What Netanyahu's Victory Tells Me

No, the Society of Saint Francis, whose friars live and work in Palestine, blame the Israeli occupation for the departure of Christians from Palestine. The Society of Saint Francis is not blaming the Israelis for "everything", just blaming them for the departure of Christians from Palestine.

Why don't the Christians want to live with Muslims? that always works out so well. :rolleyes:

What does that have to do with the fact that the Society of Saint Francis has determined that Christians are leaving Palestine as a result of the Israeli occupation?

They are leaving because the Palestnian leadership is making life miserable for everybody and Musłims practice Shariah Apartheid on Christians.

Well life as a Christian under a majority Islamic population is uncomfortable in general, they are probably leaving because the Islamists are treating them like shit. If you gave a Christian a choice to live in Israel or Palestine they would all choose Israel hands down.

That is untrue in the case of Palestine. They are leaving because of the Israeli occupation as stated by the Christians themselves and observers such as the friars of the Society of Saint Francis. As for the Palestinian Christians, they have spoken up in movies and blame the Israelis:

You can, of course, believe the anti-Palestinian propaganda.

THe robot keeps referring to this society as if they represent Christians. Ha ha ha.
Sad day, shows who really loves to fight and kill.

Israel is surrounded by violent neighbors who want to destroy them, they need a leader like Netanyahu right now.

I really wonder if he is the right choice. Right now, with growing instability and extremism represented by groups such as ISIS, it seems they need a leader who can also build coalitions with the more stable states in the region who are also threatened by this. It also needs someone who can settle the Palestinian issue so they can move on to other things - without alienating themselves further. The constant cry of "wolf" is a distractor from real issues both domestically and foreign.
Settle the Palestinian issue?

It hasn't been settled in 66+ years.

There is zero chance that anybody, serving-up any solution (other than the Jews packing up and leaving, or dying), is going to do that, short of expulsion.


Bibi merely concedes the impossibility of such a solution, and declares that it will not be attempted on his watch.

The sort of 'coalitions' you speak of here will materialize if it is in the best interests of the surrounding states to subscribe to such an idea.

And, then, only until they, themselves, are out of danger.

The Arab-Muslim states of the region are, by nature, unstable, and volatile, and untrustworthy, to some extent or another.

And, for the most part, a 'large' extent.

Like I said, Israel will eventually annex the West Bank and call it by its rightful name for the last 3000 years before Arab Muslims changed it in the 1940's: Judeah and Samaria. There is no other solution.

Maybe Jordan, the real Arab Palestine, can work something out to take those that don't like it.

It hasn't been called Judeah or Samaria for over 2,000 years. Will Samaritans have the right of return to Samaria?

that is him, everyone look who you elected. Please bibi return the 3.2 billion we gave you this year!!
But he is the best salesman that BDS ever had.

Truly an asset.

Still playing that defunct Bowel Discharge Syndrome tune?
10 Years after Modest Launch, Israeli Apartheid Week Spans the Globe

In March 2005, the Arab Students’ Collective, a campus organisation at the University of Toronto, held a series of local events to support Palestinians and protest Israeli policies. Hoping to broaden debate at the end of the second Intifada and on the eve of Israel’s redeployment of ground forces and settlers from the Gaza Strip,
originally called “the separation plan,”
they called their proceedings Israeli Apartheid Week.

A decade on, their creation has become an annual and globally-recognised event. This year, it will feature cultural and educational events, as well as public protests in more than 200 cities on six continents.

Activists say the campaign’s growth indicates the rising appeal of its message.


Israel apartheid. You utter twit.

Get this. Arabs!

The next largest party is the Joint Arab List at 13 seats, followed by Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid at 12 and Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu at 10.
Sad day, shows who really loves to fight and kill.

Israel is surrounded by violent neighbors who want to destroy them, they need a leader like Netanyahu right now.
The WORLD needs a leader like Netanyahu now. He speaks with moral clarity and calls the enemy what it is. He is a modern day Churchill.

Heaven forbid, keep him in Israel, hes more like Stalin.

Go back to school you crazy Pali Nazi woman. How is he like Stalin?
Why don't the Christians want to live with Muslims? that always works out so well. :rolleyes:

What does that have to do with the fact that the Society of Saint Francis has determined that Christians are leaving Palestine as a result of the Israeli occupation?

