We need to stop the habit of calling Democrats liberals, here is why!!

Again. Wrong

That’s the Ukrainian flag

You know. The country your buddy Putin is attacking
Yep a Nazi fag flag

I thought you were gonna trot out the zelnsky mid ghit a joo thierfore Ukrainians aren't really Nazis

That always makes me laugh

I wonder how many Ukrainian kids were sold for organ harvesting today........
Organ harvesting only affirms our shared values and strengthens demockwacy
Yep a Nazi fag flag

I thought you were gonna trot out the zelnsky mid ghit a joo thierfore Ukrainians aren't really Nazis

That always makes me laugh

I wonder how many Ukrainian kids were sold for organ harvesting today........
Organ harvesting only affirms our shared values and strengthens demockwacy
You’re either insane or a Kremlin stooge
You have no right to say what Democrats or liberals are
I can talk about Democrats as I spent about 42 years as one. I was not liberal then and you are not at all today.
No, I have been for years a Democrat but changed parties in 1980. The theme of Democrats is they want to control humans. This shit show called gun control is to control humans. The shit said by the media is pure control. They hate we Republicans so in the media we see the media running us down. All the time. Democrats have created probably 95 percent of our laws. You never hear of democrats wanting laws removed.
You kind of get it

The Democrats are for humans. Their health, safety, education, clean environment

Republicans are for corporate profits and are willing to sacrifice humans to get them
You kind of get it

The Democrats are for humans. Their health, safety, education, clean environment

Republicans are for corporate profits and are willing to sacrifice humans to get them
Yeah, they are so interested in their health that they ignored science and required mass vaccinations in children who weren't at risk from covid, but WERE at risk from the zmvax.

Republicans are for corporate profits and are willing to sacrifice humans to get them
That is the myth coming from Democrats.
We see jobs as vital for humans to stay alive. Humans do not do much at all individually to hire workers. Workers to buyers do not matter. Corporations are the major source of employment. To Democrats they are food for their tax grinders.
That is the myth coming from Democrats.
We see jobs as vital for humans to stay alive. Humans do not do much at all individually to hire workers. Workers to buyers do not matter. Corporations are the major source of employment. To Democrats they are food for their tax grinders.

If that is so, Explain this

In the last six President
Three Democratic Presidents created over 40 million jobs

Three Republicans only managed 200,000
there's terms to describe those who seek control, but liberal ain't one of them Rob

That is why I call them Democrats. Have you ever looked up the gazillion laws created by Democrats?
If that is so, Explain this

In the last six President
Three Democratic Presidents created over 40 million jobs

Three Republicans only managed 200,000
First this myth presidents create jobs. FDR created jobs called the military. That creation ended his great depression. So you claim the Democrats created 40 million government jobs?
First this myth presidents create jobs. FDR created jobs called the military. That creation ended his great depression. So you claim the Democrats created 40 million government jobs?
Republicans do not create jobs

Democrats create an economy conducive to expansion and job growth

Republicans cut taxes and keep the profits
Republicans do not create jobs

Democrats create an economy conducive to expansion and job growth

Republicans cut taxes and keep the profits
I credit the Government jobs created by FDR that not planned by him ended the great depression.
Presidents create Government jobs in cooperation with the Congress.
That is the myth coming from Democrats.
We see jobs as vital for humans to stay alive. Humans do not do much at all individually to hire workers. Workers to buyers do not matter. Corporations are the major source of employment. To Democrats they are food for their tax grinders.
Go suck corporate dick if you feel the need.

I’ll pass

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