trump would abandon NATO if re-elected


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

trump doesn't care about NATO. He said so himself, many times. He knows if he abandons NATO, Putin would have a easy road to take back the old Soviet countries, and more. trump is the most dangerous man in the world right now. He has assembled a cult that is will to do anything he asks, including acts of violence and intimidation. He is the danger from within that our founding fathers warned us about.

trump doesn't care about NATO. He said so himself, many times. He knows if he abandons NATO, Putin would have a easy road to take back the old Soviet countries, and more. trump is the most dangerous man in the world right now. He has assembled a cult that is will to do anything he asks, including acts of violence and intimidation. He is the danger from within that our founding fathers warned us about.
Another comic book article from jimboliar, although NATO does need a thorough workover. And there is only one cult, brownshirt, your Reich.
You are a kookbot of the highest order but the best Trump campaign manager he could hope for. Anything you babble, folks know to believe the opposite.

trump doesn't care about NATO. He said so himself, many times. He knows if he abandons NATO, Putin would have a easy road to take back the old Soviet countries, and more. trump is the most dangerous man in the world right now. He has assembled a cult that is will to do anything he asks, including acts of violence and intimidation. He is the danger from within that our founding fathers warned us about.
Didn't you guys try that line of bullshit last two times around?

trump doesn't care about NATO. He said so himself, many times. He knows if he abandons NATO, Putin would have a easy road to take back the old Soviet countries, and more. trump is the most dangerous man in the world right now. He has assembled a cult that is will to do anything he asks, including acts of violence and intimidation. He is the danger from within that our founding fathers warned us about.


trump doesn't care about NATO. He said so himself, many times. He knows if he abandons NATO, Putin would have a easy road to take back the old Soviet countries, and more. trump is the most dangerous man in the world right now. He has assembled a cult that is will to do anything he asks, including acts of violence and intimidation. He is the danger from within that our founding fathers warned us about.

There are 44 countries in Europe with their own militaries. Why can't they deal with Russia? It's their backyard, not ours.

trump doesn't care about NATO. He said so himself, many times. He knows if he abandons NATO, Putin would have a easy road to take back the old Soviet countries, and more. trump is the most dangerous man in the world right now. He has assembled a cult that is will to do anything he asks, including acts of violence and intimidation. He is the danger from within that our founding fathers warned us about.
And yet he has no real power. What is that saying, he lives rent-free in your heads? Sounds like the old wives' tales about saying someone's name too many times while looking in a mirror or something. "The boogyman's gonna get ya"!

You guys crack me up. Here's a thought, instead of being terrified of TRUMP!, why don't you just not vote for him next election? The only reason I can think of that you are so scared of him is you think he will likely be our next president and you'll have to scream at the sky while you're packing your bags to move to outer Mongolia to escape the prosperity and peace.
Yeah, you did.

Here's a thought. We pull our military completely out of Europe and watch their nanny states collapse because all the European states rebuild their militaries and can't afford it anymore.
Here's a thought. We pull our military completely out of Europe and watch their nanny states collapse because all the European states rebuild their militaries and can't afford it anymore.

Exactly. They've been using us as a crutch for years for their defense.
There are 44 countries in Europe with their own militaries. Why can't they deal with Russia? It's their backyard, not ours.
Yeah, just think about it. We lost how many thousands of men to keep Germany from becoming the most powerful country in Europe?

Exactly. They've been using us as a crutch for years for their defense.
While we were paying for their protection, they were building infrastructure and giving their people goodies like Free Health Care, Months of Maternity and Paternity Leave, etc.

And their Militaries, for the most part, ware just a 'Jobs Program."

Let them fend for themselves. Tired of them shirking their responsibility.

trump doesn't care about NATO. He said so himself, many times. He knows if he abandons NATO, Putin would have a easy road to take back the old Soviet countries, and more. trump is the most dangerous man in the world right now. He has assembled a cult that is will to do anything he asks, including acts of violence and intimidation. He is the danger from within that our founding fathers warned us about.
No he wouldn't. He'd just make them pay their fair share. Much of NATO is all about defending Europe, not the US, and yet they expect us to foot most of the bill.

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