They are leaving because the Palestnian leadership is making life miserable for everybody and Musłims practice Shariah Apartheid on Christians.

Well life as a Christian under a majority Islamic population is uncomfortable in general, they are probably leaving because the Islamists are treating them like shit. If you gave a Christian a choice to live in Israel or Palestine they would all choose Israel hands down.

That is untrue in the case of Palestine. They are leaving because of the Israeli occupation as stated by the Christians themselves and observers such as the friars of the Society of Saint Francis. As for the Palestinian Christians, they have spoken up in movies and blame the Israelis:

You can, of course, believe the anti-Palestinian propaganda.

THe robot keeps referring to this society as if they represent Christians. Ha ha ha.

These are Palestinians saying the same thing Ruddy. It's not just the Society of Saint Francis. If you knew anything about Christianity you would know that the Franciscans are the most respected religious order.

Sad day, shows who really loves to fight and kill.

Israel is surrounded by violent neighbors who want to destroy them, they need a leader like Netanyahu right now.

I really wonder if he is the right choice. Right now, with growing instability and extremism represented by groups such as ISIS, it seems they need a leader who can also build coalitions with the more stable states in the region who are also threatened by this. It also needs someone who can settle the Palestinian issue so they can move on to other things - without alienating themselves further. The constant cry of "wolf" is a distractor from real issues both domestically and foreign.
Settle the Palestinian issue?

It hasn't been settled in 66+ years.

There is zero chance that anybody, serving-up any solution (other than the Jews packing up and leaving, or dying), is going to do that, short of expulsion.


Bibi merely concedes the impossibility of such a solution, and declares that it will not be attempted on his watch.

The sort of 'coalitions' you speak of here will materialize if it is in the best interests of the surrounding states to subscribe to such an idea.

And, then, only until they, themselves, are out of danger.

The Arab-Muslim states of the region are, by nature, unstable, and volatile, and untrustworthy, to some extent or another.

And, for the most part, a 'large' extent.

Like I said, Israel will eventually annex the West Bank and call it by its rightful name for the last 3000 years before Arab Muslims changed it in the 1940's: Judeah and Samaria. There is no other solution.

Maybe Jordan, the real Arab Palestine, can work something out to take those that don't like it.

It hasn't been called Judeah or Samaria for over 2,000 years. Will Samaritans have the right of return to Samaria?

No. They're too busy taking late night calls from neurotics like you.
Sad day, shows who really loves to fight and kill.

Israel is surrounded by violent neighbors who want to destroy them, they need a leader like Netanyahu right now.

I really wonder if he is the right choice. Right now, with growing instability and extremism represented by groups such as ISIS, it seems they need a leader who can also build coalitions with the more stable states in the region who are also threatened by this. It also needs someone who can settle the Palestinian issue so they can move on to other things - without alienating themselves further. The constant cry of "wolf" is a distractor from real issues both domestically and foreign.
Settle the Palestinian issue?

It hasn't been settled in 66+ years.

There is zero chance that anybody, serving-up any solution (other than the Jews packing up and leaving, or dying), is going to do that, short of expulsion.


Bibi merely concedes the impossibility of such a solution, and declares that it will not be attempted on his watch.

The sort of 'coalitions' you speak of here will materialize if it is in the best interests of the surrounding states to subscribe to such an idea.

And, then, only until they, themselves, are out of danger.

The Arab-Muslim states of the region are, by nature, unstable, and volatile, and untrustworthy, to some extent or another.

And, for the most part, a 'large' extent.

Like I said, Israel will eventually annex the West Bank and call it by its rightful name for the last 3000 years before Arab Muslims changed it in the 1940's: Judeah and Samaria. There is no other solution.

Maybe Jordan, the real Arab Palestine, can work something out to take those that don't like it.

It hasn't been called Judeah or Samaria for over 2,000 years. Will Samaritans have the right of return to Samaria?

Bullshit! And when did the name West Bank come around, like 60 years ago, when Jordan and Egypt Attacked the newly formed Israel and occupied West Bank and Gaza? And how come they didn't create this mythical state of Palstine after 20 years, of occupation. Can you show us why there was no Paestinian movement to form a state?

