How Many Times Are We Going to Let the FBI and DOJ Break the Law?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

How Many Times Are We Going to Let the FBI and DOJ Break the Law?

17 Nov 2021 ~~ By Scott Hounsell
It seems I can’t keep up with the latest DOJ or FBI scandal as of late. In the last two weeks, I have penned two pieces at RedState, voicing my displeasure with their continued political targeting and questionable tactics.
While some missed my sarcasm regarding the “J. Edgar glory days,” the problems at the FBI and DOJ, along with other federal law enforcement organizations (I’m looking at you, ATF), are nothing new. While this author is going to stop far short of suggesting that the likes of McVeigh and Nichols had justification to do what they did, one can certainly step back and look at the actions taken at Ruby Ridge and Waco, and question whether or not any government should have the power to take that sort of action against their own citizens.
One can still be as disgusted by the action of domestic terrorists with a Ryder truck, as we are by domestic terrorists with blue jackets with bold yellow lettering. Look at what the FBI did to Richard Jewell, in the wake of the Centennial Park Bombing, despite having zero evidence of any wrongdoing. In fact, the entirety of what linked Jewell to the bombing was geographic proximity and a single FBI profiler’s opinion. That’s it.
We found out from the 9/11 Commission Report that the FBI was responsible for some of the breakdown in communication that could have potentially helped to stop several of the hijackers leading up to the attacks. Remember, Zacarias Moussaoui, sometimes referred to as the 20th hijacker was picked up by the FBI in August 2001, but was not linked to the other hijackers until after the 9/11 attacks.
Yet it doesn’t stop there. The FBI had contacted and/or investigated the Tsarnaev Brothers — perpetrators of the Boston Bombing in 2013, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik — perpetrators of the San Bernardino Shooting in 2015, and Omar Mateen — perpetrator of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in 2016, all before any of those crimes were committed.
Even after crimes are committed, the FBI (and by extension, the DOJ) seem completely incapable of securing evidence of a motive or how the perpetrators had committed the crimes. In the case of Stephen Paddock, the entirety of our domestic federal law enforcement power couldn’t figure out how a guy, or better yet, why a guy, got an armory into a tower room at the Mandalay Bay, and murdered and injured hundreds.
We need strong leaders who will call out the corruption and then refuse to move on anything until that corruption is fully investigated by an independent party and the involved parties prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law.
Let’s start there, but as our Forefathers taught us, no option is off the table.

Time and time again we have found that the FBI has been involved either by contact with individuals or groups that have committed terrorist attacks against America and this agency has been supposedly caught flat-footed.
The author has indicated just some of incidents., but there are a multitude incidents that there have exposed FBI involvement, including the failed coup d' etat.
IAs I have indicated in past posts, the FBI has within my lifetime changed, Surely the still get involved with kidnapping, bank robberies, and domestic terror.
As we are consistently denied our Constitutional and it's Amendments, our rights are consigned to the trash, while the FBI and other alphabet agencies laugh up their sleeves at we citizens, I do think, that this is, indeed, a hill worth dying on, or, better making them die on.
IMO, the FBI has been weaponized and infiltrated by Progressive Marxists.
Who's gonna arrest the sheriff and his gang of thieves? All Federal law enforcement falls under the Executive and our Dear Leader. So, there’s really nothing the people can do right now. Are there any “take no prisoners” type leaders in the house?
Republican representatives need to stand up and bring Wray up on charges for refusing to turn over evidence and place Garland under oath and question him again....they could also move to end the patriot act if they take control until congress and the senate can work out a way to ensure that politics will never abuse it again...
We, as in We The People aren't going to do shit to stop anything. Face facts, Jack. The federal government wields all the power. In that power they wield resides doomsday nightmare weapons close at hand such as biological and chemical WMD, thermonuclear munitions, microwave cook your ass directed energy beams, and shit we've never even dreamed of. Worse yet, the courts and the rest of the rule of law in general are on THEIR side. Dare to go up against the full might of the government and if government don't crush you outright like a crunchy little cockroach, corrupt prosecutors and judges will see you rendered with extreme prejudice, imprisoned for life—if you're lucky.
Everyone with basic common sense knows that the FBI, the CIA and the military leadership are made up of Woke Democrat yes men who do what they are told for the Democratic Party. It can't be overstated how bad that is for America. It is encouraging that a Whistleblower, most likely an FBI agent who has had it with the top level corruption blew the whistle on Garland. It will take A LOT more of that sort of thing to make any difference.

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem." Ronald Reagan

Thanks I needed that...

