Zone1 *Water Into Wine*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Wine from huge water pots, now these pots were very large pots, like 55 gal drums.
2. So Jesus commanded the way these pots were to be filled, to the brim.
3. All the way up. *how he wants to fill your empty heart up*
4. These water pots sitting there were water, not wine, which, wine takes grapes, lots of grapes, maybe 1000 pounds of grapes to make one huge water pots full of wine.
5. So the impossibility is staggering.
6. Several huge pots, filled with wine.
7. And one of the patrons said that the best wine was saved till then, the end of the wedding.
8. Its nearing the end of the era, and this I'm sharing is the best wine, drink it for eternal life; the life Jesus Christ, gives you.
9. The eternal gift, that flows from inside forever.
10. Don't be fooled, waste not time, make haste, fill your vessel with joyous wine, created of water, to nourish your soul.

Note: Live long, be alert, and know getting drunk of wine, is always bad for you.

An easy magicians trick.

This is the BASE trick.......of course Jesus (if he WAS real, he was a magician) probably used sheepskin or parchment paper instead of plastic.
There are also ways to create magicians style pots/pitchers and such that will pour one thing, and then all of a sudden pour something completely different, which is based off the Assassins Teapot.
There are many other ways to turn a liquid into another liquid, based on what is used to do the trick.

An easy magicians trick.

This is the BASE trick.......of course Jesus (if he WAS real, he was a magician) probably used sheepskin or parchment paper instead of plastic.
There are also ways to create magicians style pots/pitchers and such that will pour one thing, and then all of a sudden pour something completely different, which is based off the Assassins Teapot.
There are many other ways to turn a liquid into another liquid, based on what is used to do the trick.

Or someone else had done that trick way back when and the story was taken and then attributed to Jesus by some random writer. Centuries later when they chose which passages to put in the bible, they picked that guys story.
Sorry bout that,

1. Such a wonderful thing Jesus did at this wedding, no wine to enjoy, for the guests, say 100 people, likely not that many, so Jesus made gallons of wine, maybe 100-200 gallons.
2. At a wedding, if they serve wine, you would just have glass at most, so, maybe 18 gallons at most.
3. So generous was Jesus, he left enough for the newlyweds to sell many gallons.
4. Likely over 150 gallons.
5. The couple took it and sold it, no doubt.
6. Jesus blessed them indeed.
7. Good wine.

An easy magicians trick.

This is the BASE trick.......of course Jesus (if he WAS real, he was a magician) probably used sheepskin or parchment paper instead of plastic.
There are also ways to create magicians style pots/pitchers and such that will pour one thing, and then all of a sudden pour something completely different, which is based off the Assassins Teapot.
There are many other ways to turn a liquid into another liquid, based on what is used to do the trick.

See, the "trick" Jesus performed was done sans any wine to begin with. "They have no wine." None. Zilch. Zip.

The props that magicians use are on hand, as your video demonstrates. Not so in Jesus' case.
So generous was Jesus, he left enough for the newlyweds to sell many gallons.
4. Likely over 150 gallons.
Remember, in Jesus' day, a Jewish wedding celebration lasted an entire week. People probably had more than one glass of wine a day. Would 25 gallons of wine per day be unusual, especially if an entire village was celebrating?
This was a great scene. His first PUBLIC miracle. Now there is no turning back. He was doing what He came to earth for

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I referenced the gospel account. You prove that Jesus flipped a wine glass upside down.

Were you there?

Oh, so you're one of those..........that reads something that wasn't written. I see.
You might want to learn to read before you comment on something you obviously didn't or couldn't read.

I could have been a little more descriptive as well. I was talking about clay pots being used, although I didn't specify.
I've seen this trick done with clay pots, but this is the closest video I could find that relates to that trick.
Oh, so you're one of those..........that reads something that wasn't written. I see.
You might want to learn to read before you comment on something you obviously didn't or couldn't read.

I could have been a little more descriptive as well. I was talking about clay pots being used, although I didn't specify.
I've seen this trick done with clay pots, but this is the closest video I could find that relates to that trick.
It was written. It's in the Gospel of John.

Do you think Jesus used small clay pots? They were stone pots, according to the story. And each held upwards of fifty gallons.

At least I have a frame of reference. You're just pulling a scenario out of the blue.
What better way to get people to follow you than providing them with free booze?
and drinkin' it with a deity Blues!....


It was written. It's in the Gospel of John.

Do you think Jesus used small clay pots? They were stone pots, according to the story. And each held upwards of fifty gallons.

