Wake up MotherFkrs.........Terrorist Burn Loot and Murder shout in Portland Oregon


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
And so it continues...............in residential sections of a city that has been turned into a shit hole by the left. Demanding everyone wake up and listen to them. Demanding FREE SHIT.........even though none of them were slaves.............

What a bunch of stinking morons..........PC doesn't exist with me on these animals who need to be dealt with harshly..........and end this BS.

What are the details?
Journalist Andy Ngo tweeted video footage of the incident, describing the scene, "'Wake up, mother f—ker wake up!' chant BLM in Portland tonight as they go through residential areas and shut down the streets."

The video, on the city's 85th consecutive night of protests, shows a horde of masked demonstrators marching through the streets, waving Black Lives Matter flags, armed with flashlights, laser pointers, and more, shouting vulgarities at the local residents.

"Wake up!" the activists can be heard screaming as they march down the street. "Wake up, motherf***er, wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, motherf***er!"

And so it continues...............in residential sections of a city that has been turned into a shit hole by the left. Demanding everyone wake up and listen to them. Demanding FREE SHIT.........even though none of them were slaves.............

What a bunch of stinking morons..........PC doesn't exist with me on these animals who need to be dealt with harshly..........and end this BS.

What are the details?
Journalist Andy Ngo tweeted video footage of the incident, describing the scene, "'Wake up, mother f—ker wake up!' chant BLM in Portland tonight as they go through residential areas and shut down the streets."

The video, on the city's 85th consecutive night of protests, shows a horde of masked demonstrators marching through the streets, waving Black Lives Matter flags, armed with flashlights, laser pointers, and more, shouting vulgarities at the local residents.

"Wake up!" the activists can be heard screaming as they march down the street. "Wake up, motherf***er, wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, motherf***er!"
Just dreadful. Thanks for your post that further illustrates the savagery and inanity of BLM.
Does your representative hail from Portland Oregon?
Nope............but it is supposed to be a part of this country.

So.........fuck off......I'm reporting the news about animals that escaped the zoo in Oregon..........they need to be locked up.
Yep, locked up AND kept in cages, away from decent, law-abiding citizens.
And so it continues...............in residential sections of a city that has been turned into a shit hole by the left. Demanding everyone wake up and listen to them. Demanding FREE SHIT.........even though none of them were slaves.............

What a bunch of stinking morons..........PC doesn't exist with me on these animals who need to be dealt with harshly..........and end this BS.

What are the details?
Journalist Andy Ngo tweeted video footage of the incident, describing the scene, "'Wake up, mother f—ker wake up!' chant BLM in Portland tonight as they go through residential areas and shut down the streets."

The video, on the city's 85th consecutive night of protests, shows a horde of masked demonstrators marching through the streets, waving Black Lives Matter flags, armed with flashlights, laser pointers, and more, shouting vulgarities at the local residents.

"Wake up!" the activists can be heard screaming as they march down the street. "Wake up, motherf***er, wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, motherf***er!"
/——/Libtards gonna tard.
Does your representative hail from Portland Oregon?
Nope............but it is supposed to be a part of this country.

So.........fuck off......I'm reporting the news about animals that escaped the zoo in Oregon..........they need to be locked up.
Yep, locked up AND kept in cages, away from decent, law-abiding citizens.
Jaded Animal That You Are. Just say'in.
You seem upset about Wokeness............who came up with that BS term anyway.......a mental midget.

Wake Up Motherfucker.........WOKE MOVEMENT........sounds like a bowel movement to me.......FLUSH

This is democracy in action. The dems won the elections in portland. So, they set the rules with no concern for the rights of the people in the city.

That white trannie had a right to his property. Dems don't care the mob took it.

The man that tried to defend the white trannie had a right to so, or to drive away after he failed. Dems don't care, they beat him nearly to death.

Where were the cops? Were was the city government? Where was the state government?

ON the side of the mob, that is where.

That is the future of this nation, once dems are in charge.

Where I live, these guys would have been dispersed very quickly and would be lucky to get out alive. Unlike liberal cities like Portland, we don't play PC games. Even if the tables were reversed and the guy in the truck was black and the rioters white, the white rioters would be taken to task by the people in my area of the country. Violence is violence and idiots are idiots no matter their race.

These are the kids that spent their days in detention before they dropped out of high school. The Democrats adopt them as their own. The more ignorant the better as they are much easier to indoctrinate with their identity politics that cause further and further divisions.
And so it continues...............in residential sections of a city that has been turned into a shit hole by the left. Demanding everyone wake up and listen to them. Demanding FREE SHIT.........even though none of them were slaves.............

What a bunch of stinking morons..........PC doesn't exist with me on these animals who need to be dealt with harshly..........and end this BS.

What are the details?
Journalist Andy Ngo tweeted video footage of the incident, describing the scene, "'Wake up, mother f—ker wake up!' chant BLM in Portland tonight as they go through residential areas and shut down the streets."

The video, on the city's 85th consecutive night of protests, shows a horde of masked demonstrators marching through the streets, waving Black Lives Matter flags, armed with flashlights, laser pointers, and more, shouting vulgarities at the local residents.

"Wake up!" the activists can be heard screaming as they march down the street. "Wake up, motherf***er, wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, motherf***er!"

You believe this guy, I would not put stock in anything he says.


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