Virginia Bellwether - Obama Sucks

Please, let's go for the trifecta of comedy here. Go ahead and tell me how supportive you are(n't) of Obama's "Buy American' attempt. Let's test the limits and specificity of your "American support". Do you support tariffs on nations who enjoy a one sided trade deficit?
Do you support the WTO that the USA foolishly surrendered its rights to tariff too.

Do you have clue one what happens once you make such a stupid move what happens if you reneg and try to go protectionist?

No, you don't or you wouldn't have tried such an inane argument with me.

Are you willing to preserve a UAW-based standard of American living while there is a Mexican peasant willing to work for clean water and shelter?
A ludicrous comment.

We both already know the answer, dude.
No, you DON'T know the answers, and therein has always been your problem.

Since the first post i saw of yours, you have always been a labeler, you try and pigeonhole people into little preconvived boxes and go from there, which is why you are so horrible wrong so often, and have consistantly gotten it wrong.

Which, again, makes that pesky statement about following sheep all the richer (pun intended). You can shed a tear over my presentation but, in the end, we both know how you'll answer above.
Again, you have no idea what my 'comments' would be.

Probaly because like so many naieve people you don't understand how much of our own soveriegnty we have sacrificed the last 20 years, you think you can flip a switch and put up a trade tariff, and boom, another 'worker' is protected.

Doesn't work that way, that idiot chimp tried it with steel and ended up getting the shit fined out of him by the WTO.

We are a debtor nation now, we borrow for everything, and guess who holds the IOUs...go ahead, put it together....CHINA.

Slap tariffs on China and they will demand the money we owe them.

How the fuck do you think they get away with the trade imbalance?

All of this is irrelevent to the topic, your attempt to derail it fails because it was pointless.

Cap and Trade will increase the energy cost of the people least able to pay it, the aged and the poor.

But hey, what the fuck do you care if gramps turns off the AC in 90 degree weather because he is affraid he can't pay the bill. He's old and him dropping dead won't matter to you, as you have already made clear.

Afterall, we gotta keep the United Auto Worker standard of living...:cuckoo:
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WOW, now that was a real "intelligent" reply...:eek::eek::eek:

BTW, my electricity is hydro generated...

Envirowackos don't even want new dams built.

Water pressure — High Country News

I'm sure there's an Amish settlement nearby that might have you.

Yup - they have been calling for dismantling of hydro dams for many years now - saving the salmon and all.

The Dems don't like hydro either.

Windmills and solar - the very things GE has invested billions in.

Imagine that.

O'Reilly's comment.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
By Bill O'Reilly

I'm going to keep this simple. There is a big con going on, and it is outrageous.

Tuesday night's "Memo" is using some information developed by Rolling Stone magazine, which did a good job on this cap-and-trade deceit.

Cap-and-trade, it's easy. The feds tell heavy industry what they can spew into the air. If a company goes over the emission amount, they must buy so-called carbon offsets from another company. So the companies that keep emissions low make money, and the companies that spew lots of gunk make less money. Of course, the gunk companies will pass their higher costs on to us, but hey, no program is perfect, right?

Now, less gunk in the air is good. A cleaner planet means better health for all of us. But already, India, China, Mexico and other countries have told President Obama they will not limit emissions. They don't really care about global warming. So even if we cap-and-trade all day long, the Earth will continue to be dirty.

But that's not the con. Here it comes. Some big corporations will make billions off this cap-and-trade deal. Let's take one vivid example.

Goldman Sachs is a goliath investment company that pays very little tax. In fact, last year in the teeth of the recession, Goldman made more than $2 billion in profit and, according to the Associated Press, paid its CEO Lloyd Blankfein about $43 million. Let me repeat: Old Lloyd made $43 million bucks in 2008. But Goldman Sachs paid zero in federal income tax. Let me repeat: Goldman made $2 billion and paid nothing in federal tax.

A quick aside: President Obama and the Democrats want to raise taxes on high-earning Americans to pay for health care. But Goldman-Sachs gets a pass.

Back to cap-and-trade. Goldman owns a 10 percent stake in the Chicago Climate Exchange, where the cap-and-trade deals will be made. On each deal a commission will be paid. Goldman Sachs stands to vacuum up money. Did I mention the company pays very little tax?

Also, Goldman employees gave President Obama's campaign close to $1 million. Did I mention that?

Ready for more? Guess who has also invested heavily in cap-and-trade? Hello, Al Gore. He's started a company named Generation Investment Management, which will also profit big time if the cap-and-trade deal becomes law. Since Al Gore launched his global warming crusade, his net worth has increased 5,000 percent to more than $100 million, according to Investors Business Daily. As they say on Wall Street, Mr. Gore is hot. Pardon the pun.

So let's recap. Global warming is bad, but cap-and-trade will not affect it much because China and India will continue to pollute. Big corporations like Goldman Sachs and big guys like Al Gore could make many millions of dollars off cap-and-trade, while the regular folks will pay more for just about everything.

That definitely sounds like change — change Mr. Gore and Goldman Sachs can believe in.

And that's "The Memo."
Like many, MANY things on this forum you are absolutely wrong about that. Hell, i'm probably the most vocal on this forum when it comes to pointing out how many jobs are hemmoraged to China. Trust me, dude.. i'm not at all impressed with your logical gymnastics necessary to come to such a conclusion.

And, as long as the windmill was made in the US instead of dirt pauper china... but, again, that is the punchline of your laughable, situational concern for the income of the poor, now isnt it.

Nobody said anything about the income of the poor, nitwit.

The comments have centered around how much it will COST them, no matter how much they make.

Try reading for comprehension some time...It'll make you look less like the babbling dumbshit most here already know you are.

The CBO scored it. It won't cost the poor anything, in fact they will save money from it.

Next stupid argument?

It never ceases to amaze me how some of these guys believe they have an army of admirers. Hey dud...better check your daisey best there are half a dozen you are swapping spit with on a regular basis. I've got twice that many that give me pos reps just for the negative shit you neo cons come up with. And don't even try to deny you are a neo con. And your daddy mike was a lousy diver. :lol::lol::lol: Just kidding..couldn't get enough of him when I was a kid.
Do you support the WTO that the USA foolishly surrendered its rights to tariff too.

Do you have clue one what happens once you make such a stupid move what happens if you reneg and try to go protectionist?

No, you don't or you wouldn't have tried such an inane argument with me.

ahh.. the ole "i'm not going to answer because I know more about econ than you and anyone in the know agrees with me" routine, eh?


that's kind of a the same protection that a dog under the porch looks for when it's thundering outside, eh? You can call whatever you want a stupid idea.. yet the FACT remains that the US is suffering because of your type of economic geniuses. Which, is illustrated in your responses below.

