Zone1 What Christianity Says

Jay Zepher

Aug 21, 2020
First of all, Christianity is way more strict than Islam or any other religion. The reason why it doesn't seem that way is because today many Christians don't practice the religion the way it is presented in the bible. But if you were to focus on another period of time in Christian history, say for example Medieval times, then Christianity looks a lot like Islam in practice with women separated from men, not allowed to preach (as Saint Paul says in the bible), not allowed to accentuate their appearance with jewelry, and strongly admonished to cover their hair. Sound familiar?
The West has moved on since then. Islam, for the most part, at least not in less Western leaning nations, has not.
But why is Christianity more strict than other religions? The short answer is the issue of "sin." In Christianity, the actual standard for goodness and acceptance into heaven is so high that basically no one can get to heaven on their own. It doesn't matter how much you pray or fast or sacrifice or whatever. Sin is a condition that is beyond anything possible for humans to eradicate on their own. Which in a way makes sense given that the way it entered the world was through a supernatural encounter with an evil force, logically it leaves the world through an equally supernatural encounter with a good force.
There is nothing humans can do. And if you take an honest look at human history the past five thousand or so years that should be obvious. No matter how fervently any certain people or religion, including Christianity itself, has tried to change the world for the better through force or even through more constructive and peaceful means, disaster, war, and strife has often resulted. The human condition of sin itself is the culprit, not human effort. The problem runs way deeper than we realize. Like software, the human spirit cannot be seen, but it is human software itself that is corrupted and in need of a reboot, not patches here or there and certainly not more of the same.
Sin is a part of everyday life. Jesus Himself said just looking at a woman with lust in your heart is sin. Also, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven. the book of 1st John, verses 3 and 4, just hating your brother is equal to murder and you cannot see God if you will not see your brother. These are just a few high standards that no one can achieve, but in case anyone thinks they can, perhaps the highest standard of all is being born without sin. It means no one is good. Psalm 14:3 "no one does good. No not one." And Romans 3:23 "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
In the entire history of humankind, only three humans have known what it is like to be without sin. The first two were Adam and Eve, who very briefly were without sin, before they fell. Everyone but one born from then on was born in sin inherited from Adam and Eve, like a virus in a computer program that spread from one generation to the next all the way down.
The only way to interrupt that algorithm, that error in programming that originated with Adam and Eve, was to break that connection altogether. And the only way to do that was for a person to be born supernaturally with no mortal father, thereby no mortal connection to Adam and Eve.
Done by Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, God being His father, not man, and born and lived without sin. The new Adam, and a second chance for mankind. Then sacrificed for mankind so that every person can join Him in a new program, a new version of humankind, and one which was the original intention.
All it takes is belief in Him. Then all the prayers and fasting and living a moral life now matters.
First of all, Christianity is way more strict than Islam or any other religion. The reason why it doesn't seem that way is because today many Christians don't practice the religion the way it is presented in the bible. But if you were to focus on another period of time in Christian history, say for example Medieval times, then Christianity looks a lot like Islam in practice with women separated from men, not allowed to preach (as Saint Paul says in the bible), not allowed to accentuate their appearance with jewelry, and strongly admonished to cover their hair. Sound familiar?
The West has moved on since then. Islam, for the most part, at least not in less Western leaning nations, has not.
But why is Christianity more strict than other religions? The short answer is the issue of "sin." In Christianity, the actual standard for goodness and acceptance into heaven is so high that basically no one can get to heaven on their own. It doesn't matter how much you pray or fast or sacrifice or whatever. Sin is a condition that is beyond anything possible for humans to eradicate on their own. Which in a way makes sense given that the way it entered the world was through a supernatural encounter with an evil force, logically it leaves the world through an equally supernatural encounter with a good force.
There is nothing humans can do. And if you take an honest look at human history the past five thousand or so years that should be obvious. No matter how fervently any certain people or religion, including Christianity itself, has tried to change the world for the better through force or even through more constructive and peaceful means, disaster, war, and strife has often resulted. The human condition of sin itself is the culprit, not human effort. The problem runs way deeper than we realize. Like software, the human spirit cannot be seen, but it is human software itself that is corrupted and in need of a reboot, not patches here or there and certainly not more of the same.
