Heaven has gates, walls, so why does Biden think America is better than heaven???

The way it works is God is waiting for you when you die, then he pays you $14.50 for every day of your life. After you get this big pile of money, you have to “pay for your sins”

Steal a bag of Chips when you were a kid….$6
Masturbation……35 cents

Doesn’t seem like much but it adds up
35 cents, 35 cents, 35 cents, 35 cents………..
Masturbation is a sin , oh no !
Why do the have any less expertise than theists? We are all working off the same material.

What I've found in arguing with Christians is that a lot of them don't know the juicier stuff in the bible. They all know that Lot's wife got turned into a pillar of salt for looking back at her home being destroyed, but they don't know that Lot proceeded to have drunken sex with his daughters.

They knew that David Slew Goliath, but they don't know that God killed David's baby son to teach him a lesson.
The Bible is not a children's book.
Remember when Biden said this?
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

The above was Biden in 2019 campaign when he was seeking votes... and guess what?
his encouragement to "Surge to the border" WORKED!

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So Biden says NO WALLS... NO GATES....
YET...we've been told as Christians that... Heaven's gates!
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Lunacy. God didn't create the earth with walls and borders.
It's the simple-minded that don't live in fear.

Proverbs 22:3
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.
Unfortunately you're quoting the Bible doesn't amount to a hill of beans. It's all religious propaganda created by men. Not the entity most people call GOD.
Unfortunately you're quoting the Bible doesn't amount to a hill of beans. It's all religious propaganda created by men. Not the entity most people call GOD.
If that were true, why does man usually do the polar opposite of what is written there? The Bible encourages people to live a certain way in order to "prosper and be in health". What is unfortunate is that people dismiss the wisdom found there.
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Heaven doesn't exist.
Obviously you've never heard of Pascal's Wager.
Consequently IF you are wrong, i.e. "Heaven doesn't exist" what a dumb wager!
So I'll sum Pascal's wager up for your simple mind.
If there is no heaven YOU won't know about right because it doesn't exist right?
But if there is an existence after death and you believe Heaven doesn't exist" ,
hmmm... what a dilemma for you... hence Pascal's wager.
Which would you bet on? There isn't anything after death AND THERE IS????
Pascal's wager - Wikipedia

OH by the way please note I use the above link to describe... what is YOUR link to substantiate your
Heaven doesn't exist" , statement?
Obviously you've never heard of Pascal's Wager.
Consequently IF you are wrong, i.e. "Heaven doesn't exist" what a dumb wager!
So I'll sum Pascal's wager up for your simple mind.
If there is no heaven YOU won't know about right because it doesn't exist right?
But if there is an existence after death and you believe Heaven doesn't exist" ,
hmmm... what a dilemma for you... hence Pascal's wager.
Which would you bet on? There isn't anything after death AND THERE IS????
Pascal's wager - Wikipedia

OH by the way please note I use the above link to describe... what is YOUR link to substantiate your
Heaven doesn't exist" , statement?
Heck, even scientists are beginning to think that the "fourth dimension" is real and the physical universe is an illusion.
Look at how low those numbers were under Obama. Trump fucked up the Southern Border so he'd have an excuse to build his dumb wall. Now he's telling Congress not to pass immigration reform so he can use the issue to fight the election.

Just like he wants the economy to crash, Trump doesn't want America to succeed, unless HE is in the White House. Unless and until he's re-elected, he's going to continue to try to block anything that helps the American people.

It's not "America First". It's Trump First. Anyone donating to Nicki Haley will be banished from Trump's America.
You know... YOU are 100% right! And because "IT's Trump First" as he has done the following AS
DID Biden do the following...I agree!

Hmmm... Trump did something to directly help the citizens of the USA as President that only two other presidents did but you don't know about it... again because of the BIASED MSM that wants a communist state of United!

Trump did something that NO other president had done since 1957,
Trump was ONLY President U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
But again geez from a Trump president who only does things to help him!! "Woe is Us"!!!
I never heard Trump say something like this
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

or guarantee to destroy NEARLY 10 million jobs, eliminate 6% of our GDP...
In 2021, the U.S. spent $1.3 trillion on energy, or 5.7% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

Industry supports 9.8 million jobs or 5.6 percent of total U.S. employment,


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Prisons and other such institution's walls are patrolled from within. That's what makes them effective. Even a simple chain link fence would be 100 percent effective if properly patrolled.

A precast concrete fence will be more secure than wood or a chain-link fence. If you want to keep your building or home safe, go for the thicker precast concrete wall
And obviously Biden agrees!
I know
What is the matter God

Doesn’t he know some people are better than others?
So according to you... YOU know better than "God", i.e. God doesn't know some people are better"?
Rightwinger... if you know more than God... why are you on this forum?

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