Government is also the supremely addictive drug everyone despises yet no one can seem to quit using. Year after year, decade after decade, century after century the people of any given nation, of every nation, commit to ending government—but ending it only in their minds. Even when governments mass murder their citizenry those same citizens can only bleat as so many sheep. And when, in those shining moments of war or similar disaster government is no longer present, people set about filling government's role, murdering each other, extorting each other, policing one another. To sort of quote the great John Romero: "Government is us and we are government."
Republican representatives need to stand up and bring Wray up on charges for refusing to turn over evidence and place Garland under oath and question him again....they could also move to end the patriot act if they take control until congress and the senate can work out a way to ensure that politics will never abuse it again...
The FISA court and the Patriot ACT need to be tossed PERMANENTLY. The assholes in power will never stop abusing their power.

The 4th Tier of Gov't .......unelected Federal Agencies creating laws without so much of a reach around...........need to all BE FIRED. All local matters to return to the States as prescribed in the Constitution.

Want to end the ENDLESS MONEY LAUNDERING from Gov't. NEVER RAISE THE DEBT CEILING AGAIN. and Cut Federal Employees to the bone.
Republican representatives need to stand up and bring Wray up on charges for refusing to turn over evidence and place Garland under oath and question him again....they could also move to end the patriot act if they take control until congress and the senate can work out a way to ensure that politics will never abuse it again...
When the Patriot Act was passed I warned both sides ( while on the Slate ) that it would be used as a political weapon and neither side wanted to hear it, so enjoy because this is the government we deserve!
I was originally for it. That was a mistake.
I was never for the abuse of power that was granted to the Federal Government and it should be repealed and many agencies should be consolidated into one…

We have become a nanny state nation with it foot heading toward being like China and once we go there, well we will discover true tyranny.

I have warned for two decades China rise would be the fall of America and after the release of the Virus and the Pandemic raging on I see where we are heading.

Be warned and what will come is nothing anyone want but many on the left will cheer it on until they realize how their children and grandchildren will be forced to pay for it…

I have sat for many years watching society make it ignorant choices and let me say I did vote for Biden but my vote was voided out here in Texas and thankfully Texans had more sense than I did…

Once the left get rid of the Electoral College, Second Amendment and water down the First Amendment you will see the true tyranny that will come.

It will happen because the youth has been brainwashed to believe their only way to survive is to give up those freedoms granted by that piece of paper and they will do so when starving and fearing for their lives.

So we as a society are heading into a new era of darkness and let me be clear America fall is happening and Biden is the one that will send us down this dark path…

Let just pray future generations will learn from our stupidity, but then again we keep on repeating the same mistake over and over, so I doubt it…
We, as in We The People aren't going to do shit to stop anything. Face facts, Jack. The federal government wields all the power. In that power they wield resides doomsday nightmare weapons close at hand such as biological and chemical WMD, thermonuclear munitions, microwave cook your ass directed energy beams, and shit we've never even dreamed of. Worse yet, the courts and the rest of the rule of law in general are on THEIR side. Dare to go up against the full might of the government and if government don't crush you outright like a crunchy little cockroach, corrupt prosecutors and judges will see you rendered with extreme prejudice, imprisoned for life—if you're lucky.
So we continue down this path and overtime things get steadily worse. Eventually states start seceding from the Union.

There are secession movements in a number of states but we are still a good distance away from our nation breaking apart.

I was never for the abuse of power that was granted to the Federal Government and it should be repealed and many agencies should be consolidated into one…

We have become a nanny state nation with it foot heading toward being like China and once we go there, well we will discover true tyranny.

I have warned for two decades China rise would be the fall of America and after the release of the Virus and the Pandemic raging on I see where we are heading.

Be warned and what will come is nothing anyone want but many on the left will cheer it on until they realize how their children and grandchildren will be forced to pay for it…

I have sat for many years watching society make is ignorant choices and let me say I did vote for Biden but my vote was voided out here in Texas and thankfully Texans had more sense than I did…

Once the left get rid of the Electoral College, Second Amendment and water down the First Amendment you will see the true tyranny that will come.

It will happen because the youth has been brainwashed to believe their only way to survive is to give up those freedoms granted by that piece of paper and they will do so when starving and fearing for their lives.

So we as a society are heading into a new era of darkness and let me be clear America fall is happening and Biden is the one that will send us down this dark path…

Let just pray future generations will learn from our stupidity, but then again we keep on repeating the same mistake over and over, so I doubt it…
I see the same thing. The communist tactics are clear. The control of the media is clear. The OUR COUNTRY SUCKS crowd is clear.

On another thread of Kyle and the trial. They actually said that violence is justified because it's like trying to stop the Boston Tea Party. You CANNONT negotiate with that kind of Mental Illness.
So we continue down this path and overtime things get steadily worse. Eventually states start seceding from the Union.

There are secession movements in a number of states but we are still a good distance away from our nation breaking apart.

I believe those in states already lost to this insanity need to relocate to Red States to hold the line against what is coming. These States are going to have to take matters into their own hands and tell the Federal Gov't to FUCK OFF.

We have seen this coming for some time. Time for the nation to divide.
Disband the FBI-CIA and replace them with an agency led by Sheriff Joe. Smaller, cheaper and more accountable is better.

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