Zone1 is the Catholic Church a Cult?

is it a cult?

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you can't compare Jesus to mere human sinners like Luther and Smith
Neither Luther and Smith would say they don’t want to be compared to Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith in particular would call himself a messenger for Jesus Christ called a Prophet. He would equate himself more like Moses the Prophet who communes with Jehovah (Jesus)
And the Father.
who are you to judge the oldest christian Church in the world, the one millions say is THE original Church?

Your so called church didn't come around until 1800 years AFTER the original one began.

Illogical, Captain

Did Jesus ditch everyone until the mighty Joseph Smith came on the scene?

so illogical
Mostly. There were 4 persons that asked to not die until he comes back. John and the 3 Nephites. They have kept a spark going through the great apostasy Paul prophesied about. The light of Christ also was working dimly. The people fell away from God. Not the other way around. They changed the doctrines and lost authority of the Priesthood and made up their own. They couldn’t even name their name after Jesus Christ even though they were commanded to.
You are clinging on the length of time in which the Lord doesn’t care anything about. It’s a dumb argument to use.
The foundation of the Church is on Prophets and Apostles. Where are yours? Nonexistent. You lose.

The cultists are those like the woman who, when she was denied the Holy Communion after giving the priest MANY signs that she was definitely NOT Catholic, attacked the priest and tried to destroy the Consecrated Hosts. The Father, whose hands were both occupied, supposedly bit the woman to shield the Eucharist from her attack. It was all he could do, except possibly hauling off and kicking her, which I would have applauded.

Something similar happened to a group of Nuns in Sioux Falls. Their chapel was one which featured Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, meaning that there is the constant presence of the Holy Eucharist, which, to a faithful Catholic, is the literal presence of Jesus Christ, and the Sisters pray 24 hours a day in His presence.

The Sisters had a crazed, possibly doped-up madman who came into the Chapel doing his best to get his hands on the Consecrated Host, which they shielded with their own bodies! The Sisters became my HEROES, when I heard this story. The diocese had to build an iron fence inside the Chapel to protect the Eucharist and the Sisters from the REAL cultists. Because the Sisters are mostly cloistered -- cut off from the outside world -- I ask everyone I know to donate to their order. I love growing good organic produce in my garden to share with them and I look forward to possibly becoming their English teacher one of these days.


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