
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
What is taught is
opposite of the words in text: Examples:

Heaven is this earth (but they say sky):

(Ecclesiastes 1:4) (Psalm 37:22) (Psalm 37:34) (Psalms 37:29)
(Proverbs 10:30) (KJV:22) (Isaiah 24:21-23) (Isaiah 25:8) (Matt 16:18)

Mishnah: Israel will have a portion in the world to come, for it is written,"Thy people are all righteous; they shall inherit the land forever,(heaven on earth) the branch of my planting, the work of My hands, that I may be glorified.'

Death is final rest back to the dust of the earth (but they say sky):

"All go to the same place; all originate
from dust and all return to dust." Ecc 3:20

THE CREATOR IS NOT A MAN (but they picture him as one):

G0D himself says that "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).
"Your not to paint a picture of spiritual beings."


"And a right Prophet (Prophet of Righteousness ) will the Lord your God give you, a Prophet from among you, of your brethren."

"...out of thee(MAN) shall come forth unto me a Judge to be Ruler in Israel,and this is the King Messiah."

ADDitional problems are in their teaching regarding satan as the God (Creator)of this world(creation) and also regarding Satan:
Daniel 7:25"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the holy ones of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a season and seasons and half a season.
THIS WAS DONE WITH the church who's created character missionized exactly 3-1/2 years.

Luke : talks about THE "SON OF MAN" taking from all groups knowledge and all mans accomplishments & intellect to teach us the apostles and icon speaking is using third person tense as another to come in another name.
1)that he wasn't son of man that he was emulating (like unto)-rev1:13,rev22:16
2)that son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28.
3) that you'd come in his name saying HE was christ deceiving many even the elect.
Yet repetitive declarations totally elude them.
So simple and straightforward.. Any can find the truth by searching the scriptures diligently... There is no need for a priest or a rector or a clergyman of any kind to help one... I suppose the reason the Catholic Church and the other Christian denominations teach otherwise is because it is truly a Mystery to them or they just want to mystify and befuddle the average man or women with their bull ...t. course that way they get to collect money and keep the game going forever and here you are giving it away for free with no ketch..Must rot their socks and their pocketbooks....
You guys sure do obsess over Jesus.
While you guys sure do obsess over me.
You got yourself again while going after me, aren't you tired of hitting yourself and noticing you have a Wile E Coyote thing going on, you keep blowing yourself with the bombs you intend for me. Seriously, you could be a Hamas rocket launcher with a track record that you have lobbing your rockets in the air only to come back down destroying your own house.
You guys sure do obsess over Jesus.
While you guys sure do obsess over me.
You got yourself again while going after me, aren't you tired of hitting yourself and noticing you have a Wile E Coyote thing going on, you keep blowing yourself with the bombs you intend for me. Seriously, you could be a Hamas rocket launcher with a track record that you have lobbing your rockets in the air only to come back down destroying your own house.
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But you aren't Jesus anymore than you are an archangel.
I suppose if one can't perceive in their minds the first walk they may very well be lost to understanding the second one.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea."

"Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace."
You guys sure do obsess over Jesus.
While you guys sure do obsess over me.
You got yourself again while going after me, aren't you tired of hitting yourself and noticing you have a Wile E Coyote thing going on, you keep blowing yourself with the bombs you intend for me. Seriously, you could be a Hamas rocket launcher with a track record that you have lobbing your rockets in the air only to come back down destroying your own house.
View attachment 117636
But you aren't Jesus anymore than you are an archangel.
And Jesus wasn't me (Rev 1:13) anymore then he was top prophet messenger.
You hit yourself again.
But worse, then who was he the top messenger of? Morning (Baal) Star(messenger) son of the morning(son of baal).
Son of=reflection(messenger) of
Claimed the only begotten son of his god can't be YHWH because Psalm says David was a begotten son, therefore that leads one conclusion and admission in Rev 22:16 that Jesus is his father Baal as one, which is why Jesus Baal=666 in numerology.
This is why you spend every waking hour playing the role of the satanist yet spent all that time flogging yourself.
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It is interesting that we are accused of obsessing over Jesus when it is Christianity and its followers that are truly the ones obsessed... We are just bringing out the blemishes and warts in the idol Jesus for all to see......I remember as a child being subjected by holier then thou Christians wanting to Save me even though I had the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I was young and could not defend myself from these grown men who tried to bully and coerce me...I look back at it now and find it humorous and arrogant and shameful on their parts...I have never seen a legitimate apology from anyone anywhere on any of these forums for the shameful and arrogant acts they have committed in their saviours name . It is an interesting observation of group pride and gang mentality not to mention absolutely no signs of remorse and compassion towards others who are different then they are .. But are still members of the same human race ..Imagine just sitting down for a coffee or a snack and minding your own business when a complete stranger just walzes up to you and offers you to read the Satanic literature of their gospels...No other group butts in and disturbs others like Christians do and it doesn't matter where you are they always have their literature ready to go... Tell me how would you like it if we rang your doorbells and delivered you our literature at the most inoportune times... Tell me how any of you would feel ...hmmmm.....No obsession here just evening the playing field and helping others to see things as they truly are not with the sugar coated eyeglasses that is portrayed by the followers of Jesus/ Lucifer....
It is interesting that we are accused of obsessing over Jesus when it is Christianity and its followers that are truly the ones obsessed... We are just bringing out the blemishes and warts in the idol Jesus for all to see......I remember as a child being subjected by holier then thou Christians wanting to Save me even though I had the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I was young and could not defend myself from these grown men who tried to bully and coerce me...I look back at it now and find it humorous and arrogant and shameful on their parts...I have never seen a legitimate apology from anyone anywhere on any of these forums for the shameful and arrogant acts they have committed in their saviours name . It is an interesting observation of group pride and gang mentality not to mention absolutely no signs of remorse and compassion towards others who are different then they are .. But are still members of the same human race ..Imagine just sitting down for a coffee or a snack and minding your own business when a complete stranger just walzes up to you and offers you to read the Satanic literature of their gospels...No other group butts in and disturbs others like Christians do and it doesn't matter where you are they always have their literature ready to go... Tell me how would you like it if we rang your doorbells and delivered you our literature at the most inoportune times... Tell me how any of you would feel ...hmmmm.....No obsession here just evening the playing field and helping others to see things as they truly are not with the sugar coated eyeglasses that is portrayed by the followers of Jesus/ Lucifer....
When I speak to people of other faiths I am never rude or insulting. I am interested in hearing about their faith. You two are like jackals practicing failed behaviors. I sleep like a baby at night knowing with 100% certainty that people who normalize their deviance will eventually suffer predictable surprises. If you had been paying attention to your faith instead of worrying about mine, you would have known this too.
You see Ding you know very little about anything.. Jackals in diverse places are compared to Lions... They do not have failed behaviours nor do they lack courage this just goes to show us that it is you that are rude and lacking in many aspects including your ability to see things for the way they are because of your group pride.. You know nothing of what either Michael and I know or do in our spare time.....
It is interesting that we are accused of obsessing over Jesus when it is Christianity and its followers that are truly the ones obsessed... We are just bringing out the blemishes and warts in the idol Jesus for all to see......I remember as a child being subjected by holier then thou Christians wanting to Save me even though I had the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I was young and could not defend myself from these grown men who tried to bully and coerce me...I look back at it now and find it humorous and arrogant and shameful on their parts...I have never seen a legitimate apology from anyone anywhere on any of these forums for the shameful and arrogant acts they have committed in their saviours name . It is an interesting observation of group pride and gang mentality not to mention absolutely no signs of remorse and compassion towards others who are different then they are .. But are still members of the same human race ..Imagine just sitting down for a coffee or a snack and minding your own business when a complete stranger just walzes up to you and offers you to read the Satanic literature of their gospels...No other group butts in and disturbs others like Christians do and it doesn't matter where you are they always have their literature ready to go... Tell me how would you like it if we rang your doorbells and delivered you our literature at the most inoportune times... Tell me how any of you would feel ...hmmmm.....No obsession here just evening the playing field and helping others to see things as they truly are not with the sugar coated eyeglasses that is portrayed by the followers of Jesus/ Lucifer....
When I speak to people of other faiths I am never rude or insulting. I am interested in hearing about their faith. You two are like jackals practicing failed behaviors. I sleep like a baby at night knowing with 100% certainty that people who normalize their deviance will eventually suffer predictable surprises. If you had been paying attention to your faith instead of worrying about mine, you would have known this too.

Now you call the Bible- "Jackal" because that is the source I use when proving you wrong.
"Boom" you blew yourself up again lobbing one on us.
It is interesting that we are accused of obsessing over Jesus when it is Christianity and its followers that are truly the ones obsessed... We are just bringing out the blemishes and warts in the idol Jesus for all to see......I remember as a child being subjected by holier then thou Christians wanting to Save me even though I had the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I was young and could not defend myself from these grown men who tried to bully and coerce me...I look back at it now and find it humorous and arrogant and shameful on their parts...I have never seen a legitimate apology from anyone anywhere on any of these forums for the shameful and arrogant acts they have committed in their saviours name . It is an interesting observation of group pride and gang mentality not to mention absolutely no signs of remorse and compassion towards others who are different then they are .. But are still members of the same human race ..Imagine just sitting down for a coffee or a snack and minding your own business when a complete stranger just walzes up to you and offers you to read the Satanic literature of their gospels...No other group butts in and disturbs others like Christians do and it doesn't matter where you are they always have their literature ready to go... Tell me how would you like it if we rang your doorbells and delivered you our literature at the most inoportune times... Tell me how any of you would feel ...hmmmm.....No obsession here just evening the playing field and helping others to see things as they truly are not with the sugar coated eyeglasses that is portrayed by the followers of Jesus/ Lucifer....
When I speak to people of other faiths I am never rude or insulting. I am interested in hearing about their faith. You two are like jackals practicing failed behaviors. I sleep like a baby at night knowing with 100% certainty that people who normalize their deviance will eventually suffer predictable surprises. If you had been paying attention to your faith instead of worrying about mine, you would have known this too.

