What the Palestinians and Arabs Think of Kerry's New Ideas

So take it up with the original gaza prison officers who now effect control of gaza on the eastern edge.
Would you say that they occupy gaza as well ?
No. Israel occupies Gaza.

Don't talk such crap, Israel has not occupied gaza since august 2005. What you call occupation is Israel abiding by International law and stopping the influx of enemy agents into Israel. You should try looking at the International law regarding national borders and what steps a country can take to protect them. But no doubt you believe that the US is occupying Canada and Mexico because it does the same things Israel does to protect its borders.

Now if you think Israel occupies gaza then Egypt must also occupy gaza because it also has a blockade on gaza.

Everyone in the world, except the liars in Israel, says that Israel still occupies Gaza.
So take it up with the original gaza prison officers who now effect control of gaza on the eastern edge.
Would you say that they occupy gaza as well ?
No. Israel occupies Gaza.
The United Nations uses the concept of 'effective control' to propagate the myth that Israel occupies Gaza.

Israel blockades Gaza from the outside.

Israel launches punitive raids across the border from the outside, and then returns to the outside, once Hamas has provoked them into making such a raid or strike.

But they do not control Gaza.

Fuck the United Nations definition.

Their General Assembly bends over so far to kiss Arab ass that they are no longer reliable as an arbiter in such matters, anyway.

Israel does not occupy Gaza.

Although they should.

And they probably will, again, and soon.

With or without Arabs being present.
Could that be down to the Israeli government spending time and effort in protecting its citizens from harm. Look at the areas that those fatalities were in and you see civilian areas near to schools and kindergartens, not military instalations.
If Israel wanted to protect its citizens, it would end the occupation and blockade and stop making the Pals life a living hell.

In actual fact Jordan murdered more Palestinians in one month that Israel has killed in defending its sovereignty and right to exist in 65 years
That's bullshit! And an occupational force cannot claim self-defense.

Israel's sovereignty is not the issue. The Palestinian's sovereignty is.

So were was the Israeli air strike or targeted killing in gaza the August in 2005 when no Israelis were present in gaza. You have your facts backasswards as it is the Israelis that respond to rocket attacks and targeted killings. Remember Israel has not made a declaration of war against any group, while islam made a declaration of war against Israel in may 1948 that still exists today.
The rocket attacks started in 2001.

The occupation started 34 years before that.

Do you mean like that are doing by responding to attacks from gaza, which is what International law says they can do. The blockade is not illegal as stated by the UN. There are no Israelis in gaza so how is it an occupation, and come out with the bullshit that the blockade is occupation as International Law tells you that this is a LIE. So when will you get of land that is not yours then, after all you are just an illegal occupier of first nation land aren't you
The only UN document that stated the blockade was legal, was the Palmer Report. And that commission wasn't even convened to discuss the legality of the blockade. The panel had no legal experts on international law and took most of the evidence from declarations from Israel and Turkey.

Another commission which was convened to discuss the legality of the blockade, concluded it was illegal. Not only is it illegal, it's a war crime.

As far as the occupation of Gaza, there doesn't need to be a physical presence for the occupation to exist. Israel has "effective control" over the entire area and that satisfies the definition of an occupation.

As Isreal has done in the past only to see the rockets increase in numbers because there was no deterrent. The only thing Isreal can do is take a leaf out of islams book and roll tanks into gaza flattening everything in sight and poisoning the very earth. When the UN demands they stop tell them to keep out of Israel's business unless they are prepared to help chastise the naughty gazan terrorists.
Israel's done nothing of the kind.

If they wanted peace, why are they always breaking the ceasefires?
The United Nations uses the concept of 'effective control' to propagate the myth that Israel occupies Gaza.

Israel blockades Gaza from the outside.

Israel launches punitive raids across the border from the outside, and then returns to the outside, once Hamas has provoked them into making such a raid or strike.

But they do not control Gaza.

Fuck the United Nations definition.

Their General Assembly bends over so far to kiss Arab ass that they are no longer reliable as an arbiter in such matters, anyway.

Israel does not occupy Gaza.

Although they should.

And they probably will, again, and soon.

With or without Arabs being present.
Sorry, you can't make up your own rules as you go along.
"...That "might-makes-right" bullshit never lasts. Sooner or later, the bullies always get their ass whipped."
It doesn't have to last forever... only another couple of decades.

By then, the Palestinians will have long-since been dispersed into Jordan and Lebanon, and this will all blow over. No worries.

It's all a matter of timing.
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Sure you can.

We do it all the time.

So does Israel.

All it takes is the muscle and the balls to enforce your will.

Comes in handy, when bags-o-wind like UN diplomats start kissing Arab ass to keep the oil flowing.
That "might-makes-right" bullshit never lasts.

Sooner or later, the bullies always get their ass whipped.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_zDs9-ufbw]Johnny Cash - That old Wheel - YouTube[/ame]
"...Sorry, you can't make up your own rules as you go along."
Sure you can.

We do it all the time.

So does Israel.

All it takes is the muscle and the balls to enforce your will.

