Two men shot in gun free Britain....and which gun law stopped these guys from a mass shooting?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Two men gunned down in gun free Britain....and as the police have stated to the press, they can't stop the flow of illegal guns into the country....despite their gun control laws...

And again, to the anti-gunners.....which gun control law stopped these shooters from going into a school, mall, church or theater and shooting people?

And in this shooting, they shot to kill...not to wound or threaten....

Two men blasted in double shooting in Norris Green

Two men were gunned down in what police described as a "brazen attack" in the middle of a housing estate tonight.

Emergency services were called at around 7.15pm to reports two men had been shot in the Wapshare Road area of Norris Green by two gunmen in dark clothing and with their faces covered.

They found a 30-year-old man had been shot in the chest and a 31-year-old man suffered a head injury police said was 'consistent with a firearms discharge'.

For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.

What part of the police stating they can't stop the flow of illegal guns into their country makes you think their gun control laws are working? Their criminals have guns, they just don't use them to murder people.....why is that so hard for twits like you to understand?

Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK

and border officials are struggling to stop a rising supply of illegal firearms being smuggled into Britain, a senior police chief has warned.

Chief constable Andy Cooke, the national police lead for serious and organised crime, said law enforcement had seen an increased supply of guns over the past year, and feared that it would continue in 2019

The Guardian has learned that the situation is so serious that the National Crime Agency has taken the rare step of using its legal powers to direct every single police force to step up the fight against illegal guns.

The NCA has used tasking powers to direct greater intelligence about firearms to be gathered by all 43 forces in England and Wales.

Another senior law enforcement official said that “new and clean” weapons were now being used in the majority of shootings, as opposed to guns once being so difficult to obtain that they would be “rented out” to be used in multiple crimes.

Cooke, the Merseyside chief constable, told the Guardian: “We in law enforcement expect the rise in new firearms to continue. We are doing all we can. We are not in a position to stop it anytime soon.

“Law enforcement is more joined up now than before, but the scale of the problem is such that despite a number of excellent firearms seizures, I expect the rise in supply to be a continuing issue.”

The increasing supply of guns belies problems with UK border security and innovations by organised crime gangs. Smugglers have increasingly found new ways and innovative routes to get guns past border defences.

Cooke said that the dynamics of the streets of British cities had changed and that criminals were more willing to use guns: “If they bring them in people will buy them. It’s a kudos thing for organised criminals.”

Simon Brough, head of firearms at the NCA, said: “The majority of guns being used are new, clean firearms ... which indicates a relatively fluid supply.”

He said shotguns were 40% of the total, with an increase in burglaries to try and steal them.

Handguns are the next biggest category, most often smuggled in from overseas, with ferry ports such as Dover being a popular entry point into the UK for organised crime groups:

“We’re doing a lot to fight back against it,” Brough said, adding that compared to other European countries, the availability in the UK was relatively lower.

Crime will continue to rise until us bobbies are released from the shackles of the PC police

The national crime figures released this week confirmed what my colleagues and I have known for some time. Violent crime is out of control and criminals now see certain cities and towns across the country as places where they can act with impunity.

This is not just about gangland battles in the likes of Brixton or Tottenham. What we are facing is a national crisis, fast spreading across the provinces.

In the West Midlands, for example, we had a murder rate last year on a par with that of London. Gun crime in our region is running at similarly high levels and violent thugs in my area have developed a
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.
For perspective, problems in the U.S. are caused mainly by political correctness, anti-American activity, gang violence, excuse making by the left for anything and everything (in which in turn leaves bad people on the loose to threaten and terrorize many), activist judges running amuck, illegals, excetra, excetra, excetra, excetra.
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.
For perspective, problems in the U.S. are caused mainly by political correctness, anti-American activity, gang violence, excuse making by the left for anything and everything (in which in turn leaves bad people on the loose to threaten and terrorize many), activist judges running amuck, illegals, excetra, excetra, excetra, excetra.

If things are that bad, you should go hide. I know that's what I would do if I was as paranoid as you.
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.
For perspective, problems in the U.S. are caused mainly by political correctness, anti-American activity, gang violence, excuse making by the left for anything and everything (in which in turn leaves bad people on the loose to threaten and terrorize many), activist judges running amuck, illegals, excetra, excetra, excetra, excetra.

If things are that bad, you should go hide. I know that's what I would do if I was as paranoid as you.
It's not about me, but what it is about, is the vulnerable children and elderly who are ultimately made the victim's of all the bullcrap. Do you care about them ??
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.
For perspective, problems in the U.S. are caused mainly by political correctness, anti-American activity, gang violence, excuse making by the left for anything and everything (in which in turn leaves bad people on the loose to threaten and terrorize many), activist judges running amuck, illegals, excetra, excetra, excetra, excetra.

If things are that bad, you should go hide. I know that's what I would do if I was as paranoid as you.
It's not about me, but what it is about, is the vulnerable children and elderly who are ultimately made the victim's of all the bullcrap. Do you care about them ??

