US IG Reveals: The FBI dropped investigations on the Islamic terrorists behind several attacks


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
SO close....but yet so far....The US IG concluded the FBI investigated but faild to prevent several terrorist attacks in the US:

The DOJ Inspector General found that the FBI dropped investigations on the Islamic terrorists behind several deadly terrorist attacks.

** Ft. Hood – Nidal Hasan
** Boston Marathon – Tamerlan Tsarnaev
** Garland, TX – Elton Simpson
** Orlando Pulse Nightclub – Omar Mateen
** NY Attacks – Ahmad Rahami
** Ft. Lauderdale Airport – Esteban Santiago

"The FBI was looking at these individuals but dropped the investigations before these Islamists went on their deadly killing sprees."


New Study Finds FBI Dropped Investigations on Terrorists Behind: Ft. Hood, Pulse Nightclub, Garland and Boston Marathon Islamist Attacks
SO close....but yet so far....The US IG concluded the FBI investigated but faild to prevent several terrorist attacks in the US:

The DOJ Inspector General found that the FBI dropped investigations on the Islamic terrorists behind several deadly terrorist attacks.

** Ft. Hood – Nidal Hasan
** Boston Marathon – Tamerlan Tsarnaev
** Garland, TX – Elton Simpson
** Orlando Pulse Nightclub – Omar Mateen
** NY Attacks – Ahmad Rahami
** Ft. Lauderdale Airport – Esteban Santiago

"The FBI was looking at these individuals but dropped the investigations before these Islamists went on their deadly killing sprees."


New Study Finds FBI Dropped Investigations on Terrorists Behind: Ft. Hood, Pulse Nightclub, Garland and Boston Marathon Islamist Attacks
Yep, due to the criteria implemented under the prior administrations.
Yep, due to the criteria implemented under the prior administrations.
....and by Congress and the courts.

Don't get me wrong - I am not attacking the FBI for failing to prevent these attacks. Loop-holes in the law, things one could look at and shake their heads in disbelief....many things....aided in their ability to do so. I was just remarking about how close they were to preventing these attacks and unfortunately it just did not work out before it happened.

There are a lot of things we look back on and can say, "If only......"
SO close....but yet so far....The US IG concluded the FBI investigated but faild to prevent several terrorist attacks in the US:

The DOJ Inspector General found that the FBI dropped investigations on the Islamic terrorists behind several deadly terrorist attacks.

** Ft. Hood – Nidal Hasan
** Boston Marathon – Tamerlan Tsarnaev
** Garland, TX – Elton Simpson
** Orlando Pulse Nightclub – Omar Mateen
** NY Attacks – Ahmad Rahami
** Ft. Lauderdale Airport – Esteban Santiago

"The FBI was looking at these individuals but dropped the investigations before these Islamists went on their deadly killing sprees."


New Study Finds FBI Dropped Investigations on Terrorists Behind: Ft. Hood, Pulse Nightclub, Garland and Boston Marathon Islamist Attacks

oh imagine that .....

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