Sin is a part of everyday life. Jesus Himself said just looking at a woman with lust in your heart is sin. Also, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven. the book of 1st John, verses 3 and 4, just hating your brother is equal to murder and you cannot see God if you will not see your brother. These are just a few high standards that no one can achieve, but in case anyone thinks they can, perhaps the highest standard of all is being born without sin. It means no one is good. Psalm 14:3 "no one does good. No not one." And Romans 3:23 "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
In the entire history of humankind, only three humans have known what it is like to be without sin. The first two were Adam and Eve, who very briefly were without sin, before they fell. Everyone but one born from then on was born in sin inherited from Adam and Eve, like a virus in a computer program that spread from one generation to the next all the way down.
The only way to interrupt that algorithm, that error in programming that originated with Adam and Eve, was to break that connection altogether. And the only way to do that was for a person to be born supernaturally with no mortal father, thereby no mortal connection to Adam and Eve.
Done by Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, God being His father, not man, and born and lived without sin. The new Adam, and a second chance for mankind. Then sacrificed for mankind so that every person can join Him in a new program, a new version of humankind, and one which was the original intention.
All it takes is belief in Him. Then all the prayers and fasting and living a moral life now matters.
So we are all sinners while God is not. Doesn't that contradict that we are made in his image?
You are a faggot of Fake crap , OP .
Take your dirty thinking elsewhere .
The Essene Monk did not want to see or hear pretentious rubbish like yours .
You write as a son of the spawn .
You are a faggot of Fake crap , OP .
Take your dirty thinking elsewhere .
The Essene Monk did not want to see or hear pretentious rubbish like yours .
You write as a son of the spawn .
what Essene monk? there is absolutely no actual evidence that Jesus (did I get that
right? ) as an Essene
So we are all sinners while God is not. Doesn't that contradict that we are made in his image?
I'm sure he will answer that God is not subject to the laws he requires of us. And, he would be correct. But, why? Depends on what brand of Christianity you ask for their doctrine. The most common answer would be that "God" is spirit and thus not tempted with a physical body. But, who were the 3rd of Heaven that were cast out? Did they have bodies when they followed Lucifer? They were spirits as well because they did not nor have ever been given a physical body. They obviously sinned without a physical body. That means that "sin" requires knowledge to sin. Other than that, it's just a "mistake." That means that if God is a spirit body personage, he could also sin. But, that could not be so. God is God because he is perfect and said he will lead us back to him for he knows everything about the entire universe. He could not guarantee to save us if he did not know everything and I mean everything. And, certainly not if he could also sin. So, what is the answer. The answer is simple and is in the resurrection of the just. Paul speaks of the resurrection in First Corinthians Chapter 15 where he speaks of a kingdom, glory a mansion where there is no corruption, the Celestial glory or kingdom. And, to reach this, our bodies have to reunite with our spirit bodies in a Celestial resurrection and obtain the Celestial Kingdom or Glory. One of his many mansions. Well, we know that Jehovah came down off His throne, gained a physical body in Jesus Christ. He atoned for our sins and was Celestially resurrected and has no corruption and therefore cannot sin.
Now, the challenge then becomes what about Jehovah before he came down and was resurrected. If you are Christian and believe that the Father and Son are the same person or spirit, then you cannot claim God could not have sinned prior to coming to the earth and being resurrected. To rectify this challenge, the Father and Son would have to be separate and distinct personages. Even more so, the Father would therefore have to be a resurrected being as well into an incorruptible body. Therefore, as man is now, God the Father once was. As God is now, Man may become. Oh yes! Your question proves Mormon Doctrine true and correct if Christianity is the true religion. IN the great council in heaven, Father gathered all his spirit children together, including Jehovah and Lucifer. He explained His plan to give all of his children an opportunity to have all that he has including a physical resurrected body. It's called, the Plan of Salvation or Happiness. Lucifer didn't like the fact we would have to descend to the earth, receive a body, go through all sorts of hardships and experiences, then die, then our spirits go to paradise or hell to await the judgment day and resurrection. And, that most would probably end up in the other two lower levels of Heaven, Terrestrial and Telestial (Stars). So, he said no thank you to making a covenant with Father in Heaven and support His Plan of Salvation. He also stirred up anger and a third of the hosts (spirit children) followed Lucifer and were also cast out never to receive salvation. Lucifer became Satan. On the other hand, Jehovah said that he would follow Father in Heaven and Father in Heaven gave him a position of being the Son of God, with power and authority to be instrumental in the beginnings of the redemption of future mankind. Jehovah and Michael organized the universe under the direction of Heavenly Father and prepare worlds for His spirit children to reside on. Earth was specially made because that is where Father would provide a Savior from sin, Jehovah who would become Jesus the Christ. The remaining two-thirds followed Jehovah and we are that part.