A ludicrous comment.

BRILLIANT RETORT! Holy SHIT! Do I just pay you per credit hour here or should I write a check to Fucking Idiot U.?

No, you DON'T know the answers, and therein has always been your problem.

Clearly, I do given your response above. :thup:

Since the first post i saw of yours, you have always been a labeler, you try and pigeonhole people into little preconvived boxes and go from there, which is why you are so horrible wrong so often, and have consistantly gotten it wrong.

hey, we can BOTH talk shit, vagina. Why don't you spare me your crying and give a retort a bit more profound than "no, you don't" or "a ludicrous statement"... :lol:

Again, you have no idea what my 'comments' would be.

Here's your chance to prove me wrong and MAKE THOSE COMMENTS RATHER THAT ACT LIKE YOU PUSSY IS BLEEDING. Come on, dude. The longer you stall the funnier your reproach becomes.

Probaly because like so many naieve people you don't understand how much of our own soveriegnty we have sacrificed the last 20 years, you think you can flip a switch and put up a trade tariff, and boom, another 'worker' is protected.


yea dude.. it's because IM the one who doesn't understand! sure, dude! :rofl:

and yes, As the world's dominant power there is very little besides choosing not to trade with us that any other nation can, or will, do. Cry all you want about who gave up what as if it's an excuses to swallow water while we drown but your reply thus far.. well, I hit it on the head calling it the Trifecta of Comedy.

Doesn't work that way, that idiot chimp tried it with steel and ended up getting the shit fined out of him by the WTO.

Yea, AND WSJ REPUBLICANS. Again, the WTO is about as significant as you people think the UN is to American prerogative. Please, TELL ME what you think the WTO is going to do to a nation whose economics were as solid as it has EVER been back when racist xenophobia molded American consumption. By all means, spare me the boogeyman bullshit and tell me EXACTLY what you think the WTO can do that the UN can't.


We are a debtor nation now, we borrow for everything, and guess who holds the IOUs...go ahead, put it together....CHINA.

Indeed, probably the biggest PROTECTIONIST nation that we trade with currently. Tell me, mastermind, how you think they ran to the top of that economic mountain to be crowned king without free trade policies. Do you think CHINA is going to invade the US? Or, for fucks sake, threaten NOT to import all of those American goods that they are currently NOT IMPORTING?


Slap tariffs on China and they will demanmd the money we owe them.

We pay it off with taxes on all goods from China. We are under no obligation to consume their goods just as, clearly, they refuse to consume ours. Sorry, pal, that pesky fucking trade deficit just doesn't gel with your paranoia.

How the fuck do you think they get away with the trade imbalance?

by silly little capitalista bitches crying about a free market here in the US while making a little cash from the process that is hanging our production industries out to dry. Stop acting like you are a helpless little girl, dude.

All of this is irrelevent to the topic, your attempt to derail it fails because it was pointless.

how did you put it.. What a ludicrous comment?

Cap and Trade will increase the energy cost of the people least able to pay it, the aged and the poor.

Careful, The Dude is still wiping egg from his face. And, to be honest, your rhetoric sounds as silly as those who hide behind children when republicans try to cut welfare bennys to the poor. For real.

But hey, what the fuck do you care if gramps turns off the AC in 90 degree weather because he is affraid he can't pay the bill. He's old and him dropping dead won't matter to you, as you have already made claer.

nice mellowdrama... wait for it.....

Afterall, we gotta keep the United Auto Worker standard of living...:cuckoo:

Oh, you mean like GRAMPS ABOVE who could have afforded air conditioner had his lucrative employment not been marginalized down to a couple dollars above fast food wages, buddy? Looks like I knew how you'd respond after all! check mate, bitch.


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Envirowackos don't even want new dams built.

Water pressure — High Country News

I'm sure there's an Amish settlement nearby that might have you.

Yup - they have been calling for dismantling of hydro dams for many years now - saving the salmon and all.

The Dems don't like hydro either.

Windmills and solar - the very things GE has invested billions in.

Imagine that.

O'Reilly's comment.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
By Bill O'Reilly

I'm going to keep this simple. There is a big con going on, and it is outrageous.

Tuesday night's "Memo" is using some information developed by Rolling Stone magazine, which did a good job on this cap-and-trade deceit.

Cap-and-trade, it's easy. The feds tell heavy industry what they can spew into the air. If a company goes over the emission amount, they must buy so-called carbon offsets from another company. So the companies that keep emissions low make money, and the companies that spew lots of gunk make less money. Of course, the gunk companies will pass their higher costs on to us, but hey, no program is perfect, right?

Now, less gunk in the air is good. A cleaner planet means better health for all of us. But already, India, China, Mexico and other countries have told President Obama they will not limit emissions. They don't really care about global warming. So even if we cap-and-trade all day long, the Earth will continue to be dirty.

But that's not the con. Here it comes. Some big corporations will make billions off this cap-and-trade deal. Let's take one vivid example.

Goldman Sachs is a goliath investment company that pays very little tax. In fact, last year in the teeth of the recession, Goldman made more than $2 billion in profit and, according to the Associated Press, paid its CEO Lloyd Blankfein about $43 million. Let me repeat: Old Lloyd made $43 million bucks in 2008. But Goldman Sachs paid zero in federal income tax. Let me repeat: Goldman made $2 billion and paid nothing in federal tax.

A quick aside: President Obama and the Democrats want to raise taxes on high-earning Americans to pay for health care. But Goldman-Sachs gets a pass.

Back to cap-and-trade. Goldman owns a 10 percent stake in the Chicago Climate Exchange, where the cap-and-trade deals will be made. On each deal a commission will be paid. Goldman Sachs stands to vacuum up money. Did I mention the company pays very little tax?

Also, Goldman employees gave President Obama's campaign close to $1 million. Did I mention that?

Ready for more? Guess who has also invested heavily in cap-and-trade? Hello, Al Gore. He's started a company named Generation Investment Management, which will also profit big time if the cap-and-trade deal becomes law. Since Al Gore launched his global warming crusade, his net worth has increased 5,000 percent to more than $100 million, according to Investors Business Daily. As they say on Wall Street, Mr. Gore is hot. Pardon the pun.

So let's recap. Global warming is bad, but cap-and-trade will not affect it much because China and India will continue to pollute. Big corporations like Goldman Sachs and big guys like Al Gore could make many millions of dollars off cap-and-trade, while the regular folks will pay more for just about everything.

That definitely sounds like change — change Mr. Gore and Goldman Sachs can believe in.

And that's "The Memo."

ahh.. the ole "i'm not going to answer because I know more about econ than you and anyone in the know agrees with me" routine, eh?
You didn't ask a cogent question so there was no way to answer you, as you don't understand the topic.