Now you call the Bible- "Jackal" because that is the source I use when proving you wrong.
"Boom" you blew yourself up again lobbing one on us.
No. I said, "You two are like jackals practicing failed behaviors. I sleep like a baby at night knowing with 100% certainty that people who normalize their deviance will eventually suffer predictable surprises. If you had been paying attention to your faith instead of worrying about mine, you would have known this too."
Okay so let me get this straight you are saying we are like Jackals which in lots of cultures means like Lions( thank you for the compliment) and that you sleep like a baby in the NIGHT which is one of Mike Night Hashevs names does that about sum it up....
. You know nothing of what either Michael and I know or do in our spare time.....

L* SOMETIMES I don't even know the broad scope of what I did.
Just found out Time Warner owns CNN and it hit me, Comcast owns MSNBC (FORGOT THAT), imagine what would have happened if the Comcast Time Warner deal had gone through? Corupt Comcast with the congress in their pockets would have had control of all the propaganda making machines and the corrupt officials. Woh!
Okay so let me get this straight you are saying we are like Jackals which in lots of cultures means like Lions( thank you for the compliment) and that you sleep like a baby in the NIGHT which is one of Mike Night Hashevs names does that about sum it up....
Not quite. Acting like jackals refers to acting like a pack of animals rather than human beings.

Actually lions are more likely to be scavengers and jackals are more likely to be hunters, so you kind of got that backwards.

Sleeping like a baby has no reference to Michael Night Hashevs, the self proclaimed top prophet of God. It refers to a state of peace which can only come from the foreknowledge of God's moral laws which tell us that moral laws are not like physical laws in that the effect of violating them is not immediate but are imminent. If you understood the OT, then you would know these things, but they have been hidden from you because neither of you are worthy of this wisdom which is why you will be doomed to repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
. You know nothing of what either Michael and I know or do in our spare time.....

L* SOMETIMES I don't even know the broad scope of what I did.
Just found out Time Warner owns CNN and it hit me, Comcast owns MSNBC (FORGOT THAT), imagine what would have happened if the Comcast Time Warner deal had gone through? Corupt Comcast with the congress in their pockets would have had control of all the propaganda making machines and the corrupt officials. Woh!
Wow, you believe that you kept that from happening, huh? You really are insane.
So simple and straightforward.. Any can find the truth by searching the scriptures diligently... There is no need for a priest or a rector or a clergyman of any kind to help one... I suppose the reason the Catholic Church and the other Christian denominations teach otherwise is because it is truly a Mystery to them or they just want to mystify and befuddle the average man or women with their bull ...t. course that way they get to collect money and keep the game going forever and here you are giving it away for free with no ketch..Must rot their socks and their pocketbooks....

Who is to say they haven't changed the scriptures? Who is to say that what you are reading isn't what the scriptures should be?
. You know nothing of what either Michael and I know or do in our spare time.....

L* SOMETIMES I don't even know the broad scope of what I did.
Just found out Time Warner owns CNN and it hit me, Comcast owns MSNBC (FORGOT THAT), imagine what would have happened if the Comcast Time Warner deal had gone through? Corupt Comcast with the congress in their pockets would have had control of all the propaganda making machines and the corrupt officials. Woh!
Wow, you believe that you kept that from happening, huh? You really are insane.
You have no idea what he did or what he thwarted...Sometimes it is the voice of one person that can change many things after all it is the last pebble that causes a giant avalanche to occur or not to occur...Keep that in mind...
. You know nothing of what either Michael and I know or do in our spare time.....

L* SOMETIMES I don't even know the broad scope of what I did.
Just found out Time Warner owns CNN and it hit me, Comcast owns MSNBC (FORGOT THAT), imagine what would have happened if the Comcast Time Warner deal had gone through? Corupt Comcast with the congress in their pockets would have had control of all the propaganda making machines and the corrupt officials. Woh!
Wow, you believe that you kept that from happening, huh? You really are insane.
You have no idea what he did or what he thwarted...Sometimes it is the voice of one person that can change many things after all it is the last pebble that causes a giant avalanche to occur or not to occur...Keep that in mind...
Oh, please tell me what and how he did that. I am all ears.
So simple and straightforward.. Any can find the truth by searching the scriptures diligently... There is no need for a priest or a rector or a clergyman of any kind to help one... I suppose the reason the Catholic Church and the other Christian denominations teach otherwise is because it is truly a Mystery to them or they just want to mystify and befuddle the average man or women with their bull ...t. course that way they get to collect money and keep the game going forever and here you are giving it away for free with no ketch..Must rot their socks and their pocketbooks....

Who is to say they haven't changed the scriptures? Who is to say that what you are reading isn't what the scriptures should be?
They have changed the scriptures I think you are smart enough to realize that...Actually I had the good fortune to be in on a Torah scroll writing where we were allowed to help place the last seven letters...You see the Jewish scriptures are meticulously copied and if there is a desrepancy no matter how small they are thrown out or not used...The same cannot be said for the Christian scriptures...Also the usage of Hebrew and its meanings are very important if you are serious about learning then I suggest getting your hands on an online Chabad copy of the scriptures or someone else can point you in the right direction to see how close it is to the originals...

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