Washington DC rally in support of 6 January rioters falls short of expectations

Fort fun indiana said:
Dude, i am not your mommy. If you don't care about people getting sick and dying from covid, then just say it and be the proud, immoral, unethical asshole that 'Murricagives you the right to be.

that shows me right there you have no respect for this country. You hold it in contempt don't you. So destroying it is exactly what you would like to see.
Right..."low class people".

You make a great liberal. I don't mean that as a compliment. I just mean it.
You don't think the January 6 seditionists are low class people?!? :oops:

Nearly every single one of them is one of these:

  • Unemployed
  • On probation
  • Defaulted on loans
  • Prior arrest for assault/violence
  • History of domestic assault
  • History of animal abuse
  • Unpaid taxes
  • Unpaid child support
that shows me right there you have no respect for this country. You hold it in contempt don't you. So destroying it is exactly what you would like to see.
They HATE this country because they cannot control us all. And what they cannot control, they want to destroy. We won't quietly line up and give them everything they want so they want to destroy us.
You don't think the January 6 seditionists are low class people?!? :oops:

Nearly every single one of them is one of these:

  • Unemployed
  • On probation
  • Defaulted on loans
  • Prior arrest for assault/violence
  • History of domestic assault
  • History of animal abuse
  • Unpaid taxes
  • Unpaid child support
And we'd better believe him folks! He knows them all personally and can prove it!
This in spades. But to be honest it's not like he's our ONLY candidate. We have a lot, and they look like neurotic mentally ill fools over Covid. Who wants that in a leader? I mean....really? How long does abject fear win the day?

Um, not long in the history of ever.

. . yeah, but I do have a suspicion that the Deep State is going to keep assassinating and killing leaders that speak out against the New Normal and Covidiocy, with a means of assassination that look very much like the disease. And then when the postmortem is done? Because of how the cycles are run, no one will know the difference.

The folks in control aren't dumb, and this time, they are playing for keeps.
you have to lie about everything don't you. everything.
Yes, I guess I did "lie" by saying this is a re-enactment of Trump's inauguration. I was making a joke, see, because Trump's inauguration was sparsely attended and embarrassing to him.

What this ACTUALLY is, is the sparsely attended protest in favor of traitors and seditionists. Because their paranoia keeps them from attending their paranoia rally.
Your signature is beyond stupid. Did you make this up? I work in schools. I have for decades. We just had Safety Week. Can you outline even ONE thing the modern school has in place to "stop school shooters"?

Wow, talk about dense. He's referring to gun regulation, not turning schools into fortresses.

Is this what they mean when they say "willful ignorance"?

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