A mythical name for a mythical region, for a mythical people, for a mythical state. Ha ha ha.
Sad day, shows who really loves to fight and kill.

Israel is surrounded by violent neighbors who want to destroy them, they need a leader like Netanyahu right now.
The WORLD needs a leader like Netanyahu now. He speaks with moral clarity and calls the enemy what it is. He is a modern day Churchill.

Heaven forbid, keep him in Israel, hes more like Stalin.

Go back to school you crazy Pali Nazi woman. How is he like Stalin?
What does that have to do with the fact that the Society of Saint Francis has determined that Christians are leaving Palestine as a result of the Israeli occupation?

They are leaving because the Palestnian leadership is making life miserable for everybody and Musłims practice Shariah Apartheid on Christians.

Well life as a Christian under a majority Islamic population is uncomfortable in general, they are probably leaving because the Islamists are treating them like shit. If you gave a Christian a choice to live in Israel or Palestine they would all choose Israel hands down.

That is untrue in the case of Palestine. They are leaving because of the Israeli occupation as stated by the Christians themselves and observers such as the friars of the Society of Saint Francis. As for the Palestinian Christians, they have spoken up in movies and blame the Israelis:

You can, of course, believe the anti-Palestinian propaganda.

THe robot keeps referring to this society as if they represent Christians. Ha ha ha.

These are Palestinians saying the same thing Ruddy. It's not just the Society of Saint Francis. If you knew anything about Christianity you would know that the Franciscans are the most respected religious order.

Meaningless drivel and propoganda. Majority of Christians in and out of Israel would rather Jews be in control. They know what happens when Muslims take control.
Sad day, shows who really loves to fight and kill.

Israel is surrounded by violent neighbors who want to destroy them, they need a leader like Netanyahu right now.
The WORLD needs a leader like Netanyahu now. He speaks with moral clarity and calls the enemy what it is. He is a modern day Churchill.

Heaven forbid, keep him in Israel, hes more like Stalin.

Go back to school you crazy Pali Nazi woman. How is he like Stalin?

What I thought. You have no answer. Just vomit labels.
Israel is surrounded by violent neighbors who want to destroy them, they need a leader like Netanyahu right now.

I really wonder if he is the right choice. Right now, with growing instability and extremism represented by groups such as ISIS, it seems they need a leader who can also build coalitions with the more stable states in the region who are also threatened by this. It also needs someone who can settle the Palestinian issue so they can move on to other things - without alienating themselves further. The constant cry of "wolf" is a distractor from real issues both domestically and foreign.
Settle the Palestinian issue?

It hasn't been settled in 66+ years.

There is zero chance that anybody, serving-up any solution (other than the Jews packing up and leaving, or dying), is going to do that, short of expulsion.


Bibi merely concedes the impossibility of such a solution, and declares that it will not be attempted on his watch.

The sort of 'coalitions' you speak of here will materialize if it is in the best interests of the surrounding states to subscribe to such an idea.

And, then, only until they, themselves, are out of danger.

The Arab-Muslim states of the region are, by nature, unstable, and volatile, and untrustworthy, to some extent or another.

And, for the most part, a 'large' extent.

Like I said, Israel will eventually annex the West Bank and call it by its rightful name for the last 3000 years before Arab Muslims changed it in the 1940's: Judeah and Samaria. There is no other solution.

Maybe Jordan, the real Arab Palestine, can work something out to take those that don't like it.

It hasn't been called Judeah or Samaria for over 2,000 years. Will Samaritans have the right of return to Samaria?

Bullshit! And when did the name West Bank come around, like 60 years ago, when Jordan and Egypt Attacked the newly formed Israel and occupied West Bank and Gaza? And how come they didn't create this mythical state of Palstine after 20 years, of occupation. Can you show us why there was no Paestinian movement to form a state?

A mythical name for a mythical region, for a mythical people, for a mythical state. Ha ha ha.

The people are actually there, not mythical at all. What is mythical about the name Palestine. It is just the English version of the Latin name place Palaestina and was .called such until the Sassanids defeated the Romans and conquered it. Don't know what the Sassanids called it, but they were Persians and of the Zoroastrian religion, so go figure.
They are leaving because the Palestnian leadership is making life miserable for everybody and Musłims practice Shariah Apartheid on Christians.

