Unsealed Doc Reveals Biden FBI Authorized the Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid – Armed Agents Prepared to Confront Trump

This is yet another example of how the fake Right has devolved into being exactly like the pinko quivering liberals of decades past.

Imagined FBI plots. Anti-police. Anti law and order. Submissiveness to autocracy. Funnels of Russian disinformation. Useful idiots for Russia. Weak-mindedness.

That's the saddest part. The weak-mindedness.

There was a time when a conservative was the smartest person in the room. Now they are the dumbest person in the room.

My first concern when he won in 2016 is that he and his rubes would fuck up so badly that they'd end up handing things over to the hardcore Left.

But I sure as hell didn't expect THIS.
No court heard any evidence as they REFUSED TO!!!!!!
"nO sTaNdInG".........remember THAT???????
Of course you DO, but you are a lying pos scoundrel.
They never had the evidence to match their Faux Not News Rhetoric and admitted as much in court when asked by a judge. Can't hear evidence that doesn't exist.
Ah. Okay.

Let's review, shall we?

The Gateway Pissbucket headline screams,

BREAKING: Newly Unsealed Doc Reveals Biden FBI Authorized the Use of DEADLY FORCE During Mar-a-Lago Raid"​

Breaking. You gotta love breaking. It's catnip to the rubes.

Somehow, magically, the c*nt who started this topic translated this to mean Biden personally put out a hit on Trump.

This is exactly what this shitpaper rag counts on.

I mean, they are bitch-slapping you tards around like Noem's puppy. What kind of non selft respecting cucks are you?!?!

Um I noticed your previous response disputing the claim lists
"third person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press"

Go F-curve yourself.
Very similar to the evidence the MAGANUT lawyers and shills presented in the Kangaroo Court on Faux Not New. It's not really news, but the pyschophants like you know that but want to believe so bad.

Good for you.
Read the order fool…these stormtroopers are on perimeter duty, not inside at the point of contact….Were Biden and Garland hoping for the SS to react and engage?
what if Barron Trump was home , and as a scared teenager panicked (without a weapon)
And a Michael Byrd type fbi agent decided to take matters into his own hands.
Everyone expects Benedict Donald to make that false claim again when he loses.
How many unfolded mail in ballots will it take?
Will observers be kicked out again?
Will they cover the windows again?
Will they stop tabulation of votes in key swing states again?
Will it take DAYS to figure out how many fraudulent ballots are needed again?
Are they going to defy the Will of the People AGAIN?????????
How many unfolded mail in ballots will it take?
Will observers be kicked out again?
Will they cover the windows again?
Will they stop tabulation of votes in key swing states again?
Will it take DAYS to figure out how many fraudulent ballots are needed again?
Are they going to defy the Will of the People AGAIN?????????
Your conspiracy theories have all been debunked. 2020 was the most recorded election in history. How did the extra-judicial and sham investigation in AZ work out for you MAGANUTS? President Biden increased his margin of victory.......
Your conspiracy theories have all been debunked. 2020 was the most recorded election in history. How did the extra-judicial and sham investigation in AZ work out for you MAGANUTS? President Biden increased his margin of victory.......
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
* waves hand *
Getting authorization for deadly force is not unusual. Should they wait until Trump's security opened fire to call and ask for authorization.

And anyone who thinks they didn't know Trump was not present is just an idiot.
Authorization to recover documents?

Get real.
Prove it…

Congressional testimony from a Florida FBI agent. Page 26.

what if Barron Trump was home , and as a scared teenager panicked (without a weapon)
And a Michael Byrd type fbi agent decided to take matters into his own hands.
The raid wouldn't have happened if Trump had complied with the law.

If Barron gets scared and panicky, it's Trump's fault he's in that position.
So basically biden was ordering a hit on the former presiden but used veiled speech to hide his true intent
Whadda piece of work.

Congratulations sucker!!! You've just fallen for the latest Trump Scam!!

The "use of deadly force" is part of the search warrant form - it's in ALL search warrants.

The FBI coordinated with the Secret Service to ensure that Trump wasn't even in Florida when the warrant was served.

The FBI went to great lengths to ensure Trump wasn't in Mar-a-lago when the search warrant was served.

So basically biden was ordering a hit on the former presiden but used veiled speech to hide his true intent
Whadda piece of work.

you do realize The website Gateway pundit is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories. why do you losers fall for these bullshit sites how come you fall for this crap too ... it's not real ... Biden had nothing to do with the FBI going after Mar-A-largo ... Trump was asked several times to return these classified documents ... while he was in office, while he had moved out of office ... took a year for him to even respond to the FBI constant asking of their return ... gave trump many chances finally the FBI got tired of his bull shit after they got a tip from the inside of trumps company they went and retrieved them took pictures where they were how they were held ... trump is going away for at least ten years for this cluster fuck .... all trump had to to do was turn them over the first time the FBI asked ... trump refused ...now you are trying to blame BIDEN for this and use a bull shit site ... say it was a good site for you trump still refused to return them explain that reasing for us all to understead where your head is ... in my case, I know where your head is
you do realize The website Gateway pundit is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories. why do you losers fall for these bullshit sites how come you fall for this crap too ... it's not real ... Biden had nothing to do with the FBI going after Mar-A-largo ... Trump was asked several times to return these classified documents ... while he was in office, while he had moved out of office ... took a year for him to even respond to the FBI constant asking of their return ... gave trump many chances finally the FBI got tired of his bull shit after they got a tip from the inside of trumps company they went and retrieved them took pictures where they were how they were held ... trump is going away for at least ten years for this cluster fuck .... all trump had to to do was turn them over the first time the FBI asked ... trump refused ...now you are trying to blame BIDEN for this and use a bull shit site ... say it was a good site for you trump still refused to return them explain that reasing for us all to understead where your head is ... in my case, I know where your head is

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