What Went Wrong? I Thought It Was Trump! Covid Again?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule.

Because Trump gave it a helluva jumpstart.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule.

Because Trump gave it a helluva jumpstart.
Sorry, we can't give presidents credit for anything they did not do personally. This was the rule you guys created when Obama got Bin Laden. You remember that, right?
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
Thanks to President Trump's decisive actions.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule.

Because Trump gave it a helluva jumpstart.
Sorry, we can't give presidents credit for anything they did not do personally. This was the rule you guys created when Obama got Bin Laden. You remember that, right?

Maybe you should listen to something other than MSNBC.

Trump admin was putting out the same number of vaccines before the election as Biden was after.

Fauci's boss: Trump admin deserves credit for COVID vaccine (nypost.com)

Trump’s administration fell far short of its own vaccine promises - The Washington Post

(Wow, didn't reach the 40 million promised, only had 32 million)

Fact Check: Were There No COVID Vaccines When Joe Biden Became President? (newsweek.com)
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
Thanks to President Trump's decisive actions.
Like continuously calling it a hoax? Like telling people not to wear masks? Like denying the science? Like refusing to deal with actual reality?
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
Thanks to President Trump's decisive actions.
Like continuously calling it a hoax? Like telling people not to wear masks? Like denying the science? Like refusing to deal with actual reality?
If Trump were president the roll out would have been a complete disaster. Trumpers have very short memories. Trump was completely inept. It took a Biden Administration to take charge and roll out the vaccination program competently, quickly and ably.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
Thanks to President Trump's decisive actions.
Like continuously calling it a hoax? Like telling people not to wear masks? Like denying the science? Like refusing to deal with actual reality?
If Trump were president the roll out would have been a complete disaster. Trumpers have very short memories. Trump was completely inept. It took a Biden Administration to take charge and roll out the vaccination program competently, quickly and ably.
Do you ever tell the truth? LIAR
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
Thanks to President Trump's decisive actions.
Like continuously calling it a hoax? Like telling people not to wear masks? Like denying the science? Like refusing to deal with actual reality?
If Trump were president the roll out would have been a complete disaster. Trumpers have very short memories. Trump was completely inept. It took a Biden Administration to take charge and roll out the vaccination program competently, quickly and ably.
Do you ever tell the truth? LIAR
Yeah..coming from a Trump asslicker, I expect nothing less from you but more Trump asslicking. 400,000 Covid deaths under Trump of which nearly 200,000 deaths can be laid at the foot of Trumpist incompetence.

All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
Thanks to President Trump's decisive actions.
Like continuously calling it a hoax? Like telling people not to wear masks? Like denying the science? Like refusing to deal with actual reality?
If Trump were president the roll out would have been a complete disaster. Trumpers have very short memories. Trump was completely inept. It took a Biden Administration to take charge and roll out the vaccination program competently, quickly and ably.
Do you ever tell the truth? LIAR
Yeah..coming from a Trump asslicker, I expect nothing less from you but more Trump asslicking. 400,000 Covid deaths under Trump of which nearly 200,000 can be laid at the foot of Trumpist incompetence.

CDC--500K deaths WITH covid. 30K deaths FROM covid.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

Trump kept telling his true believers that the virus would just disappear... He fought lockdowns and tried to intimidate the CDC, WHO and Fauci.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
Thanks to President Trump's decisive actions.
Like continuously calling it a hoax? Like telling people not to wear masks? Like denying the science? Like refusing to deal with actual reality?
If Trump were president the roll out would have been a complete disaster. Trumpers have very short memories. Trump was completely inept. It took a Biden Administration to take charge and roll out the vaccination program competently, quickly and ably.
Do you ever tell the truth? LIAR
Yeah..coming from a Trump asslicker, I expect nothing less from you but more Trump asslicking. 400,000 Covid deaths under Trump of which nearly 200,000 can be laid at the foot of Trumpist incompetence.

CDC--500K deaths WITH covid. 30K deaths FROM covid.
Only in Trumplandia.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

Trump kept telling his true believers that the virus would just disappear... He fought lockdowns and tried to intimidate the CDC, WHO and Fauci.
The CDC and WHO have contradicted EVERY directive they have made. Lockdowns have proven to be ineffective against a 98% recovery rate virus. Masks are comically ineffective. Where do you think Trump was getting his info.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
Thanks to President Trump's decisive actions.
Like continuously calling it a hoax? Like telling people not to wear masks? Like denying the science? Like refusing to deal with actual reality?
If Trump were president the roll out would have been a complete disaster. Trumpers have very short memories. Trump was completely inept. It took a Biden Administration to take charge and roll out the vaccination program competently, quickly and ably.
Do you ever tell the truth? LIAR
Yeah..coming from a Trump asslicker, I expect nothing less from you but more Trump asslicking. 400,000 Covid deaths under Trump of which nearly 200,000 can be laid at the foot of Trumpist incompetence.

