UK strips Chinese state-owned TV channel of broadcast permit


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The Communists have complained that the Brits applied "political manipulation".

If there is one consistency I have learned about Communists over the last few years, they are one hell of a whiny bunch who love to portray themselves as victims. Even as they are stiffing the West and decimating the global economy (and our health). It's difficult to always cry "foul" when they are bulling so many businesses and throwing their weight around like a Silverback.

How much has the betrayal of former "leaders" cost the West? Did Trump finally wake up the global cadavers?

Good on the Brits for finding their nads and taking the necessary steps. It may be too little too late for Hong Kong, maybe the worse loss for the Brits since Americans left the Monarchy; but hopefully they are fully awake now and they go on the offensive against those looking to decimate Western Values, liberty and capitalism. To not do so, is appeasement that is even worse than Chamberlain committed.

The Japanese are still hated within china 75 years after WWII

thats a long time for any dictatorship to maintain a demonization campaign against another people

but the CCP never stops

I think that puts Japan near the top of china’s Get Even List and will lead to violence someday

but china apologists in the west - we have a few here - refuse to see china as anything other than a lovable panda bear that means no harm to anyone

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