What Netanyahu's Victory Tells Me


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Let me first off proclaim: Mahapach! What a tremendous upheaval!

"Mahapach" was a term first used by the Israeli media when Benny Begin's Likud Party won the majority in the Knesset for the first time in 1977.

Netanyahu's win in last night's elections told me that the security and safety of Israel were paramount, always has, always will be. While having some concern over cost of living and social issues, Israelis still recognized the threats being posed to their nation by Iran and Hezbollah. No amount of meddling by American President Barack Obama's former campaign operatives was going to change that feeling. An attempt by the selfsame operatives to compromise a foreign nation's elections failed miserably, and that tells me Israelis were smart enough not to fall for it. Israel chose wisely.

Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu, a well fought and well earned victory is yours!

That is all.
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It told me that security and safety were paramount, always has, always will be. While having some concern over cost of living and social issues, Israelis still recognized the threats being posed to their nation by Iran and Hezbollah. No amount of meddling by American President Barack Obama's former campaign operatives was going to change that feeling. An attempt by the selfsame operatives to compromise a foreign nation's elections failed miserably, and that tells me Israelis were smart enough not to fall for it. Israel chose wisely.

Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu, a well fought and well earned victory is yours!

That is all.
Really what it tells me is he made a last minute appeal to racism to narrowly save his ass and in doing so showed the rest of the world his true colors
It told me that security and safety were paramount, always has, always will be. While having some concern over cost of living and social issues, Israelis still recognized the threats being posed to their nation by Iran and Hezbollah. No amount of meddling by American President Barack Obama's former campaign operatives was going to change that feeling. An attempt by the selfsame operatives to compromise a foreign nation's elections failed miserably, and that tells me Israelis were smart enough not to fall for it. Israel chose wisely.

Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu, a well fought and well earned victory is yours!

That is all.
Really what it tells me is he made a last minute appeal to racism to narrowly save his ass and in doing so showed the rest of the world his true colors
Obviously when you dislike someone you'd be glad knowing something bad happened to him.
It told me that security and safety were paramount, always has, always will be. While having some concern over cost of living and social issues, Israelis still recognized the threats being posed to their nation by Iran and Hezbollah. No amount of meddling by American President Barack Obama's former campaign operatives was going to change that feeling. An attempt by the selfsame operatives to compromise a foreign nation's elections failed miserably, and that tells me Israelis were smart enough not to fall for it. Israel chose wisely.

Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu, a well fought and well earned victory is yours!

That is all.
Really what it tells me is he made a last minute appeal to racism to narrowly save his ass and in doing so showed the rest of the world his true colors

The race card. How cute. How do you explain the Arab List being the third largest coalition in the Knesset? Hmm? Really, I see true colors already, and it comes from someone who can't handle the reality that Likud won, Bibi won; and you, your philosophies, and all of your party's ideals all lost.
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Netanyahu claims victory in Israel election after hard right shift
Netanyahu claims victory in Israel election after hard right shift Reuters

Of course, or could have been a foregone conclusion that Netanyahu was going to win anyway. The media obviously hated Netanyahu, and the polls were embarrassingly off, by 4 seats. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the media was trying to run him out themselves. Whatever the case was, all those attempts at character assassination and meddling by foreigners failed horribly.

So off with you!
This is as delightful a day as I've had since November when obama and his democraps were soundly crushed at the voting booth.

This is a giant FUCK YOU to obama, the liberal media, especially the NYT and other scumbag leftwing outlets like it and MSNBC who so desperately wanted Netanyahu to lose. But the Israeli public is not going to allow its elections to be manipulated by the bottom-feeding scum of the earth imported from Wash DC to try and damage the Israeli elective process.

This is especially enjoyable knowing that he will likely outlast obama, who now will have to contend with him for his remaining 2 years in office.

I can just taste those delicious tears streaming down the faces of obama, abe rosenthal, the scumbags who consist of the NYT editorial board, and all those obama supporters and leftist, liberal trash hoping Netanyahu would lose. Here's a tissue, idiots...
Let me first off proclaim: Mahapach! What a tremendous upheaval!

"Mahapach" was a term first used by the Israeli media when Benny Begin's Likud Party won the majority in the Knesset for the first time in 1977.

Netanyahu's win in last night's elections told me that the security and safety of Israel were paramount, always has, always will be. While having some concern over cost of living and social issues, Israelis still recognized the threats being posed to their nation by Iran and Hezbollah. No amount of meddling by American President Barack Obama's former campaign operatives was going to change that feeling. An attempt by the selfsame operatives to compromise a foreign nation's elections failed miserably, and that tells me Israelis were smart enough not to fall for it. Israel chose wisely.

Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu, a well fought and well earned victory is yours!

That is all.
Win???? on 23% of the Vote.....you'll tell me next that this is Democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me first off proclaim: Mahapach! What a tremendous upheaval!

"Mahapach" was a term first used by the Israeli media when Benny Begin's Likud Party won the majority in the Knesset for the first time in 1977.

Netanyahu's win in last night's elections told me that the security and safety of Israel were paramount, always has, always will be. While having some concern over cost of living and social issues, Israelis still recognized the threats being posed to their nation by Iran and Hezbollah. No amount of meddling by American President Barack Obama's former campaign operatives was going to change that feeling. An attempt by the selfsame operatives to compromise a foreign nation's elections failed miserably, and that tells me Israelis were smart enough not to fall for it. Israel chose wisely.

Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu, a well fought and well earned victory is yours!

That is all.
Win???? on 23% of the Vote.....you'll tell me next that this is Democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep up idiot. Netanyahu won. And yes, it's a democracy, that's why the Arab Muslim block has 13 seats. Let us know when a Muslim shithole gives Jews or Christians "equal rights".
Netanyahu claims victory in Israel election after hard right shift
Netanyahu claims victory in Israel election after hard right shift Reuters

Of course, or could have been a foregone conclusion that Netanyahu was going to win anyway. The media obviously hated Netanyahu, and the polls were embarrassingly off, by 4 seats. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the media was trying to run him out themselves. Whatever the case was, all those attempts at character assassination and meddling by foreigners failed horribly.

So off with you!
4 seats and 23% of the vote.....Some Democracy you have...............only Australia have real Democracy where every vote counts.
I smell another BUTTHURT troll. Smells more like burnt butt. :lmao:
Let me first off proclaim: Mahapach! What a tremendous upheaval!

"Mahapach" was a term first used by the Israeli media when Benny Begin's Likud Party won the majority in the Knesset for the first time in 1977.

Netanyahu's win in last night's elections told me that the security and safety of Israel were paramount, always has, always will be. While having some concern over cost of living and social issues, Israelis still recognized the threats being posed to their nation by Iran and Hezbollah. No amount of meddling by American President Barack Obama's former campaign operatives was going to change that feeling. An attempt by the selfsame operatives to compromise a foreign nation's elections failed miserably, and that tells me Israelis were smart enough not to fall for it. Israel chose wisely.

Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu, a well fought and well earned victory is yours!

That is all.
Win???? on 23% of the Vote.....you'll tell me next that this is Democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep up idiot. Netanyahu won. And yes, it's a democracy, that's why the Arab Muslim block has 13 seats. Let us know when a Muslim shithole gives Jews or Christians "equal rights".
I repeat 23%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!of the vote is no Democracy at all.......but go on believing Roudy..steve...I'm so glad YOU are so Happy????????????????????????Sad Indeed........77 into 23 don't go.....does it.
Let me first off proclaim: Mahapach! What a tremendous upheaval!

"Mahapach" was a term first used by the Israeli media when Benny Begin's Likud Party won the majority in the Knesset for the first time in 1977.

Netanyahu's win in last night's elections told me that the security and safety of Israel were paramount, always has, always will be. While having some concern over cost of living and social issues, Israelis still recognized the threats being posed to their nation by Iran and Hezbollah. No amount of meddling by American President Barack Obama's former campaign operatives was going to change that feeling. An attempt by the selfsame operatives to compromise a foreign nation's elections failed miserably, and that tells me Israelis were smart enough not to fall for it. Israel chose wisely.

Congratulations, Mr. Netanyahu, a well fought and well earned victory is yours!

That is all.
Win???? on 23% of the Vote.....you'll tell me next that this is Democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He won most of the voter's votes.
I smell another BUTTHURT troll. Smells more like burnt butt. :lmao:
Me not hurt at all,but I do wonder at those that think 23% of the vote is somehow a mandate,maybe you could explain that to me,because NO ONE ELSE CAN.

Welcome to the first grade. You see, let's say there are 68% voting rate, right? Likud wins 23% of the votes, Hertzog wins little more than 18%, The Arabs win 11%, all the rest win very little. It's the majority, the 23%, that is going to decide on how the government is going to be assembeled, since they have more chances to form a coalition. In our case, that's the Likud party.

Not so complicated, right?


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