Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

It can be as much as being woke is standing up for the oppressed and Conservatives love to oppress those who are different
They're fair game when they come out of the closet and start placing their 'rights' above everyone else.
I don't recall where Jesus viewed the entire world in terms of identity or handicapped one person to favor another, so no.
Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers.
Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them.

Was Jesus Woke?

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Is it just me, or do you find it odd all the people on this site that are not Christians and not followers of Christ have all come here to tell the world how great he was because he followers their Left wing woke ideology?
Is it just me, or do you find it odd all the people on this site that are not Christians and not followers of Christ have all come here to tell the world how great he was because he followers their Left wing woke ideology?
What does being a Christian have to do with appreciating what Jesus stood for?
Is it just me, or do you find it odd all the people on this site that are not Christians and not followers of Christ have all come here to tell the world how great he was because he followers their Left wing woke ideology?

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination as the pathway to the everlasting no where found in the desert, judaism or christianity.
The Pharisees excused themselves from obeying laws that they found inconvenient. That's liberalism 101.

Literally Trump has gone to the Supreme Court to ask for immunity because he wants to excuse himself from obeying laws.

And you're blaming "liberalism".

You think He stood for drag queen story hour and free shit for blacks, do you?

jesus was not a sociopath ...


how christians long for their days of glory .... stay tuned, the day of the pub's return.
Literally Trump has gone to the Supreme Court to ask for immunity because he wants to excuse himself from obeying laws.

And you're blaming "liberalism".

One of the characteristics of modern liberalism is no rules or restrictions. Everyone has some of that in them, even (gasp) me. :omg:
jesus taught liberation theology, self determination as the pathway to the everlasting no where found in the desert, judaism or christianity.
Christianity is the religion founded by Jesus Christ. And he did lay a yoke upon our shoulders, but an easier one than he laid on Israel. There is great freedom in servitude once you understand it.

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