When i Blackface not Blackface?

Cows on the view had to soak their mammaries in warm water, then rub themselves with Icy/Hot to get the soreness out!
Don, Jr. for President in 2024!
wtf is this???!!..it's not hair..looks ridiculous
Funny how Whoopi when her then boyfriend, Ted Danson, wore blackface at her roast, wasn't offended.

97332422 by [ur

Whoopi knows blackface and that was not blackface! LOL!!! What a double standard.

Where did anyone say this ^^ "isn't" blackface?

I didn't see the event but it looks like it could be a stereotype of the stereotype. That is, if the minstrel-show type blackface was made up to mock black people, this might be a mocking of the minstrel-show blackface. When you mock the mockery, the double negative defends the original target.

It all depends on the intent. Is it to mock or is it to play a character? If (Korean) Fred Armisen plays Barack O'bama in a comedy sketch just to play a character, is Armisen "mocking' O'bama's skin colour?

Quick quiz --- who are the four people on this album cover?


Left to right: Joni Mitchell, Joni Mitchell, Joni Mitchell and Joni Mitchell
Funny how Whoopi when her then boyfriend, Ted Danson, wore blackface at her roast, wasn't offended.

97332422 by [ur

Whoopi knows blackface and that was not blackface! LOL!!! What a double standard.

Where did anyone say this ^^ "isn't" blackface?

I didn't see the event but it looks like it could be a stereotype of the stereotype. That is, if the minstrel-show type blackface was made up to mock black people, this might be a mocking of the minstrel-show blackface. When you mock the mockery, the double negative defends the original target.

It all depends on the intent. Is it to mock or is it to play a character? If (Korean) Fred Armisen plays Barack O'bama in a comedy sketch just to play a character, is Armisen "mocking' O'bama's skin colour [sic]?

Why are you being dishonest again? Armisen isn’t Korean. He’s a born and raised American. If you’re talking about ethnic heritage, he’s as much German as Korean, and much more Venezuelan. Like a typical liberal, you are attempting to use race to advance a political agenda.
Funny how Whoopi when her then boyfriend, Ted Danson, wore blackface at her roast, wasn't offended.

97332422 by [ur

Whoopi knows blackface and that was not blackface! LOL!!! What a double standard.

Where did anyone say this ^^ "isn't" blackface?

I didn't see the event but it looks like it could be a stereotype of the stereotype. That is, if the minstrel-show type blackface was made up to mock black people, this might be a mocking of the minstrel-show blackface. When you mock the mockery, the double negative defends the original target.

It all depends on the intent. Is it to mock or is it to play a character? If (Korean) Fred Armisen plays Barack O'bama in a comedy sketch just to play a character, is Armisen "mocking' O'bama's skin colour [sic]?

Why are you being dishonest again? Armisen isn’t Korean. He’s a born and raised American. If you’re talking about ethnic heritage, he’s as much German as Korean, and much more Venezuelan. Like a typical liberal, you are attempting to use race to advance a political agenda.

Sigh. No rest for the instructors of the ignorami..

>> After playing a cavalcade of memorable characters for years on Saturday Night Live, Fred Armisen has discovered he is not who he thinks he is. The Portlandia star recently appeared on the PBS series Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr. to find out some pretty damn earth-shattering truths about his lineage, including the fact that he is not a quarter Japanese, as he has believed his whole life.

He's actually Korean.

Appearing on season four of the acclaimed ancestry series, Armisen learns that his paternal grandfather, dancer and choreographer Masami Kuni, was actually quite famous. There's even a whole museum exhibit dedicated to him in Japan. But Armisen also seems unsettled to learn that in the 1930s and 40s, Kuni was employed in Germany (where he eventually met and had an affair with Armisen's grandmother) as a performer for the Nazis...

...On top of all that, the biggest bombshell. Further digging into Masami Kuni's past reveals that he wasn't Masami Kuni at all. His original name: Pak Yeong-In. He was Korean, went to school in Japan and took on a stage name, most likely in an effort to pass as Japanese amidst the ethnic tensions of the time.

"Well, that changes everything," Armisen says, taking in the revelation. "I'm a quarter Korean? You have to understand that I tell people, that I have interviews where I tell people that I'm a quarter Japanese... I'm not Japanese at all."

The shows's research further reveals that Pak Yeong-In came from an upper class family whose genealogy can be traced back multiple generations -- he still has family there. The roots of Fred Armisen's family tree actually go back to the ancient, mythical origins of the Pak clan. Talk about blowing up your entire sense of identity.

"I have so many phone calls to make," Armisen says. << (link)​

Oh and let's not forget to add --- "Korean" isn't a race, Dipweed.

Will there be anything else today? Figure out what the word "Liberal" means yet, Dumbass?

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The image doesn't look "blackface". She looks like Janis Ian.


Janis Fink {ne' Ian} wore black face to increase her credibility.

Again, it's a poor resolution, tinted too far red.. I have that LP and it doesn't look like that. But the facial features do look like the pic in the OP, which was the fucking POINT.

And btw Pothead the word is née. So say the Knights Who Say Née.

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