one of their own turns out to be a pervert. Suddenly their standards change.
I hate to say I agree with these trwo women but I do.

Jesus greeted His disciples with a kiss, and if that is the most a woman can complain about, then grow the hell up, woman.

Whoopi Goldberg Defends Biden: 'I Don't Want Joe to Stop' Kissing and Smelling Women's Hair | Breitbart

Monday on ABCā€™s ā€œThe View,ā€ co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain and Joy Behar defended former Vice President Joe Biden in the wake of former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Floresā€™ claim he inappropriately touched and kissed her in 2014 at a campaign rally.

Goldberg said, ā€œListen, in the old days we would call Joeā€”some folks of a certain age would say heā€™s overly familiar. Most politicians when theyā€™re doing this with you, they areā€”Joe is a hands-on kind of guy. Iā€™ve never heard anyoneā€”she says she felt violated. I have to take her at her word. But it would have been nice if she turned to him and say, ā€˜You know what, I donā€™t really like this. Please donā€™t do this, Mr. Vice President. Iā€™m not comfortable with this.ā€™ Something, because heā€™s standing right there.ā€...

Joy Behar said, ā€œItā€™s a long way from smelling your hair to grabbing your hoo-ha. Letā€™s tell the truth. But she felt annoyed or uncomfortable, and we have to accept that. I donā€™t think it rises to the point weā€™ve been listening to like Harvey Weinstein and the rest of these people. It just doesnā€™t look like that. We all know Joe Biden. Heā€™s been here. When I met him in Florida before he was vice president, heā€™s so friendly. Heā€™s a close talker. He comes right up into your face, and youā€™re thinking I hope my breath is good. Or more important I hope he is. He talks close, he touches. Thatā€™s what heā€™s like. I feel it would be unfortunate if we got rid of everybody whoā€™s an affectionate kind of person. Those are nice people too.ā€...

Goldberg said, ā€œThat pisses me off. Iā€™m telling you ā€¦ I donā€™t want Joe to stop doing that.ā€

Meghan McCain said, ā€œI donā€™t either. Iā€™m going to say one thing. Thereā€™s a certain kind of retail politician that loves people. I would put Bill Clinton in that category and my father in that category, and certainly, I would put Joe Biden in that category. Heā€™s the only politician other my father to go into the crowd and shake everyoneā€™s hands. That means something when you are in Iowa. When I heard this, I read her entire statement. I agree women should be heard. I worked at Fox News during the Roger Ailes time. There is a very big difference between things like that and things like this.ā€

She continued, ā€œJoe Biden is a good and decent man.ā€

She added, ā€œI vouch for his character and in my personal experience.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œIā€™m doing the same.ā€

Behar added, ā€œMe too.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œFor me, these things are not Democratic or Republican.ā€

She continued, ā€œI want women to get to the place where they can say, ā€˜hey, you just made me uncomfortable.ā€™ This idea that you have to tiptoe away from this, or you have to carry it. You do not have to carry it. If someone makes you uncomfortable, tell them. He came down to do you a favor. He came down to do you a favor. He was at your fundraiser. You had every right to say ā€˜Donā€™t do that Joe.'ā€​

I see they both got their phone calls from Papa George.

I have some sympathy for the forward physicality of certain cultures....I'm Mediterranean... It's part of who we are.
That's definitely not what I see in Biden.
He reeks of letch-on-the-loose. Adding the images to SS accounts about the women on the detail actually needing to be protected from him....and you have DIRTY OLD MAN ..not affectionate Joe B.

While I'm at it let me add that Trump also has a problem in that area. Difference....Trump walked into the room with his credentials on full display. Biden is supposed to be preaching the respect message but he's really no different than the guy he's trying to bash....maybe worse. His primary is over already.

I hate to say I agree with these trwo women but I do.

Jesus greeted His disciples with a kiss, and if that is the most a woman can complain about, then grow the hell up, woman.

Whoopi Goldberg Defends Biden: 'I Don't Want Joe to Stop' Kissing and Smelling Women's Hair | Breitbart

Monday on ABCā€™s ā€œThe View,ā€ co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain and Joy Behar defended former Vice President Joe Biden in the wake of former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Floresā€™ claim he inappropriately touched and kissed her in 2014 at a campaign rally.

Goldberg said, ā€œListen, in the old days we would call Joeā€”some folks of a certain age would say heā€™s overly familiar. Most politicians when theyā€™re doing this with you, they areā€”Joe is a hands-on kind of guy. Iā€™ve never heard anyoneā€”she says she felt violated. I have to take her at her word. But it would have been nice if she turned to him and say, ā€˜You know what, I donā€™t really like this. Please donā€™t do this, Mr. Vice President. Iā€™m not comfortable with this.ā€™ Something, because heā€™s standing right there.ā€...

