What if 'proof of God' exists but...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...Doesn't exist here in the US? What if God truly does exist, but just as is written in the Biblical texts, is strictly a local thing in Israel? What if all the Americans clamoring for proof of God and not finding any aren't because they're looking for it here instead of there?

Bible makes no mention whatsoever of North America, or anywhere outside the western mid-east region. Egypt to Jordan to Lebanon is pretty much it. What if there's lots of proof of God over there, but none over here?
...Doesn't exist here in the US? What if God truly does exist, but just as is written in the Biblical texts, is strictly a local thing in Israel? What if all the Americans clamoring for proof of God and not finding any aren't because they're looking for it here instead of there?

Bible makes no mention whatsoever of North America, or anywhere outside the western mid-east region. Egypt to Jordan to Lebanon is pretty much it. What if there's lots of proof of God over there, but none over here?

What If the declining number of people who identify themselves as Christian is evidence of the rapture and the resurrection of the Christian dead?

What if they are being taken up?

What if John Smiths vision of Jesus appearing in the southwest was really a vision of the future and not the past?

What if God exists and you can't see him anywhere because you don't?

Proof of God ... why care ?

if a Spirit makes it to the Everlasting undoubtedly there will be others and undoubtedly someone / thing will be in charge - that you can count on ... hopefully someone amenable to live with.

What if god is in one mans cupboard and noone else can see him ever!!!?!?!?!?!

I cant believe a fully grown man can have such juvenile questions like these.

Like...really? God s proven, but only over in Israel bro?

So then....all those atheists who have visited israel and leave still atheists?

Derp derp derp

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