CDC--500K deaths WITH covid. 30K deaths FROM covid.
Only in Trumplandia.
Definitely not from morons who pick and choose what they want to believe from sources when they agree with their political leanings. You're a fucking idiot and you bring comic relief every time you post.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?
People behaving stupid. You should know, you're in the club.
Have a party, no masks, invite 30-40 people.
Go to a bar with 500 others. No mask.

Understood you Trumpinistas are really too sucked up in your trumpist cult to accept reality. Maybe before you die on a respirator you should make out one of those things that says if you get covid, you want no treatment.

That will help on two fronts.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

Trump kept telling his true believers that the virus would just disappear... He fought lockdowns and tried to intimidate the CDC, WHO and Fauci.
The CDC and WHO have contradicted EVERY directive they have made. Lockdowns have proven to be ineffective against a 98% recovery rate virus. Masks are comically ineffective. Where do you think Trump was getting his info.

550,000 dead and some recovering patients have serious impairments like heart and lung damage. An epidemic is serious.. Not everyone died of Yellow Jack or Smallpox either. Trump admitted that he "downplayed" the virus because he didn't want to cause a panic.

Trump was more interested in his re-election and his economy. He couldn't be bothered with Covid.. even though his wife and son Baron both contracted it.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

The vaccinations are well ahead of schedule. Joe's doing a great job.
Thanks to President Trump's decisive actions.
Like continuously calling it a hoax? Like telling people not to wear masks? Like denying the science? Like refusing to deal with actual reality?
If Trump were president the roll out would have been a complete disaster. Trumpers have very short memories. Trump was completely inept. It took a Biden Administration to take charge and roll out the vaccination program competently, quickly and ably.
Do you ever tell the truth? LIAR
Yeah..coming from a Trump asslicker, I expect nothing less from you but more Trump asslicking. 400,000 Covid deaths under Trump of which nearly 200,000 can be laid at the foot of Trumpist incompetence.

CDC--500K deaths WITH covid. 30K deaths FROM covid.
Only in Trumplandia.
Definitely not from morons who pick and choose what they want to believe from sources when they agree with their political leanings. You're a fucking idiot and you bring comic relief every time you post.
Look in the mirror, Trumper. I can cite Lancet to support my propositions. What do you have? Gateway Pundit? Move on, little man. You’re out of your league.
All last year all we heard from the Left was the litany of FAILURES by president Trump despite masks, distancing, shutdowns, and most everything else Biden and other countries were trying, being accused of killing needlessly hundreds of thousands of people due to Covid!

And the proof was routinely sent in comparing our failures to the many successes of other nations, among the best being the Netherlands, Japan, and parts of Europe.

So much so, they made it a CAMPAIGN ISSUE to get Trump out of office and the people BOUGHT INTO THE FEAR. Meantime we are seeing here that the vaccine only lessens symptoms, that masks are still required, and horror of horrors, all the countries that the Left used as models for proof of Trump's failures and need to be removed were, as usual, just a lot of leftwing blowing hot air.

Here we are Spring of 2021, Biden bumbles his way through border protection and vaccine distribution as all our "model" countries held up last year as Covid success stories by the Progressives, are all doing Covid belly-floppers.

What went wrong? The Dutch are SURGING in Covid cases:

Japan is taking emergency Covid measures even as it nixes any hopes for an Olympic torch:

And the French just don't know what to do!

Who can they blame now?

Trump kept telling his true believers that the virus would just disappear... He fought lockdowns and tried to intimidate the CDC, WHO and Fauci.
The CDC and WHO have contradicted EVERY directive they have made. Lockdowns have proven to be ineffective against a 98% recovery rate virus. Masks are comically ineffective. Where do you think Trump was getting his info.

550,000 dead and some recovering patients have serious impairments like heart and lung damage. An epidemic is serious.. Not everyone died of Yellow Jack or Smallpox either. Trump admitted that he "downplayed" the virus because he didn't want to cause a panic.

Trump was more interested in his re-election and his economy. He couldn't be bothered with Covid.. even though his wife and son Baron both contracted it.
CDC--500K fatalities with covid, 30K fatalities from covid. I also have had it with the rest of my family. Don't let that piece of sky hit you, moron.

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