Try putting togther a question that makes sense and we will go from there, if you can.

And knowing you, it isn't going to happen.

that's kind of a the same protection that a dog under the porch looks for when it's thundering outside, eh? You can call whatever you want a stupid idea.. yet the FACT remains that the US is suffering because of your type of economic geniuses. Which, is illustrated in your responses below.
Wrong again Francis, but at least you are consistant.

I wasn't the one that thought world gov was a sweet idea to the point where I sabotaged my own economy.

That would be people like YOU.

Well, it was acurate, not brilliant, but I suppose considering your limited abilites, it would seem brilliant.

Holy SHIT! Do I just pay you per credit hour here or should I write a check to Fucking Idiot U.?
Is your alma mater paying you for mentions?
Clearly, I do given your response above.
Obviously not, because you still don't get it.

hey, we can BOTH talk shit, vagina. Why don't you spare me your crying and give a retort a bit more profound than "no, you don't" or "a ludicrous statement"...
Then get serious on the topic and stop acting like a massive dick.

The entire economic model of the nation is royally fucked, it needs a complete overhaul but it can't be ripped down and replaced without millions of people being destoryed in the process. It has to be done in small pieces and it starts by paying off the debt, not adding to the burden.

That is the main problem with this fraud, its trying to destory and industry while 'fining' them to replace it, but ALLOWING said industry to pass costs on to the consumer, something many consumers can't handle.

Here's your chance to prove me wrong and MAKE THOSE COMMENTS RATHER THAT ACT LIKE YOU PUSSY IS BLEEDING. Come on, dude. The longer you stall the funnier your reproach becomes
Have you figured it out yet?

yea dude.. it's because IM the one who doesn't understand! sure, dude! :rofl:
Obviously not from what you post.

and yes, As the world's dominant power there is very little besides choosing not to trade with us that any other nation can, or will, do. Cry all you want about who gave up what as if it's an excuses to swallow water while we drown but your reply thus far.. well, I hit it on the head calling it the Trifecta of Comedy.
'World's most dominent power..' :lol:

Let's see you eat those nukes Sho.

Yea, AND WSJ REPUBLICANS. Again, the WTO is about as significant as you people think the UN is to American prerogative. Please, TELL ME what you think the WTO is going to do to a nation whose economics were as solid as it has EVER been back when racist xenophobia molded American consumption. By all means, spare me the boogeyman bullshit and tell me EXACTLY what you think the WTO can do that the UN can't.
This is what I mean about not paying attention.

I loathe the GoP.

The second part about not knowing what goes on is that crazy comment about what can they about starting with freezing and ceasing US assets around the world.

In case you haven't noticed, the USA isn't self sufiencient anymore and hasn't been for years.

You can't just wave your dick around screaming 'I the greatest world power' and expect it to work anymore.

Those days are ova.

Indeed, probably the biggest PROTECTIONIST nation that we trade with currently. Tell me, mastermind, how you think they ran to the top of that economic mountain to be crowned king without free trade policies. Do you think CHINA is going to invade the US? Or, for fucks sake, threaten NOT to import all of those American goods that they are currently NOT IMPORTING?
You ain't getting it Francis, its TOO LATE now, they already own us.

The only way out is to pay the deby off, THEN you can fuck with them, try it now and its depression city.

We pay it off with taxes on all goods from China. We are under no obligation to consume their goods just as, clearly, they refuse to consume ours. Sorry, pal, that pesky fucking trade deficit just doesn't gel with your paranoia.
God you are fucking clueless.

That own large portions OF OUR NATIONAL DEBT, not a trade deficit.

Do you understand the difference?

by silly little capitalista bitches crying about a free market here in the US while making a little cash from the process that is hanging our production industries out to dry. Stop acting like you are a helpless little girl, dude.
And wrong again, they get away with it because they can fucking destroy our economy by demanding what we owe them.

We don't have the money, remember?

NOBODY but China was willing to lend it to us.

Careful, The Dude is still wiping egg from his face. And, to be honest, your rhetoric sounds as silly as those who hide behind children when republicans try to cut welfare bennys to the poor. For real.
You really need to start paying attention, I have been argueing against this from day one based on its effect on lower income and old people.

The evironmental impact would be very little without China and India and thus its total bullshit, its a fraud.

Oh, you mean like GRAMPS ABOVE who could have afforded air conditioner had his lucrative employment not been marginalized down to a couple dollars above fast food wages, buddy? check mate, bitch.
You lost the game twenty moves ago, you are just to damn dumb to realize it yet.

But you will, if they pass that abomination in the senate.

Riddle me this Batman, if they want clean energy, why don't they give low rate fixed interest loans to power companies to build new plants using nuke, wind and solar power, that they can pay off over 30 years and not kill the little guy, including stipulations in the loan that that any added cost CANNOT be passed to teh consumer?

You can't answer, because they already shoved your head up your ass and made you belive cap and trade was worth it.
It never ceases to amaze me how some of these guys believe they have an army of admirers. Hey dud...better check your daisey best there are half a dozen you are swapping spit with on a regular basis. I've got twice that many that give me pos reps just for the negative shit you neo cons come up with. And don't even try to deny you are a neo con. And your daddy mike was a lousy diver. :lol::lol::lol: Just kidding..couldn't get enough of him when I was a kid.
So stupid fuck envirolemming circle jerkers rep you...What the fuck does that have to do with anyhting going on here??

Oh, yeah, NOTHING.
WOW, now that was a real "intelligent" reply...:eek::eek::eek:

BTW, my electricity is hydro generated...

Envirowacko Luddites don't even want new dams built.

Water pressure — High Country News

I'm sure there's an Amish settlement nearby that might have you.

Ohhhh, so protecting the environment is crazy and extreme...

BUT, sucking the dick of corporations is normal and mainstream...

You're a PEA brain...Monica class!

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb
Ohhhh, so protecting the environment is crazy and extreme...

BUT, sucking the dick of corporations is normal and mainstream...

You're a PEA brain...Monica class!

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb

Amazing. You're still murdering people with deadly coal output in a vein attempt to warn them that modern civilization is very, very bad.

Have you no conscious?
You didn't ask a cogent question so there was no way to answer you, as you don't understand the topic.
Try putting togther a question that makes sense and we will go from there, if you can.
And knowing you, it isn't going to happen.

In fact, I asked a very SPECIFIC question to which you answered, and I quote, "A Ludicrous Comment".


You know, if you are not going to put of a fight that can't be blatantly smacked down with a simple upward scrolling motion then this just won't be any fun. Crying about cogent is nothing less that obvious dancing around a topic that we both know damn well you keep trying not to answer like we BOTH know that you will.

Wrong again Francis, but at least you are consistant.