It was a wedding, a happy occasion, during a very unhappy time of brutal Roman oppression. The wine that ran out was a metaphor for uplifting conversation. The conversation ran dry. They ran out of wine, happy things to talk about. Then they only had the daily "waters of affliction" to drink, speak about. Roman oppression and the difficult times they were enduring. When Mary prodded Jesus she was suggesting that he do something about it by sharing some of the ideas and teachings that he was working on. He turned this common talk about the current harsh realities of life, "the water of affliction", into the finest wine, which reignited the optimism expected at a wedding even better than the well wishes from before.

This was the first "miracle", or sign rather, that Jesus was the messiah. A new way to see life.

The last sign was Jesus turning wine into blood, a curse, and sending it through the nations.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15. Remember? "I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Just art Thou, in these Thy judgments, Thou Holy One who art and wast: for they shed the blood of Thy people and of Thy prophets and Thou hast given them blood to drink." Rev 16:5
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It was a wedding, a happy occasion, during a very unhappy time of brutal Roman oppression. The wine that ran out was a metaphor for uplifting conversation. The conversation ran dry. They ran out of wine, happy things to talk about. Then they only had the daily waters of adversity to speak about. Roman oppression and the difficult times they were enduring. When Mary prodded Jesus she was suggesting that he do something about it by sharing some of the ideas and teachings that he was working on. He turned this common talk about the current harsh realities of life, water, into an uplifting drink, a fine wine, which reignited the optimism expected at a wedding even better than the skeptical well wishes from before.

This was his first "miracle", or sign rather, that Jesus was the messiah.

The last sign was Jesus turning wine into blood, a curse, and sending it through the nations.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15. Remember? "I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Just art Thou, in these Thy judgments, Thou Holy One who art and wast: for they shed the blood of Thy people and of Thy prophets and Thou hast given them blood to drink." Rev 16:5
And the secularization of Jesus continues.
Says the ding with no clothes. :777:

You will remain naked and ashamed until you learn to say "Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai"
It's hilarious to watch you jump through your hoops to secularize Jesus. Why didn't Jesus come out and say what you "believe" he was trying to say? Why would he hide it?
Sorry bout that,

1. Wine from huge water pots, now these pots were very large pots, like 55 gal drums.
2. So Jesus commanded the way these pots were to be filled, to the brim.
3. All the way up. *how he wants to fill your empty heart up*
4. These water pots sitting there were water, not wine, which, wine takes grapes, lots of grapes, maybe 1000 pounds of grapes to make one huge water pots full of wine.
5. So the impossibility is staggering.
6. Several huge pots, filled with wine.
7. And one of the patrons said that the best wine was saved till then, the end of the wedding.
8. Its nearing the end of the era, and this I'm sharing is the best wine, drink it for eternal life; the life Jesus Christ, gives you.
9. The eternal gift, that flows from inside forever.
10. Don't be fooled, waste not time, make haste, fill your vessel with joyous wine, created of water, to nourish your soul.

Note: Live long, be alert, and know getting drunk of wine, is always bad for you.

Remember also that those jars were for the ceremonial washing of people who were to enter the house. That's another poke in the eye to the Pharisees and other religious leaders of the day.
There is a lot going on here with turning water into wine at a wedding and the fact that this is the first miracle. Of course, the mockers haven't got a clue.
An easy magicians trick.

This is the BASE trick.......of course Jesus (if he WAS real, he was a magician) probably used sheepskin or parchment paper instead of plastic.
There are also ways to create magicians style pots/pitchers and such that will pour one thing, and then all of a sudden pour something completely different, which is based off the Assassins Teapot.
There are many other ways to turn a liquid into another liquid, based on what is used to do the trick.

If and Probably are very objective proofs. There are many other ways to turn water into wine? Show us. Jesus was a poor man....where do you suggest He received the funds to purchase such valuable merchandise as WINE by the barrels? What about the other 14 acts of a miraculous nature demonstrated by Jesus.........from curing people of Leprosy, raising the dead, curing the blind from birth, walking on water..etc., not to mention the many miracles preformed by the Apostles of the same nature? Do you suppose that both Jesus and Peter knew where the rocks were when they walked on water?

There were Eyewitness accounts of these miracles........some by those who hated Jesus, yet they could not deny what they themselves had witnessed, they charged Jesus of preforming miracles by the power of Satan (Matthew 12:22-32)

"For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ....but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty." -- 2 Peter 1:16

One of the greastest miracles witnessed by the enemies of the Christ.........Peter cut the right ear off one of the High Priests servants.....and Jesus restored the ear. Witnessed not only by the high priests of the Jews but a number of Roman Soldiers. (John 18:1-11)

Why do you accuse with Subject Ad Hominem BS.........because there is no method for you to prove beyond doubt the accusations that you are making in any Objective Fashion that includes......Observation, Reproduction and Consistency of Facts. The Prima Facie eyewitness accounts of these miraculous acts stand as Truth.....until such proof is presented.

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