Well life as a Christian under a majority Islamic population is uncomfortable in general, they are probably leaving because the Islamists are treating them like shit. If you gave a Christian a choice to live in Israel or Palestine they would all choose Israel hands down.

That is untrue in the case of Palestine. They are leaving because of the Israeli occupation as stated by the Christians themselves and observers such as the friars of the Society of Saint Francis. As for the Palestinian Christians, they have spoken up in movies and blame the Israelis:

You can, of course, believe the anti-Palestinian propaganda.

THe robot keeps referring to this society as if they represent Christians. Ha ha ha.

These are Palestinians saying the same thing Ruddy. It's not just the Society of Saint Francis. If you knew anything about Christianity you would know that the Franciscans are the most respected religious order.

Meaningless drivel and propoganda. Majority of Christians in and out of Israel would rather Jews be in control. They know what happens when Muslims take control.

Christians in Palestine do not want Jews in control. They want the Jews out.
The race card. How cute. How do you explain the Arab List being the third largest coalition in the Knesset? Hmm? Really, I see true colors already, and it comes from someone who can't handle the reality that Likud won, Bibi won; and you, your philosophies, and all of your party's ideals all lost.

Netanyahu made the statement that there will NEVER be a Palestinian homeland. To that extent - he appealed to the far right and the religious settlers and racism does play a part in some of that appeal. While Israel is not aparthied, there is discrimmination towards Arab citizens and inequalities that are well documented.

And the majority of Islamic nations are apartheid and state that no Jew will be allowed to live inside their borders. That does not mean they cant visit it means they face summary murder for their religion/race. Any wonder the Jews act as they do towards the worlds muslims ?

It's not Muslim/Jew - it's Palestinians and the Palestinians include Christians and Muslims (although Israel is trying to split it) and once included Jews (who chose to become Israelis).

So you have not heard that the Palestinians have reduced the population of Christians in Palestine by 90% since 2006. While the numbers of Christians in Israel has risen by 10% over and above natural growth. It is simply the arab muslims enacting the commands of their gods to kill the Jews, and following the edicts of their various charters that also demand they kill the Jews.
And don't say that the charters have been repealed because they haven't

Now try looking for a video from an expelled Christian that will tell the truth, not one in fear of his life and his families lives
"The number of indigenous Christians in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), is about 60,000, belonging to many different Christian denominations; Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Catholics, Anglicans and Protestants. The severe policies imposed by the Israeli occupation against Muslims and Christians in Palestine has forced many Christians to leave their country of birth, looking elsewhere for a more secure life where human beings are treated and respected as citizens. As a result, the number of Christians is decreasing drastically."

Palestinian Christians under occupation The Society of Saint Francis

"The number of indigenous Christians in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), is about 60,000, belonging to many different Christian denominations; Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Catholics, Anglicans and Protestants. The severe policies imposed by the Israeli occupation against Muslims and Christians in Palestine has forced many Christians to leave their country of birth, looking elsewhere for a more secure life where human beings are treated and respected as citizens. As a result, the number of Christians is decreasing drastically."

Palestinian Christians under occupation The Society of Saint Francis
Israel is building many settlements and walls around the Jerusalem, Bethlehem area.
Those areas are heavily populated by Christians. They get their homes and land bulldozed regularly and their businesses cut off from their trade. Then Israel blames the Muslims when they leave.

They are building on land that was owned by Jews prior to 1948 when the arab muslims forcibly evicted them, stole their property and raped their females. Murdering many in the process.

The Jews have returned to reclaim their lands and the arab muslims are whinging about it.
"The number of indigenous Christians in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), is about 60,000, belonging to many different Christian denominations; Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Catholics, Anglicans and Protestants. The severe policies imposed by the Israeli occupation against Muslims and Christians in Palestine has forced many Christians to leave their country of birth, looking elsewhere for a more secure life where human beings are treated and respected as citizens. As a result, the number of Christians is decreasing drastically."

Palestinian Christians under occupation The Society of Saint Francis


Why do you even attempt even a primitive form of communication with that dolt? He doesn't deserve the attention.
What does that have to do with the fact that the Society of Saint Francis has determined that Christians are leaving Palestine as a result of the Israeli occupation?

