What the Palestinians and Arabs Think of Kerry's New Ideas

There's 400 million arab muslims, and 5 million jews - and the jews are the bullies?

You should ask the copts, chaldeans, maronites, assyrians, azeria, bahai, kurds, and a load of other minority groups suffering muslim oppression in the mideast who they believe are the "bullies."

Oh that's right, a dimwit like you never heard about those groups in your high school social studies class or at the shit sites you read like electronicintifada, where it is all jews, all the time. :cuckoo:
This has nothing to do with jews.

Israel is the only nuclear power in the ME.

That's a bully.
There's 400 million arab muslims, and 5 million jews - and the jews are the bullies?

You should ask the copts, chaldeans, maronites, assyrians, azeria, bahai, kurds, and a load of other minority groups suffering muslim oppression in the mideast who they believe are the "bullies."

Oh that's right, a dimwit like you never heard about those groups in your high school social studies class or at the shit sites you read like electronicintifada, where it is all jews, all the time. :cuckoo:
This has nothing to do with jews.

Israel is the only nuclear power in the ME.

That's a bully.
They did just fine and kicked major Arab Ass several times BEFORE acquiring nuclear weapons.

But it's more fun for them nowadays WITH the atomic firecrackers than without.

Israel doesn't 'bully' its neighbors, the way its neighbors have repeatedly tried to do to Israel within Living Memory.
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"Only"? WTF is that? Firing rockets into civilian neighborhoods is a War Crime, and this comment is so fucking stupid I won't bother going any further.
The rockets are definitely war crimes.

But most land harmlessly in the desert far from cities.

Sure asshole, let me fire them into your neighborhood, we'll see how well you and your neighbors enjoy it.
Let's see your neighborhood occupied by a foreign army and see how you like that.

Like I've said so many times before, this forum REALLY needs better, smarter pro-arab posters - the morons arguing for them here are simple devoid of any intelligence. :eusa_hand:
You don't really set the bar all that high, so I wouldn't talk.

Really? That's hilarious bs, and there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of attacks placing bombs near the fence, suicide bombings and artillery fire at the karni and other crossings - all in isolation. Stick to the facts, dimwit.
Those aren't facts, their claims.

Why don't you list a few specific incidents of what you're talking about?

Ah, another fly-by-nighter loser in their teens who thinks this conflict started like 5-10 years ago... :cuckoo:
In this case, it started 34 years ago.

Israel was under relentless attack for DECADES BEFORE 1967....can your tiny brain comprehend what that means WRT the alleged "occupation"?

Yeah, you're right, because the concept of negotiations and peaceful relations with non-arab muslim neighbors is not in the dictionary or thought process of arab muslims. The only thing they can do, according to imbecilic enablers like you, is further terrorism, yeah, got it :eusa_whistle:
There's nothing to negotiate. Israel just needs to get the fuck out.

You're almost as stupid as tin-douche.
How the fuck would you know?

Yeah ok, they'll just get terrorist attacks and artillery fire like they did for the 20+ years BEFORE the 1967 war.
What artillery fire?

I cannot help but laugh at people as stupid as you are.
Because that's all you got.
This is the only sentence in your garbage post I'll respond to; with the following questions which no doubt you and the tin-douch chimp will ignore:

1) how do you explain the terrorism against israel for the decades BEFORE the alleged occupation?
Name some specific terrorist events and I comment on them.

2) how do you explain the rocket fire and attacks from lebanon even though it left lebanon years before?
It was probably in response to Israeli commando raids.

3) if israel leaves the west bank and gaza today, what will you do/say if israel continues to experience rocket/artillery fire and terrorist attacks, even 5-10 years AFTER exiting?
I'd say in that case, Israel has every right to go in there and fuck up their shit.

If you can answer those questions credibly, then it might be possible to have a rational discussion. I expect that neither you nor the other jackass polluting this thread will even attempt to do so, since neither of you are credible.
I don't avoid any questions, junior.
They did just fine and kicked major Arab Ass several times BEFORE acquiring nuclear weapons.

But it's more fun for them nowadays WITH the atomic firecrackers than without.

Israel doesn't 'bully' its neighbors, the way its neighbors have repeatedly tried to do to Israel within Living Memory.
Bombing Iraq, bombing Lebanon, bombing Syria and threatening to bomb Iran, is not bullying?
They did just fine and kicked major Arab Ass several times BEFORE acquiring nuclear weapons.

