Understanding Christianity

One of the practices of Christianity that I despise
Trying to force their religion on others. My understanding of the faith is superior to yours. Very condescending

What if an atheist wanted to spread the word that your faith is senseless, God does not exist and Jesus was not reborn?

Just to save you
What if an atheist wanted to spread the word that your faith is senseless, God does not exist and Jesus was not reborn?

See it every day. Atheists don't inform like Christians do, they force people to comply with their beliefs or they will attempt to destroy your life.

Just ask David Green.
No...all atheists do is prevent you from forcing your beliefs on others

No atheist is requiring you to stand up and proclaim there is no God
Yeah, tell that to a coach kneeling on a football field.
Went right over your head

That coach kneeling on the field is encouraging players to kneel with him. Players trying to stay in the coaches good graces

You don't have coaches telling players there is no Jesus


As in....those players who kneel with me will make the team
forcing your beliefs on others

how exactly does this happen? Even in the case of kneeling, people have a choice to no kneel. You could have the same coach admonish a player for talking about Jesus, is that ok too? If so, why?

You have a 16 year old trying to make the team and the coach says......let's all take a knee and pray to God

Is the kid going to say no thanks...I don't believe in God
forcing your beliefs on others

how exactly does this happen? Even in the case of kneeling, people have a choice to no kneel. You could have the same coach admonish a player for talking about Jesus, is that ok too? If so, why?

You have a 16 year old trying to make the team and the coach says......let's all take a knee and pray to God

Is the kid going to say no thanks...I don't believe in God

Maybe. Maybe not. But even if he does out of peer pressure, I'm sure in his mind he's thinking nothing about God, and if he does, well, maybe God is calling him. Honestly, I don't care about the issue. Most schools won't allow this I would think, but really I don't know ... I have seen it done .... usually there are only a few students doing it on their own, not with the coach.
See it every day. Atheists don't inform like Christians do, they force people to comply with their beliefs or they will attempt to destroy your life.

Just ask David Green.
No...all atheists do is prevent you from forcing your beliefs on others

No atheist is requiring you to stand up and proclaim there is no God
Yeah, tell that to a coach kneeling on a football field.
Went right over your head

That coach kneeling on the field is encouraging players to kneel with him. Players trying to stay in the coaches good graces

You don't have coaches telling players there is no Jesus


As in....those players who kneel with me will make the team
Poor strawman snowflake needs to shove his religion down the throats of everyone.
the alternative is to not seek the propagation of religion as a LIFE MISSION. The idea that the ONLY
WAY TO A RIGHTEOUS AND JUST LIFE is thru Christian dogma (or Islamic dogma, or Maoist
dogma) is perverse. The high death count perpetrated by Christian missionizing is the CRIME OF
THE 'holy' ROMAN EMPIRE,---------The muslim death toll is a manifestation the "DAR AL ISLAM"----
notion (aka caliphatism) ----you need more evidence than that demonstrated by EVANGELICAL
ISIS ???

I think that you miss the point of Christianity. The God of Christianity is aiming on saving the souls of humans from falling to hell. So your suggestion is, in order not to cause death of humans by those making wrong use of religion, just let mankind as a whole stay in hell after their physical death?
Pretty neat trick with excellent marketing. It is GOD 2.0 from the New Testament. There is no hell in the Old Testament. Obviously God 1.0 was a total failure and had to be re-Intelligent Designed (by man).

Jesus (aka God 2.0) invents a hell and claims you better obey or he will send you there.

I read the NT------I do not remember that Jesus was DEFINITIVE about a "hell" as reported by any
credible source--------DANTE INVENTED HELL

Jesus spoke of Gehenna, a smoldering trash dump outside the walls of the city where every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird gathers in what they believe is a bountiful blessing from God.