They are leaving because the Palestnian leadership is making life miserable for everybody and Musłims practice Shariah Apartheid on Christians.

Well life as a Christian under a majority Islamic population is uncomfortable in general, they are probably leaving because the Islamists are treating them like shit. If you gave a Christian a choice to live in Israel or Palestine they would all choose Israel hands down.

That is untrue in the case of Palestine. They are leaving because of the Israeli occupation as stated by the Christians themselves and observers such as the friars of the Society of Saint Francis. As for the Palestinian Christians, they have spoken up in movies and blame the Israelis:

You can, of course, believe the anti-Palestinian propaganda.

THe robot keeps referring to this society as if they represent Christians. Ha ha ha.

These are Palestinians saying the same thing Ruddy. It's not just the Society of Saint Francis. If you knew anything about Christianity you would know that the Franciscans are the most respected religious order.

The Society of Saint Francis can lick my sweaty balls.
The race card. How cute. How do you explain the Arab List being the third largest coalition in the Knesset? Hmm? Really, I see true colors already, and it comes from someone who can't handle the reality that Likud won, Bibi won; and you, your philosophies, and all of your party's ideals all lost.

Netanyahu made the statement that there will NEVER be a Palestinian homeland. To that extent - he appealed to the far right and the religious settlers and racism does play a part in some of that appeal. While Israel is not aparthied, there is discrimmination towards Arab citizens and inequalities that are well documented.

And the majority of Islamic nations are apartheid and state that no Jew will be allowed to live inside their borders. That does not mean they cant visit it means they face summary murder for their religion/race. Any wonder the Jews act as they do towards the worlds muslims ?

It's not Muslim/Jew - it's Palestinians and the Palestinians include Christians and Muslims (although Israel is trying to split it) and once included Jews (who chose to become Israelis).

So you have not heard that the Palestinians have reduced the population of Christians in Palestine by 90% since 2006. While the numbers of Christians in Israel has risen by 10% over and above natural growth. It is simply the arab muslims enacting the commands of their gods to kill the Jews, and following the edicts of their various charters that also demand they kill the Jews.
And don't say that the charters have been repealed because they haven't


Bethlehem s last Christians - Israel Opinion Ynetnews

It was a political operation that also served to cover the crimes committed against Christians by the PLO and the Islamic groups: forced marriage, conversions, beatings, land theft, fire bombings, commercial boycott, torture, kidnapping, sexual harassment, and extortion.

The latest victim has been the Baptist Church in Bethlehem, which the Palestinian Authority just declared as illegitimate, as the US church’s message of reconciliation flies in the face of the hateful propaganda permeating Palestinian society. Arab Christians were obliged to make continual compromises, afraid to mention their own suffering for fear of irritating the Muslim authorities. Soon it became a taboo subject even in the West.

When last month Ayaan Hirsi Ali penned the Newsweek cover story on the persecution of Christians under Islam, she did not mention the Palestinian areas, where Christians dropped from 15% of the population in 1950 to just 2% today.

Ethnic Cleansing Christians Middle East Gaza Islamists

The ethnic cleansing of Christians in Gaza by Hamas and other Islamists is a story rarely told in Western media.

It doesn’t fit the dishonest media narrative of Hamas and its supporters being victims.

This report by Israeli channel i24, which we have been using for a live feed during the current war, is from January 2014:
There is no longer a point to the negotiations for the establishment of a Palestinian state at this point. The international effort effort now will have to be an arrangement through which the non-Jewish residents of the areas controlled by Israel become enfranchised.

Gee your right, the Muslims there should embrace the Jews and become like them, and live among them in peace. They can then become citizens, go to their schools and become one with them. This must be what PM Bibi means, no Palestine State, he wants them all to be one. Same healthcare and schooling.

The downside is they would need to start working for that, and we all know that work and Palestinians don't go together
This is funny twist for politics, if 'Yachad' will get another 10,000 votes out of 187,000 soldiers they'll join the coalition, so far the Arabs were only accepting to sit with the Zionist Camp but denied Meretz citing Meretz are 'Centered Zionist Party' - get the picture and tell me if you'd trust them enough to vote for them.

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