Waterboarding or drone strikes?


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
Since 9-11 the Bush and Obama administrations have both worked to prevent future attacks on America the Bush administration took captured terrorist and used enhanced interrogation techniques to get information and prevent attacks the Obama administration went heavy on drone strikes to kill terrorist to prevent attacks here is the question. Which do you consider worse using enhanced interrogation which some consider torture or using drone strikes which often kill innocent civilians as well as the targeted terrorist?
Drone strikes are neither worse nor bad.

They are effective and kill far few civilians than otherwise would happen in normal bombing.

Of course, they loss of life would be much less if the terrorist cowards did not use civilians as human shields.
Drone strikes are neither worse nor bad.

They are effective and kill far few civilians than otherwise would happen in normal bombing.

Of course, they loss of life would be much less if the terrorist cowards did not use civilians as human shields.
Given a choice, Jake would opt for rectal feeding.
Drone strikes are neither worse nor bad.

They are effective and kill far few civilians than otherwise would happen in normal bombing.

Of course, they loss of life would be much less if the terrorist cowards did not use civilians as human shields.
Yet you find enhanced interrogations appalling, but killing innocents is okay. Wtf is that?
All Bush did was push through the NOT-Patriot Act, which will be stuck with forever. He did nothing to keep us safe and didn't have the time to go after bin Laden.

Where is the comparison?

One kills our enemies with little collateral damage.

The other accomplishes not much at all.
Drone strikes are neither worse nor bad.

They are effective and kill far few civilians than otherwise would happen in normal bombing.

Of course, they loss of life would be much less if the terrorist cowards did not use civilians as human shields.
True but by the same token enhanced interrogation does not kill any civilians one of arguments against it is terrorist can use it as a recruiting tool which I'm sure they have but I have no doubt they also use civilian deaths from drone strikes for recruiting as well. Personally I support using both.
All Bush did was push through the NOT-Patriot Act, which will be stuck with forever. He did nothing to keep us safe and didn't have the time to go after bin Laden.

Where is the comparison?

One kills our enemies with little collateral damage.

The other accomplishes not much at all.

But Nuttley it was a bipartisan acted that passed with many Democrat votes... do you really need the count, or can you find that yourself?
Drone strikes are neither worse nor bad.

They are effective and kill far few civilians than otherwise would happen in normal bombing.

Of course, the loss of life would be much less if the terrorist cowards did not use civilians as human shields.
True but by the same token enhanced interrogation does not kill any civilians one of arguments against it is terrorist can use it as a recruiting tool which I'm sure they have but I have no doubt they also use civilian deaths from drone strikes for recruiting as well. Personally I support using both.

Hint: your argument made no sense. Why? The use of a false derivative analogy.
Vigi, that's why the torturers and their masters hid their evil actions so skillfully from Bush and almost all of the legislators. Cheney, of course, knew every step of it.
Drone strikes are neither worse nor bad.

They are effective and kill far few civilians than otherwise would happen in normal bombing.

Of course, the loss of life would be much less if the terrorist cowards did not use civilians as human shields.
True but by the same token enhanced interrogation does not kill any civilians one of arguments against it is terrorist can use it as a recruiting tool which I'm sure they have but I have no doubt they also use civilian deaths from drone strikes for recruiting as well. Personally I support using both.

Hint: your argument made no sense. Why? The use of a false derivative analogy.

Only to you! The rest of us read perfectly fine!
Drone strikes are neither worse nor bad.

They are effective and kill far few civilians than otherwise would happen in normal bombing.

Of course, the loss of life would be much less if the terrorist cowards did not use civilians as human shields.
True but by the same token enhanced interrogation does not kill any civilians one of arguments against it is terrorist can use it as a recruiting tool which I'm sure they have but I have no doubt they also use civilian deaths from drone strikes for recruiting as well. Personally I support using both.

Hint: your argument made no sense. Why? The use of a false derivative analogy.
Hint that is the response you give when you can't argue the point.
Left Think:

Enhanced interrogations are illegal and torture....and must be stopped.

Drone attacks killing terrorists and innocents are fine.
Except there's no evidence to prove that either has done anything to prevent future attacks, and all indications are that both practices cause more resentment and more hatred of the United States in the Middle East which leads to more terrorism.
Left Think:

Enhanced interrogations are illegal and torture....and must be stopped.

Drone attacks killing terrorists and innocents are fine.

I'm down with both!

But I think the drone program should be expanded to include stupid people.

So much for Liberals.
Left Think:

Enhanced interrogations are illegal and torture....and must be stopped.

Drone attacks killing terrorists and innocents are fine.

I'm down with both!

But I think the drone program should be expanded to include stupid people.

So much for Liberals.

I'm down with both as well.

Innocent Muslims?

Kinda gotta wonder about that one. Wonder if those innocent muslims were clapping and cheering on 9-11 and I also wonder why those innocent muslims do nothing to rein in those jihadists assholes.

If they are innocent and don't like whats going on then its up to them to do something about those not so innocent muslims.

Of course it may be that they really like whats going on and could care how many those jihadist assholes kill.

Hope those drones kill a few more.

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