Tucker Carlson will interview Kyle this Monday


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Fox News' Tucker Carlson will have an interview with Kyle Rittenhouse on Monday, November 22. He also revealed that his team was working with Rittenhouse on a documentary, throughout the trial.

I hope young Kyle lays out his plan to enrich himself to the tune of Billions, with the B, at the expense of the lying marxist politburo.... they just thought Nick Sandmann was high maintenance.


He needs to ass fuck that stuttering shit clown in white house first... throw us a crumb young man.
Is there anyone who is going to agree with me, or at least debate my perspective that a 17 year old shouldn't be walking the streets with a rifle?

Someone just either educate me or agree with me because it's the issue I simply can not get over.

From my perspective this was avoidable, even though one of the guys shot probably earned his pass to hell if the crimes he was charged with before the meeting this night are true.
New York [fucking] Times v. Sullivan.

Kyle ain't no public figure.

This could be terribly interesting. "White Supremacist"? Looks like slander to me.
New York [fucking] Times v. Sullivan.

Kyle ain't no public figure.

This could be terribly interesting. "White Supremacist"? Looks like slander to me.

Misrepresentation and false allegations against people are the worst abuses of power. Whether media, police or politicians. Using race without legitimate context and evidence is horrible.
While Kyle was indiscrete and foolish, he was perfectly within his legal rights to be where he was carrying what he was carrying. Sorry.

Nobody has a right to assault, shoot, or beat him because he looks (other than the weapon) vulnerable.

He was not charged with being an idiot, assuming that being an idiot is a crime in Wisconsin. The State of Wisconsin was unable to convince a jury that he was guilty of the crimes with which he was charged.
Let hope Carlson doesn't use this kid as a tool. Rittenhouse needs to stay away from FOX. His actions were measured against horribly pathetic laws in Wisconsin. The kid needs to go away and not be heralded as a right wing hero.

He's an immature dweeb that was aided by laws that basically enable anyone to shoot anyone else if THEY believe that their life was in danger. Wisconsin law also allows immature minors to openly carry AR-15's into a riot. The law doesn't even demand any training on how and when lethal force is allowed. I'm not sure how an unarmed kid and someone swinging a skateboard are lethal threats but I guess the skateboard must be the weapon of choice in Wisconsin.

Carlson is an older dweeb, but a dweeb none the less.
The reality is that the Left Wing Knuttjobs were trying to lynch Rittenhouse.
He did what he had to do to survive.
Rittenhouse should write a book about this.
Let hope Carlson doesn't use this kid as a tool. Rittenhouse needs to stay away from FOX. His actions were measured against horribly pathetic laws in Wisconsin. The kid needs to go away and not be heralded as a right wing hero.

He's an immature dweeb that was aided by laws that basically enable anyone to shoot anyone else if THEY believe that their life was in danger. I'm not sure how an unarmed kid and someone swinging a skateboard are lethal threats but I guess the skateboard must be the weapon of choice in Wisconsin.

Carlson is an older dweeb, but a dweeb none the less.

That is what confuses me. The kid just dodged life in prison and now he's going to do a documentary and a media tour?

The case probably shouldn't have been brought forward. Ultimately, i suppose he believes that it is in his best interests for him to try and keep the media wind to his back. Maybe it's the right strategy, maybe not. It could definitely hurt the GOP if he is praised as some right win hero.

It should have remained a legal issue and NOT political. That is a major problem.

P.S Trump on Ingraham just now said the exact same, this was a political case.
The reality is that the Left Wing Knuttjobs were trying to lynch Rittenhouse.
He did what he had to do to survive.
Rittenhouse should write a book about this.
In a civilized society, with laws that prevent chaos, the police should have taken his weapon and sent him home to Antioch IL before any deaths occurred. Wisconsin, you're enabling the wild wild west.
Let hope Carlson doesn't use this kid as a tool. Rittenhouse needs to stay away from FOX. His actions were measured against horribly pathetic laws in Wisconsin. The kid needs to go away and not be heralded as a right wing hero.
Too late for that. The HS dropout and doughy mama's boy is the new darling of Trumpists everywhere. He will soon be used for all kinds of things, and what else is the kid gonna do? He doesn't have a job or any money and relies on mommy for everything.

Now he's got fame, and we'll see about fortune.
Is there anyone who is going to agree with me, or at least debate my perspective that a 17 year old shouldn't be walking the streets with a rifle?

Someone just either educate me or agree with me because it's the issue I simply can not get over.

From my perspective this was avoidable, even though one of the guys shot probably earned his pass to hell if the crimes he was charged with before the meeting this night are true.

It's a down home American thing, Canadian. I doubt you'd understand. Nevertheless, why not give it a whirl, eh? We Americans, or rather many Americans, believe in defending not just our own lives and property from savagery, but also those and that of our friends, neighbors and fellow Americans in general. When a fire breaks out at a nearby home, when we pass by a car accident out on some lonely stretch of highway, when we come across a fallen tree, or when the lives of good people are otherwise threatened, the American way is to rush in and offer whatever aid we can without much regard for our own lives.

That is what Kyle Rittenhouse was doing out there, armed, on the night in question. He was armed for many reasons. His weapon served as a deterrent. His weapon identified him as someone there to keep the peace, not break it. Further, it is highly likely Kyle believed he could actually save lives armed as was. I disagree with him on none of these potential reasons to be armed that night. Foremost he is alive because he was so armed.

Academically speaking, and in hindsight, was it a good judgement call Kyle made in going to downtown Kenosha that night packing a long gun in plain view? Probably not. Was it a criminal act? No, it was not. Did he have a legal right to be there? Did the rioters? Regardless of any other bullshit philosophizing one can do Kyle did the American thing going downtown (armed) to try to prevent hordes of barbarians from burning the whole fucker down. Viva Kyle.
he really ought to lay low and enjoy his freedom and maybe some peace and quiet.
I’m sure their cooperate lawyers advise against interviewing him.

You mean like CNN? This will be a ratings bonanza for Tucker; for the liberal networks, I think it was a more a matter of:
  1. Not wanting to be seen meeting with the enemy (he's white and the 2A was upheld, two sore topics for Lefties).
  2. Not being able to lambast the kid with further accusations and insults, their real meat and potatoes.
  3. Kyle's handler being smart enough not to give these people the time of day if they called to do an interview, especially considering that he might be suing some of them!
Seriously, can you imagine anyone else interviewing him? Can you imagine CNN, MSNBC or any of the MSM giving him an open, fair interview?

Good point. Those other media outlets should be sued.

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