Wallmart greed


Senior Member
May 26, 2022
Walmart CEO's are claiming that they are closing over 1500 stores due to bad economics and high crime,stealing, in their stores.I suspect that this is just an excuse to downsized. to increase greedy profits for the selfish CEO . This is also to triple the investors return,probably. This down right evil,hurting employment . These stores are making a lot of money .Once again COVID and crime are being exploited for greed.
Walmart CEO's are claiming that they are closing over 1500 stores due to bad economics and high crime,stealing, in their stores.I suspect that this is just an excuse to downsized. to increase greedy profits for the selfish CEO . This is also to triple the investors return,probably. This down right evil,hurting employment . These stores are making a lot of money .Once again COVID and crime are being exploited for greed.
In Walmart's defense something could be done about the crime. When you do not enforce law expect serious consequences. But are the greedy, fuck yea they are.
Downsize to increase profits.


I suspect that this is just an excuse to downsized.

Wait. So you have no evidence except your "suspicion?"

What happened to Walmart being a private company that can do as it pleases?

You know, like Twitter oppressing conservative speech?

Meantime, there is Google downsizing, Facebook downsizing, Yahoo, Amazon, Disney, Microsoft, and most every other big company!

You mad at all those as well?
Walmart CEO's are claiming that they are closing over 1500 stores due to bad economics and high crime,stealing, in their stores.I suspect that this is just an excuse to downsized. to increase greedy profits for the selfish CEO . This is also to triple the investors return,probably. This down right evil,hurting employment . These stores are making a lot of money .Once again COVID and crime are being exploited for greed.

How would greed motivate any company to shut down stores that are profitable? If the stores are profitable, then the “greedy” company does better by keeping them open and continuing to profit from them.

From a “greedy” point of view, it only makes sense to shut down stores that are costing more to run than what they are returning in revenues. For example, stores in high-crime areas that are falling prey to too much theft, vandalism, and other criminal activity.
Walmart CEO's are claiming that they are closing over 1500 stores due to bad economics and high crime,stealing, in their stores.I suspect that this is just an excuse to downsized. to increase greedy profits for the selfish CEO .

a) No company needs an excuse to downsize, or upsize.

b) I certainly want any company with whom I do business, either as a customer or an investor to be "greedy" and think about their bottom line. Any company that doesn't will soon be out of business unless they can coerce a willing politician to keep them afloat.

Lots of dumb things people say end up working their way into our collective subconscious and eventually, after they've been repeated enough, people come to accept them as true or axiomatic. "Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis" or "You can see the Great Wall of China from space".

One of those dumb things that people say that we've come to accept as true is, "Companies (we blame CEOs more often than the company because they make better movie villains) are just in it for the money and that make them greedy and evil".

The only reason anyone creates a business, a business that provides a good or service, that creates jobs, and creates a good return for the investors, is to make money. That is the single most important goal of any business and the only ethical way they can continue to stay in business,
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Walmart CEO's are claiming that they are closing over 1500 stores due to bad economics and high crime,stealing, in their stores.I suspect that this is just an excuse to downsized. to increase greedy profits for the selfish CEO . This is also to triple the investors return,probably. This down right evil,hurting employment . These stores are making a lot of money .Once again COVID and crime are being exploited for greed.

Good. There are too damn many Walfarts anyway.
How would greed motivate any company to shut down stores that are profitable? If the stores are profitable, then the “greedy” company does better by keeping them open and continuing to profit from them.

Bob, there you go again using logic with the left, as if they had the head for it. Logic and reasoning are as foreign to them as is a good clean shower.
Walmart CEO's are claiming that they are closing over 1500 stores due to bad economics and high crime,stealing, in their stores.I suspect that this is just an excuse to downsized. to increase greedy profits for the selfish CEO . This is also to triple the investors return,probably. This down right evil,hurting employment . These stores are making a lot of money .Once again COVID and crime are being exploited for greed.
Go woke - go broke.
And that includes cities.
Defund the police, allow criminals to run the city - the good people and businesses leave.
The OP is just getting mad because it is undeniable that Biden's economy SUCKS.

The only people that I see profiting and expanding now is Biden's GOVERNMENT.

The OP purports to be sixty-five years old.

How does anyone live that long, and remain so abjectly ignorant about basic economics? In those 65 years, did he never hold a job? Did he never have to buy food and other necessities? Did he never have bills to pay?
Walmart CEO's are claiming that they are closing over 1500 stores due to bad economics and high crime,stealing, in their stores.I suspect that this is just an excuse to downsized. to increase greedy profits for the selfish CEO . This is also to triple the investors return,probably. This down right evil,hurting employment . These stores are making a lot of money .Once again COVID and crime are being exploited for greed.

This is also to triple the investors return,probably.

Are you still in jr high school? You sure do seem to have that type of intelligence when it comes to stocks and companies. If what you were saying is that it was to make that greedy CEO selfish, then why is he allowing stock owners to share in that profit? Also, when store in blue cities are ransacked over and over, because that is what savages do in stores, the of course you as a CEO would close that non profitable store.

Sam's Club in Landover Maryland had a majority of black workers, because Sam's Club wanted that area to have the same benefits as they do in other upscale neighborhoods. But after a while, that store found out that not only did savages walk in and steal merchandise, but the black store employees were taking as much or more. That store closed down...

Maybe if you black people would tell your savages to stop acting like savages and start acting like law abiding citizens, then stores wont close on them. I am done with ignorant, entitled savage blacks who think they have something owed them.
Walmart is a crime magnet.
I avoid it.

As much as I admire WalMart as a business model. I'm not their "target" demographic (I'm not Target's either).

I buy a lot of things online and I buy my groceries at the nearest chain market and produce from a specialty store.

I have never needed a 128oz jar of Queso or a $3 undershirt.
No link in op? Odd.
Anyway, a quick search on the Google machine reveals Walmart(from their own website) is closing 156 stores in the USA which will result in the loss (by their own accounting) of about 1500 jobs. The reason given is underperforming and to control LOSS PREVENTION. (Again, on Wally's web site)
OP's must do better than this one did. He didn't even 'phone it in'.
I would post a link, but if the op didn't care enough to do so before grousing off like grandpa Simpson, then why should I?

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