US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

What you dob;t get is that there were lots of people who received deferments.

Why Trump's stands out is this:
1) Fake doctors excuse because his daddy had money
2) Trump's trashing of those that did serve.
I see nothing here backing any of this.
Quit running from you agreement with Trump that McCain was no hero
He was NOT a hero. He bombed innocent Vietnamese who never attacked us, and then collaborated with the North Vietnamese after they caught him. Trump said John
"Songbird" McCain wasn't a hero. 100% right.

Liberals are so ignorant.
How many veterans has Biden trashed their military service.

If you count spending cuts then you really must hate Trump who stole money from the military to build his stupid wall. Right?
Wrong. Trump built the military back up, after Obama tore it down.
For every one hundred ofher there is one on the other side. Propaganda has done its work. You do not even have to watch programs anymore. You just vote like morons and the people who are elected will leave from greater environs if there is ever civil discourse. I am sorry. Following this team for 15 years or so is sickening. The self serving egos on players who would have a difficult time competing with a male high school team who are in competition where there are only up to several competitive teams in the world with a couple good enough to give them a game is the biggest fan suckerism in sports history. Soccer is big in other nations. Women's soccer not so much the western world excepted. The men's American team know the real competition. She is an example of privilege! So are the rest of them who get paid a decent salary and do endorsements. And the sucker taxpayer/cable TV/entertainer subscriber pays the price of the D league ticket.
Bravo! The US women's soccer team is comparable to the WNBA in that their product is vastly inferior to the male counterpart (no insult intended...that's just a fact) yet they want to be treated as equals.

The same is true of professional tennis where women do only 66% of the work men do but they've managed, thanks to fake feminists like Billie Jean King and Serena Williams, to be paid as equals in all the big tournaments open to male and females. And yet no one says anything about this egregious double standard and the women are perfectly happy to let men do most of the work as long as they can cash in on it.

Society accepts lots of lies. The idea of athletic parity is one of them.
"vastly inferior to the male counterpart"....yeah....that can be seen by the record of the US Women's team held up against the record of the US Men's team. :71:
You watch to many movies and TV shows and think they are the truth. Wars with integrated soldiers. Dramas with super women beating the crap out of buffed males. Sci Fi the same. Sports and made up sports in sci fi films with integrated players and so much more. Sports use to be a relief for blue collar people to relax after work or to spend a nice weekend day enjoying. For the price it is overrated today. It has been trending that way for decades. Strikes and more strikes and the ridiculous salaries given to players is insulting to the billions who live off of dirt. Uplifting more and more sports for the almighty currency of the nation involved. Soon tiddly winks will be a major sport. Anyway paying high parking fees and high prices for tickets and high prices for food and drink at an American stadium for women's soccer over an NFL game makes being a sucker even worse. Those stadiums when empty cost money. Why? Because they are to opulent and high maintenance like a percentage of women. And after a couple of decades are jettisoned or completely redone. When they knock the stadiums down the community actually has a better financial situation in that the payout burden is eliminated if not the gem a team in the community likes.
And when did Biden cut defense spending? During .his tenure? :71:
Yes. From 2009-2016, defense spending DROPPED from $900 Billion to $612 Billion. Trump increased it back up to $716 Billion
There was no 900 billion.

The military budget increased for Obama's first four years. When the Iraq war was winding down it dropped for two years but started tio increase again.

If you go back 50 years, the biggest military slasher to the military was dick Cheney under Bush Sr

There was no 900 billion.

The military budget increased for Obama's first four years. When the Iraq war was winding down it dropped for two years but started tio increase again.

If you go back 50 years, the biggest military slasher to the military was dick Cheney under Bush Sr

You don't click links ?
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There was no 900 billion.

The military budget increased for Obama's first four years. When the Iraq war was winding down it dropped for two years but started tio increase again.

If you go back 50 years, the biggest military slasher to the military was dick Cheney under Bush Sr

I post a chart from the Center for Strategic & International Studies, and then you come here to tell us what happened ? I,ll go with the chart. :rolleyes:
[QUOTE="bodecea, post: 22557783, member

Nice fantasy. Where's the check?[/QUOTE]
So you don't know what the word remittances means, right ?

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