Father in Heaven came from a universe and went through the same things as we are going through. He died and was resurrected and received his mansion, the universe we live in. And, with our mother in Heaven our intelligence which has always existed, receive spirit bodies, much finer of material than physical earthly bodies. Now, we have the same opportunity as Father in Heaven to have all the happiness and salvation He has. So, both the Father and Son are physically resurrected beings perfect and incorruptible without sin. We are made spiritually and physically in their Image going through out testing of our faith. They have given us prophets and apostles to communicate this information to us throughout the ages. And, we have two things to also help us, The light of Christ (our conscience) and The influence and possible gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a spirit still. So, we are made in Father's image and are working to become sinless in the resurrection.
I'm sure he will answer that God is not subject to the laws he requires of us. And, he would be correct. But, why? Depends on what brand of Christianity you ask for their doctrine. The most common answer would be that "God" is spirit and thus not tempted with a physical body. But, who were the 3rd of Heaven that were cast out? Did they have bodies when they followed Lucifer? They were spirits as well because they did not nor have ever been given a physical body. They obviously sinned without a physical body. That means that "sin" requires knowledge to sin. Other than that, it's just a "mistake." That means that if God is a spirit body personage, he could also sin. But, that could not be so. God is God because he is perfect and said he will lead us back to him for he knows everything about the entire universe. He could not guarantee to save us if he did not know everything and I mean everything. And, certainly not if he could also sin. So, what is the answer. The answer is simple and is in the resurrection of the just. Paul speaks of the resurrection in First Corinthians Chapter 15 where he speaks of a kingdom, glory a mansion where there is no corruption, the Celestial glory or kingdom. And, to reach this, our bodies have to reunite with our spirit bodies in a Celestial resurrection and obtain the Celestial Kingdom or Glory. One of his many mansions. Well, we know that Jehovah came down off His throne, gained a physical body in Jesus Christ. He atoned for our sins and was Celestially resurrected and has no corruption and therefore cannot sin.
Now, the challenge then becomes what about Jehovah before he came down and was resurrected. If you are Christian and believe that the Father and Son are the same person or spirit, then you cannot claim God could not have sinned prior to coming to the earth and being resurrected. To rectify this challenge, the Father and Son would have to be separate and distinct personages. Even more so, the Father would therefore have to be a resurrected being as well into an incorruptible body. Therefore, as man is now, God the Father once was. As God is now, Man may become. Oh yes! Your question proves Mormon Doctrine true and correct if Christianity is the true religion. IN the great council in heaven, Father gathered all his spirit children together, including Jehovah and Lucifer. He explained His plan to give all of his children an opportunity to have all that he has including a physical resurrected body. It's called, the Plan of Salvation or Happiness. Lucifer didn't like the fact we would have to descend to the earth, receive a body, go through all sorts of hardships and experiences, then die, then our spirits go to paradise or hell to await the judgment day and resurrection. And, that most would probably end up in the other two lower levels of Heaven, Terrestrial and Telestial (Stars). So, he said no thank you to making a covenant with Father in Heaven and support His Plan of Salvation. He also stirred up anger and a third of the hosts (spirit children) followed Lucifer and were also cast out never to receive salvation. Lucifer became Satan. On the other hand, Jehovah said that he would follow Father in Heaven and Father in Heaven gave him a position of being the Son of God, with power and authority to be instrumental in the beginnings of the redemption of future mankind. Jehovah and Michael organized the universe under the direction of Heavenly Father and prepare worlds for His spirit children to reside on. Earth was specially made because that is where Father would provide a Savior from sin, Jehovah who would become Jesus the Christ. The remaining two-thirds followed Jehovah and we are that part.
Father in Heaven came from a universe and went through the same things as we are going through. He died and was resurrected and received his mansion, the universe we live in. And, with our mother in Heaven our intelligence which has always existed, receive spirit bodies, much finer of material than physical earthly bodies. Now, we have the same opportunity as Father in Heaven to have all the happiness and salvation He has. So, both the Father and Son are physically resurrected beings perfect and incorruptible without sin. We are made spiritually and physically in their Image going through out testing of our faith. They have given us prophets and apostles to communicate this information to us throughout the ages. And, we have two things to also help us, The light of Christ (our conscience) and The influence and possible gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a spirit still. So, we are made in Father's image and are working to become sinless in the resurrection.
Thanks for such a detailed answer. I suspect it would make more sense to me if I had read the Book of Mormon. Maybe someday.

