Violence in the Streets of Portland: No Denouncement by Biden, Media on Vacation

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.

They asked his inept spokeswoman and all she would say is they are monitoring it.

The insurrectionists have returned to Portland?

Will they be using live rounds with no warning to stop this insurrection like they did at the Capitol?


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This truly is hard to understand. There is no greater priority of gov't at any level than to protect the safety and security of it's citizens. No matter who the rioters are or what their cause, any responsible gov't official cannot allow this violence and destruction to continue. Biden and every other national political figure must not only condemn such nonsense but require the applicable authorities to quickly do whatever it takes to stop it. This has gone beyond politics now, this IS insurrection IMHO.
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.

At least it is mostly peaceful protesting for a good cause. :eusa_whistle:

The media CAN'T make too much of it lest they be compared to Trump's rioters!
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.

What in the world are you complaining about, and why? ANTIFA is the Biden administration, just as the Biden administration is ANTIFA; Antifa now runs at least two branches of our US Government. So with that being the case, why in the hell would our mock President condemn Antifa action or denounce it as bad for American in any form?
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.

Donald Trump did not renounce or decry right wing extremist violence. Not once not ever.
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.

Donald Trump did not renounce or decry right wing extremist violence. Not once not ever.

So you're being just like him when you fail to denounce this. Do you prefer Miss Trump or Mrs.?
Did you guys see this?

In the capital city of Olympia, Washington, nearly 50 armed aggressors overtook a Red Lion hotel with the express intention of “commandeering” the property for their own use. The group all clad in black representing themselves as Antifa shouted at staff and officers who arrived on the scene saying “F*** your sister” and “F*** your wife” and “rest in piss.”

The mob entered the building carrying batons and knives and assaulted one of the employees who tried to block them from attacking the eight additional employees who ran to secure themselves in the basement as hostages. Officers were able to break up the mob and made only 12 arrests of the 45 or so members who took over the building.

The Red Lion in question has actually served the community as emergency housing for homeless individuals. They have opened their doors voluntarily to provide relief to those most in need. This wasn’t enough for these rioters who claimed they were “not trying to cause harm” but merely “standing their ground” in making demands to reform for homeless sheltering in the area.

Local media covered the event but for some reason considering the national media’s claim to super sensitivity in riots and insurrections, there has been no coverage by the national media. And leftists members of Congress comparing the Capitol riot to a hit on their lives don’t seem worried about the lives of the average Americans attacked in their businesses. Perhaps the fact that this attack happened to someone’s business instead of the fancy elites on their literal hill in Washington had something to do with the leftist media’s lack of interest in coverage.

Or perhaps it was due to the fact that the media and hegemony claims that Antifa is a made up organization who the right pretends exists just to stir up trouble and blame progressives for problems that are organic and not invented by paid activist groups.

In fact, the only national media story on this attack decided to used the headline “SWAT teams sweep homeless out of Washington hotel.” Not quite the full picture of what was happening.
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.

Donald Trump did not renounce or decry right wing extremist violence. Not once not ever.

So you're being just like him when you fail to denounce this. Do you prefer Miss Trump or Mrs.?

No I have little to no interest in what is going on in Portland. I don’t know what local issues are driving this and I don’t fucking care.

You don’t care what’s going on in Portland either except to the extent that you can use it to put a little to further your political ends.

We’ve all renounced violence on this phone we’ve told you how fed up we are with right wing extremists starting trouble and trying to blame it on the left. You refuse to acknowledge there any such thing happens so don’t pretend you care
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.

Donald Trump did not renounce or decry right wing extremist violence. Not once not ever.

So you're being just like him when you fail to denounce this. Do you prefer Miss Trump or Mrs.?

No I have little to no interest in what is going on in Portland. I don’t know what local issues are driving this and I don’t fucking care.

You don’t care what’s going on in Portland either except to the extent that you can use it to put a little to further your political ends.

We’ve all renounced violence on this phone we’ve told you how fed up we are with right wing extremists starting trouble and trying to blame it on the left. You refuse to acknowledge there any such thing happens so don’t pretend you care

I've not seen you renounce violence, so Miss Trump it is!
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.

Donald Trump did not renounce or decry right wing extremist violence. Not once not ever.

So you're being just like him when you fail to denounce this. Do you prefer Miss Trump or Mrs.?

No I have little to no interest in what is going on in Portland. I don’t know what local issues are driving this and I don’t fucking care.

You don’t care what’s going on in Portland either except to the extent that you can use it to put a little to further your political ends.

We’ve all renounced violence on this phone we’ve told you how fed up we are with right wing extremists starting trouble and trying to blame it on the left. You refuse to acknowledge there any such thing happens so don’t pretend you care

Evidently Uncle Joe doesn't care either.
Or this one:

The Seattle City Council and area activists are pretending the Antifa riot on inauguration night didn’t happen. In other words, they’re responding the way they normally do to Antifa violence: with total silence.

Their dubious observations of the Antifa riot is a mix of delusion, scary justification, and strategic downplaying.

If left unchecked, it ensures the violence will continue in Seattle, even after the long-overdue promise to suddenly (now that Donald Trump is out of office) prosecute Antifa vandals.

Riot in Seattle? What Antifa riot!?

From Twitter checkmarks to your everyday Antifa sympathizers, some Seattle activists pretended an Antifa mob didn’t march around downtown Seattle destroying businesses and a courthouse, assault the police, or burn an American flag.

