Biden Just Kicked Off The Ohio Ballot

It’s ok.

He may not even get the DIM nomination.

I suspect he will be told by his handlers, before the convention, that he has decided not to continue his campaign.
I figure Michelle will be wheeled in at the last minute.

Obama wants to have the longest presidency in US history.
Well, being be voting for Big Mike or the other leading suspect, Newscum.
Newsome couldn't even win his own state without cheating.
He's one of those that needs armed guards and possibly an armored vehicle to visit the streets of San Francisco or Los Angeles.

They can't attack him, but they can still tell him to go to bloody Hell.
You do know thd election is about 167 days away AND that Biden has not yet officially been declared the Democratic nominee yet, right?
I wonder what they’re waiting for. I know you don’t.
Newsome couldn't even win his own state without cheating.
He's one of those that needs armed guards and possibly an armored vehicle to visit the streets of San Francisco or Los Angeles.

They can't attack him, but they can still tell him to go to bloody Hell.
The DNC nitwit leaders will make the selection if Brandon drops out. They might imagine that Newscum is more viable than Brandon or the Obama with the bigger dick.
Remember Ohio rigged the 2004 election for Bush? Gore won and Biden was going to win this year due to abortion. In fact we just won last year in Ohio.

These things usually backfire. Now Biden is going to win Ohio as a write in.
Palestine Ohio Train Wreck *Joe has zero chance of winning Ohio. Everybody knows it including you.
I'm writing in my church janitor. Seriously. I have decided. For the good of the nation.
Exit polls showed Gore won. Fox thought Gore won. Bush stole Florida. It wasn't even slick or clever. So fucking obvious. No wonder Trump doesn't Trust elections.
Quick question.
When Bush stole Florida how many recounts did Algore win. I’m sure the forum would love to know.
Appears that the DNC hasn't nominated Biden in time to get on the Ohio ballot, so he's been removed, and the Ohio state legislation has adjourned.

So it's too late to get him registered.

The rules don’t apply to Democrats.

They’ll scream like a bunch of petulant children and get their way.
Exit polls showed Gore won. Fox thought Gore won. Bush stole Florida. It wasn't even slick or clever. So fucking obvious. No wonder Trump doesn't Trust elections.
^^ WOW L@@K, we got ourselves and Election denier!

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