Here's another question I've always had: If God created Adam and Eve without knowledge of good and evil, wasn't it unreasonable to expect them to know that disobeying God was evil?
And if you take an honest look at human history the past five thousand or so years that should be obvious.

- till the 50's and they finally got the desert religions out of public education ... for their to be hope and a new, happy beginning.
Thanks for such a detailed answer. I suspect it would make more sense to me if I had read the Book of Mormon. Maybe someday.

Here's another question I've always had: If God created Adam and Eve without knowledge of good and evil, wasn't it unreasonable to expect them to know that disobeying God was evil?
Goes back to some of what I wrote. The Plan of Salvation was given to all of us before the universe came into being. The plan begins with us agreeing and covenanting with God to
Thanks for such a detailed answer. I suspect it would make more sense to me if I had read the Book of Mormon. Maybe someday.

Here's another question I've always had: If God created Adam and Eve without knowledge of good and evil, wasn't it unreasonable to expect them to know that disobeying God was evil?
Adam and Eve chose to be the first man and woman in our pre-earth life. We all were the two-thirds of the hosts of heaven that agreed to come to earth to receive our physical earthly bodies. Michael, the arc Angel, chose to become Adam. So, they agreed.
Now, to the two commandment instructions. They were commanded to have children. My opinion is that Eve perceived the need to gain the knowledge to have children. So, she ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The knowledge to have children was good, not evil.
To put in motion the Plan of Salvation we had to die so we could eventually be resurrected. So, there is no evil with this plan. It’s all for the good of all of us. The Father also provided a Savior for Adam and Eve and all of us. The best thing is that Fox did all of this without damning our free moral agency to choose good or evil.
what Essene monk? there is absolutely no actual evidence that Jesus (did I get that
right? ) as an Essene
And you are also ignorant scholastically.

In the old days christians would have faced you holdinjg a cross and said ,
Get behind me Devil Worshipper .
And you are also ignorant scholastically.