He used it as a metaphor for the garbage people were swallowing and the unclean beats that ate it all up who were living in a spiritual trash dump full of superstition and the flesh of rotting corpses on the wrong side of the law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, true and false, right and wrong, good and evil, life and death....

right-----Gehenna is a garbage dump on the outskirts of town-------using that word as a symbol for
a miserable fate was not a device invented by Jesus. "Gehenna" as a metaphor predates Jesus
and is not Dante's INFERNO

The point is that Gehenna, just like the netherworld, is the realm of the spiritually, emotionally and intellectually dead, as in, in the very day that you eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, your mind will become defiled and contaminated and you will surely die.

Some walk right out of the tomb like a bat out of hell as soon as they realize their mistake, some are imprisoned by Satan for a decade or more.

Many never escape the pit, recover, or return to the realm of the living for the rest of their lives....

Am I telling you something that you don't already know?
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See it every day. Atheists don't inform like Christians do, they force people to comply with their beliefs or they will attempt to destroy your life.

Just ask David Green.
No...all atheists do is prevent you from forcing your beliefs on others

No atheist is requiring you to stand up and proclaim there is no God
Yeah, tell that to a coach kneeling on a football field.
Went right over your head

That coach kneeling on the field is encouraging players to kneel with him. Players trying to stay in the coaches good graces

You don't have coaches telling players there is no Jesus


As in....those players who kneel with me will make the team
You're quite the omniscient little godlet.
No...all atheists do is prevent you from forcing your beliefs on others

No atheist is requiring you to stand up and proclaim there is no God
Yeah, tell that to a coach kneeling on a football field.
Went right over your head

That coach kneeling on the field is encouraging players to kneel with him. Players trying to stay in the coaches good graces

You don't have coaches telling players there is no Jesus


As in....those players who kneel with me will make the team
Poor strawman snowflake needs to shove his religion down the throats of everyone.
Looks like the coach forcing his religion
I think that you miss the point of Christianity. The God of Christianity is aiming on saving the souls of humans from falling to hell. So your suggestion is, in order not to cause death of humans by those making wrong use of religion, just let mankind as a whole stay in hell after their physical death?
Pretty neat trick with excellent marketing. It is GOD 2.0 from the New Testament. There is no hell in the Old Testament. Obviously God 1.0 was a total failure and had to be re-Intelligent Designed (by man).

Jesus (aka God 2.0) invents a hell and claims you better obey or he will send you there.

I read the NT------I do not remember that Jesus was DEFINITIVE about a "hell" as reported by any
credible source--------DANTE INVENTED HELL

Jesus spoke of Gehenna, a smoldering trash dump outside the walls of the city where every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird gathers in what they believe is a bountiful blessing from God.

He used it as a metaphor for the garbage people were swallowing and the unclean beats that ate it all up who were living in a spiritual trash dump full of superstition and the flesh of rotting corpses on the wrong side of the law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, true and false, right and wrong, good and evil, life and death....

right-----Gehenna is a garbage dump on the outskirts of town-------using that word as a symbol for
a miserable fate was not a device invented by Jesus. "Gehenna" as a metaphor predates Jesus
and is not Dante's INFERNO

The point is that Gehenna, just like the netherworld, is the realm of the spiritually, emotionally and intellectually dead, as in, in the very day that you eat the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, your mind will become defiled and contaminated and you will surely die.

Some walk right out of the tomb like a bat out of hell as soon as they realize their mistake, some are imprisoned by Satan for a decade or more.

Many never escape the pit, recover, or return to the realm of the living for the rest of their lives....

Am I telling you something that you don't already know?

you are "telling me" nothing------you are "intellectualizing"
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.
This is not a debate of the validity of the Christian religion, but, an explanation of why they are "in your face"...

