Trump "'The Tone Is Hatred'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So we have the headlines of the "Trump national Guard" in just 3 days 192,000 results!
Screen Shot 2017-02-18 at 8.44.10 AM.png

AP: Trump admin considers using 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration raids

AP: Trump admin considers using 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration raids
Trump team considers deploying National Guard for immigrant roundup

This is such a perfect example of the "Hatred tone" . Is the head line True?

1. Trump Administration Didn't Consider it
The AP story begins with the words: "The Trump administration considered a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants, including millions living nowhere near the Mexico border, according to a draft memo obtained by The Associated Press."

The term "Trump administration" implies a group close to the president, and generally the president himself. There is absolutely no evidence that President Trump ever knew about this memo, or that anyone close to him knew about it.

Moreover, there is no evidence to suggest that the administration "considered" it.
According to a DHS source quoted by Reuters, it was an "'early, early version' of a document being prepared by staff for Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly."

2. John Kelly Didn't Write it

The original AP story states (emphasis added): "Governors in the 11 states would have a choice whether to have their guard troops participate, according to the memo, written by U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general."

However, as noted above, it was a "document being prepared by staff for Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly." According to Reuters: "Discussion of the National Guard was dropped before the memo ever made it to Kelly's desk, the official said."
(Now I'm shouting!!!
It's understandable that the Associated Press would think Kelly wrote the memo because it has his name on it. However, they apparently failed to do even the most basic research before publication, and had to be corrected by Reuters.

The revised AP story states: "A DHS official described the document as a very early draft that was not seriously considered and never brought to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly for approval."

. Nowhere is the 100,000 Number Mentioned

AP's tweet, as well as the lede in their official story, pushes the "100,000 National Guard troops" narrative. The memo never once mentions numbers of National Guard troops, let alone 100,000.

Heres what the memo does say about the National Guard:
"Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act authorizes me to enter into an agreement with a state or political subdivision thereof, for the purpose of authorizing qualified officers or employees of the state or subdivision to perform the functions of an immigration officer. This grant of authority, known as the 287(g) program, has been a highly successful force multiplier that authorizes state or local law enforcement personnel to perform all law enforcement functions specified in section 287(a) of the INA, including the authority to investigate, identify, apprehend, arrest, detain, and conduct searches of an alien for the purposes of enforcing the immigration laws...

Pursuant to Title 32 of the United States code, State National Guard components are employees of their respective states and are under the command of their Governors when they are not in federal service. Based on their training and experience, these men and women are particularly well-suited to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law and augment border security operations by Department components.

To maximize participation by state and local jurisdictions in the enforcement of federal immigration law, I am directing the director of ICE to engage with all willing and qualified law enforcement jurisdictions for the purpose of entering into agreements under Section 287(g) of the INA.

Additionally, I am directing the commissioner of CBP and the director of ICE to immediately engage with the Governors of the states adjacent to the land border with Mexico and those States adjoining such border States for the purpose of entering into agreements under Section 287(g) of the INA to authorize qualified members of the State National Guard, while such members are not in federal service, or qualified members of a state militia or state defense force under the command of the Governor, to perform the functions of an immigration officer in relation to the investigation, apprehension, and detention of aliens in the United States."

100,000 is nowhere to be seen.

The Associated Press was also rebutted by White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who said the story was "100% not true."
The entire memo can be read

So folks... here is exactly WHY
Screen Shot 2017-02-18 at 8.47.25 AM.png

Poll: Mainstream media continues to lose the public's trust
So we have the headlines of the "Trump national Guard" in just 3 days 192,000 results!
View attachment 113019

AP: Trump admin considers using 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration raids

AP: Trump admin considers using 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration raids
Trump team considers deploying National Guard for immigrant roundup

This is such a perfect example of the "Hatred tone" . Is the head line True?

1. Trump Administration Didn't Consider it
The AP story begins with the words: "The Trump administration considered a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants, including millions living nowhere near the Mexico border, according to a draft memo obtained by The Associated Press."

The term "Trump administration" implies a group close to the president, and generally the president himself. There is absolutely no evidence that President Trump ever knew about this memo, or that anyone close to him knew about it.

Moreover, there is no evidence to suggest that the administration "considered" it.
According to a DHS source quoted by Reuters, it was an "'early, early version' of a document being prepared by staff for Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly."

2. John Kelly Didn't Write it

The original AP story states (emphasis added): "Governors in the 11 states would have a choice whether to have their guard troops participate, according to the memo, written by U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general."

However, as noted above, it was a "document being prepared by staff for Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly." According to Reuters: "Discussion of the National Guard was dropped before the memo ever made it to Kelly's desk, the official said."
(Now I'm shouting!!!
It's understandable that the Associated Press would think Kelly wrote the memo because it has his name on it. However, they apparently failed to do even the most basic research before publication, and had to be corrected by Reuters.

The revised AP story states: "A DHS official described the document as a very early draft that was not seriously considered and never brought to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly for approval."

. Nowhere is the 100,000 Number Mentioned

AP's tweet, as well as the lede in their official story, pushes the "100,000 National Guard troops" narrative. The memo never once mentions numbers of National Guard troops, let alone 100,000.

Heres what the memo does say about the National Guard:
"Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act authorizes me to enter into an agreement with a state or political subdivision thereof, for the purpose of authorizing qualified officers or employees of the state or subdivision to perform the functions of an immigration officer. This grant of authority, known as the 287(g) program, has been a highly successful force multiplier that authorizes state or local law enforcement personnel to perform all law enforcement functions specified in section 287(a) of the INA, including the authority to investigate, identify, apprehend, arrest, detain, and conduct searches of an alien for the purposes of enforcing the immigration laws...