The Seattle City Council didn’t put out a statement after the riot. They usually refuse to condemn violence. It was as if they didn’t think the riot occurred.

When I asked for a statement, Councilmember Andrew Lewis was the only councilmember to provide one (why he chose not to proactively condemn the violence is instructive given how forceful he condemned the Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6). He barely calls out the riot. He doesn’t mention Antifa, nor describe the riot beyond “acts of vandalism,” but he does pivot to a defense of peaceful protesters. In fact, most of his statement is about that.

Nikkita Oliver, a radical activist and Antifa apologist who wants to abolish the police, laughably claimed it wasn’t a riot. Claiming her mother called her concerned about the riots after seeing a regional broadcast of KOMO News, even though she lives in the Midwest, Oliver rejects the notion of a riot. It was merely “a protest… where some property was damaged.”

Though she’s an active member of the protest movement, Oliver claimed, “I had to Google what she was talking about because the protest was so small in overall impact I DIDN’T EVEN HEAR ABOUT IT.” In fairness, it was such a small protest “in overall impact” that it was covered nationally on FOX News, and somehow her mother thousands of miles away even heard about it.

She then scolded the media for its coverage. She chided us for our supposedly dishonest coverage.

Did you guys see this?

In the capital city of Olympia, Washington, nearly 50 armed aggressors overtook a Red Lion hotel with the express intention of “commandeering” the property for their own use. The group all clad in black representing themselves as Antifa shouted at staff and officers who arrived on the scene saying “F*** your sister” and “F*** your wife” and “rest in piss.”

The mob entered the building carrying batons and knives and assaulted one of the employees who tried to block them from attacking the eight additional employees who ran to secure themselves in the basement as hostages. Officers were able to break up the mob and made only 12 arrests of the 45 or so members who took over the building.

The Red Lion in question has actually served the community as emergency housing for homeless individuals. They have opened their doors voluntarily to provide relief to those most in need. This wasn’t enough for these rioters who claimed they were “not trying to cause harm” but merely “standing their ground” in making demands to reform for homeless sheltering in the area.

Local media covered the event but for some reason considering the national media’s claim to super sensitivity in riots and insurrections, there has been no coverage by the national media. And leftists members of Congress comparing the Capitol riot to a hit on their lives don’t seem worried about the lives of the average Americans attacked in their businesses. Perhaps the fact that this attack happened to someone’s business instead of the fancy elites on their literal hill in Washington had something to do with the leftist media’s lack of interest in coverage.

Or perhaps it was due to the fact that the media and hegemony claims that Antifa is a made up organization who the right pretends exists just to stir up trouble and blame progressives for problems that are organic and not invented by paid activist groups.

In fact, the only national media story on this attack decided to used the headline “SWAT teams sweep homeless out of Washington hotel.” Not quite the full picture of what was happening.

I love this news report from the fake news site. For starters no one dresses all in black, runs into a hotel and says “We’re Anti-fa and we’re taking over”. The whole story is fake news.
Or this one:

The Seattle City Council and area activists are pretending the Antifa riot on inauguration night didn’t happen. In other words, they’re responding the way they normally do to Antifa violence: with total silence.

Their dubious observations of the Antifa riot is a mix of delusion, scary justification, and strategic downplaying.

If left unchecked, it ensures the violence will continue in Seattle, even after the long-overdue promise to suddenly (now that Donald Trump is out of office) prosecute Antifa vandals.

Riot in Seattle? What Antifa riot!?

From Twitter checkmarks to your everyday Antifa sympathizers, some Seattle activists pretended an Antifa mob didn’t march around downtown Seattle destroying businesses and a courthouse, assault the police, or burn an American flag.

The Seattle City Council didn’t put out a statement after the riot. They usually refuse to condemn violence. It was as if they didn’t think the riot occurred.

When I asked for a statement, Councilmember Andrew Lewis was the only councilmember to provide one (why he chose not to proactively condemn the violence is instructive given how forceful he condemned the Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6). He barely calls out the riot. He doesn’t mention Antifa, nor describe the riot beyond “acts of vandalism,” but he does pivot to a defense of peaceful protesters. In fact, most of his statement is about that.

Nikkita Oliver, a radical activist and Antifa apologist who wants to abolish the police, laughably claimed it wasn’t a riot. Claiming her mother called her concerned about the riots after seeing a regional broadcast of KOMO News, even though she lives in the Midwest, Oliver rejects the notion of a riot. It was merely “a protest… where some property was damaged.”

Though she’s an active member of the protest movement, Oliver claimed, “I had to Google what she was talking about because the protest was so small in overall impact I DIDN’T EVEN HEAR ABOUT IT.” In fairness, it was such a small protest “in overall impact” that it was covered nationally on FOX News, and somehow her mother thousands of miles away even heard about it.

She then scolded the media for its coverage. She chided us for our supposedly dishonest coverage.


It would be cheaper and cost efficient to stuff the hotel with activists then bomb it to rubble. Pay off the owner.
Trump openly denounced violence quickly. We know it took Biden five days to denounce the massive violence in Minneapolis after the George Floyd incident, and he refused to name BLM or ANTIFA. Now, we have four straight nights of violence... not even addressed by Biden, and the media suddenly doesn't care about domestic terrorist violence in our nation.

Joe, wake up. Denounce all violence.

Donald Trump did not renounce or decry right wing extremist violence. Not once not ever.

You lost. Get over it.

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