US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

I'm rooting against these b*****s now
1. the games are NOT supposed to be political--but the lesbian b***ch made it political
2. they think they are SOOOOOOO great--but they play crap teams/crap competition
3. whine about not making as much as the men--this should be OBVIOUS/COMMON SENSE why there is a difference in men's and women's $$$$

Don't get your hopes up, they're supposed to win it all.
I don't give a F what they do--I'm still rooting against them
That's nice, dear.
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration
Does this mean they won’t be invited to the White House?
Who wants cold burgers and fries?
If she wore a MAGA hat, you rightwing bastards would be praising her as if she were the second coming of Christ. And you know it.
There are lots of us who think Trump has done a good job of governing but don't subscribe to an Obama-like cult of personality.
And I'll take it as an obvious admission that you wouldn't refute my statement that all the jerk-offs defending Rapinoe's right to make on field political statements would turn on her in a nano-second if her public posturing was pro Trump.

Thanks for making this so easy.
Why must EVERYTHING be politicized by the LEFT? We can't watch sports, many TV shows, advertisements, nor movies without being assaulted by some LEFTIST message. It is forcing people to turn them off and their ratings reflect that.
Talk to your President about politicizing everything.

LOL! He's a POLITICIAN. His JOB is politics. Wow. What's a soccer player's job that is representing the United States?

Play Soccer
Respect the country and President she represents
Not act like an over celebratory Ass
Keep her deviant personal sex life, and personal political views to herself
Show humility and good sportsmanship
Oh? I thought trump was popular because he wasn't a politician doing politician-y things.
Oh? I thought trump was popular because he wasn't a politician doing politician-y things.
He's the President of the United States of America! Maybe you read that somewhere?
He's not a life long public office holder and part of the sausage making machine.

He is compelled by the two party system that has a death grip on America to jump through some political hoops to the extent necessary but he is by no means a politician in the usual sense of the word. He is more Grant or Eisenhower than Nixon or Obama. You knew all that, of course.
For every one hundred ofher there is one on the other side. Propaganda has done its work. You do not even have to watch programs anymore. You just vote like morons and the people who are elected will leave from greater environs if there is ever civil discourse. I am sorry. Following this team for 15 years or so is sickening. The self serving egos on players who would have a difficult time competing with a male high school team who are in competition where there are only up to several competitive teams in the world with a couple good enough to give them a game is the biggest fan suckerism in sports history. Soccer is big in other nations. Women's soccer not so much the western world excepted. The men's American team know the real competition. She is an example of privilege! So are the rest of them who get paid a decent salary and do endorsements. And the sucker taxpayer/cable TV/entertainer subscriber pays the price of the D league ticket.
Bravo! The US women's soccer team is comparable to the WNBA in that their product is vastly inferior to the male counterpart (no insult intended...that's just a fact) yet they want to be treated as equals.

The same is true of professional tennis where women do only 66% of the work men do but they've managed, thanks to fake feminists like Billie Jean King and Serena Williams, to be paid as equals in all the big tournaments open to male and females. And yet no one says anything about this egregious double standard and the women are perfectly happy to let men do most of the work as long as they can cash in on it.

Society accepts lots of lies. The idea of athletic parity is one of them.
For every one hundred ofher there is one on the other side. Propaganda has done its work. You do not even have to watch programs anymore. You just vote like morons and the people who are elected will leave from greater environs if there is ever civil discourse. I am sorry. Following this team for 15 years or so is sickening. The self serving egos on players who would have a difficult time competing with a male high school team who are in competition where there are only up to several competitive teams in the world with a couple good enough to give them a game is the biggest fan suckerism in sports history. Soccer is big in other nations. Women's soccer not so much the western world excepted. The men's American team know the real competition. She is an example of privilege! So are the rest of them who get paid a decent salary and do endorsements. And the sucker taxpayer/cable TV/entertainer subscriber pays the price of the D league ticket.
Bravo! The US women's soccer team is comparable to the WNBA in that their product is vastly inferior to the male counterpart (no insult intended...that's just a fact) yet they want to be treated as equals.

The same is true of professional tennis where women do only 66% of the work men do but they've managed, thanks to fake feminists like Billie Jean King and Serena Williams, to be paid as equals in all the big tournaments open to male and females. And yet no one says anything about this egregious double standard and the women are perfectly happy to let men do most of the work as long as they can cash in on it.

