'View' Hosts Lose It Over 'Racist' Limbaugh Getting Award: 'Supposed to Go to People Who....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Actually Did Stuff'.....like Ellen DeGeneres (a Surrender Monkey awardee) did some stuff? And DESERVED the Medal of Freedom??

Yeah, right....the Hypocrisy and stupidity of the left never fails to amuse me!


After praising Nancy Pelosi’s antics at last night’s State of the Union address, The View hosts reserved their rage for President Trump awarding Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award. Co-host Whoopi Goldberg claimed the influential talk radio host had done nothing to deserve it, while co-hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin attacked Limbaugh as a racist bigot.

Whoopi began the segment by snarking, “I’m sorry, but I thought the medal of honor, freedom, was supposed to go, to people who actually did stuff.” Behar backed up Whoopi’s diss of Limbaugh with, “Well it went to Mother Teresa and Rosa Parks.”

Funny that the hosts conveniently forget the history of this award, being given to several cultural icons, actors and comedians since the 1960s. President Obama, in fact, gave it to many lefty actors like Meryl Streep, Robert Redford and Tom Hanks, just to name a few. So Limbaugh receiving it is not unusual.

Yet Whoopi kept complaining. She suggested Trump give the award in honor of a political rival instead.

“How about if you give the Medal of Freedom to people have made differences in this country and done all kinds of stuff, how about giving it to Elijah Cummings’ wife? As a thank you for all his service?” she asked as the audience applauded.

Whoopi then argued with Meghan McCain over Limbaugh’s influence. As McCain pointed out his huge audience, Whoopi begged to know, “Yes, but what has he DONE?”

McCain answered simply, “Well, completely changed the paradigm of radio,” to which Whoopi rolled her eyes.

That’s when Behar and Hostin lost it, unfairly accusing Limbaugh of being a racist, like many in the media have already done:

BEHAR: There he is talking to the black community and gives Rush the medal, and Rush Limbaugh spent a lot of Obama's tenure singing -- what did he call it? 'Barack the magic Negro.' He's been so racist and so misogynistic over the years, to give him -- who's next? Roger Stone? How about giving it to him or Steve Bannon!

HOSTIN: I don't think it was lost on the black community that he gave that honor to Rush Limbaugh during black history month, sitting next to a Tuskegee airman on Rosa Parks' day while Rush Limbaugh was a long-time birther, during the Obama administration, played that magic Negro on his show several times. So, you know don't talk to me about what you've done for the black community!

mrcNewsbusters ^ | Feb. 5, 2020 | Kristine Marsh






Can you eat while foaming at the mouth? If not, it's only a matter of time before Joy and Whoppi starve to death.
Barack the magic negro? Poor Joy, like the majority of leftists, doesn't know where that came from. Just another example out of hundreds that proves the left is uninformed.
I see Whoops! is still a deep thinker.....30 seconds of that neanderthal fuck makes me queasy.... like I've eaten rancid seafood...

We get it.... you got fucked in this life.... you look like something that should be up in the trees picking lice out of your butthole.... deal with it!
El Rushbo deserves a medal from the Trumpublicans. He has been a most excellent and extreme propagandist for ya'll. He is responsible for much of the phony facts and denigrating phrases that Trumpublicans use on a daily basis.

Nothing to get your panties in a tightwad or anything. BFD.
Bob Dylan.

Bruce Springsteen.

You couldn't pay me to listen to their crap. And I think music is the highest art form. Streisand is even more laughable and unimportant. Bono is actually talented though.
The outrage! The umbrage!

It's all the little buggers have left. Their little displays of pique are their whole world at this point.

Bless their hearts....
El Rushbo deserves a medal from the Trumpublicans. He has been a most excellent and extreme propagandist for ya'll. He is responsible for much of the phony facts and denigrating phrases that Trumpublicans use on a daily basis.

Nothing to get your panties in a tightwad or anything. BFD.
So, who is responsible for your own phony facts and denigrating phrases?

There are so many.
El Rushbo deserves a medal from the Trumpublicans. He has been a most excellent and extreme propagandist for ya'll. He is responsible for much of the phony facts and denigrating phrases that Trumpublicans use on a daily basis.

Nothing to get your panties in a tightwad or anything. BFD.
So, who is responsible for your own phony facts and denigrating phrases?

There are so many.

Frank Zappa. and Captain Beefheart of course!


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