I wasn't the one that thought world gov was a sweet idea to the point where I sabotaged my own economy.
That would be people like YOU.

Would you like to pull your foot out of your mouth, WSJ capitalista?

The Surest Path Back to Prosperity -



Well, it was acurate, not brilliant, but I suppose considering your limited abilites, it would seem brilliant.

Clearly, you are capable of detecting sarcasm. Now, go run back under the porch, doggy.. The Shogun Thunderstorm has you yelping in the darkness.

Is your alma mater paying you for mentions?

I'm no graduate under your tutelage, professor ludicrous statement. HAHAHA!

Obviously not, because you still don't get it.

Oh I get it, dude. Thats why i'm having fun laughing at you right now. I mean, you know how sharp "this is a ludicrous statement" is and all! Hell, I SPECIFICALLY asked you if you support particular policy as it relates to the poorer classes and THIS tapdancing is all i've seen in return.. Yea, dude.. you should probably act like someone else doesn't get it.

Then get serious on the topic and stop acting like a massive dick.

Hey, don't throw stones if you are a bleeder. You dont have to act like a giant pussy because I call you out on your usual political opinions. And then get defensive and start talking shit only to CRY about the shit talking. Again, I can quote myself asking you legitimate questions that illustrate your position to which you replied "a ludicrous statement". Well, motherfucker, stop acting like a giant PUSSY and answer the fucking questions.

The entire economic model of the nation is royally fucked, it needs a complete overhaul but it can't be ripped down and replaced without millions of people being destoryed in the process. It has to be done in small pieces and it starts by paying off the debt, not adding to the burden.

That is your OPINION. I agree that it is royally fucked but pretending that tiny babysteps moving TOWARD MORE of a free market system is the answer is like shooting yourself in the head after swallowing cyanide. There is nothing about free market capitalism that is benefiting America as long as motherfuckers keep letting the Chinas and Mexicos off the hook when it comes to importing OUR goods. You may think that the "free market" will benefit us left untouched and I'm telling you that you are full of shit and we smell how bad it stinks today. To be honest, as long as China is not importing our shit on par with what we take of theirs, I don't give the first rats ass about foreclosing on their credit. If free trade isn't a two way street then it's a fucking failure from the get go. And, no amount of doomsday bullshit is going to erase, again, the racist xenophobia that gave us our strongest economy 50 fucking years ago anyway. If china tariffs out shit then SO WHAT. THEY ARE NOT BUYING THE SHIT ANYWAY.

That is the main problem with this fraud, its trying to destory and industry while 'fining' them to replace it, but ALLOWING said industry to pass costs on to the consumer, something many consumers can't handle.

HA! fruad, he says.. yea dude.. it's fucking FRAUD to demand equal trade and tariff goods on nations that refuse to trade on par with our consumption of their goods. Sure, dude. Do you just throw out bullshit and hope it sticks to the wall or what?


Have you figured it out yet?

"That is a ludicrous statement" sure is fucking profound, dude. I bet there are cryptologists working on it RIGHT NOW!


Obviously not from what you post.

..says "ludicrous" boy! :lol:

'World's most dominent power..' :lol:
Let's see you eat those nukes Sho.

Wont even take nukes. But, i'm glad to see that you have as much faith in the US as any ole sell sword. Glad to have you on our side, buddy! But, I have to say, this is pretty much indicative of your "American as long as it benefits my wallet" stance anyway. Telling, really.

This is what I mean about not paying attention.

I loathe the GoP.

SUUUURE you do. Kinda like how a great many "independent libertarians" were created on Nov 4, 2008?


The second part about not knowing what goes on is that crazy comment about what can they about starting with freezing and ceasing US assets around the world.
In case you haven't noticed, the USA isn't self sufiencient anymore and hasn't been for years.
You can't just wave your dick around screaming 'I the greatest world power' and expect it to work anymore.
Those days are ova.


yea! I can see it now.. America running from the CHINESE LAW and having assets freazed!


For real, dude. Your kind are like the rotton apple in a barrel of Americans. If your nationalism is this shallow perhaps you should learn mandarin and move to your new guarantors.

You ain't getting it Francis, its TOO LATE now, they already own us.
The only way out is to pay the deby off, THEN you can fuck with them, try it now and its depression city.

Bullshit, nelly. it's never too late. And, again, no one says we cant pay our debt off with tariffs on imported goods from china. China has no reason to expect anything less given their trade deficit. I mean, do I REALLY have to hunt down the fucking deficit numbers? REALLY?? for fucks sake, do you think it's NOT ALREADY FLYING AT LIGHT SPEED TOWARD A FUCKING DEPRESSION? For fucks sake, dude... at least lay off your "UAW is bad for our economy" schtick before making stupid fucking comments about a DEPRESSION, dude. All your kind can do in this topic is make excuses for the normalization of wages between good union standards and that of a fucking mexican ghetto. Get a grip and then a clue, dude.

God you are fucking clueless.
That own large portions OF OUR NATIONAL DEBT, not a trade deficit.
Do you understand the difference?

You DO realize that we are able to use ONE to pay off the OTHER, right brainiac? for real, are you even trying anymore or are you too used to pretending you know everything about economics to understand how fucking retarded you look?

And wrong again, they get away with it because they can fucking destroy our economy by demanding what we owe them.

Dude, the more you cry that the sky is falling the funnier you become in this thread. Seriously. China does not have us in fucking shackles. Credit is a matter of PAPER. Thats it. They can only destroy our economy as long as fuckers like you let them try. People don't stop needing goods just because we default on chinese loans. When your concern becomes more about America than your fear of Chinese bankers let me know.

We don't have the money, remember?
NOBODY but China was willing to lend it to us.

WE DONT NEED A GLOBAL FUCKING GOLD CARD TO MAINTAIN OUR OWN ECONOMIC NEEDS. We didn't require it in 1940 and we sure as FUCK don't need it now. Hell, why don't you fathom weening the nation off of the shit rather than cry like a bitch that we can't borrow money we cant afford? You, sir, are like the proverbial unemployed idiot who takes his family out to an expensive dinner with his severance package.

You really need to start paying attention, I have been argueing against this from day one based on its effect on lower income and old people.

which, again, you sure are concerned about given how quick you are to make excuses to normalize our American standard of living with that of a Mexican ghetto pauper, eh? Give me a break.

The evironmental impact would be very little without China and India and thus its total bullshit, its a fraud.



what a fucking JOKE. Dude. for real.

You lost the game twenty moves ago, you are just to damn dumb to realize it yet.

HA! yea, dude.. because I didn't just eviscerate your entire position by reminding what gramps COULD have had were you not busy rationalizing sending his job to India!

WOW. I feel as though I'm picking on you by this point.