But it's more fun for them nowadays WITH the atomic firecrackers than without.

Israel doesn't 'bully' its neighbors, the way its neighbors have repeatedly tried to do to Israel within Living Memory.
Bombing Iraq...
To take out a nuclear reactor in the hands of a ruthless dictator (Saddam Hussein) dedicated to your destruction and paying pensions to the families of suicide bombers attacking your innocent civilians?

"...bombing Lebanon..."
In retaliation for multiple guerrilla raids and barrages and border aggressions?

"...bombing Syria..."
To interdict chemical weapons shipments and to prevent the regime (Syria) from transferring large quantities of weapons to a hostile militia (Hezbollah) on your northern border?

"...and threatening to bomb Iran..."
To eliminate nuclear capabilities on the part of a medieval theocracy, represented on the world stage at the time by a President who swore to erase your country from the face of the earth?

"...is not bullying?"


None of which, BTW, touched upon Israel threatening to utilize nuclear weapons in bully-mode.
They did just fine and kicked major Arab Ass several times BEFORE acquiring nuclear weapons.

But it's more fun for them nowadays WITH the atomic firecrackers than without.

Israel doesn't 'bully' its neighbors, the way its neighbors have repeatedly tried to do to Israel within Living Memory.
Bombing Iraq...
To take out a nuclear reactor in the hands of a ruthless dictator (Saddam Hussein) dedicated to your destruction and paying pensions to the families of suicide bombers attacking your innocent civilians?

In retaliation for multiple guerrilla raids and barrages and border aggressions?

To interdict chemical weapons shipments and to prevent the regime (Syria) from transferring large quantities of weapons to a hostile militia (Hezbollah) on your northern border?

"...and threatening to bomb Iran..."
To eliminate nuclear capabilities on the part of a medieval theocracy, represented on the world stage at the time by a President who swore to erase your country from the face of the earth?

"...is not bullying?"


None of which, BTW, touched upon Israel threatening to utilize nuclear weapons in bully-mode.

Only if one assumes they exist.
To take out a nuclear reactor in the hands of a ruthless dictator (Saddam Hussein) dedicated to your destruction and paying pensions to the families of suicide bombers attacking your innocent civilians?

In retaliation for multiple guerrilla raids and barrages and border aggressions?

To interdict chemical weapons shipments and to prevent the regime (Syria) from transferring large quantities of weapons to a hostile militia (Hezbollah) on your northern border?

To eliminate nuclear capabilities on the part of a medieval theocracy, represented on the world stage at the time by a President who swore to erase your country from the face of the earth?



None of which, BTW, touched upon Israel threatening to utilize nuclear weapons in bully-mode.
Everything you mentioned was illegal and yes, it is bullying.
To take out a nuclear reactor in the hands of a ruthless dictator (Saddam Hussein) dedicated to your destruction and paying pensions to the families of suicide bombers attacking your innocent civilians?

In retaliation for multiple guerrilla raids and barrages and border aggressions?

To interdict chemical weapons shipments and to prevent the regime (Syria) from transferring large quantities of weapons to a hostile militia (Hezbollah) on your northern border?

To eliminate nuclear capabilities on the part of a medieval theocracy, represented on the world stage at the time by a President who swore to erase your country from the face of the earth?



None of which, BTW, touched upon Israel threatening to utilize nuclear weapons in bully-mode.
Everything you mentioned was illegal and yes, it is bullying.
Given that you are content to let an enemy cross into your airspace and to bomb your war assets and military formations and civilian populations before you would pull the trigger to go to war, well...

I think that most other folks would probably keep their own counsel as to what constitutes 'defensible actions' and as to what constitutes 'bullying', rather than accept your interpretation...

Keep pitching it, though... Lord knows, there are enough airheads taking-up space on the planet, naive enough to buy into such things...
But most land harmlessly in the desert far from cities.

So if i bomb your house when you're not home, or just injure a few people, that's acceptable? Wow, you're fucking stupid.

Those aren't facts, their claims. / Why don't you list a few specific incidents of what you're talking about?