Society accepts lots of lies. The idea of athletic parity is one of them.
"vastly inferior to the male counterpart"....yeah....that can be seen by the record of the US Women's team held up against the record of the US Men's team. :71:
There are lots of us who think Trump has done a good job of governing but don't subscribe to an Obama-like cult of personality.
And I'll take it as an obvious admission that you wouldn't refute my statement that all the jerk-offs defending Rapinoe's right to make on field political statements would turn on her in a nano-second if her public posturing was pro Trump.

Thanks for making this so easy.
You might have had a point if YOU weren't the one to interject hypocrisy in it. MIGHT!

But since you did, and you clearly agreed w/my sentiment, all you've done is proven yourself to a world class A-1 hypocrite.

You might have had a point if YOU weren't the one to interject hypocrisy in it. MIGHT!
So easy to claim. Impossible to prove.

But since you did, and you clearly agreed w/my sentiment, all you've done is proven yourself to a world class A-1 hypocrite.
I don't know what sentiment that could possibly be. You support Megan Rapinoe's right to be a self righteous a-hole but you don't deny if she showed up for a match wearing a MAGA hat you'd crap your pants in anger
and consternation.

And you counter with what? Us "bastards' would think she was Christ if she did that but that's clearly your imagination at work feverishly building up your sad straw man.

There is no Obama-like cult of personality on the right, as I already told you.
Some worship him...some do not. Don't quit your daytime keyboard lawyer job. You suck at it! "Funny" pictures and all.
"vastly inferior to the male counterpart"....yeah....that can be seen by the record of the US Women's team held up against the record of the US Men's team
"Vastly superior" in terms of quality of play. It's a given the women clean up the floor with most of their female counterparts (13-0 vs. Thailand is exhibit A). But head to head it would be equally one sided in terms of quality of play.

For the true knowledgeable football fan and analyst comparing the men's and women's squads is like comparing the NBA to the WNBA (who has been keeping the women's league afloat financially for years about ingrates when discussing women's demands to be paid equally with the NBA!).
Without yearly assistance from the NBA there would be no league and most of these women would be playing in Asia or Europe or getting jobs as P.E. teachers. They have zero perspective or appreciation of their demands.
"vastly inferior to the male counterpart"....yeah....that can be seen by the record of the US Women's team held up against the record of the US Men's team
"Vastly superior" in terms of quality of play. It's a given the women clean up the floor with most of their female counterparts (13-0 vs. Thailand is exhibit A). But head to head it would be equally one sided in terms of quality of play.

For the true knowledgeable football fan and analyst comparing the men's and women's squads is like comparing the NBA to the WNBA (who has been keeping the women's league afloat financially for years about ingrates when discussing women's demands to be paid equally with the NBA!).
Without yearly assistance from the NBA there would be no league and most of these women would be playing in Asia or Europe or getting jobs as P.E. teachers. They have zero perspective or appreciation of their demands.
So NOW you advocate women and men playing together?
You want to compare women's play and men's play, right?
I was comparing female to male athletes. Unless you want to talk about ultra marathon swimming there really is no comparison. How do you not understand this?
Then why do you compare the quality and success of the US women's team with the lack of quality and lack of success of the US men's team?
Then why do you compare the quality and success of the US women's team with the lack of quality and lack of success of the US men's team?
Because you are comparing apples to oranges. Not apples to apples. Let the US women play the men's world cup squads from Germany, Brazil, Italy, Netherlands, etc. Let's see how that goes.

How much do you actually know about football (soccer)? I already said the US women are
one of the top teams in the world...among their gender.
Their success is admirable and plays well on Lifetime, Bravo and Oxygen but elsewhere, not so much.
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I'm rooting against these b*****s now
1. the games are NOT supposed to be political--but the lesbian b***ch made it political
2. they think they are SOOOOOOO great--but they play crap teams/crap competition
3. whine about not making as much as the men--this should be OBVIOUS/COMMON SENSE why there is a difference in men's and women's $$$$

Don't get your hopes up, they're supposed to win it all.
I don't give a F what they do--I'm still rooting against them
Is it because you hate America or hate women?
"there is no police brutality" real point taking you seriously after that comment.
I said >>"to any significant degree." I see you take words out of context. Typical liberal malice.

If you fall for the Obama/Sharpton race hustlers hype, there's little hope for you. Thank goodness the majority of Americans aren't that stupid.

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