But you will, if they pass that abomination in the senate.

Oh I KNOW, doomsayer... And satan's army will rise up if we elect a democrat into office too! Seriously! I heard Nostradamus predicted it!


Riddle me this Batman, if they want clean energy, why don't they give low rate fixed interest loans to power companies to build new plants using nuke, wind and solar power, that they can pay off over 30 years and not kill the little guy, including stipulations in the loan that that any added cost CANNOT be passed to teh consumer?

I can answer that riddle, joker, given that Ameren UE had that very chance last year here in the state of Missouri but could not influence our state legislature enough to revoke the COST of a second Callaway County nuke plant. Boy, you really fucked up on this one, holmes. HAD Ameren UE chose to pay for it's OWN fucking nuke plant they would have been building it RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE. Don't blame that shit on anyone other than the capitalista bastards looking to get more than they are willing to pay for. Not here in the Show Me State.

AmerenUE tells NRC to halt review of nuclear plant application -

You can't answer, because they already shoved your head up your ass and made you belive cap and trade was worth it.

Boy, I bet you feel pretty fucking stupid right about now, don't you?


WOW, now that was a real "intelligent" reply...:eek::eek::eek:

BTW, my electricity is hydro generated...

Envirowacko Luddites don't even want new dams built.

Water pressure — High Country News

I'm sure there's an Amish settlement nearby that might have you.

Ohhhh, so protecting the environment is crazy and extreme...

BUT, sucking the dick of corporations is normal and mainstream...

You're a PEA brain...Monica class!

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb
Ohhh....Out of one side of your mouth you tout how "environmentally friendly" hydropower is, when it's time to pat yourself on the back, only to be the great "protector of the environment" when one of those hydro power projects get torpedoed.

Grow the fuck up.
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Democrats want us to all have as much energy as an Obama.

Unfortunately, the Obama they have in mind is the brother who lives in a shack in Kenya and whose only use for a light bulb is to bludgeon termites off their mound for his dinner
Democrats want us to all have as much energy as an Obama.

Unfortunately, the Obama they have in mind is the brother who lives in a shack in Kenya and whose only use for a light bulb is to bludgeon termites off their mound for his dinner

If it wasn't so true I would laugh.

Ah hell, I'm gonna laugh anyway...

In fact, I asked a very SPECIFIC question to which you answered, and I quote, "A Ludicrous Comment".
And that still hasn't changed, when you finally address the farse that is cap and trade, let me know.

So far, you have been clueless how actualy trade and the economy works.
You know, if you are not going to put of a fight that can't be blatantly smacked down with a simple upward scrolling motion then this just won't be any fun. Crying about cogent is nothing less that obvious dancing around a topic that we both know damn well you keep trying not to answer like we BOTH know that you will.
There you go again, back into fantasy land.

Thanks, maybe there is hope for you yet.


Would you like to pull your foot out of your mouth, WSJ capitalista?
Since I haven't done that, I have no need my liberal we are one world, one gov.

Clearly, you are capable of detecting sarcasm.
I wish I could say the same for you.

Now, go run back under the porch, doggy.. The Shogun Thunderstorm has you yelping in the darkness.
Actually, you have me laughing at how inane your posts are, do you have even the foggiest notion of how the economy works, let alone what Cap and tarde will do to it?

I'm no graduate under your tutelage, professor ludicrous statement. HAHAHA!
You are a dropout from there?

Glad to see you aern't taking it badly, most would not have admitted that.

Oh I get it, dude.
No, you don't and that is the sad part.

Thats why i'm having fun laughing at you right now.
Actually, tis you who are the source of humor here, but not in a good way unfortunetly.

For you.

I mean, you know how sharp "this is a ludicrous statement" is and all! Hell, I SPECIFICALLY asked you if you support particular policy as it relates to the poorer classes and THIS tapdancing is all i've seen in return.. Yea, dude.. you should probably act like someone else doesn't get it.
No, you attempted to ask a rediculous question that has nothing to do with policy and frankly made no sense, but I'm sure to you it did.

Back here on earth it didn't however.

Hey, don't throw stones if you are a bleeder. You dont have to act like a giant pussy because I call you out on your usual political opinions. And then get defensive and start talking shit only to CRY about the shit talking. Again, I can quote myself asking you legitimate questions that illustrate your position to which you replied "a ludicrous statement". Well, motherfucker, stop acting like a giant PUSSY and answer the fucking questions.
Ask a cogent question genius, and we may get somewhere.

The only one being a pussy here is you, I bet you used four boxes of Kotex just getting this far.

That is your OPINION. I agree that it is royally fucked but pretending that tiny babysteps moving TOWARD MORE of a free market system is the answer is like shooting yourself in the head after swallowing cyanide. There is nothing about free market capitalism that is benefiting America as long as motherfuckers keep letting the Chinas and Mexicos off the hook when it comes to importing OUR goods. You may think that the "free market" will benefit us left untouched and I'm telling you that you are full of shit and we smell how bad it stinks today. To be honest, as long as China is not importing our shit on par with what we take of theirs, I don't give the first rats ass about foreclosing on their credit. If free trade isn't a two way street then it's a fucking failure from the get go. And, no amount of doomsday bullshit is going to erase, again, the racist xenophobia that gave us our strongest economy 50 fucking years ago anyway. If china tariffs out shit then SO WHAT. THEY ARE NOT BUYING THE SHIT ANYWAY.
This proves the entire point.


God you are fucking dense.

HA! fruad, he says.. yea dude.. it's fucking FRAUD to demand equal trade and tariff goods on nations that refuse to trade on par with our consumption of their goods. Sure, dude. Do you just throw out bullshit and hope it sticks to the wall or what?
Cap and trade is a fraud, have you not realized it yet?

BTW, that is rhetorical, it appears you will never figure it out.

And this brings us back to the imbecillic move of tying our trade to the WTO.

Guess who will most complain if the USA increased trade tariffs on third world economies..hint, it starts with 'L' and ends with 'S'.

"That is a ludicrous statement" sure is fucking profound, dude. I bet there are cryptologists working on it RIGHT NOW!
Most people would easily understand, but if you need that kind of help, its understandable.

Wont even take nukes. But, i'm glad to see that you have as much faith in the US as any ole sell sword. Glad to have you on our side, buddy! But, I have to say, this is pretty much indicative of your "American as long as it benefits my wallet" stance anyway. Telling, really.
What is this now stream of consciousness posting in the hope it somehow fishes you out a clue of how the economy works?

SUUUURE you do. Kinda like how a great many "independent libertarians" were created on Nov 4, 2008?

Try 1988 clueless.