Joy Behar said, ā€œItā€™s a long way from smelling your hair to grabbing your hoo-ha. Letā€™s tell the truth. But she felt annoyed or uncomfortable, and we have to accept that. I donā€™t think it rises to the point weā€™ve been listening to like Harvey Weinstein and the rest of these people. It just doesnā€™t look like that. We all know Joe Biden. Heā€™s been here. When I met him in Florida before he was vice president, heā€™s so friendly. Heā€™s a close talker. He comes right up into your face, and youā€™re thinking I hope my breath is good. Or more important I hope he is. He talks close, he touches. Thatā€™s what heā€™s like. I feel it would be unfortunate if we got rid of everybody whoā€™s an affectionate kind of person. Those are nice people too.ā€...

Goldberg said, ā€œThat pisses me off. Iā€™m telling you ā€¦ I donā€™t want Joe to stop doing that.ā€

Meghan McCain said, ā€œI donā€™t either. Iā€™m going to say one thing. Thereā€™s a certain kind of retail politician that loves people. I would put Bill Clinton in that category and my father in that category, and certainly, I would put Joe Biden in that category. Heā€™s the only politician other my father to go into the crowd and shake everyoneā€™s hands. That means something when you are in Iowa. When I heard this, I read her entire statement. I agree women should be heard. I worked at Fox News during the Roger Ailes time. There is a very big difference between things like that and things like this.ā€

She continued, ā€œJoe Biden is a good and decent man.ā€

She added, ā€œI vouch for his character and in my personal experience.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œIā€™m doing the same.ā€

Behar added, ā€œMe too.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œFor me, these things are not Democratic or Republican.ā€

She continued, ā€œI want women to get to the place where they can say, ā€˜hey, you just made me uncomfortable.ā€™ This idea that you have to tiptoe away from this, or you have to carry it. You do not have to carry it. If someone makes you uncomfortable, tell them. He came down to do you a favor. He came down to do you a favor. He was at your fundraiser. You had every right to say ā€˜Donā€™t do that Joe.'ā€​
I disagree, Definitely a double standard going on here. Senile Joe Biden is a fucking pervert...
They're trying to take out Joe Biden because he is white and he is a man.

The Democrats are doing a circular firing squad.

Last week it was Beto, this week it is Biden, who knows who gets shot next week?
Creepy Uncle Joe has been creepy for 40 years. Now Democrats want to bring it up. None of the other times he ran for president. Now.

Democrats have set themselves a goal. No white men as the candidate. Biden, as bad as he is, is the front runner. He has to be destroyed.

When he was just considering a run, why the fuck didn't someone say no? Why go through the kabuki theater?
I'm glad the Democrats are destroying each other. Whoever is left over after this self-induced slaughter will probably be very wounded and no match for Trump.
If you canā€™t see that Biden isnā€™t a hands on, whispering in your ear pervert than you are very naive. I wouldnā€™t let him around my young daughter much less my wife.

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They're trying to take out Joe Biden because he is white and he is a man.

The Democrats are doing a circular firing squad.

Last week it was Beto, this week it is Biden, who knows who gets shot next week?

Or they realize theyā€™re both a liability and a definite loss because they both do stupid shit.

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The View, kendrick lamar.jpg Joe Biden, IMPEACH.jpg
I hate to say I agree with these trwo women but I do.

Jesus greeted His disciples with a kiss, and if that is the most a woman can complain about, then grow the hell up, woman.

Whoopi Goldberg Defends Biden: 'I Don't Want Joe to Stop' Kissing and Smelling Women's Hair | Breitbart

Monday on ABCā€™s ā€œThe View,ā€ co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain and Joy Behar defended former Vice President Joe Biden in the wake of former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Floresā€™ claim he inappropriately touched and kissed her in 2014 at a campaign rally.

Goldberg said, ā€œListen, in the old days we would call Joeā€”some folks of a certain age would say heā€™s overly familiar. Most politicians when theyā€™re doing this with you, they areā€”Joe is a hands-on kind of guy. Iā€™ve never heard anyoneā€”she says she felt violated. I have to take her at her word. But it would have been nice if she turned to him and say, ā€˜You know what, I donā€™t really like this. Please donā€™t do this, Mr. Vice President. Iā€™m not comfortable with this.ā€™ Something, because heā€™s standing right there.ā€...

Joy Behar said, ā€œItā€™s a long way from smelling your hair to grabbing your hoo-ha. Letā€™s tell the truth. But she felt annoyed or uncomfortable, and we have to accept that. I donā€™t think it rises to the point weā€™ve been listening to like Harvey Weinstein and the rest of these people. It just doesnā€™t look like that. We all know Joe Biden. Heā€™s been here. When I met him in Florida before he was vice president, heā€™s so friendly. Heā€™s a close talker. He comes right up into your face, and youā€™re thinking I hope my breath is good. Or more important I hope he is. He talks close, he touches. Thatā€™s what heā€™s like. I feel it would be unfortunate if we got rid of everybody whoā€™s an affectionate kind of person. Those are nice people too.ā€...