Uh oh, WE HAVE A WINNER HERE. This shit bag actually does not know what was happening PRIOR to 1967 LOLOLOLOLOLO. Read up and learn, idiot boy:

List of attacks against Israeli civilians before 1967 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which Came First- Terrorism or Occupation-Major Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War

Background & Overview - Six-Day War | Jewish Virtual Library

"The PLO’s belligerent rhetoric was matched by deeds. Terrorist attacks by the group grew more frequent. In 1965, 35 raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched. The targets were always civilians.(3)"


"Another major cause of conflict was Syria’s resistance to Israel’s creation of a National Water Carrier to take water from the Jordan River to supply the country. The Syrian army used the Golan Heights, which tower 3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and villages. Syria’s attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966, forcing children living on kibbutzim in the Huleh Valley to sleep in bomb shelters."

Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War » Smooth Stone

"Arab and Palestinian terrorism against Israel existed prior to the beginning of Israeli control over the West Bank and Gaza as a result of the Six Day War of June 1967, and even prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948.

For example, Arab terrorism was rampant during wave of anti-Jewish riots in 1920-21 (which was characterized by the brutal murder in Jaffa of the prominent Jewish author Y. Brenner), during the ‘Disturbances’ of 1929 (which included the massacre of the Jewish community in Hebron), during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39, and in many other recorded incidents of wholesale anti-Jewish Arab violence throughout the pre-state period.

The Palestinian terrorism campaign was stepped-up on the eve of the UN Partition Resolution of November 1947, and led to the joint Arab invasion of 1948-49 which delineated the boundaries of the newly established State of Israel."


Like I said, another fly-by-night idiot with zero facts or knowledge, just juvenile slogans and lots of teenage attitude.

You're an idiot.
But most land harmlessly in the desert far from cities.

So if i bomb your house when you're not home, or just injure a few people, that's acceptable? Wow, you're fucking stupid.

Those aren't facts, their claims. / Why don't you list a few specific incidents of what you're talking about?

Uh oh, WE HAVE A WINNER HERE. This shit bag actually does not know what was happening PRIOR to 1967 LOLOLOLOLOLO. Read up and learn, idiot boy:

List of attacks against Israeli civilians before 1967 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which Came First- Terrorism or Occupation-Major Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War

Background & Overview - Six-Day War | Jewish Virtual Library

"The PLO’s belligerent rhetoric was matched by deeds. Terrorist attacks by the group grew more frequent. In 1965, 35 raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched. The targets were always civilians.(3)"


"Another major cause of conflict was Syria’s resistance to Israel’s creation of a National Water Carrier to take water from the Jordan River to supply the country. The Syrian army used the Golan Heights, which tower 3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and villages. Syria’s attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966, forcing children living on kibbutzim in the Huleh Valley to sleep in bomb shelters."

Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War » Smooth Stone

"Arab and Palestinian terrorism against Israel existed prior to the beginning of Israeli control over the West Bank and Gaza as a result of the Six Day War of June 1967, and even prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948.

For example, Arab terrorism was rampant during wave of anti-Jewish riots in 1920-21 (which was characterized by the brutal murder in Jaffa of the prominent Jewish author Y. Brenner), during the ‘Disturbances’ of 1929 (which included the massacre of the Jewish community in Hebron), during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39, and in many other recorded incidents of wholesale anti-Jewish Arab violence throughout the pre-state period.

The Palestinian terrorism campaign was stepped-up on the eve of the UN Partition Resolution of November 1947, and led to the joint Arab invasion of 1948-49 which delineated the boundaries of the newly established State of Israel."


Like I said, another fly-by-night idiot with zero facts or knowledge, just juvenile slogans and lots of teenage attitude.

You're an idiot.

They think the occupation started in 1967. :lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo::cuckoo:
So if i bomb your house when you're not home, or just injure a few people, that's acceptable? Wow, you're fucking stupid.
For what possible reason would you want to bomb my house?

Uh oh, WE HAVE A WINNER HERE. This shit bag actually does not know what was happening PRIOR to 1967 LOLOLOLOLOLO. Read up and learn, idiot boy:

List of attacks against Israeli civilians before 1967 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which Came First- Terrorism or Occupation-Major Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War

Background & Overview - Six-Day War | Jewish Virtual Library

"The PLO’s belligerent rhetoric was matched by deeds. Terrorist attacks by the group grew more frequent. In 1965, 35 raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched. The targets were always civilians.(3)"


"Another major cause of conflict was Syria’s resistance to Israel’s creation of a National Water Carrier to take water from the Jordan River to supply the country. The Syrian army used the Golan Heights, which tower 3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and villages. Syria’s attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966, forcing children living on kibbutzim in the Huleh Valley to sleep in bomb shelters."

Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War » Smooth Stone
Now that you listed attacks against Israel since before the '67 Six-Day War, lets now look at attacks BY ISRAEL since before the '67 Six-Day War.

Israeli Terrorist Incidents against Palestinians

– Tira, December 11, 1947 – five Palestinians were killed and six injured;

– a village outside Haifa, December 12, 1947 – 12 Palestinians killed;

– a village outside Tel Aviv, December 14, 1947 – 18 Palestinians killed and 100 injured;

– al-Khias, December 18, 1947 – the paramilitary Haganah killed 10 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Haifa, December 30, 1947 – six Palestinians killed and 42 wounded;

– Jerusalem, December 30, 1947 – Irgun terrorists threw a bomb from a speeding car killing 11 Palestinians and two Brits;

– Balad Esh-Sheikh, December 31, 1947 – the Haganah killed 60 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Jaffa, January 4, 1948 – the Stern Gang killed up to 30 and wounded 100 in a truck bombing;

– the Semiramis Hotel, Jerusalem, January 4, 1948 – the Haganah bombed the hotel killing 25 civilians;

– Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, January 7, 1948 – 17 Palestinians killed;

– Tireh, February 10, 1948 – seven Palestinians killed and five injured;

– on a bus from Safad, February 12, 1948 – five Palestinians killed and five injured;

– Sa’sa’, February 14, 1948 – 60 Palestinians killed, mostly in their homes;

– Qisarya, February 15 – 20, 1948 – 25 Palestinians killed;

– Haifa, February 20, 1948 – six Palestinians killed and 36 wounded;

– Haifa, March 3, 1948 – the Stern Gang blew up the Salameh Building killing 11 Palestinians and wounding 27;

– al-Husayniyya, March 12 and 16 – 17 – the Palmach twice raided the village killing 15 and wounding 20 in the first attack; killing 30 in the second one;

– Jews blew up a train near Benjamina on March 31, 1948 killing 25 Palestinians and wounding 61;

– al-Sarafand, April 5, 1948 – 16 Palestinians were killed and 12 wounded, most when a house was mortared;

– Dier Yassin, April 9, 1948 – the Menachem Begin-led Irgun slaughtered well over 120 Palestinian men, women and children in a bloody rampage; The New York Times reported 254 killed on April 13; 53 orphaned children were dumped like trash along the wall of the Old City; homes were dynamited with inhabitants inside; people were shot at close range, including children; the massacre marked the beginning of what followed during Israel’s “War of Independence:” depopulating 531 towns and villages; 11 urban neighborhoods; massacring or displacing 800,000 Palestinians; and committing countless rapes and other atrocities;” remember Dier Yassin; it, too, is immortalized;

– Tel Litvinsky, April 19, 1948 – Jews killed 90 Palestinians;

– Tiberias, April 19, 1948 – Jews blew up a home killing Palestinians inside;

– Ayn al-Zaytun and nearby villages, May 1 – 4, 1948 – 27 Palestinians killed;

– Acre, May 18, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 100 Palestinians;

– al-Kabri, May 20, 1948 – Israeli forces killed villagers and machine-gunned children who survived;

– al-Tantura, May 22 – 23, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 200 villagers, mostly unarmed young men shot in cold blood;

– on May 26, 1948, David Ben-Gurion formed the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from the Haganah;

– Lydda, July 11 – 12, 1948 – the IDF killed several hundred civilians, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash mosque;

– Elot, late July, 1948 – the IDF arrested 46 young men; on August 3, several were found dead, and 14 of those arrested were shot in cold blood in an olive grove – in full view of the villagers;

– Suqrir, August 29, 1948 – the IDF killed 10 villagers;

– Hula, Lebanon, October 24 – 29, 1948 – the IDF machine-gunned 50 villagers;

– al-Dawayima, October 29, 1948 – the IDF killed up to 200 villagers;

– Majd al-Kurum, October 30, 1948 – the IDF slaughtered 20 or more villagers in cold blood;

– Saliha, October 30, 1948 – IDF forces blew up a house killing 94 Palestinians;

– Sa’sa’, October 30, 1948 – hundreds of Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood; the entire village was expelled;

– Nahf, October 31, 1948 – a brutal massacre was carried out of unknown numbers;

– Khirbat al-Wa’ra al-Sawda, November 2, 1948 – the IDF killed 14 villagers;