The only GoP president I ever voted for was Reagan, and I'm happy to say I never voted for Democrat, because unlike you, i realised two decades ago both parties were full of shit.

yea! I can see it now.. America running from the CHINESE LAW and having assets freazed!
The problem is you can't see it, as has been clear all along, you are one of those dumb fucks that thinks America exists in a vacuum and can do whatever it wants and never has to pay for it.


The bills come due.
For real, dude. Your kind are like the rotton apple in a barrel of Americans. If your nationalism is this shallow perhaps you should learn mandarin and move to your new guarantors.
You should have fled with the rest of the Neocons whern your asses were voted out of office dude.

Bad news, American isn't running the world anymore.

Bullshit, nelly. it's never too late. And, again, no one says we cant pay our debt off with tariffs on imported goods from china. China has no reason to expect anything less given their trade deficit. I mean, do I REALLY have to hunt down the fucking deficit numbers? REALLY?? for fucks sake, do you think it's NOT ALREADY FLYING AT LIGHT SPEED TOWARD A FUCKING DEPRESSION? For fucks sake, dude... at least lay off your "UAW is bad for our economy" schtick before making stupid fucking comments about a DEPRESSION, dude. All your kind can do in this topic is make excuses for the normalization of wages between good union standards and that of a fucking mexican ghetto. Get a grip and then a clue, dude.
Its not bullshit you idiot, you can't economically strongarm someone you owe more then you net worth, to even sugest it is cloud cookoo land.

You DO realize that we are able to use ONE to pay off the OTHER, right brainiac? for real, are you even trying anymore or are you too used to pretending you know everything about economics to understand how fucking retarded you look?
Not if you are defaulting to who you owe asshole.

Its amazing the illogic that flows from you.

Dude, the more you cry that the sky is falling the funnier you become in this thread. Seriously. China does not have us in fucking shackles. Credit is a matter of PAPER. Thats it. They can only destroy our economy as long as fuckers like you let them try. People don't stop needing goods just because we default on chinese loans. When your concern becomes more about America than your fear of Chinese bankers let me know.
There it is again, you think the USA can just defulat like crazy and have no consequences.

The real world is a real challenge for you isn't it.

WE DONT NEED A GLOBAL FUCKING GOLD CARD TO MAINTAIN OUR OWN ECONOMIC NEEDS. We didn't require it in 1940 and we sure as FUCK don't need it now. Hell, why don't you fathom weening the nation off of the shit rather than cry like a bitch that we can't borrow money we cant afford? You, sir, are like the proverbial unemployed idiot who takes his family out to an expensive dinner with his severance package.
Hey asshole, this isn't 1940, we can't sell war good to the allies and take their assets as repayments anymore.

Since you need an update, its now 2009.

which, again, you sure are concerned about given how quick you are to make excuses to normalize our American standard of living with that of a Mexican ghetto pauper, eh? Give me a break.
Too bad I never said that, but I'm sure you think I did in that tremendous flow of bullshit you just posted.



what a fucking JOKE. Dude. for real.
Glad you are finally admitting it.

HA! yea, dude.. because I didn't just eviscerate your entire position by reminding what gramps COULD have had were you not busy rationalizing sending his job to India!
Another newsflash:

Gramps is retired captain clueless.

WOW. I feel as though I'm picking on you by this point.
The irony of this comment is on a cosmic scale.

Oh I KNOW, doomsayer... And satan's army will rise up if we elect a democrat into office too! Seriously! I heard Nostradamus predicted it!
No dickwad, people on fixed incomes will not be able to meet their energy needs, and infaltion will increase coupled with a higher cost of living as every sector of the economy is effected.

You really need to stop, you couldn't have looked dumber if you tried.

I can answer that riddle, joker, given that Ameren UE had that very chance last year here in the state of Missouri but could not influence our state legislature enough to revoke the COST of a second Callaway County nuke plant. Boy, you really fucked up on this one, holmes. HAD Ameren UE chose to pay for it's OWN fucking nuke plant they would have been building it RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE. Don't blame that shit on anyone other than the capitalista bastards looking to get more than they are willing to pay for. Not here in the Show Me State.
This is national issue, not a local one.

And that isn't what I proposed, I proposed long term loans at fixed rates where the costs could not be passed to consumers, pay attention.

Boy, I bet you feel pretty fucking stupid right about now, don't you?
Talking to yourself is a bad sign.

And of course you still have not addressed the damage cap and trade will do to the economy as it stands, for no reason.

Nice attempt at deflection but doomed to fail as what you keep saying is as long as you wave a flag the USA doesn't have to pay debts and can do anything. :cuckoo:

And you expect to be taken seriously after posting that nonsense.:lol:
Yes because cap and trade will make us all freeze to death in the dark!!!!!

In other news, cap and trade also kills puppies by slitting their throats with razor blades! Call your representative today and ask why he/she (or one :lol:) hates puppies!

maybe you can burn your strawmen?
stay warm all winter and you can read by the light.
once you learn

Funny.. given the immediate leap to the idea of freezing to death in winter without coal.

say, Del.. can Soilent Green Electric burn the bodies of old people for winter heat as long as we point the strawman finger one direction?

If you are going to quote a movie, at least spell it correctly:Soylent green
Envirowacko Luddites don't even want new dams built.

Water pressure — High Country News

I'm sure there's an Amish settlement nearby that might have you.

Ohhhh, so protecting the environment is crazy and extreme...

BUT, sucking the dick of corporations is normal and mainstream...

You're a PEA brain...Monica class!

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb
Ohhh....Out of one side of your mouth you tout how "environmentally friendly" hydropower is, when it's time to pat yourself on the back, only to be the great "protector of the environment" when one of those hydro power projects get torpedoed.

Grow the fuck up.

A grown up would realize that unless you were THERE and have seen all the facts what it appears from afar MAY not be the could be a torpedo job, or it could be detrimental to the environment at it's proposed location as the EPA said or it could be coal lobbyists and special interests interfering in the process...BUT a pea brain KNOWS the truth from a distance...
A grown up would realize that unless you were THERE and have seen all the facts what it appears from afar MAY not be the could be a torpedo job, or it could be detrimental to the environment at it's proposed location as the EPA said or it could be coal lobbyists and special interests interfering in the process...BUT a pea brain KNOWS the truth from a distance...

"Why won't Bfgrn stop posting?! He's warming the planet! Why does he hate me?"


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    $polar-bear-clinging-onto-cracking ice.jpg
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And that still hasn't changed, when you finally address the farse that is cap and trade, let me know.


let me just preface my retort by LAUGHING AT YOU for retreating in the face of posted evidence and your total meltdown at the failure of your hypothetical gramps. But, we'll get to that below. Your OPINION of cap and trade means two things given the failure of your little bitch tirade. I'm sure you know what those two things are. :thup:

There you go again, back into fantasy land.