It's a validation thing.
I likened it to people joining Amway.
Once they make the mistake they need to justify and validate their choice by signing people up even though they themselves don't really believe in the product.
They also think they get rewarded in signing people up.
And here it was that I thought we were taught that the reward was becoming the best version I could be and helping others become the best version they could be. Who knew? :dunno:
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.

what "Christians" are those? Germany is a very Christian country. Adolf and most of his trusted colleagues
were baptized catholics. "gratitude"? The Nuremburg laws which divested jews of all rights in the mid-1930s and smoothed the way to GENOCIDE were lifted DIRECTLY from the laws of the "HOLY" roman empire-------canon law of the Christian empire
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.

what "Christians" are those? Germany is a very Christian country. Adolf and most of his trusted colleagues
were baptized catholics. "gratitude"? The Nuremburg laws which divested jews of all rights in the mid-1930s and smoothed the way to GENOCIDE were lifted DIRECTLY from the laws of the "HOLY" roman empire-------canon law of the Christian empire
Holy shit. You're arguing that liberation and creation of the Israel state didn't occur? Or are you arguing that the Jews were never supposed to be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah? Give me a break from your whining.
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.

what "Christians" are those? Germany is a very Christian country. Adolf and most of his trusted colleagues
were baptized catholics. "gratitude"? The Nuremburg laws which divested jews of all rights in the mid-1930s and smoothed the way to GENOCIDE were lifted DIRECTLY from the laws of the "HOLY" roman empire-------canon law of the Christian empire
Holy shit. You're arguing that liberation and creation of the Israel state didn't occur? Or are you arguing that the Jews were never supposed to be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah? Give me a break from your whining.

"holy shit" ? is that a reference to THE TRINITY?. It is, certainly, not a response to the very valid points
I raised? Please attempt to present the basis of your silly assertions
1) Christians liberated jews from Germany
2) Christians established the state of Israel
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.

what "Christians" are those? Germany is a very Christian country. Adolf and most of his trusted colleagues
were baptized catholics. "gratitude"? The Nuremburg laws which divested jews of all rights in the mid-1930s and smoothed the way to GENOCIDE were lifted DIRECTLY from the laws of the "HOLY" roman empire-------canon law of the Christian empire
Holy shit. You're arguing that liberation and creation of the Israel state didn't occur? Or are you arguing that the Jews were never supposed to be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah? Give me a break from your whining.

"holy shit" ? is that a reference to THE TRINITY?. It is, certainly, not a response to the very valid points
I raised? Please attempt to present the basis of your silly assertions
1) Christians liberated jews from Germany
2) Christians established the state of Israel
The basis? You mean recorded history?
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.

what "Christians" are those? Germany is a very Christian country. Adolf and most of his trusted colleagues
were baptized catholics. "gratitude"? The Nuremburg laws which divested jews of all rights in the mid-1930s and smoothed the way to GENOCIDE were lifted DIRECTLY from the laws of the "HOLY" roman empire-------canon law of the Christian empire
Holy shit. You're arguing that liberation and creation of the Israel state didn't occur? Or are you arguing that the Jews were never supposed to be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah? Give me a break from your whining.

"holy shit" ? is that a reference to THE TRINITY?. It is, certainly, not a response to the very valid points
I raised? Please attempt to present the basis of your silly assertions
1) Christians liberated jews from Germany
2) Christians established the state of Israel
The basis? You mean recorded history?

stymied? while you are presenting your argument that "CHRISTIANS LIBERATED JEWS
would also appreciate an explanation of "...... are you arguing that Jews were never supposed to
be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah?" The "questions" mystify
me. How did your sunday school teacher define "the torah"???
You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.

what "Christians" are those? Germany is a very Christian country. Adolf and most of his trusted colleagues
were baptized catholics. "gratitude"? The Nuremburg laws which divested jews of all rights in the mid-1930s and smoothed the way to GENOCIDE were lifted DIRECTLY from the laws of the "HOLY" roman empire-------canon law of the Christian empire
Holy shit. You're arguing that liberation and creation of the Israel state didn't occur? Or are you arguing that the Jews were never supposed to be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah? Give me a break from your whining.