Comes in handy, when bags-o-wind like UN diplomats start kissing Arab ass to keep the oil flowing.

Israel always brags about its military might but BDS is turning that might back against Israel.
Sure you can. We do it all the time. So does Israel. All it takes is the muscle and the balls to enforce your will. Comes in handy, when bags-o-wind like UN diplomats start kissing Arab ass to keep the oil flowing.
That "might-makes-right" bullshit never lasts. Sooner or later, the bullies always get their ass whipped.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_zDs9-ufbw]Johnny Cash - That old Wheel - YouTube[/ame]

"Dreamer... silly little dreamer..."

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"...Sorry, you can't make up your own rules as you go along."
Sure you can. We do it all the time. So does Israel. All it takes is the muscle and the balls to enforce your will. Comes in handy, when bags-o-wind like UN diplomats start kissing Arab ass to keep the oil flowing.

Israel always brags about its military might but BDS is turning that might back against Israel.
BDS and $3.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

It's a flea.

But, considering that it's the only thing you've got going for you with even a vague hint of hope, I can see why you cling to it so fiercely and attribute all kinds of miraculous possibilities to it.

You are destined to be rudely and grievously disillusioned.
It doesn't have to last forever... only another couple of decades.

By then, the Palestinians will have long-since been dispersed into Jordan and Lebanon, and this will all blow over. No worries.

It's all a matter of timing.
Israel's crimes are far too brazen and belligerent for the world to tolerate two more decades of this bullshit before it decides enough is enough.

No one who considers themselves a human being can allow Israel's crimes against humanity to go on without eventually doing something about it.

It happened to Hitler; it will happen to Israel.
Don't talk such crap, Israel has not occupied gaza since august 2005. What you call occupation is Israel abiding by International law and stopping the influx of enemy agents into Israel. You should try looking at the International law regarding national borders and what steps a country can take to protect them. But no doubt you believe that the US is occupying Canada and Mexico because it does the same things Israel does to protect its borders.

Now if you think Israel occupies gaza then Egypt must also occupy gaza because it also has a blockade on gaza.
If you don't know what "effective control" is, then you're in a conversation that is way over your head.
The rocket attacks have only killed 28 people in 13 years.

"Only"? WTF is that? Firing rockets into civilian neighborhoods is a War Crime, and this comment is so fucking stupid I won't bother going any further.

That's hardly an epidemic.

Sure asshole, let me fire them into your neighborhood, we'll see how well you and your neighbors enjoy it.

Like I've said so many times before, this forum REALLY needs better, smarter pro-arab posters - the morons arguing for them here are simple devoid of any intelligence. :eusa_hand:

The rocket attacks are always in response to an Israeli air strike or targeted killing.

Really? That's hilarious bs, and there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of attacks placing bombs near the fence, suicide bombings and artillery fire at the karni and other crossings - all in isolation. Stick to the facts, dimwit.

I'm not demanding concessions from Israel. I'm demanding they honor international law and human rights and end the occupation and blockade. It's an occupation. There's nothing to concede. Just get the fuck off land that isn't yours.

Ah, another fly-by-nighter loser in their teens who thinks this conflict started like 5-10 years ago... :cuckoo:

Israel was under relentless attack for DECADES BEFORE 1967....can your tiny brain comprehend what that means WRT the alleged "occupation"?

The only thing Gazan's can do, is what Israel allows them to do.

Yeah, you're right, because the concept of negotiations and peaceful relations with non-arab muslim neighbors is not in the dictionary or thought process of arab muslims. The only thing they can do, according to imbecilic enablers like you, is further terrorism, yeah, got it :eusa_whistle:

You're almost as stupid as tin-douche.

End the occupation and blockade and Israel won't get rockets.

Yeah ok, they'll just get terrorist attacks and artillery fire like they did for the 20+ years BEFORE the 1967 war.

I cannot help but laugh at people as stupid as you are.
If Israel wanted to protect its citizens, it would end the occupation and blockade and stop making the Pals life a living hell.

This is the only sentence in your garbage post I'll respond to; with the following questions which no doubt you and the tin-douch chimp will ignore:

1) how do you explain the terrorism against israel for the decades BEFORE the alleged occupation?

2) how do you explain the rocket fire and attacks from lebanon even though it left lebanon years before?

3) if israel leaves the west bank and gaza today, what will you do/say if israel continues to experience rocket/artillery fire and terrorist attacks, even 5-10 years AFTER exiting?

If you can answer those questions credibly, then it might be possible to have a rational discussion. I expect that neither you nor the other jackass polluting this thread will even attempt to do so, since neither of you are credible.
"might-makes-right" bullshit never lasts. Sooner or later, the bullies always get their ass whipped.

There's 400 million arab muslims, and 5 million jews - and the jews are the bullies?

You should ask the copts, chaldeans, maronites, assyrians, azeria, bahai, kurds, and a load of other minority groups suffering muslim oppression in the mideast who they believe are the "bullies."

Oh that's right, a dimwit like you never heard about those groups in your high school social studies class or at the shit sites you read like electronicintifada, where it is all jews, all the time. :cuckoo:

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