Ukraine Commander Sending Husbands of Female Soldiers Who Won’t Have Sex with Him to Die.


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
We only support the good guys!

And we don't just limit ourselves to Nazis, or crackpot dictators who ban their political opposition and shut down churches. (In this case I'm talking about Zelensky, not Biden.)

Now we also honor the noble efforts of great Ukrainians such as this beast.

Tax payer dollars well spent, I say.

Platoon sergeant Nadiya Haran, one of roughly 60,000 women serving in the Ukrainian armed forces, told The Guardian that female soldiers “have to fight two enemies at once” – the Russians and their own sexist comrades.

Haran described how one woman “was put in a psychiatric facility without consent by her commander, just because she applied for transfer to a combat unit,” while another was threatened with similar incarceration “just for reporting that she was being sexually harassed.”

Most concerningly, Haran related that she had to leave left her own brigade because an officer “high up the food chain who would harass women,” including subordinates of hers.

“[He] basically told them if they refuse to have sex with him, he’s sending their husbands who were also in the brigade to their deaths,” she said. “I was told to shut up because he did not harass me personally.”

Meanwhile a new CNN poll shows most Americans no longer support sending aid to Ukraine:

Since this is such a "Democracy" (never was actually, but that's a whole other subject), I am sure the Lefties will now relent with their avarice for more blood and casualties.

We only support the good guys!

And we don't just limit ourselves to Nazis, or crackpot dictators who ban their political opposition and shut down churches. (In this case I'm talking about Zelensky, not Biden.)

Now we also honor the noble efforts of great Ukrainians such as this beast.

Tax payer dollars well spent, I say.

Meanwhile a new CNN poll shows most Americans no longer support sending aid to Ukraine:

Since this is such a "Democracy" (never was actually, but that's a whole other subject), I am sure the Lefties will now relent with their avarice for more blood and casualties.

I hope you are outraged enough to go fight for Putin. Heard he is looking for a few good cannon fodder!
I hope you are outraged enough to go fight for Putin. Heard he is looking for a few good cannon fodder!

The only thing I'm outraged by is your pathetic binary black and white thinking that got us into this fucking mess in the first place.
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Anecdotal evidence of this sort always needs to be treated with caution. The source , The Guardian , is pure Fake News and in matters like this(war reporting) will only reflect MI6 agenda with Downing Street informed out of courtesy . So this possible change in direction might reflect the growing realisation right across the west that Kyiv is a lost cause and a degree of distancing is required fast . See NYT and WaPo for a similar change in the type of misinformation that they peddle. In contrast, note Kyivs latest story -- the Russian bombing of a blood bank hospital, which of course might just be another of the Midgets coke fed hysterical outbursts --" no good news anywhere so lets invent a complete BS story to tug the heart strings and show the gullibles what animals Russians are ".etc, etc .
The only thing I'm outraged by is your pathetic binary black and white thinking that got us into this fucking mess in the first place.
You clearly have no idea what you are "outraged" about since sexual harrassment is in no way unique to Ukraine or a test for whethr a political system is democratic. Perhaps you should take some time off until you figure out what leads you to make such bizarre posts about Ukraine.

Don't get your panties all in a bunch over the CNN poll because the CNN article that reports it is misleading; the poll actually never asked the question about Congress authorizing more funding for aid.

Two other recent polls, one by Reuters and another by Gallup show that at least 60% of Americans support continued aid to Ukraine.

While you are trying to figure out what you are so outraged about, you might want to consider this, at least half of House Republicans have been voting with Democrats on continuing aid to Ukraine.
You clearly have no idea what you are "outraged" about since sexual harrassment is in no way unique to Ukraine

No, but it does paint a much different picture than is being provided by our domestic Legacy Media.

Particularly when it it is coupled with the fact that we cannot account for where much of the money goes, the fact that Zelensky outlaws opposing political parties and shuts down churches, the fact that we are now sending civilian shredding cluster bombs there, we destroyed the Nordstream pipeline to perpetuate the War despite its staggering damage to Germany's economy, and - oh yeah - RUSSIA HAS NUKES.

So yeah.

I guess on top of all that the concern with a PLATOON SERGEANT threatening to sleep with soldiers' wives is somewhat peripheral.

Ya got me.
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No, but it does paint a much different picture than is being provided by our domestic Legacy Media.

Particularly when it it is coupled with the fact that we cannot account for where much of the money goes, the fact that Zelensky outlaws opposing political parties and shuts down churches, the fact that we are now sending civilian shredding cluster bombs there, we destroyed the Nordstream pipeline to perpetuate the War despite its staggering damage to Germany's economy, and - oh yeah - RUSSIA HAS NUKES.

So yeah.

I guess on top of all that the concern with a PLATOON SERGEANT threatening to sleep with soldier's wives is somewhat peripheral.

Ya got me.
All unfounded allegations. The US has personnel in Ukraine and in Washington closely monitoring where US money and weapons go ever since Senator Paul demanded it last year.

The political parties and churches that were shut down were collaborating with the Russians, and under those circumstances would have been shut down by any country.