In the old days christians would have faced you holdinjg a cross and said ,
Get behind me Devil Worshipper .
when was the "good old days" -----the lifetime of Jesus which is said to be
in the currently used calendar year 1 to about 30 "AD" ? you really believe
that there were people in----let's say 10 "AD" holding up crosses? An interesting
Vignette-----I grew up in a very christian town and my playmates were mostly
christians------My most influential when I was five years old advised me to
carry a paper cross at all time in case THE DEVIL showed up. ----uhm da devil
is supposed to afraid of crosses. You got some writing to corroborate that
"cross holding up" thing?
what Essene monk? there is absolutely no actual evidence that Jesus (did I get that
right? ) as an Essene
you got ANYTHING at all to indicate that Jesus was Essene (for the record---the
Essenes were old time jews----and there is no mention of "jesus" in their writings
Goes back to some of what I wrote. The Plan of Salvation was given to all of us before the universe came into being. The plan begins with us agreeing and covenanting with God to
So I agreed to something before I existed? That would never stand up in court.

They were commanded to have children. My opinion is that Eve perceived the need to gain the knowledge to have children. So, she ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The knowledge to have children was good, not evil.
Eve was commanded to have children but forbidden to gain the knowledge to do so? Seems rather odd doesn't it?

To put in motion the Plan of Salvation we had to die so we could eventually be resurrected. So, there is no evil with this plan. It’s all for the good of all of us. The Father also provided a Savior for Adam and Eve and all of us. The best thing is that Fox did all of this without damning our free moral agency to choose good or evil.
So I have free moral agency, is my afterlife determined by what I do on Earth? Do Mormons believe in the elect?
So I agreed to something before I existed? That would never stand up in court.

Eve was commanded to have children but forbidden to gain the knowledge to do so? Seems rather odd doesn't it?

So I have free moral agency, is my afterlife determined by what I do on Earth? Do Mormons believe in the elect?
We are not in an American Court when we go up to the Judgment Bar of God. Your secular political atheistic laws and procedures will be meaningless. Perhaps it is time to start listening more than speaking concerning your eternal life. God gave you two ears and one mouth.
Yes, we all agreed to follow our Father's plan of salvation and made covenants. We also were called to recognize the plan and His Gospel when presented it.
No, she was not forbidden to gain the knowledge. The mere fact that she ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil proves she was not forbidden. She had a choice and made it. The condition was that her current body would not die if she did not eat. But, she was also commanded to have children. To have sin in the world and to put the plan of salvation into motion, both commandments were given. How else would the plan get started? It wouldn't.
That is correct. We always will have this as well. The point of the Garden of Eden and the two commandments put the plan of salvation into motion so that we would be tested by faith to do the will of the Father and keep the commandments that were instituted during our lifetime. The light of Christ and the influence of the Holy Ghost is the beacon to which we must rely on. Prophets and Apostles have been given in various periods of time to be a messenger of the Godhead. But, we must have faith in Jesus Christ to know if the messengers we follow are giving true messages from the Godhead. Thus, a testimony of a Prophet or Apostle is a must. That only comes through the Holy Ghost and the light of Christ.
Not sure what you mean by "elect." We can have our Calling and Election made Sure before we die. However, that doesn't mean we still can crash and burn. When a person has their calling and election made sure, they have seen the veil and/or Heaven itself with the Godhead. This will happen at the Judgment Day as well when we are in front of the Father and Son. When this happens, faith is no more needed for we know by things that have been seen. If we sin at that point, there is no forgiveness for we have sinned against the Holy Ghost.
We are not in an American Court when we go up to the Judgment Bar of God. Your secular political atheistic laws and procedures will be meaningless. Perhaps it is time to start listening more than speaking concerning your eternal life. God gave you two ears and one mouth.
Alas, I was born without much in the way of faith and what little I had has withered upon seeing the lies and deceptions all around me.

Yes, we all agreed to follow our Father's plan of salvation and made covenants. We also were called to recognize the plan and His Gospel when presented it.
I don't recall that .
No, she was not forbidden to gain the knowledge. The mere fact that she ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil proves she was not forbidden.
I thought she was explicitly told not to eat of the tree of knowledge?

