Understanding Christianity

Relax, rosie

stymied again? Feel free to ask questions. As ot adolf as an agent of your
deity------that would boil down to your "deity" being CONSTANTINE
Not at all. You need to go speak to a rabbi to understand your own religion.

I understand it right now-------at least a lot better than do you. You fart out ASSERTIONS
about Judaism and then get all bent out of shape over a very simple question. You cannot
describe "the torah"------even with a search engine at hand
Relax, rosie

stymied again? Feel free to ask questions. As ot adolf as an agent of your
deity------that would boil down to your "deity" being CONSTANTINE
Not at all. You need to go speak to a rabbi to understand your own religion.

I understand it right now-------at least a lot better than do you. You fart out ASSERTIONS
about Judaism and then get all bent out of shape over a very simple question. You cannot
describe "the torah"------even with a search engine at hand
Talk to the rabbi because the hand is not listening.

One of the practices of Christianity that I despise
Trying to force their religion on others. My understanding of the faith is superior to yours. Very condescending

What if an atheist wanted to spread the word that your faith is senseless, God does not exist and Jesus was not reborn?

Just to save you
What if an atheist wanted to spread the word that your faith is senseless, God does not exist and Jesus was not reborn?

See it every day. Atheists don't inform like Christians do, they force people to comply with their beliefs or they will attempt to destroy your life.

Just ask David Green.
No...all atheists do is prevent you from forcing your beliefs on others

No atheist is requiring you to stand up and proclaim there is no God
Yeah, tell that to a coach kneeling on a football field.
Went right over your head

That coach kneeling on the field is encouraging players to kneel with him. Players trying to stay in the coaches good graces

You don't have coaches telling players there is no Jesus


Kneeling propagates the $68B/yr tax free bilk on the American people.
forcing your beliefs on others

how exactly does this happen? Even in the case of kneeling, people have a choice to no kneel. You could have the same coach admonish a player for talking about Jesus, is that ok too? If so, why?

You have a 16 year old trying to make the team and the coach says......let's all take a knee and pray to God

Is the kid going to say no thanks...I don't believe in God

Maybe. Maybe not. But even if he does out of peer pressure, I'm sure in his mind he's thinking nothing about God, and if he does, well, maybe God is calling him. Honestly, I don't care about the issue. Most schools won't allow this I would think, but really I don't know ... I have seen it done .... usually there are only a few students doing it on their own, not with the coach.

'God is calling him?' WTF does that mean?
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.

what "Christians" are those? Germany is a very Christian country. Adolf and most of his trusted colleagues
were baptized catholics. "gratitude"? The Nuremburg laws which divested jews of all rights in the mid-1930s and smoothed the way to GENOCIDE were lifted DIRECTLY from the laws of the "HOLY" roman empire-------canon law of the Christian empire

Christian aren't perfect, just forgiven. (sarcasm)
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.

what "Christians" are those? Germany is a very Christian country. Adolf and most of his trusted colleagues
were baptized catholics. "gratitude"? The Nuremburg laws which divested jews of all rights in the mid-1930s and smoothed the way to GENOCIDE were lifted DIRECTLY from the laws of the "HOLY" roman empire-------canon law of the Christian empire

Christian aren't perfect, just forgiven. (sarcasm)

oh----right-----no more "ORIGINAL SIN"-------it was crucified out of the system-------by THE LAST LAMB.
-------the last lamb notion kinda reminds me of the PERFECT AND FINAL PROPHET. For the
persons who do not know-------the LAST LAMB------was never, and never will be------the BLOTTING
OUT OF ALL SIN---------more like ----lunch for the levites (I am a levite and really like lamb-----
well roasted-----with garlic, coriander, and honey
See it every day. Atheists don't inform like Christians do, they force people to comply with their beliefs or they will attempt to destroy your life.

Just ask David Green.
No...all atheists do is prevent you from forcing your beliefs on others

No atheist is requiring you to stand up and proclaim there is no God
Yeah, tell that to a coach kneeling on a football field.
Went right over your head

That coach kneeling on the field is encouraging players to kneel with him. Players trying to stay in the coaches good graces

You don't have coaches telling players there is no Jesus


Kneeling propagates the $68B/yr tax free bilk on the American people.
Yeah, sure.
Christianity is easy to understand.

The problem is Christians.

Shouldn't it be; The problem is Christians that formed Christianity and who follow the beliefs today?

Actually can be used for ALL religions.
11 of the 12 people who formed Christianity were tortured to death for doing it. And they knew they would be. So what's the motive?

You're just a typical leftard coward who attacks Christians because you know you're safe and you run to defend Islam because you're a pathetic coward.
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.
You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.



FDR is your hero, liar ... read your signature zealot.

* hows general lee doing for you, these days.
forcing your beliefs on others

how exactly does this happen? Even in the case of kneeling, people have a choice to no kneel. You could have the same coach admonish a player for talking about Jesus, is that ok too? If so, why?

You have a 16 year old trying to make the team and the coach says......let's all take a knee and pray to God

Is the kid going to say no thanks...I don't believe in God

Maybe. Maybe not. But even if he does out of peer pressure, I'm sure in his mind he's thinking nothing about God, and if he does, well, maybe God is calling him. Honestly, I don't care about the issue. Most schools won't allow this I would think, but really I don't know ... I have seen it done .... usually there are only a few students doing it on their own, not with the coach.

'God is calling him?' WTF does that mean?
That's what Christians say when you feel led to become a Christian
The prince of peace who leads everyone to thousands of wars and over 50 million murdered in his name?

You mean the Christians that liberated the Jews from Germany and established the state of Israel?

That's some gratitude you have there.

What do you call a fireman that saves people from a fire he deliberately set?

WHEN Kurds speak out against radical Islam and even Baath party Sunnis treatment of the Kurds with all the attrocities, do you ignore the chemical attacks, rape, pillage, enslavement of the Kurds by primarily Sunnis ISIS by asking Kurds to show some gratitude for the Sunnis fighting Isis?
Sure they have graritude for THOSE helping them, but that is an ad hominem response to the problem of who started the fire, by and through your focus on who is putting out the fire in embarassment of what their affiliation has become.
Your response is marginalizing and avoiding the deep rooted hatred (wormwood) that stems from gang affiliation mentality, even though you see resemblances of this today through politics and issue topics of the month. Gang mentality made you avoid acknowledging the root causes and behaviors attributed to affiliating with Christianity, and would even argue against Islam, in way that would contradict your smokescreen responses, and therefore be busting on your own arguments here.
11 of the 12 people who formed Christianity were tortured to death for doing it. And they knew they would be. So what's the motive?

I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is my blood, the blood of the covenant."

Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all flesh will know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob.
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11 of the 12 people who formed Christianity were tortured to death for doing it. And they knew they would be. So what's the motive?

I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is my blood, the blood of the covenant."

Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all flesh will know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob.

Youre being forced to drink your own blood and eat your own flesh this morning!?!?!?!?
Call 911 and let them know you're a crazy moonbat who needs immediate psychological help.
11 of the 12 people who formed Christianity were tortured to death for doing it. And they knew they would be. So what's the motive?

I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is my blood, the blood of the covenant."

Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

I will force your oppressors to eat their own flesh and make them drunk on their own blood as if with new wine. Then all flesh will know that I, the Lord, am your savior and your redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob.

Youre being forced to drink your own blood and eat your own flesh this morning!?!?!?!?
Call 911 and let them know you're a crazy moonbat who needs immediate psychological help.

No, not me...You really need to read more carefully. The oppressors were forced to drink blood, a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine.

By whom? Jesus.

BTW, Whats that red dribble on your chin?

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