What is a leaderboard?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
It doesn't make sense to me. Front page, right side. Says LEADERBOARD and some members names, but no rhyme or reason for those names to be there because it changes now and then. So can someone explain what that is?
It looks like a listing that goes in reverse numerical order, probably of members who were online during a specific amount of time in the last hours, according to number of postings in that time frame. But I agree, it makes little sense.
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I was thinking maybe that the top three get e-trips to France.
It doesn't make sense to me. Front page, right side. Says LEADERBOARD and some members names, but no rhyme or reason for those names to be there because it changes now and then. So can someone explain what that is?

i could be wrong as i occasionally have been

but it looks like the posters with the most posts

for a time period

with peach being number one with the most

followed by the second then third

and so on
But...why? Who cares how many posts someone does in a specific time frame?
I was kinda dorking around the place, looking at stuff. Noticed it and wondered what it was.
Um...It's a board okay. With uh...Leaders on it. :)

I assume since the posts aren't our total posts, maybe it's using some kind of algorithm to determine most good/well-liked/popular posts?

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