UFOs: I want to go on record right now.

He changed his mind on worm holes, not on "Warped space", which came from Star Trek and not science. Gravity bends time and space, but no one calls it warping, and there's no Warp Drive except on TV and in movies.

Um what? What civilizations?

Who's talking about religion?
Are you a bigot against religion?
On those worlds in our galaxy and the other hundred billion galaxies. You really think we are the only world with intelligent life on it? Prove it.
Warping certainly is possible. We can’t do it because we haven’t been around long enough without killing all of us with nukes and other methods. But, I’m sure there are millions of worlds with life that has figured out warp drive or formation of worm holes. Hawking isn’t the most intelligent personage in the universe. And he’s now dead.
Um, that's not how it works. Talk about the search for intelligent life...
But yes it does . However , we give answers to non linear problems in probabilistic terms and mathematically expressed in terms of a defined level of confidence -- usually 95% .In this instance the level of confidence , due to the astronomical figures that define the Topic , is 99.9%.
Logic says you're wrong.
You are out of your depth on this one. I am not offering an opinion , just pointing out elementary maths, accepted by every scientist on the planet . Among others.
As proven by the example of Earth, life exists in the universe. There is no reason to believe it would not exist other than on Earth, in fact, quite the opposite.
You are out of your depth on this one. I am not offering an opinion , just pointing out elementary maths, accepted by every scientist on the planet . Among others.
Wrong. Read the original post before you tried to butt in.
Um, that's not how it works. Talk about the search for intelligent life...
When you emphatically say there is no other intelligent life in the universe it’s how it works. Prove it. Same with God. Prove God doesn’t exist. In order to say God doesn’t exist you need to know everything in all existence besides this universe. You can’t even create life.
Despite the recent sightings, and despite the fact that Congress will gather to discuss UFOs, I will state right now that we are NOT being visited by alien spacecraft or alien beings. Are there UFOs? Have people reported seeing UFOs? Yes.

A UFO, remember, is any flying craft that you cannot identify. So yeah, there are UFOs. They haven't been identified but that does not mean they are from some alien civilization. An airplane flying overhead would be an unidentified flying object to some isolated tribe of humans who have never had contact with the outside world. Eventually we will identify what people report seeing now, unless of course they are lying.

We know that the laws of physics exist throughout the universe. Examinations of the furthest galaxies can be examined and have shown to be following the same laws of physics. thus, we can reasonably assume that, just as here, nothing can exceed the speed of light. If you are going to come at me with "worm holes", know that they guy who came up with the theory, Stephen Hawking, changed his mind on them before his death.

The distances are too great, and the number of possible sentient beings is too small.

It hasn't happened we haven't been visited, and it likely never will.
UFO Hearings: Flying object the size of a football field hovered over Vandenberg base in 2003

UFO whistleblower says ‘non-human biologics’ found at UFO crash site

"Non-human biologics" were recovered by the US government from crash sites, according to a former US intelligence official.

Presented on another and similar topic thread, which I may post title/link to later;
Short of the long is that many to most Guv'mints would not use it to stir up fear and enhance power since the most obvious implication is how they are powerless to impede or prevent such blatant violations of their sovereign airspace. Confusion and disinformation better serves their purpose of not admitting they are powerless and also keep the public baffled and confused.

Also, not any "govt' would do as you suggest. Some might, others wouldn't, and it appears that for now, most have a "No meaningful comment" stance.

Much of the above stems from a few aspects you seem not to have grasped. You are not alone there since the vast majority of humans are in the same boat.
Let's take a moment to examine some of the basic concepts and issues here.
Many of these sightings/encounters display "something" in the air/atmosphere that show ability to move and maneuver in ways our current aircraft technology can not do. Since the first reported sighting of the modern, post WWII era; Keneth Arnold, from about 76 years ago ~summer of 1947 ~ one problem/challenge has been how to label or describe what "these" are.

Kenneth Arnold

1947: Year of the Flying Saucer

Initially the Press/MSM latched onto a term "flying saucers" but within a few years it was clear that was not accurate descriptive. So next label was UFO =Unidentified Flying Object. However that term implies a physical device or similar and some of the reported sightings appeared to possibly be more phenomena than object. Hence in recent years there has been adopted the term UAP = Unexplained Aerial Phenomena. For now the seemingly best and most accurate and inclusive term to apply.

So starting from the above point of reference what are some of the characteristics of UAPs that are of concern and suggest they may be "not of this Earth" (or of science we don't know about yet).

A] Many sightings report they were able to move at speeds several times that of sound, thousands of miles per hour, and then come to a sudden stop, and often hover there. OR, just the opposite, go from a 'dead stop' to "instant acceleration to several times the speed of sound or thousands of miles per hour. Either example are beyond the technologies we humans have at present. Also wound result in G forces that could be fatal to occupants.

B] They often appear to be able to do right angle turns; left/right or up/down. This is not consistent with our knowledge of science, especially physics or applications involving lift via aerodynamic surfaces and conventional prop or jet propulsion. Again, there are implied G forces that could be harmful or fatal to biological occupants.

C] There are reports of sudden appearance and/or sudden disappearance of these "objects". This could be a matter of perspective related to their sudden accelerate/decelerate from/to STOP. Or it might suggest there are one or more physical dimensions beyond the three that we know of, experience, and operate within.

D] The above, if being done by physical objects~devices strongly suggest science knowledge and related technology applications beyond what we Humans can do here on Earth. i.e. "Not of this Earth" technologies and performances.

E] Along with possible additional dimensions; 4th ~ 5th ~? beyond our 3D that are being used/manipulated; these might also suggest some form of anti-gravity propulsion systems.

F] If anti-gravity physics/systems are involved, then we could be seeing something that is equal to or greater than atomic/nuclear physics in terms of power and destructive potentials. Hardly something for "children" races/species to be playing with.

In addition to the science/physics+ and technologies being evidenced, there are a couple more aspects~concerns to factor in;

G] If their are biological entities inside and operating these 'objects'/devices do they have similar or divergent biologies compared to those here on Earth? Could those divergent biologies be hazardous to Earthly biology.

H] based on the variety of descriptions on 'craft' appearances and performances, along with the reports of encounters with various types of occupants of such 'craft' we may not be dealing with a single species/entity type/agency( ET "government"). We most likely are dealing with several types of beings, from several types of social/government structures, with several varied Agendas; some of which may not be compatible with others.

I] Now add in that we mostly know only what has been made public here in the USA/West. What is known about UAPs in other more closed nations like Russia or CCP China also remains about as unknown as the many details we do know of the UAPs.

So to anyone with some experience/knowledge/grasp of what is known as military and government intelligence operations and agencies, part of the problem these past 75+ years has been: "How much do "They" (commies) know that we don't? Or visa-versa?" "What do we give away to them by revealing the full extent of what we known?"

Point is , if you go through and fully, properly digest what I've presented above, plus the nuances and "between the lines" implications, you will see that there is too much at risk still for our governments and or their governments to fully reveal what "we" know. And this is aside from factor that We or They may have "made deals with" one or more of the factions within those ETs.

And this is all going on current knowledge, experience, and encounters/sightings. Going through earliest written records from the first civilizations provide "HINTS" that the ET-They may have been around and active here for centuries or even millennia. If so, how much have "They" influenced our(Human) development and current states of affairs?

Aside from shaking foundations of most of our Religions, this could also greatly alter our History and concepts of who and why we are.
This is a bigger "Pandora's Box" than most "average" people realize or have considered.

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