"holy shit" ? is that a reference to THE TRINITY?. It is, certainly, not a response to the very valid points
I raised? Please attempt to present the basis of your silly assertions
1) Christians liberated jews from Germany
2) Christians established the state of Israel
The basis? You mean recorded history?

stymied? while you are presenting your argument that "CHRISTIANS LIBERATED JEWS
would also appreciate an explanation of "...... are you arguing that Jews were never supposed to
be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah?" The "questions" mystify
me. How did your sunday school teacher define "the torah"???
Do you not understand your own history?
what "Christians" are those? Germany is a very Christian country. Adolf and most of his trusted colleagues
were baptized catholics. "gratitude"? The Nuremburg laws which divested jews of all rights in the mid-1930s and smoothed the way to GENOCIDE were lifted DIRECTLY from the laws of the "HOLY" roman empire-------canon law of the Christian empire
Holy shit. You're arguing that liberation and creation of the Israel state didn't occur? Or are you arguing that the Jews were never supposed to be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah? Give me a break from your whining.

"holy shit" ? is that a reference to THE TRINITY?. It is, certainly, not a response to the very valid points
I raised? Please attempt to present the basis of your silly assertions
1) Christians liberated jews from Germany
2) Christians established the state of Israel
The basis? You mean recorded history?

stymied? while you are presenting your argument that "CHRISTIANS LIBERATED JEWS
would also appreciate an explanation of "...... are you arguing that Jews were never supposed to
be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah?" The "questions" mystify
me. How did your sunday school teacher define "the torah"???
Do you not understand your own history?

still stymied. I understand it very well-------feel free to ask questions. As an approach to your
first idiotic assertion "Christians liberated jews from Germany"--------can you describe the battles and
maneuvers undertaken by "Christians" during world war II that were designed to avert the
oppression and genocide of jews by Germany? Are you still having a problem defining "the torah"?
Holy shit. You're arguing that liberation and creation of the Israel state didn't occur? Or are you arguing that the Jews were never supposed to be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah? Give me a break from your whining.

"holy shit" ? is that a reference to THE TRINITY?. It is, certainly, not a response to the very valid points
I raised? Please attempt to present the basis of your silly assertions
1) Christians liberated jews from Germany
2) Christians established the state of Israel
The basis? You mean recorded history?

stymied? while you are presenting your argument that "CHRISTIANS LIBERATED JEWS
would also appreciate an explanation of "...... are you arguing that Jews were never supposed to
be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah?" The "questions" mystify
me. How did your sunday school teacher define "the torah"???
Do you not understand your own history?

still stymied. I understand it very well-------feel free to ask questions. As an approach to your
first idiotic assertion "Christians liberated jews from Germany"--------can you describe the battles and
maneuvers undertaken by "Christians" during world war II that were designed to avert the
oppression and genocide of jews by Germany? Are you still having a problem defining "the torah"?
I'm afraid I can't help you if you don't understand that the Torah chronicled a people who cycled between remembering and forgetting God and what happened to them when they did. It's not like He didn't warn you about it up front. Are you under the impression that He told you the world would love you?
"holy shit" ? is that a reference to THE TRINITY?. It is, certainly, not a response to the very valid points
I raised? Please attempt to present the basis of your silly assertions
1) Christians liberated jews from Germany
2) Christians established the state of Israel
The basis? You mean recorded history?

stymied? while you are presenting your argument that "CHRISTIANS LIBERATED JEWS
would also appreciate an explanation of "...... are you arguing that Jews were never supposed to
be oppressed in the first place? Do you even read the Torah?" The "questions" mystify
me. How did your sunday school teacher define "the torah"???
Do you not understand your own history?

still stymied. I understand it very well-------feel free to ask questions. As an approach to your
first idiotic assertion "Christians liberated jews from Germany"--------can you describe the battles and
maneuvers undertaken by "Christians" during world war II that were designed to avert the
oppression and genocide of jews by Germany? Are you still having a problem defining "the torah"?
I'm afraid I can't help you if you don't understand that the Torah chronicled a people who cycled between remembering and forgetting God and what happened to them when they did. It's not like He didn't warn you about it up front. Are you under the impression that He told you the world would love you?

where in "the torah" did your sunday school teacher tell you are lines about the "CYCLES"
The word TORAH is a Hebrew word. "THE TORAH" is a specific book when expressed as
THE TORAH What does the term the torah mean to you? Does it tell you that jews are
"supposed to be oppressed"? -------was ADOLF an agent of your deity?

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