– Beit Jala, January 6, 1952 – seven Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood;

– Jerusalem, April 22, 1953 – the IDF killed 10 Palestinians;

– Bureji Refugee Camp, August 28, 1953 – the IDF killed 20 Palestinians and wounded 62 others;

– Qibya, Jordan, October 14, 1953 – Ariel Sharon’s infamous Unit 101 killed 70 villagers;

– Nahalin, Jordan, March 28, 1954 – the IDF killed nine Arabs and wounded 19;

– Gaza City, April 5, 1956 – IDF shelling killed 56 and wounded 193;

– Kafr Kassem, October 29, 1956 – the IDF killed about 50 men, women and children;

– the Suez War, October 29 – November 7, 1956 – the IDF executed about 273 Egyptian soldiers and civilians in cold blood;

– Khan Yunis, November 3, 1956 – the IDF killed dozens of civilians in cold blood;

– Rafah Refugee Camp, November 12, 1956 – the IDF slaughtered over 100 Palestinians;

– Nuqeibi, Syria, March 16 – 17, 1962 – IDF artillery and aircraft killed at least 30 unarmed villagers;

– Samu, Jordan, November 13, 1966 – the IDF destroyed 125 houses, a school, clinic and 15 houses in a nearby village killing 18 and wounded 54 in cold blood;
Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

"Arab and Palestinian terrorism against Israel existed prior to the beginning of Israeli control over the West Bank and Gaza as a result of the Six Day War of June 1967, and even prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948.

For example, Arab terrorism was rampant during wave of anti-Jewish riots in 1920-21 (which was characterized by the brutal murder in Jaffa of the prominent Jewish author Y. Brenner), during the ‘Disturbances’ of 1929 (which included the massacre of the Jewish community in Hebron), during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39, and in many other recorded incidents of wholesale anti-Jewish Arab violence throughout the pre-state period.

The Palestinian terrorism campaign was stepped-up on the eve of the UN Partition Resolution of November 1947, and led to the joint Arab invasion of 1948-49 which delineated the boundaries of the newly established State of Israel."


Like I said, another fly-by-night idiot with zero facts or knowledge, just juvenile slogans and lots of teenage attitude.

You're an idiot.
A few quick points...

There was no major incidents of violence between indigenous arabs and indigenous jews in Palestine until the Zionist migrations. So the major escalation of violence started when Zionists came to the hood.

Zionists came in with racist, apartheid policies and treated the arab residents like garbage, that's why the arabs rebelled.

The Hebron Massacre was started by Zionists when they went down to the Wailing Wall and declared it theirs.

The reason arab armies went into Palestine in '48, was to ensure the inalienable rights of indigenous arabs that were being stripped from them by jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.
So if i bomb your house when you're not home, or just injure a few people, that's acceptable? Wow, you're fucking stupid.
For what possible reason would you want to bomb my house?

Uh oh, WE HAVE A WINNER HERE. This shit bag actually does not know what was happening PRIOR to 1967 LOLOLOLOLOLO. Read up and learn, idiot boy:

List of attacks against Israeli civilians before 1967 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which Came First- Terrorism or Occupation-Major Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War

Background & Overview - Six-Day War | Jewish Virtual Library

"The PLO’s belligerent rhetoric was matched by deeds. Terrorist attacks by the group grew more frequent. In 1965, 35 raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched. The targets were always civilians.(3)"


"Another major cause of conflict was Syria’s resistance to Israel’s creation of a National Water Carrier to take water from the Jordan River to supply the country. The Syrian army used the Golan Heights, which tower 3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and villages. Syria’s attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966, forcing children living on kibbutzim in the Huleh Valley to sleep in bomb shelters."

Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War » Smooth Stone
Now that you listed attacks against Israel since before the '67 Six-Day War, lets now look at attacks BY ISRAEL since before the '67 Six-Day War.

