We need to stop the habit of calling Democrats liberals, here is why!!

There are vote getters and there are those who don't cut the mustard. My assessment of Sanders is he is still a flaming democrat. He does not fit the title of Liberal at all.

Conservatives in Vermont vote for Bernie Sanders because he is against deficit spending.
... Democrats take pleasure knowing that she's freezing in Hell.

And we take pleasure in knowing the rest of the Jan 6 traitors will eventually end up joining her.

American democracy is one of God's greatest creations, and Trump cult hellspawn devote their lives to defiling it. They will suffer eternal consequences for such behavior. I suppose I shouldn't take such joy in their upcoming eternal agony, but what can I say, I'm an imperfect person.

That is silly.
I am far left, but Jan 6 was just being heard.
It does not matter that they were wrong.
It is a good thing to be seen and heard with some violence.
It is Congress who is no longer paying attention to the voters and needs riots to be woken up.
Reagan sold weapons to Iran, caused the US hostages release to be delayed until after the election, nearly bankrupt the US, tried to weaponize space, caused the USSR bankruptcy and risked WWIII, etc.

Oliver north sold weapons. Hostages were released because of him. Carter's helicopter attempt failed. Did bankrupt and cause the collapse of the USSR. In other words, the last decent president.
Reagan sold weapons to Iran, caused the US hostages release to be delayed until after the election, nearly bankrupt the US, tried to weaponize space, caused the USSR bankruptcy and risked WWIII, etc.
Clearly what you said comes from the Democrats managed press. Let me correct what you said. Reagan had a problem. The US was holding an Israeli in prison who Israel desperately wanted freed. To make points with Reagan, it was Israel who sent arms to Iran. Reagan was later told what they did. Israel wanted to replenish the arms sent to Iran and Reagans deal was he replenished Israels arms. It was just routine. The media was hostile to Reagan due to the way the Democrats talked about him. Say, you can learn this in a book called Reagan, the man and his presidency which is the best book to explain his acts. Reagan did not cause hostages to be delayed. This is a lie told by Democrats. Reagan honored Carter by having him be the official to collect the hostages. Reagan gave Carter full credit for what Carter did to get the hostages released. Again the lie is Reagan had power to get the Iranians to do things. Carter should get full credit though I was finished supporting Carter.

Compare Reagan's spending to right now and you will learn fast Biden is outspending Reagan a hell of a lot. While Reagan did hit a trillion dollars, his average per year was about 1/2 percent more spending. He also had a Democrat party congress to deal with.

Reagan's space weapons is why today we and other countries we are friends with can knock out missiles from other countries. The Israelis prove it daily when they demolish the Gaza missiles. Ukraine is using the Star wars system to blow up Russia's missiles.

When Biden helps Ukraine don't you understand he is pissing off Russia and may in fact get us into war with Russia? Biden should have acted a lot faster and ensured Ukraine booted Russia out of Ukraine, but he slow walked the important help that Ukraine needs so much of.
Conservatives in Vermont vote for Bernie Sanders because he is against deficit spending.
Where do you get your information?

Electability is top of mind for Democratic voters as they mull who to support in the primary contest.

People in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and the now fast-approaching Super Tuesday states have been deciding whether the self-described democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., can win over moderate Democrats and go on to defeat President Donald Trump in a general election.
Reagan sold weapons to Iran, caused the US hostages release to be delayed until after the election, nearly bankrupt the US, tried to weaponize space, caused the USSR bankruptcy and risked WWIII, etc.
Biden must really piss you off since he handed around 10 Billion dollars to Iran even as Israel defended itself from Hamas.

Just ignore him.

They have about as much chance of grabbing your gun or mine, as they do with the gangs.

Gun control is political theater, just ignore it.
Uh no , I live in California and have felt their boot on my throat ( Handgun Roster ( Cal AWB ) ( Ammo BGC ) ( One Weapon per month Purchase ) ( 10 day wait period ) ...
Uh no , I live in California and have felt their boot on my throat ( Handgun Roster ( Cal AWB ) ( Ammo BGC ) ( One Weapon per month Purchase ) ( 10 day wait period ) ...
That's because you're trying to play their game, obeying their rules.

I'm saying don't play their game in the first place.

You can buy a perfectly adequate weapon on any street corner in Los Angeles, no questions asked. (Except for "would you like some ammo with that").

If you don't know where, come on down, I'll show you.
Hell he brags about being a socialist.
So what?. You snowflakes should study the history of this country starting with the Progressive Movement of the early 20th century. Since then, this country has incorporated many aspects of socialism. Socialism is not antithetical to capitalism and democracy. Rather is complimentary. Capitalism cannot survive is a pure unbridled form without collapsing under the weigh of its own excesses and greed. You will point to the failures of socialism in 3rd world authoritarian countries but socialism in the contaxt of an open society is an entirely different thing. But, hey, I do not expect you jadrools to understand that
That's because you're trying to play their game, obeying their rules.

I'm saying don't play their game in the first place.

You can buy a perfectly adequate weapon on any street corner in Los Angeles, no questions asked. (Except for "would you like some ammo with that").

If you don't know where, come on down, I'll show you.
I’m in Shasta County ( Far Nor Cal ) and I enjoy building my Firearms ,and don’t wanna have my CCW yanked , thanx anyhoo
A moral and good person who understands that opposing fascism is a moral necessity.

That's why we mock you. Laughing at fascists robs them of their power.

Now, how did Russia tell you to respond to that?

And we laugh at you beta boys.
Reagan sold weapons to Iran, caused the US hostages release to be delayed until after the election, nearly bankrupt the US, tried to weaponize space, caused the USSR bankruptcy and risked WWIII, etc.

It is myth that he delayed the release of the hostages.

His sale of weapons to the iranians was smart strategy.

The US was fine economically and banckrupting the communist USSR was a great boon for the human race.
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.
What you really need to do is clean your own house.

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