She had a choice and made it. The condition was that her current body would not die if she did not eat. But, she was also commanded to have children. To have sin in the world and to put the plan of salvation into motion, both commandments were given. How else would the plan get started? It wouldn't.
Seems like a terrible plan to me.

Not sure what you mean by "elect." We can have our Calling and Election made Sure before we die. However, that doesn't mean we still can crash and burn. When a person has their calling and election made sure, they have seen the veil and/or Heaven itself with the Godhead. This will happen at the Judgment Day as well when we are in front of the Father and Son. When this happens, faith is no more needed for we know by things that have been seen. If we sin at that point, there is no forgiveness for we have sinned against the Holy Ghost.
This was the whole point of the reformation. The Catholic Church allowed people to do good works to get into heaven or hire someone to do it for them. Luther cried foul. He believed God selected people for heaven based on criteria known only to him, good works were nice but not necessary.
Alas, I was born without much in the way of faith and what little I had has withered upon seeing the lies and deceptions all around me.

I don't recall that .

I thought she was explicitly told not to eat of the tree of knowledge?

Seems like a terrible plan to me.

This was the whole point of the reformation. The Catholic Church allowed people to do good works to get into heaven or hire someone to do it for them. Luther cried foul. He believed God selected people for heaven based on criteria known only to him, good works were nice but not necessary.
No one is born with faith. Although, little children are much more faithful and teachable. We aren't supposed to be looking for lies and deception. We are supposed to be seeking the Kingdom of God, the true doctrine, the true gospel of Jesus Christ. There are opposites in the world on every issue. If there are lies, then there is the truth. If there is deception, then there is clarity of the truth. Seek and ye shall find. Knock, and the door will be open to you. You will develop faith, hope, belief and Charity (the pure love of Christ). And, you will learn of the pre-earth life.

Commanded not to eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil doesn't mean she was forbidden like there's was a barrier so she couldn't. It's like telling the child not to touch the hot stove. You can forbid the child but they still might do it. Not because they are sinning. But, because the just don't know it's hot and will burn them. Eating the fruit opened their eyes to the fact there is more than good. There is also evil, sin of lying. And, that's what they did as they tried to cover their nakedness. Prior to that, they didn't know they were naked. They saw no one wearing clothes nor any animals wearing clothes. They broke a commandment but didn't have knowledge that it was a sin or evil to do. All they knew is they would die, and they didn't know what that meant either. Again, this all set in motion, the Plan of Salvation. They now were able to lie and thus sin. I reject that the original sin was breaking the covenant. It was the first thing they did with knowledge, they lied or tried to hide what they did from God, a sin. Having sex wasn't the original sin either. They were married by God before they left the Garden. Their heterosexual sex was not a sin. They were keeping the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth.

Thus, it's a brilliant plan. We could not become like Father without physical bodies. In order to go from corruptible bodies to incorruptible bodies, we have to be in a state of sin and subject to choosing good and evil. Father provided a Savior to wash away our sins and troubles if we follow the Savior when given the opportunity to. Other than the resurrection being a gift to all that kept their first estate (not following Lucifer and the billions that did), we have to prove ourselves worthy to exist with our resurrected bodies with our Father and Savior. We have to accept the influence of the Holy Ghost and recognize the Light of Christ. Yes, we are subject to horrible things in this world. however, we are subject to wonderful opportunities as well. The opportunity to follow the Savior and have our sins removed. Now, Lucifer (Satan) thought the Plan of Salvation was a terrible plan.
Christen against Christians
if I may, this is what Christ says about
Phil 2:3-5 Doing nothing through envy or through pride, but with low thoughts of self let everyone take others to be better than himself; Not looking everyone to his private good, but keeping in mind the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus

Phil 1:15-17 Though some are preaching Christ out of envy and competition, others do it out of a good heart: These do it from love, conscious that I am responsible for the cause of the good news: But those are preaching Christ in a spirit of competition, not from their hearts, but with the purpose of giving me pain in my prison.