Israeli Terrorist Incidents against Palestinians

– Tira, December 11, 1947 – five Palestinians were killed and six injured;

– a village outside Haifa, December 12, 1947 – 12 Palestinians killed;

– a village outside Tel Aviv, December 14, 1947 – 18 Palestinians killed and 100 injured;

– al-Khias, December 18, 1947 – the paramilitary Haganah killed 10 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Haifa, December 30, 1947 – six Palestinians killed and 42 wounded;

– Jerusalem, December 30, 1947 – Irgun terrorists threw a bomb from a speeding car killing 11 Palestinians and two Brits;

– Balad Esh-Sheikh, December 31, 1947 – the Haganah killed 60 Palestinians, most inside their homes;

– Jaffa, January 4, 1948 – the Stern Gang killed up to 30 and wounded 100 in a truck bombing;

– the Semiramis Hotel, Jerusalem, January 4, 1948 – the Haganah bombed the hotel killing 25 civilians;

– Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, January 7, 1948 – 17 Palestinians killed;

– Tireh, February 10, 1948 – seven Palestinians killed and five injured;

– on a bus from Safad, February 12, 1948 – five Palestinians killed and five injured;

– Sa’sa’, February 14, 1948 – 60 Palestinians killed, mostly in their homes;

– Qisarya, February 15 – 20, 1948 – 25 Palestinians killed;

– Haifa, February 20, 1948 – six Palestinians killed and 36 wounded;

– Haifa, March 3, 1948 – the Stern Gang blew up the Salameh Building killing 11 Palestinians and wounding 27;

– al-Husayniyya, March 12 and 16 – 17 – the Palmach twice raided the village killing 15 and wounding 20 in the first attack; killing 30 in the second one;

– Jews blew up a train near Benjamina on March 31, 1948 killing 25 Palestinians and wounding 61;

– al-Sarafand, April 5, 1948 – 16 Palestinians were killed and 12 wounded, most when a house was mortared;

– Dier Yassin, April 9, 1948 – the Menachem Begin-led Irgun slaughtered well over 120 Palestinian men, women and children in a bloody rampage; The New York Times reported 254 killed on April 13; 53 orphaned children were dumped like trash along the wall of the Old City; homes were dynamited with inhabitants inside; people were shot at close range, including children; the massacre marked the beginning of what followed during Israel’s “War of Independence:” depopulating 531 towns and villages; 11 urban neighborhoods; massacring or displacing 800,000 Palestinians; and committing countless rapes and other atrocities;” remember Dier Yassin; it, too, is immortalized;

– Tel Litvinsky, April 19, 1948 – Jews killed 90 Palestinians;

– Tiberias, April 19, 1948 – Jews blew up a home killing Palestinians inside;

– Ayn al-Zaytun and nearby villages, May 1 – 4, 1948 – 27 Palestinians killed;

– Acre, May 18, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 100 Palestinians;

– al-Kabri, May 20, 1948 – Israeli forces killed villagers and machine-gunned children who survived;

– al-Tantura, May 22 – 23, 1948 – Israeli troops killed over 200 villagers, mostly unarmed young men shot in cold blood;

– on May 26, 1948, David Ben-Gurion formed the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from the Haganah;

– Lydda, July 11 – 12, 1948 – the IDF killed several hundred civilians, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash mosque;

– Elot, late July, 1948 – the IDF arrested 46 young men; on August 3, several were found dead, and 14 of those arrested were shot in cold blood in an olive grove – in full view of the villagers;

– Suqrir, August 29, 1948 – the IDF killed 10 villagers;

– Hula, Lebanon, October 24 – 29, 1948 – the IDF machine-gunned 50 villagers;

– al-Dawayima, October 29, 1948 – the IDF killed up to 200 villagers;

– Majd al-Kurum, October 30, 1948 – the IDF slaughtered 20 or more villagers in cold blood;

– Saliha, October 30, 1948 – IDF forces blew up a house killing 94 Palestinians;

– Sa’sa’, October 30, 1948 – hundreds of Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood; the entire village was expelled;

– Nahf, October 31, 1948 – a brutal massacre was carried out of unknown numbers;

– Khirbat al-Wa’ra al-Sawda, November 2, 1948 – the IDF killed 14 villagers;

– Beit Jala, January 6, 1952 – seven Palestinians were slaughtered in cold blood;

– Jerusalem, April 22, 1953 – the IDF killed 10 Palestinians;

– Bureji Refugee Camp, August 28, 1953 – the IDF killed 20 Palestinians and wounded 62 others;

– Qibya, Jordan, October 14, 1953 – Ariel Sharon’s infamous Unit 101 killed 70 villagers;

– Nahalin, Jordan, March 28, 1954 – the IDF killed nine Arabs and wounded 19;

– Gaza City, April 5, 1956 – IDF shelling killed 56 and wounded 193;

– Kafr Kassem, October 29, 1956 – the IDF killed about 50 men, women and children;

