Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

I think it’s cool that you watch Left Wing news.
Right Wing news, YouTube and TikTok are not so kind.
Keep watching CNN.
Once again folks, this cat is struggling. He's saying nothing. Get back with me when you have something relevant to talk about. Heads up, that ain't happening.
That's not an argument for a case. You are struggling. Your shoes are ugly too. Try again.
That used to be a fair assessment of the Quality of a Man.
Judge him by his shoes.Which was accepted for decades.
If not centuries.Then along came a Widdle Ballbuster Control Freak
Jewish man who made Mayor of N.Y.City.
Or Michael Bloomberg { Mayor from 2002-2013 }
Who occasionally bragged he only owned TWO pairs of shoes.
I felt that more than absurd.But that was how Many men of an earlier
generation did live life.Especially of a Jewish persuation.
So mush fir past history and Men.
Absolutely not, that's why trump is being investigated. Biden did the right thing in turning them over as soon as the were discovered or rediscovered depending on whether he knew they were there. trump knew all along what he did was wrong.
So you are saying that Biden didn’t know that taking classified data from a SCIF while a Senator and bringing it to his house was illegal?

So now he suddenly realizes what he did was wrong so he is turning it all in. He is letting his lawyers search his house despite the fact they lack the clearance and “need to know” to view the dlassified info they uncover. How nice.

That’s like if I robbed a bank, twenty years later realizing that I had broke the law and bringing the money back to the bank.

Ah. I see. You are embracing the automatic declassification idiocy.

Help me out. If the President sends classified files for you to read. Is it now authorized for you to possess them?

But yes you are right. The President can declassify anything. But he has to tell someone. And Trump didn’t. In fact when the Special Master asked about this automatic declassification the response was telling. Trump said nothing. He instead objected that the Special Master he requested was asking questions.

Now in both cases the most likely scenario has to do with staffers grabbing the files and boxing them up while doing cleanup at the end of the administration. A screw up. A mistake. The question of character comes in when the mistake is discovered.

Presidents and VPs are totally above any congressional legislation for classified docs, and can do with them whatever they will.
Presidents and VPs have no background checks, security clearances, etc.
They gain access to classified docs through being elected by the people, and can give classified docs to whomever they want.

Typically all docs copies and passed out to cabinet briefings are classified.
But all cabinet members are expected to retain them as long as necessary.
There are absolutely NO limits at all to presidential and VP classified doc authority.

NARA only gets its authority through FOIA, so only needs 1 copy, and it is usually the original, not a copy annotated by a cabinet member.
So you are saying that Biden didn’t know that taking classified data from a SCIF while a Senator and bringing it to his house was illegal?

So now he suddenly realizes what he did was wrong so he is turning it all in. He is letting his lawyers search his house despite the fact they lack the clearance and “need to know” to view the dlassified info they uncover. How nice.

That’s like if I robbed a bank, twenty years later realizing that I had broke the law and bringing the money back to the bank.

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A SCIF does not at all apply to presidents, VPs, or anyone given a copy of a classified doc by a president or VP.

Congress creates a chain of command and procedures for classified doc, but since Congress has ZERO authority over presidents and VPs, presidents and VPs totally ignore any and all congressional legislation concerning classified docs.
If you do not believe me, just read ANY congressional classified doc legislation.
They all specifically exempt presidents and VPs.
So, you have managing, then packing, and so far, no one has said or claimed Biden did either one. There in lies your problem. When things were found, Biden and Pence gave them back. There is no crime there. Negligent staff maybe, but no crime.
haha xiden didn’t give anything back…he was caught…and stuff continued to be found

teumpk cooperated right away turning over -5 boxes and working with the NA. Pence ordered the review himself in the wake of this amd a handful might be classified…xiden aaa caught with boatloads and showed a pattern od behavior from his entire career
A SCIF does not at all apply to presidents, VPs, or anyone given a copy of a classified doc by a president or VP.

Congress creates a chain of command and procedures for classified doc, but since Congress has ZERO authority over presidents and VPs, presidents and VPs totally ignore any and all congressional legislation concerning classified docs.
If you do not believe me, just read ANY congressional classified doc legislation.
They all specifically exempt presidents and VPs.
But they don’t exclude Senators and some of Biden’s classified data dates back to the time when he was a Senator.


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