2 Cor 1:12 For our glory is in this, in the knowledge which we have that our way of life in the world, and most of all in relation to you, has been holy and true in the eyes of God; not in the wisdom of the flesh, but in the grace of God.

Titus 1:9-10 Keeping to the true word of the teaching, so that he may be able to give comfort by right teaching and overcome the arguments of the doubters. For there are men who are not ruled by law; foolish talkers, false teachers, especially those of the circumcision,

Phil 1:16-17 These do it from love, conscious that I am responsible for the cause of the good news: But those are preaching Christ in a spirit of competition, not from their hearts, but with the purpose of giving me pain in my prison.

2 Cor 12:20 For I have a fear that, when I come, you may not be answering to my desire, and that I may not be answering to yours; that there may be fighting, hate, angry feeling, divisions, evil talk about others, secrets, thoughts of pride, outbursts against authority;

Prov 30:11-14 There is a generation who put a curse on their father and do not give a blessing to their mother. There is a generation who seems to themselves to be free from sin but are not washed from their unclean ways. There is a generation, O how full of pride are their eyes! O how their brows are lifted up! There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, their strong teeth like knives, for the destruction of the poor from the earth, and of those who are in need from among men.

Prov 11:24-26 A man may give freely, and still, his wealth will be increased; another may keep back more than is right, but only comes to be in need. He who gives blessing will be made fat, but the curser will himself be cursed. He who keeps back grain will be cursed by the people, but a blessing will be on the head of him who lets them have it for a price.

1 Cor 11:27-34 If, then, anyone takes the bread or the cup of the Lord in the wrong spirit, he will be responsible for the body and blood of the Lord. But let no man take of the bread and the cup without testing himself. For a man puts himself in danger, if he takes part in the holy meal without being conscious that it is the Lord's body. For this cause, a number of you are feeble and ill, and a number are dead. But if we were true judges of ourselves, punishment would not come on us. But if punishment does come, it is sent by the Lord, so that we may be safe when the world is judged. So then, my brothers, when you come together to the holy meal of the Lord, let there be waiting for one another. If any man is in need of food, let him take his meal in his house; so that you may not come together to your damage. And the rest I will put in order when I come.

Malachi 3: 16 - 18 Then those in whom was the fear of the Lord had talked together: and the Lord gave ear, and it was recorded in a book to be kept in mind before him, for those who had the fear of the Lord and gave thought to his name. And they will be mine, says the Lord, in the day when I make them my special property; and I will have mercy on them as a man has mercy on his son who is his servant. Then you will again see how the upright man is different from the sinner, and the servant of God from him who is not.

1 Tim 3:1-7 This is a true saying, A man desiring the position of a Bishop has a desire for good work. The Bishop, then, is to be a man of good name, the husband of one wife, self-controlled, serious-minded, having respect for order, opening his house freely to guests, a ready teacher; Not quickly moved to wrath or blows, but gentle; no fighter, no lover of money; Ruling his house well, having his children under control with all serious behavior; (For if a man has not the art of ruling his house, how will he take care of the church of God?) Not one newly taken into the church, for fear that, through his high opinion of himself, he may come into the same sin as the Evil One. And he is to have a good name among those outside the church so that nothing may be said against him and he may not be taken by the designs of the Evil One.
Christen against Christians
if I may, this is what Christ says about
Phil 2:3-5 Doing nothing through envy or through pride, but with low thoughts of self let everyone take others to be better than himself; Not looking everyone to his private good, but keeping in mind the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus

Phil 1:15-17 Though some are preaching Christ out of envy and competition, others do it out of a good heart: These do it from love, conscious that I am responsible for the cause of the good news: But those are preaching Christ in a spirit of competition, not from their hearts, but with the purpose of giving me pain in my prison.

2 Cor 1:12 For our glory is in this, in the knowledge which we have that our way of life in the world, and most of all in relation to you, has been holy and true in the eyes of God; not in the wisdom of the flesh, but in the grace of God.