– the Suez War, October 29 – November 7, 1956 – the IDF executed about 273 Egyptian soldiers and civilians in cold blood;

– Khan Yunis, November 3, 1956 – the IDF killed dozens of civilians in cold blood;

– Rafah Refugee Camp, November 12, 1956 – the IDF slaughtered over 100 Palestinians;

– Nuqeibi, Syria, March 16 – 17, 1962 – IDF artillery and aircraft killed at least 30 unarmed villagers;

– Samu, Jordan, November 13, 1966 – the IDF destroyed 125 houses, a school, clinic and 15 houses in a nearby village killing 18 and wounded 54 in cold blood;
Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

"Arab and Palestinian terrorism against Israel existed prior to the beginning of Israeli control over the West Bank and Gaza as a result of the Six Day War of June 1967, and even prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948.

For example, Arab terrorism was rampant during wave of anti-Jewish riots in 1920-21 (which was characterized by the brutal murder in Jaffa of the prominent Jewish author Y. Brenner), during the ‘Disturbances’ of 1929 (which included the massacre of the Jewish community in Hebron), during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39, and in many other recorded incidents of wholesale anti-Jewish Arab violence throughout the pre-state period.

The Palestinian terrorism campaign was stepped-up on the eve of the UN Partition Resolution of November 1947, and led to the joint Arab invasion of 1948-49 which delineated the boundaries of the newly established State of Israel."


Like I said, another fly-by-night idiot with zero facts or knowledge, just juvenile slogans and lots of teenage attitude.

You're an idiot.
A few quick points...

There was no major incidents of violence between indigenous arabs and indigenous jews in Palestine until the Zionist migrations. So the major escalation of violence started when Zionists came to the hood.

Zionists came in with racist, apartheid policies and treated the arab residents like garbage, that's why the arabs rebelled.

The Hebron Massacre was started by Zionists when they went down to the Wailing Wall and declared it theirs.

The reason arab armies went into Palestine in '48, was to ensure the inalienable rights of indigenous arabs that were being stripped from them by jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

In less than 10 years three serious attacks have been made by Arabs on Jews. For 80 years before the first of these attacks there is no recorded instance of any similar incidents.

- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)
Arafart was an Egyptian Arab. Most "Palestinians" are no more than second-generation nomads from Jordan, Iraq or Saudi Arabia--all Arab countries.

My grandparents were from Scotland, England, and Germany.

Does that mean that I am not American?

If you recognize immigration as legal, why do you call the Jewish immigrants to Israel "criminals"? My grandparents moved to Israel after the carnage of WW2, and they were denied visas to America.

I do recognize immigration as legal. However, we need to define the term.

IMMIGRANT: In popular usage, an "immigrant" is generally understood to be a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence. Under this definition, therefore, an "immigrant" is an alien admitted to the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident. The emphasis in this definition is upon the presumptions that (1) the immigrant followed U.S. laws and procedures in establishing residence in our country; (2) he or she wishes to reside here permanently; and (3) he or she swears allegiance to our country or at least solemnly affirms that he/she will observe and respect our laws and our Constitution.

ALIEN: By contrast, an "alien" is generally understood to be a foreigner -- a person who comes from a foreign country -- who does not owe allegiance to our country.

Definitions: Alien, Immigrant, Illegal Alien, Undocumented Immigrant

Using this definition the settlers imported into Palestine by the Zionists were not immigrants. They were aliens. They were foreigners.

They were not there to swear allegiance to Palestine but to destroy Palestine and replace it with a Jewish state.
There's 400 million arab muslims, and 5 million jews - and the jews are the bullies?

You should ask the copts, chaldeans, maronites, assyrians, azeria, bahai, kurds, and a load of other minority groups suffering muslim oppression in the mideast who they believe are the "bullies."

Oh that's right, a dimwit like you never heard about those groups in your high school social studies class or at the shit sites you read like electronicintifada, where it is all jews, all the time. :cuckoo:
This has nothing to do with jews.

Israel is the only nuclear power in the ME.

That's a bully.

So what about iran, Iraq and Syria who all have nuclear capabilities. You don't need enriched uranium to make a dirty bomb, just any fissionable material.
This is the only sentence in your garbage post I'll respond to; with the following questions which no doubt you and the tin-douch chimp will ignore:

1) how do you explain the terrorism against israel for the decades BEFORE the alleged occupation?
Name some specific terrorist events and I comment on them.