Histrionics might be fun for you, but it makes you look goofy.
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.
For perspective, problems in the U.S. are caused mainly by political correctness, anti-American activity, gang violence, excuse making by the left for anything and everything (in which in turn leaves bad people on the loose to threaten and terrorize many), activist judges running amuck, illegals, excetra, excetra, excetra, excetra.

If things are that bad, you should go hide. I know that's what I would do if I was as paranoid as you.
It's not about me, but what it is about, is the vulnerable children and elderly who are ultimately made the victim's of all the bullcrap. Do you care about them ??

Histrionics might be fun for you, but it makes you look goofy.
Something you've mastered or attempted to overcome eh ? Keep hope alive, maybe a cure is coming, otherwise if you truly want to be cured. :)
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.
For perspective, problems in the U.S. are caused mainly by political correctness, anti-American activity, gang violence, excuse making by the left for anything and everything (in which in turn leaves bad people on the loose to threaten and terrorize many), activist judges running amuck, illegals, excetra, excetra, excetra, excetra.

The gun crime problem in the U.S. is caused by light sentences given to violent criminals. There are anti-gunners on U.S.message who say we lock up more people than any other country...but the problem is the democrat party lets the most violent, most prone to gun violence out, over and over again, even when they are caught as felons with illegal guns....stop that, increase sentences for actual gun crimes, like the Japanese did, and you would cut our gun crime rate even more than we already have....
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.

But gun crime in the UK has gone up.

The problem with you people, is that you ignore the fact that gun crime was lower in the UK than in the US, BEFORE they banned guns.

So what we have really shown, is that the gun laws don't work.
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.

But gun crime in the UK has gone up.

The problem with you people, is that you ignore the fact that gun crime was lower in the UK than in the US, BEFORE they banned guns.

So what we have really shown, is that the gun laws don't work.
Yep, and we need to truly get down to the the real culprits causing all this problem to exist in America. It's right there like a hot iron smoking and billering before us, but the safety measures once used to pick it up, and to cool it off has been stripped away by leftism.
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.

But gun crime in the UK has gone up.

The problem with you people, is that you ignore the fact that gun crime was lower in the UK than in the US, BEFORE they banned guns.

So what we have really shown, is that the gun laws don't work.
Yep, and we need to truly get down to the the real culprits causing all this problem to exist in America. It's right there like a hot iron smoking and billering before us, but the safety measures once used to pick it up, and to cool it off has been stripped away by leftism.

I'm still convinced the number one problem is simply that our insane legal system needs a complete overhaul. I think we should stream line executions.

There was a this guy in the 70s, that followed his ex-girlfriend, a month after the break up, to her parents car repair shop.... shot and killed her uncle, her grandfather, her father, and then strangled her to death with his bare hands.

He did this in broad daylight, a month after breaking up, and there were dozens of witnesses. All the other employees saw it happen. He didn't attack any of them.

With all these undeniable, unquestioned proof.... he wasn't executed until 2011? Sometime in the 2010s. 40 years later? That's 'justice'? No, that's the problem. Right there, that is the problem.

I don't know if you are a Christian or not.... but I always remember Ecclesiastes 8:11 which simply says:

"When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people's hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong."

It's true. This is why we have problems in this country. There is no justice. Having a triple homicide murderer, live out his life for 40 years, before being executed, is not justice. There was another guy, that was also on death row for 30+ years, and he passed away of natural causes, a week before his execution. That is NOT justice.

This is the problem.
For perspective here is a link to all the gun deaths in the US in the past 72 hours.

Last 72 Hours | Gun Violence Archive

Thank you for once again showing the effectiveness of the UK's gun laws.

But gun crime in the UK has gone up.

The problem with you people, is that you ignore the fact that gun crime was lower in the UK than in the US, BEFORE they banned guns.

So what we have really shown, is that the gun laws don't work.
Yep, and we need to truly get down to the the real culprits causing all this problem to exist in America. It's right there like a hot iron smoking and billering before us, but the safety measures once used to pick it up, and to cool it off has been stripped away by leftism.

I'm still convinced the number one problem is simply that our insane legal system needs a complete overhaul. I think we should stream line executions.

There was a this guy in the 70s, that followed his ex-girlfriend, a month after the break up, to her parents car repair shop.... shot and killed her uncle, her grandfather, her father, and then strangled her to death with his bare hands.

He did this in broad daylight, a month after breaking up, and there were dozens of witnesses. All the other employees saw it happen. He didn't attack any of them.

With all these undeniable, unquestioned proof.... he wasn't executed until 2011? Sometime in the 2010s. 40 years later? That's 'justice'? No, that's the problem. Right there, that is the problem.

I don't know if you are a Christian or not.... but I always remember Ecclesiastes 8:11 which simply says:

"When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people's hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong."

It's true. This is why we have problems in this country. There is no justice. Having a triple homicide murderer, live out his life for 40 years, before being executed, is not justice. There was another guy, that was also on death row for 30+ years, and he passed away of natural causes, a week before his execution. That is NOT justice.

This is the problem.
I agree.

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