Titus 1:9-10 Keeping to the true word of the teaching, so that he may be able to give comfort by right teaching and overcome the arguments of the doubters. For there are men who are not ruled by law; foolish talkers, false teachers, especially those of the circumcision,

Phil 1:16-17 These do it from love, conscious that I am responsible for the cause of the good news: But those are preaching Christ in a spirit of competition, not from their hearts, but with the purpose of giving me pain in my prison.

2 Cor 12:20 For I have a fear that, when I come, you may not be answering to my desire, and that I may not be answering to yours; that there may be fighting, hate, angry feeling, divisions, evil talk about others, secrets, thoughts of pride, outbursts against authority;

Prov 30:11-14 There is a generation who put a curse on their father and do not give a blessing to their mother. There is a generation who seems to themselves to be free from sin but are not washed from their unclean ways. There is a generation, O how full of pride are their eyes! O how their brows are lifted up! There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, their strong teeth like knives, for the destruction of the poor from the earth, and of those who are in need from among men.

Prov 11:24-26 A man may give freely, and still, his wealth will be increased; another may keep back more than is right, but only comes to be in need. He who gives blessing will be made fat, but the curser will himself be cursed. He who keeps back grain will be cursed by the people, but a blessing will be on the head of him who lets them have it for a price.

1 Cor 11:27-34 If, then, anyone takes the bread or the cup of the Lord in the wrong spirit, he will be responsible for the body and blood of the Lord. But let no man take of the bread and the cup without testing himself. For a man puts himself in danger, if he takes part in the holy meal without being conscious that it is the Lord's body. For this cause, a number of you are feeble and ill, and a number are dead. But if we were true judges of ourselves, punishment would not come on us. But if punishment does come, it is sent by the Lord, so that we may be safe when the world is judged. So then, my brothers, when you come together to the holy meal of the Lord, let there be waiting for one another. If any man is in need of food, let him take his meal in his house; so that you may not come together to your damage. And the rest I will put in order when I come.

Malachi 3: 16 - 18 Then those in whom was the fear of the Lord had talked together: and the Lord gave ear, and it was recorded in a book to be kept in mind before him, for those who had the fear of the Lord and gave thought to his name. And they will be mine, says the Lord, in the day when I make them my special property; and I will have mercy on them as a man has mercy on his son who is his servant. Then you will again see how the upright man is different from the sinner, and the servant of God from him who is not.

1 Tim 3:1-7 This is a true saying, A man desiring the position of a Bishop has a desire for good work. The Bishop, then, is to be a man of good name, the husband of one wife, self-controlled, serious-minded, having respect for order, opening his house freely to guests, a ready teacher; Not quickly moved to wrath or blows, but gentle; no fighter, no lover of money; Ruling his house well, having his children under control with all serious behavior; (For if a man has not the art of ruling his house, how will he take care of the church of God?) Not one newly taken into the church, for fear that, through his high opinion of himself, he may come into the same sin as the Evil One. And he is to have a good name among those outside the church so that nothing may be said against him and he may not be taken by the designs of the Evil One.
What was your point if you are against Christians?
What was your point if you are against Christians?

I'm not but its how Christians treat each other, I am just an observer from afar, there bad and there are good, Christ is saying to examine oneself, but what God is, He says about humidity or the weight of sin, things that don't belong in a Christians life.
No LOVE is all
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I'm not but its how Christians treat each other, I am just an observer from afar, there bad and there are good, Christ is saying to examine oneself, but what God is, He says about humidity or the weight of sin, things that don't belong in a Christians life.
No LOVE is all
It’s really about how people treat each other. The light of Christ is in all to know good from evil and make the right choices. We all make mistakes while figuring everything out. Sometimes those mistakes are sin. But the the greatest sin is to judge one another instead of just making judgments for decision making. It’s not our job to make people feel guilty.

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