WOW! another PROFOUND RETORT! :lol:

Thanks, maybe there is hope for you yet.

Again, way to sense the sarcasm, dude! Lrofl:

Since I haven't done that, I have no need my liberal we are one world, one gov.

Yea dude! Lord fucking knows that your accusation of liberals wasn't eviscerated with EVIDENCE from the WSJ! :rofl: :thup:


I wish I could say the same for you.

poor guy.. am I hitting you too hard with evidence? myawww... I guess I should have known that you run under the porch because you are afraid. Go ahead and cry uncle any time now, bitch.

Actually, you have me laughing at how inane your posts are, do you have even the foggiest notion of how the economy works, let alone what Cap and tarde will do to it?


yea dude! clearly the ONLY people who understand economics are those who AGREE WITH YOU! :lol: poor little talking point man.. You have the political nutritional value of a fucking sugary breakfast cereal.

You are a dropout from there?
Glad to see you aern't taking it badly, most would not have admitted that.

naw.. I'm just letting you know that I don't put a lot of water in your U. of Pheonix online expertise, holmes. which, clearly, is illustrated by your reaction to Ameren UE's chance at a second nuke plant. I suggest you go get your money back for any secondary education that you might have paid good money for. srsly.

No, you don't and that is the sad part.

...says the shaking lil doggie from under the porch..

Actually, tis you who are the source of humor here, but not in a good way unfortunetly.

For you.

No, you attempted to ask a rediculous question that has nothing to do with policy and frankly made no sense, but I'm sure to you it did.
Back here on earth it didn't however.

Hey, make any excuse you want in order to avoid difficult questions that don't gel with your fox news world view, yo. Lord fucking knows that posted evidence that laughs in the face of your silly bullshit "doesn't make sense" to a braindead fuck like you!

Ask a cogent question genius, and we may get somewhere.

I have and you totally balked. Kinda like how I POSTED EVIDENCE that laughs at your little bitch parade regarding nuke energy and the deepest retort you cold come up with is... well, we'll have fun with that below.

The only one being a pussy here is you, I bet you used four boxes of Kotex just getting this far.

HA! tell me more about which of us is the giant pussy, mr "thats LOCAL and not NATIONAL! :rofl:


This proves the entire point.
God you are fucking dense.

The only thing it proves is that you have the cognitive function of a sea cucumber, little girl. Do you REALLY THINK that we can't raise a TRILLION FUCKING DOLLARS with tariffs on foreighn goods given our WAL MART CULTURE, brainiac?


of COURSE not! You are still trying to work out the mystifying routine of tying your shoes!

Cap and trade is a fraud, have you not realized it yet?

I realize that you THINK so.. But, given how godawfully retarded you've proven to be thus far you'll have to forgive me for taking your OPINION as seriously as an Olympic gold medalist takes the special Olympics.


BTW, that is rhetorical, it appears you will never figure it out.

Oh I KNOW how much you rely on the rhetorical mr "local not national"!


And this brings us back to the imbecillic move of tying our trade to the WTO.
Guess who will most complain if the USA increased trade tariffs on third world economies..hint, it starts with 'L' and ends with 'S'.

Oh I KNOW dude! There is ALWAYS a way to blame liberals (even if I post George fucking BUSH in a WSJ op ed!)


This is almost no fun given how much fail you are posting.

Most people would easily understand, but if you need that kind of help, its understandable.

"MOST PEOPLE"? Do you have a source that indicates this, genius, or isthis where we are supposed to rely on your OPINION again?


What is this now stream of consciousness posting in the hope it somehow fishes you out a clue of how the economy works?

Hey, WAY TO AVOID HYPOTHETICALS, mr HYPOTHETICAL GRAMPS! :rofl: Lemme guess, does GRAMPS all of a sudden make a career chance halfway through the game? More on that laugh factory below! After all, greenspan lover, we've SEEN the kind of hindsight testimony from your kind already. Go ahead and store your silly fucking economic self righteousness in your "China is going to GETS US! shelf.


Try 1988 clueless.
The only GoP president I ever voted for was Reagan, and I'm happy to say I never voted for Democrat, because unlike you, i realised two decades ago both parties were full of shit.

Clearly, you understood what I referred to. Which, truthfully, makes your reply all the richer. It really is fun to watch you silly little conservative bitches act like a denying Peter in the aftermath of your political and ideological failure. I should almost be sipping good wine and tasting fine cheese to go along with the savor of your dirty dancing denial.

The problem is you can't see it, as has been clear all along, you are one of those dumb fucks that thinks America exists in a vacuum and can do whatever it wants and never has to pay for it.
The bills come due.

Tell me more about bills coming due in this age of free market TRADE DEFICITS! :rofl: I know, I KNOW! big bad CHINA is going to come collect our houses and microwaves!



You should have fled with the rest of the Neocons whern your asses were voted out of office dude.
Bad news, American isn't running the world anymore.


oh man thats hilarious.. so, let me get THIS strait.. now, apparently, IM THE NEOCON???

:rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Instead of the silly fuck who is busy regurgitating the kind of talking points that makes Ken Mehlman's DICK HARD EVERY MORNING?


oh man.. THAT is fucking awesome, dude. Just when I think you can't sink deeper in FAIL.

Its not bullshit you idiot, you can't economically strongarm someone you owe more then you net worth, to even sugest it is cloud cookoo land.


YEA! because CHINA is going to pull a fucking towtruck into our driveway and TAKE OUR CARS BACK! :rofl:

The fact, dickface, is that CHINA is the tick on the balls of AMERICAN CONSUMERS. If you don't see the power to restrict our economy getting raped on that fact alone then, clearly, you deserve your U. of Pheonix online degree. CHINA has no more right to diddle our consumers than it has to continue with the current trade deficit. But, leave it to a silly little WSJ fuck like you to roll over as long as it benefits YOUR wallet.

Not if you are defaulting to who you owe asshole.
Its amazing the illogic that flows from you.

Raising Tariffs isn't a loan default, brainiac. We can pay what we owe by taxing the shit out of Chinese goods as long as CHINA is not willing to buy as much of our products as we buy from them. No where in that statement will you find the word default. See, THIS is why it's so fun to watch you talk about your economic genius while making statements that amount to fingerpainting in kindergarten.

There it is again, you think the USA can just defulat like crazy and have no consequences.
The real world is a real challenge for you isn't it.

Again, when push comes to shove you can go ahead and learn Mandarin and buy a oneway ticket, pussy. As long as China is willing to rape our industry there is no reason to listen to your catastrophic doomsday predictions. You have the character of a leaf floating down the Mississippi river, pussy. I have no doubt that you'd roll over and kill America just to blame liberals for the mess that your favorite economic theory created. I'd sooner throw you out of the fucking foxhole than hand you a soap box and sandwich board.

