When does life begin?

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
I've been asking this question of all the pro-aborts on the board, and not a single one has answered it (and I know why).

Life begins at conception, per the scientific data. Pro-aborts will go to great lengths to avoid answering this question.

Feel free to go on the record here as I have done: Life begins at conception. Ending a life after conception is homicide.
I've been asking this question of all the pro-aborts on the board, and not a single one has answered it (and I know why).

Life begins at conception, per the scientific data. Pro-aborts will go to great lengths to avoid answering this question.

Feel free to go on the record here as I have done: Life begins at conception. Ending a life after conception is homicide.

I wouldn't claim to know when life begins.

But I do believe that whenever the fetus or embryo has DNA that is distinct from that of the Mother, it should be considered an individual and protected as such under the Constitution.
Life is a continuous stream. What's in question is when does legal personhood begin? When does a child get legal protections separate from its mother? In my view, that can't begin until the child is, in fact, separate from its mother. Anything sooner violates fundamental concepts of self-ownership.
I've been asking this question of all the pro-aborts on the board, and not a single one has answered it (and I know why).

Life begins at conception, per the scientific data. Pro-aborts will go to great lengths to avoid answering this question.

Feel free to go on the record here as I have done: Life begins at conception. Ending a life after conception is homicide.
egg and sperm (every sperm is sacred)
I wouldn't claim to know when life begins.

But I do believe that whenever the fetus or embryo has DNA that is distinct from that of the Mother, it should be considered an individual and protected as such under the Constitution.
In what world?

  1. single; separate.
    "individual tiny flowers"
    single · separate · discrete · independent · sole · lone · solitary · isolated
  2. of or for a particular person.
    "the individual needs of the children"
  1. a single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family.
Life begins at conception

Of course it does since the egg itself is alive as well as the sperm. Conception simply denotes that point where the two combine to start growing a new multi-celled fetus. But it takes many weeks for that tissue to grow before it begins to develop a functioning nervous system and human recognizable characteristics, about 26 weeks. Before 26 weeks, the fetus could be that of a horse or most any other mammal as far as anyone can tell.

If I pluck a leaf off a tree and crumple it, that leaf is alive but did I commit homicide? No, because the leaf is not human with awareness and a spirit.
Life is a continuous stream. What's in question is when does legal personhood begin? When does a child get legal protections separate from its mother? In my view, that can't begin until the child is, in fact, separate from its mother. Anything sooner violates fundamental concepts of self-ownership.

  1. the quality or condition of being an individual person.
I've been asking this question of all the pro-aborts on the board, and not a single one has answered it (and I know why).

Life begins at conception, per the scientific data. Pro-aborts will go to great lengths to avoid answering this question.

Feel free to go on the record here as I have done: Life begins at conception. Ending a life after conception is homicide.
That's an easy one Marvin, it begins when you start feeling the urge to spill your seed. Or perhaps modern science would say even earlier?

If you mean, when did it begin, that's a question for science.

Billions of years ago is favoured over a few thousand years Marvin.
You seem to want to spam the board with religious nonsense in an inappropriate section.
I've been asking this question of all the pro-aborts on the board, and not a single one has answered it (and I know why).

Life begins at conception, per the scientific data. Pro-aborts will go to great lengths to avoid answering this question.

Feel free to go on the record here as I have done: Life begins at conception. Ending a life after conception is homicide.
Simple. Life begins when you retire debt free with guaranteed income beyond your needs.
Who's life? Everybody alive today started as a single cell with 23 pairs of chromosomes of unique human DNA. (Well mostly....)

So what? Who has avoided that fact?

Nature kills off a significant portion of the zygotes before they even have a chance to develop. It's not like every fertilized egg is sacred.
I've been asking this question of all the pro-aborts on the board, and not a single one has answered it (and I know why).

Life begins at conception, per the scientific data. Pro-aborts will go to great lengths to avoid answering this question.

Feel free to go on the record here as I have done: Life begins at conception. Ending a life after conception is homicide.
I just dont know, when i look at a progressive idiot( I know a redundant statement) i just think, there is a body, but no brain. How can it keep on living?
Scientifically and logically, life begins at the point where had that point not occurred, life could not exist. Thus conception is the answer.

For without conception, there could be no life under any other circumstance.

A legal definition of life is whatever people make it - since people make the laws.
I've been asking this question of all the pro-aborts on the board, and not a single one has answered it (and I know why).

Life begins at conception, per the scientific data. Pro-aborts will go to great lengths to avoid answering this question.

Feel free to go on the record here as I have done: Life begins at conception. Ending a life after conception is homicide.

Life begins at conception.

It's relatively easy to understand. At conception the baby begins to grow, this is a human child, just a very tiny one. I mean just because a newborn is very small and not fully developed doesn't make it anymore of a person than say 18 years later when it's full grown. Size in not relative to life.

Conception to 18 years later is just one long development cycle is all.

At conception a baby begins to gestate. If you abort it at 4 weeks and just because it doesn't have a heart beat doesn't mean you didn't just end a babies life because if you waited a couple more weeks it would have had one.
Of course it does since the egg itself is alive as well as the sperm. Conception simply denotes that point where the two combine to start growing a new multi-celled fetus. But it takes many weeks for that tissue to grow before it begins to develop a functioning nervous system and human recognizable characteristics, about 26 weeks. Before 26 weeks, the fetus could be that of a horse or most any other mammal as far as anyone can tell.

If I pluck a leaf off a tree and crumple it, that leaf is alive but did I commit homicide? No, because the leaf is not human with awareness and a spirit.

A human embryo has DNA different from a horse.

We acknowledge different species by their DNA, many of which do not have human recognizable characteristics.

It is a distinct individual when it's DNA is distinct. There is NO OTHER LIFE FORM with the exact same DNA.
I've been asking this question of all the pro-aborts on the board, and not a single one has answered it (and I know why).

Life begins at conception, per the scientific data. Pro-aborts will go to great lengths to avoid answering this question.

Feel free to go on the record here as I have done: Life begins at conception. Ending a life after conception is homicide.

Stupid post that deserves a response.

There are no "pro-abortionists" on this board. No one is in favour of abortion. Nor are the anti-abortionists "pro-life" either. All of you favor the death penalty and/or war, and if you favor either, you're not "pro-life". People are pro-choice or they oppose women's reproductive rights. These are the harsh facts of the abortion debate. The anti-abortion movement has tried to control the language of the debate to make their position sound less like they're stripping women's freedom and rights, which is what they're trying to do.

When life begins is not the issue either. The issue is whether or not women can control their own lives, and their own bodies, and their own families. Do women lose all of their rights to these decisions when they consent to sex?

If life begins at conception, why can't we claim the fetus as a dependent? If life begins at conception, why is our age dated from the date of our birth? The Bible says that God formed Adam, and when he was finished forming him, God breathed life into Adam, so according to the Bible, life begins when you draw your first breathe. Not the answer you're looking for.

Genesis 2:7
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."

The same people who want to tell me that they can't be forced to wear a mask because it violates their rights and freedoms, want to tell women they must carry a child to term, regardless of whether the pregnancy is the product of rape or incest, or their ability to raise of care for another child, and this is not a violation of the women's rights.
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Stupid post that deserves a response.

There are no "pro-abortionists" on this board. No one is in favour of abortion. Nor are the anti-abortionists "pro-life" either. All of you favor the death penalty and/or war, and if you favor either, you're not "pro-life".

You didn't answer the question, baby-killer. When does life begin?

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