Unsealed Doc Reveals Biden FBI Authorized the Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Armed Agents Prepared to Confront Trump

They, and their dog, were chasing the officers, just as I said. And no, they were not there to jump Weaver at that moment. They were scouting the area to determine the safest way to enforce a legally issued arrest warrant.
Why were the marshals running away from Weaver when they were there to pick him up?

Their story makes no sense
Does it not depend on the situation?

Remember Ruby Ridge?
The guy at ruby ridge could have save his whole family but he felt he didn’t have to respond to law enforcement … right or wrong you settle this issues in court not a standoff … shooting at each other …he is responsible for all of his families deaths by him making bad decisions . Don’t try and make it he was abused by the government … he refuse to obey the law …
The guy at ruby ridge could have save his whole family but he felt he didn’t have to respond to law enforcement … right or wrong you settle this issues in court not a standoff … shooting at each other …he is responsible for all of his families deaths by him making bad decisions . Don’t try and make it he was abused by the government … he refuse to obey the law …
You should consider getting the facts on the Ruby Ridge incident.
Why were the marshals running away from Weaver when they were there to pick him up?

Their story makes no sense

They wer still there scouting out the area. They weren’t ready to arrest him. But the dogs heard them and alerted Harris and Weaver. They went looking to see what alerted the dogs. A dog went after the marshall's who shot the dog and then Harris shot a marshall.
They weren’t ready to arrest him.
They werent ready to arrest him?

Were they waiting for a full moon?

Janet Reno’s birthday?

What the hell?

Like the man said, you play stupid games and you win stupid prizes
The guy at ruby ridge could have save his whole family but he felt he didn’t have to respond to law enforcement … right or wrong you settle this issues in court not a standoff … shooting at each other …he is responsible for all of his families deaths by him making bad decisions . Don’t try and make it he was abused by the government … he refuse to obey the law …
He was paid by the Feds more than 3 million dollars for their ruthless attempt to apply law. They did not go to Court. He was attacked at his home. His wife was murdered.
They werent ready to arrest him?

Were they waiting for a full moon?

Janet Reno’s birthday?

What the hell?

Like the man said, you play stupid games and you win stupid prizes

As already pointed out, they were scouting the area to determine the best way to enforce the arrest warrant.
As already pointed out, they were scouting the area to determine the best way to enforce the arrest warrant.
Well Gee Whiz, that plan went out the window when they were discovered creeping around in the bushes

And you say they panicked and ran off in all different directions?

But the dog ran faster so they shot the pooch?

This tale gets weirder every time you tell it
He was paid by the Feds more than 3 million dollars for their ruthless attempt to apply law. They did not go to Court. He was attacked at his home. His wife was murdered.
as he was the cause of her death ... they had a warrant all he had to do is honor the warrant .... he didn't do that ... he should have gone to jail for the death of agents he murdered...none of the violence would have happened if he only honored the warrant he didn't do that ... the money he got was a waste of taxpayers money ... he should be in jail for life ...
You should consider getting the facts on the Ruby Ridge incident.
I know the facts on Ruby Ridge fact surrendered to the warrant ...go to court problem solved ... this attitude I'm right I have guns and I'm going to shoot my way to being right is what he did ... right or wrong he is responsible for his wife death ... period ...
I know the facts on Ruby Ridge fact surrendered to the warrant ...go to court problem solved ... this attitude I'm right I have guns and I'm going to shoot my way to being right is what he did ... right or wrong he is responsible for his wife death ... period ...
The feds didn’t need to go in as heavy handed as they did. They had a consistent problem with that in those days.
The feds didn’t need to go in as heavy handed as they did. They had a consistent problem with that in those days.
That’s your opinion … not mine .. in my opinion they were short A hundred agents … where they could hav swarmed the house and killed them all … saved us tax payer 3 million dollars for their stupidity… which they should have never got … his own kid disowned him after the fact … they realized how moronic he was … you gun toten morons think your way out of responding to a warrant is shoot the police or the FBI … this is most moronic way of thinking that you red necks seem to think you can shoot anybody … if they have a warrant right or wrong you are suppose to surrender to the warrant they didn’t do that … they started shooting at agents thinking they were in the right … what did it get them ??? Answer me that what did they accomplish ?? The death of their family members… when all they had to do is take it to court… I realize cutting off the butt if a shot gun was illegal …,this is what the warrant was about… he had sold a sawed off shotgun allegedly… they felt he was making them for sale …all he had to do is show in court telling them he didn’t make the sawed off shot gun for sale … but he didn’t do that he let his ignorant get in the way … this whole incident was caused by him and him alone … what the courts ended up with was ridiculous in my opinion…all he had to fovea’s show up to court over weapon charges … he caused the whole mess the FBI had a warrant he refuse to comply and started shooting … whose thinking is wrong here … not mine..

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