The cluster bombs the US has provided have only a 3% dud rate, so the risk to civilians is minimal.

The destruction of the Nordstream pipeline had no effect on Germany since Putin had already reduced deliveries to near zero when it was blown up.

Clearly, you still haven't figured out what you are so outraged about.
All unfounded allegations. The US has personnel in Ukraine and in Washington closely monitoring where US money and weapons go ever since Senator Paul demanded it last year.

Says who?

It was a mere month or two ago the Pentagon conducted an audit and admitted that they had plenty of aid unaccounted for.

The US military is unable to properly track billions of dollars worth of weapons and equipment sent to Ukraine, according to a new government watchdog report.

an assessment from the US Department of Defense’s inspector general states that military personnel tasked with transferring weapons to the war-torn nation “did not fully implement standard operating procedures.”

It explained that the lack of logistics training for inexperienced personnel was the reason behind the failure.

As a result, the service could not confirm the quantities of defense items received against the quantity of items shipped through an aerial port in Poland.

The report was based on an examination of three of five US military shipments.

The political parties and churches that were shut down were collaborating with the Russians, and under those circumstances would have been shut down by any country.

Again, says who?


You're just making shit up.

I know you covid lockdown freaks are A-OK with the unlawful intimidation of our own citizenry, after all "DEMOCRACY!"(tm) must be defended at all costs.

The cluster bombs the US has provided have only a 3% dud rate, so the risk to civilians is minimal.


Even your own BS MSM called you out on this one.

The US claim that the cluster bombs it's sending to Ukraine have a failure rate of less than 3% is unlikely to hold up under real-world conditions, with past use of the widely-banned weapon suggesting as many as 3 in 10 fail to explode.

as The New York Times reported, past use of the particular munitions the United States is providing suggests a far greater potential harm to civilians in the aftermath of any battle, with an Army study from 2000 indicating a failure rate of up to 14% for artillery-fired M42/46 submunitions.

The US military has said it will select from its stockpile only cluster munitions that have been assessed to have a failure rate of 2.35%. But even so, there has been a gap between past claims of the weapon's effectiveness and actual experience.

A 2022 report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service noted that, despite manufacturers claiming a dud rate of just 2 to 5% for their cluster munitions, experts in real-world cleanup operations "have frequently reported failure rates of 10% to 30%."

The destruction of the Nordstream pipeline had no effect on Germany since Putin had already reduced deliveries to near zero when it was blown up.

Even if that were true, you're now so deranged that apparently you're defending the sabotage of one of our closest allies' energy infrastructure assets in the middle of a war.

And, of course - like everything else you say - it's actually not true.

The toxic sediment contributing to the environmental catastrophe alone is worth the price of admission for Putin.

Meanwhile Russians are enjoying cheap affordable natural gas, while the price in Germany has skyrocketed and its citizens struggle.

You're just always wrong about everything, and don't seem to even have the slightest penchant to utilize a search engine.

Maybe it's because you can't handle the truth.
Since this is such a "Democracy" (never was actually, but that's a whole other subject), I am sure the Lefties will now relent with their avarice for more blood and casualties
I wonder whether the US at the times of McCarthyism was a 'Democracy'.
The International Monetary Fund has said it expects the Russian economy to grow by 1.5% this year despite the US-led Western sanctions campaign against the country, which President Biden once vowed would "turn the ruble into rubble."

The Russian economy shrank by 2.1% last year, but it has bounced back as Russia is adjusting to the sanctions. The Wall Street Journal this week called the economic war a "stalemate," comparing it to the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine.

Says who?

It was a mere month or two ago the Pentagon conducted an audit and admitted that they had plenty of aid unaccounted for.

Again, says who?


You're just making shit up.

I know you covid lockdown freaks are A-OK with the unlawful intimidation of our own citizenry, after all "DEMOCRACY!"(tm) must be defended at all costs.


Even your own BS MSM called you out on this one.

The Pentagon says the cluster bombs it is sending to Ukraine have less than a 3% rate, not that all the cluster bombs is has ever used had that rate, but the article refers to older cluster bombs and presents no evidence that these newer cluster bombs don't have a 3% failure rate. Until the battkefield evidence is in,, there is no reason to doubt what the Pentagon says.
Even if that were true, you're now so deranged that apparently you're defending the sabotage of one of our closest allies' energy infrastructure assets in the middle of a war.

And, of course - like everything else you say - it's actually not true.

The toxic sediment contributing to the environmental catastrophe alone is worth the price of admission for Putin.

Meanwhile Russians are enjoying cheap affordable natural gas, while the price in Germany has skyrocketed and its citizens struggle.

You're just always wrong about everything, and don't seem to even have the slightest penchant to utilize a search engine.

Maybe it's because you can't handle the truth.
There is no suggestion in the report that any of the money or weapons sent to Ukraine was misappropriate, only that the Pentagon should improve it logistics reports, so there is no corroboration of your claim that Ukraine is misappropriating US aid.

At the time, the charges of collaboration were made public and no evidence that they were not legitimate have been made public, so there are no rational grounds for you to question them.

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