Goldberg said, ā€œThat pisses me off. Iā€™m telling you ā€¦ I donā€™t want Joe to stop doing that.ā€

Meghan McCain said, ā€œI donā€™t either. Iā€™m going to say one thing. Thereā€™s a certain kind of retail politician that loves people. I would put Bill Clinton in that category and my father in that category, and certainly, I would put Joe Biden in that category. Heā€™s the only politician other my father to go into the crowd and shake everyoneā€™s hands. That means something when you are in Iowa. When I heard this, I read her entire statement. I agree women should be heard. I worked at Fox News during the Roger Ailes time. There is a very big difference between things like that and things like this.ā€

She continued, ā€œJoe Biden is a good and decent man.ā€

She added, ā€œI vouch for his character and in my personal experience.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œIā€™m doing the same.ā€

Behar added, ā€œMe too.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œFor me, these things are not Democratic or Republican.ā€

She continued, ā€œI want women to get to the place where they can say, ā€˜hey, you just made me uncomfortable.ā€™ This idea that you have to tiptoe away from this, or you have to carry it. You do not have to carry it. If someone makes you uncomfortable, tell them. He came down to do you a favor. He came down to do you a favor. He was at your fundraiser. You had every right to say ā€˜Donā€™t do that Joe.'ā€​
Whoopi is just looking for someone that will love to sniff her hair.

giphy (64).gif
I hate to say I agree with these trwo women but I do.

Jesus greeted His disciples with a kiss, and if that is the most a woman can complain about, then grow the hell up, woman.

Whoopi Goldberg Defends Biden: 'I Don't Want Joe to Stop' Kissing and Smelling Women's Hair | Breitbart

Monday on ABCā€™s ā€œThe View,ā€ co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain and Joy Behar defended former Vice President Joe Biden in the wake of former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Floresā€™ claim he inappropriately touched and kissed her in 2014 at a campaign rally.

Goldberg said, ā€œListen, in the old days we would call Joeā€”some folks of a certain age would say heā€™s overly familiar. Most politicians when theyā€™re doing this with you, they areā€”Joe is a hands-on kind of guy. Iā€™ve never heard anyoneā€”she says she felt violated. I have to take her at her word. But it would have been nice if she turned to him and say, ā€˜You know what, I donā€™t really like this. Please donā€™t do this, Mr. Vice President. Iā€™m not comfortable with this.ā€™ Something, because heā€™s standing right there.ā€...

Joy Behar said, ā€œItā€™s a long way from smelling your hair to grabbing your hoo-ha. Letā€™s tell the truth. But she felt annoyed or uncomfortable, and we have to accept that. I donā€™t think it rises to the point weā€™ve been listening to like Harvey Weinstein and the rest of these people. It just doesnā€™t look like that. We all know Joe Biden. Heā€™s been here. When I met him in Florida before he was vice president, heā€™s so friendly. Heā€™s a close talker. He comes right up into your face, and youā€™re thinking I hope my breath is good. Or more important I hope he is. He talks close, he touches. Thatā€™s what heā€™s like. I feel it would be unfortunate if we got rid of everybody whoā€™s an affectionate kind of person. Those are nice people too.ā€...

Goldberg said, ā€œThat pisses me off. Iā€™m telling you ā€¦ I donā€™t want Joe to stop doing that.ā€

Meghan McCain said, ā€œI donā€™t either. Iā€™m going to say one thing. Thereā€™s a certain kind of retail politician that loves people. I would put Bill Clinton in that category and my father in that category, and certainly, I would put Joe Biden in that category. Heā€™s the only politician other my father to go into the crowd and shake everyoneā€™s hands. That means something when you are in Iowa. When I heard this, I read her entire statement. I agree women should be heard. I worked at Fox News during the Roger Ailes time. There is a very big difference between things like that and things like this.ā€

She continued, ā€œJoe Biden is a good and decent man.ā€

She added, ā€œI vouch for his character and in my personal experience.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œIā€™m doing the same.ā€

Behar added, ā€œMe too.ā€

Goldberg said, ā€œFor me, these things are not Democratic or Republican.ā€

She continued, ā€œI want women to get to the place where they can say, ā€˜hey, you just made me uncomfortable.ā€™ This idea that you have to tiptoe away from this, or you have to carry it. You do not have to carry it. If someone makes you uncomfortable, tell them. He came down to do you a favor. He came down to do you a favor. He was at your fundraiser. You had every right to say ā€˜Donā€™t do that Joe.'ā€​
Two more entertainment shills from the comedy department at work again. If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck......its a duck! He is a public person. A political public person who has done that touchy feely stuff while elected to position of power. Perhaps the Progs don't want a white guy at the head of their ticket also.
If kissing a girl on top of her head is the only thing that the guy is guilty of, then to me, the girl going nuts over it has nothing to complain about. Where would she rather he have gone, up north or down south?

God bless you always!!!

Smelling a strangers hair is creepy.
Smelling a childs hair is even creepier.
But we have known he is a creep for years :dunno:
I doubt I am the only one to notice this, but a whole bunch of things my generation considered merely affectionate is now considered creepy.

An infatuated man watching his crush from a distance was once considered adorably romantic and love-sickness, but now is considered creepy.

I dont consider a quick run of the nose through someone hair to be creepy as long as nothing is left behind, lol.
Both women said it was not sexual.

So it isn't anything like Donnie Dumpster

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