Hey asshole, this isn't 1940, we can't sell war good to the allies and take their assets as repayments anymore.

Since you need an update, its now 2009.

Oh yes. because we sure don't sell weapons anymore! :rofl: WE SURE DONT HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN ALMOST EVERY NATION THAT CLAIMS TO BE DEMOCRATIC THIS SIDE OF WW2! :rofl: Yea, dude! WHY promote buying AMERICAN like our xenophobia prompted in the 40s when, CLEARLY, you'll have to chance your tampon the minute you see a CHINAMAN walk through the door!


Too bad I never said that, but I'm sure you think I did in that tremendous flow of bullshit you just posted.

Actually, THIS is why you keep trying so hard to AVOID my original questions. Shall I quote myself, bitch? You don't want to ADMIT as much and, in order to dodge the original question, cry like a fucking siren about liberals and C&T talking points but, hey.. we BOTH know where you stand on lowering labor cost to that which is found in Mexico, India and China. I fucking DARE you to keep pressing this point. I'll have you back under the porch before the hair on your tail dries, doggie.

Glad you are finally admitting it.

Again, way to keep your sarcasm radar online.

Another newsflash:

Gramps is retired captain clueless.

Oh, so NOW he's a RETIRED CAPTAIN, eh? Well, THATS a pretty convenient location to move the ball this far into the hypothetical, eh? After all, since there are MORE CAPTAINS in our suffering economy than FACTORY LABOR clearly we can see why you'd need to *POOF* clarify his career!


See, THIS is what makes it clear that I'm batting you around like a cat does a mouse. CAPTAINS (whatever the fuck THAT is supposed to indicate anyway) are not the ones out facing the exporting of their jobs, neuron boy. CAPTAINS are not working for your favorite hated union in the UAW, you silly little bitch. CAPTAINS are not making American CARS, building HOUSES or having to trade 27/hr jobs for 9/hr jobs just to scrape by in this age of free market FAILURE, stupid. I realize that I knocked the wind out of your arguement by pointing out a relevant employment for your fragile hypothetical but, hey... since you like to make shit up on the fly let's go ahead and make gramps a fucking Hollywood movie producer and day trader on the side! What?!? HIM WORRY? naw.. Xeno has a barbie playset which he thinks will bait and switch his own silly ass hypothetical!



The irony of this comment is on a cosmic scale.

YOU might think so.. but, given that meteoric mudhole I've installed in your ass I guess I can let your wounded, bleeding ego have a pass.

After all.. we are about to get to the funniest part of your entire effort..

get ready for it...

No dickwad, people on fixed incomes will not be able to meet their energy needs, and infaltion will increase coupled with a higher cost of living as every sector of the economy is effected.

Every sector, indeed. I guess you are too stupid to comprehend cost of living tax credits or MISSOURI NUCLEAR PLANTS, mr national? Which, again, is ironic as fuck given how little you give a damn about American labor's ability to consume, mr. Inidan labor is more competitively priced! Your entire position is a fucking FARCE meant to jab at liberals. Hell, you should go apply for your own Fox News show. I'm sure the local Hannity crowd can hook you up with big H. Chris Wallace probably needs a scriptwriter and you have "total fucking joke" written all over your thread input. Repeat after me, pussy, XENO NEWS - Fairly Stupid and Unbalanced!

This is national issue, not a local one.

And we come to the CROWNING GEM of your entire post. The ole "holy shit he posted evidence even though I insisted that he couldn't and now I've got to save some face" remark. For real, reading THIS line alone makes typing all of this shit worth it. Shall I quote you, Xeno? Do you really want to see how adamant you were in INSISTING that I can't find nuclear options because big bad LIBRALLS won't let your pussy ass make more nuke plants? Say, did you happen to notice that Missouri elected a DEM governor and DEM senator last year? Perhaps you missed where this BASTION OF LIBRALLS ended up voting for Mccain. Yet, here I was EASILY ABLE to bitchslap you with a recent nuke option right here in my own back yard. RIGHT HERE IN THE SHOW ME STATE we see that, in FACT, your ignorant pussy ass couldn't be MORE wrong about the public optioning nuclear power for the sake of cheaper energy. And, what did you retort with?


rich, dude. Death by chocolate fucking rich.


And that isn't what I proposed, I proposed long term loans at fixed rates where the costs could not be passed to consumers, pay attention.

I'll quote you, motherfucker. And, if you itch this scratch i'll quote a great many pieces of Missouri evidence. WE green lighted the Nuke plant and they HAD FUNDING. Hell, they HAD cheap loans. But, capitalistas ARE capitalistas and Ameren didn't want to pay ANY cost. NONE. Not a single fucking dollar did they want to pay when they thought they could strong arm the public. This didn't work and they took their toy and walked away. These are the cold hard, non-hypothetical gramps facts, pussy. You can try to pretend that this isn't embarrassing for you but.. this is what happens when you think Marcellus Wallace looks like a bitch, Todd.

Talking to yourself is a bad sign.

No, I'm talking to you holmes. Well, you and that stinging five fingered hand print on your face!


And of course you still have not addressed the damage cap and trade will do to the economy as it stands, for no reason.

Hey, if you don't want to address my points like you didn't want to address Gramps's employment or Missouri nuke plants then don't cry on my shoulder. Go ahead and keep barking from under the porch lil doggie.

Nice attempt at deflection but doomed to fail as what you keep saying is as long as you wave a flag the USA doesn't have to pay debts and can do anything. :cuckoo:


yea, dude.. I'd accuse someone ELSE of deflection after the above offering which I just evicerated. Please, crackhead.. call someone else s druggy!

And you expect to be taken seriously after posting that nonsense.:lol:

Well, given which of us posted evidence from news sources instead of bullshit saturated opinons and doomsday fears..



Oh MAN that was fun. Please keep playing, dude. I do so love treating you silly little bitches like the red headed stepchild. And, PLEASE keep avoiding Missouri Nuke options. I have links to pages from STL, KC and TRIBUNE newspapers which will send you into a new dash for the ole porch.

Virginia, one of the most important bellwether states in the nation, has made a decided shift against Obama in recent polling, with the president now falling below the 50% approval threshold. Most important in this polling data are the numbers of Independents leaving the Obama camp - a trend that appears to be spreading throughout the nation.

Over 60% of Virginia Independents polled now dissaprove of Obama.

Make no mistake, the White House is in crisis mode - the trending data is foretelling a very tough end of summer for Obamanation...

President Obama's Approval Rating Slips|ABC 13

None of which changes the fact that Virginia voters are now turning their backs on Obama, and this trend is spreading throughout the country...

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