2) how do you explain the rocket fire and attacks from lebanon even though it left lebanon years before?
It was probably in response to Israeli commando raids.

3) if israel leaves the west bank and gaza today, what will you do/say if israel continues to experience rocket/artillery fire and terrorist attacks, even 5-10 years AFTER exiting?
I'd say in that case, Israel has every right to go in there and fuck up their shit.

If you can answer those questions credibly, then it might be possible to have a rational discussion. I expect that neither you nor the other jackass polluting this thread will even attempt to do so, since neither of you are credible.
I don't avoid any questions, junior.

Do you know what you sound like to most of the worlds people...........A RACIST WHITE SUPREMASIST JEW HATING NAZI
They did just fine and kicked major Arab Ass several times BEFORE acquiring nuclear weapons.

But it's more fun for them nowadays WITH the atomic firecrackers than without.

Israel doesn't 'bully' its neighbors, the way its neighbors have repeatedly tried to do to Israel within Living Memory.
Bombing Iraq, bombing Lebanon, bombing Syria and threatening to bomb Iran, is not bullying?

So you don't see the attacks on Israel that causes these retaliations then. the thousands of weapons with made in iran stamped on them that Israel find every day. The firing of artillery shells from Syria that are aimed at civilians. Is that not bullying, and is Israel right in retaliating to this barbarism
To take out a nuclear reactor in the hands of a ruthless dictator (Saddam Hussein) dedicated to your destruction and paying pensions to the families of suicide bombers attacking your innocent civilians?

In retaliation for multiple guerrilla raids and barrages and border aggressions?

To interdict chemical weapons shipments and to prevent the regime (Syria) from transferring large quantities of weapons to a hostile militia (Hezbollah) on your northern border?

To eliminate nuclear capabilities on the part of a medieval theocracy, represented on the world stage at the time by a President who swore to erase your country from the face of the earth?



None of which, BTW, touched upon Israel threatening to utilize nuclear weapons in bully-mode.
Everything you mentioned was illegal and yes, it is bullying.

SO were the actions that they were in retaliation to not also ILLEGAL
But most land harmlessly in the desert far from cities.

So if i bomb your house when you're not home, or just injure a few people, that's acceptable? Wow, you're fucking stupid.

Those aren't facts, their claims. / Why don't you list a few specific incidents of what you're talking about?

Uh oh, WE HAVE A WINNER HERE. This shit bag actually does not know what was happening PRIOR to 1967 LOLOLOLOLOLO. Read up and learn, idiot boy:

List of attacks against Israeli civilians before 1967 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which Came First- Terrorism or Occupation-Major Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War

Background & Overview - Six-Day War | Jewish Virtual Library

"The PLO’s belligerent rhetoric was matched by deeds. Terrorist attacks by the group grew more frequent. In 1965, 35 raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched. The targets were always civilians.(3)"


"Another major cause of conflict was Syria’s resistance to Israel’s creation of a National Water Carrier to take water from the Jordan River to supply the country. The Syrian army used the Golan Heights, which tower 3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and villages. Syria’s attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966, forcing children living on kibbutzim in the Huleh Valley to sleep in bomb shelters."

Arab Terrorist Attacks against Israelis Prior to the 1967 Six-Day War » Smooth Stone

"Arab and Palestinian terrorism against Israel existed prior to the beginning of Israeli control over the West Bank and Gaza as a result of the Six Day War of June 1967, and even prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948.

For example, Arab terrorism was rampant during wave of anti-Jewish riots in 1920-21 (which was characterized by the brutal murder in Jaffa of the prominent Jewish author Y. Brenner), during the ‘Disturbances’ of 1929 (which included the massacre of the Jewish community in Hebron), during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39, and in many other recorded incidents of wholesale anti-Jewish Arab violence throughout the pre-state period.

The Palestinian terrorism campaign was stepped-up on the eve of the UN Partition Resolution of November 1947, and led to the joint Arab invasion of 1948-49 which delineated the boundaries of the newly established State of Israel."


Like I said, another fly-by-night idiot with zero facts or knowledge, just juvenile slogans and lots of teenage attitude.

You're an idiot.

They think the occupation started in 1967. :lol::lol::lol: :cuckoo::cuckoo:

That's right it started in 627 when Mohamed decided that he would occupy the world, and started with the Jewish villages in the M.E.

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