Pursuant to Title 32 of the United States code, State National Guard components are employees of their respective states and are under the command of their Governors when they are not in federal service. Based on their training and experience, these men and women are particularly well-suited to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law and augment border security operations by Department components.

To maximize participation by state and local jurisdictions in the enforcement of federal immigration law, I am directing the director of ICE to engage with all willing and qualified law enforcement jurisdictions for the purpose of entering into agreements under Section 287(g) of the INA.

Additionally, I am directing the commissioner of CBP and the director of ICE to immediately engage with the Governors of the states adjacent to the land border with Mexico and those States adjoining such border States for the purpose of entering into agreements under Section 287(g) of the INA to authorize qualified members of the State National Guard, while such members are not in federal service, or qualified members of a state militia or state defense force under the command of the Governor, to perform the functions of an immigration officer in relation to the investigation, apprehension, and detention of aliens in the United States."

100,000 is nowhere to be seen.

The Associated Press was also rebutted by White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who said the story was "100% not true."
The entire memo can be read

So folks... here is exactly WHY
View attachment 113020

Poll: Mainstream media continues to lose the public's trust
Look, the enemy has been identified, these are the signature strikes and attacks of an enemy, if they really are the enemy then they will continue to use these tactics, just start dealing with them as we would any enemy...hit back and hit hard...trump has them rocked back on their heels...the above just looks like an enemy in its death throes, lashing out and swinging wildly with whatever they can muster.
So we have the headlines of the "Trump national Guard" in just 3 days 192,000 results!
View attachment 113019

AP: Trump admin considers using 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration raids

AP: Trump admin considers using 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration raids
Trump team considers deploying National Guard for immigrant roundup

This is such a perfect example of the "Hatred tone" . Is the head line True?

1. Trump Administration Didn't Consider it
The AP story begins with the words: "The Trump administration considered a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants, including millions living nowhere near the Mexico border, according to a draft memo obtained by The Associated Press."

The term "Trump administration" implies a group close to the president, and generally the president himself. There is absolutely no evidence that President Trump ever knew about this memo, or that anyone close to him knew about it.

Moreover, there is no evidence to suggest that the administration "considered" it.
According to a DHS source quoted by Reuters, it was an "'early, early version' of a document being prepared by staff for Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly."

2. John Kelly Didn't Write it

The original AP story states (emphasis added): "Governors in the 11 states would have a choice whether to have their guard troops participate, according to the memo, written by U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general."

However, as noted above, it was a "document being prepared by staff for Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly." According to Reuters: "Discussion of the National Guard was dropped before the memo ever made it to Kelly's desk, the official said."
(Now I'm shouting!!!
It's understandable that the Associated Press would think Kelly wrote the memo because it has his name on it. However, they apparently failed to do even the most basic research before publication, and had to be corrected by Reuters.

The revised AP story states: "A DHS official described the document as a very early draft that was not seriously considered and never brought to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly for approval."

. Nowhere is the 100,000 Number Mentioned

AP's tweet, as well as the lede in their official story, pushes the "100,000 National Guard troops" narrative. The memo never once mentions numbers of National Guard troops, let alone 100,000.

Heres what the memo does say about the National Guard:
"Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act authorizes me to enter into an agreement with a state or political subdivision thereof, for the purpose of authorizing qualified officers or employees of the state or subdivision to perform the functions of an immigration officer. This grant of authority, known as the 287(g) program, has been a highly successful force multiplier that authorizes state or local law enforcement personnel to perform all law enforcement functions specified in section 287(a) of the INA, including the authority to investigate, identify, apprehend, arrest, detain, and conduct searches of an alien for the purposes of enforcing the immigration laws...

Pursuant to Title 32 of the United States code, State National Guard components are employees of their respective states and are under the command of their Governors when they are not in federal service. Based on their training and experience, these men and women are particularly well-suited to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law and augment border security operations by Department components.

To maximize participation by state and local jurisdictions in the enforcement of federal immigration law, I am directing the director of ICE to engage with all willing and qualified law enforcement jurisdictions for the purpose of entering into agreements under Section 287(g) of the INA.

Additionally, I am directing the commissioner of CBP and the director of ICE to immediately engage with the Governors of the states adjacent to the land border with Mexico and those States adjoining such border States for the purpose of entering into agreements under Section 287(g) of the INA to authorize qualified members of the State National Guard, while such members are not in federal service, or qualified members of a state militia or state defense force under the command of the Governor, to perform the functions of an immigration officer in relation to the investigation, apprehension, and detention of aliens in the United States."

100,000 is nowhere to be seen.

The Associated Press was also rebutted by White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who said the story was "100% not true."
The entire memo can be read

So folks... here is exactly WHY
View attachment 113020

Poll: Mainstream media continues to lose the public's trust
Look, the enemy has been identified, these are the signature strikes and attacks of an enemy, if they really are the enemy then they will continue to use these tactics, just start dealing with them as we would any enemy...hit back and hit hard...trump has them rocked back on their heels...the above just looks like an enemy in its death throes, lashing out and swinging wildly with whatever they can muster.
"Death throes!"

"Bring 'em on!"

It can't be that high !

I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Given the loser of an election this was (with the exception of the left getting it's ass kicked at all levels), I can't imagine he'd get more that 25%.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

It can't be that high !

I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Given the loser of an election this was (with the exception of the left getting it's ass kicked at all levels), I can't imagine he'd get more that 25%.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

Wherever you see red.

Obscuring the point.
Trump was 100% right regarding the "tone of hatred" by the MSM.
Today most people like me watch/read the MSM doubting the accuracy of the headline/30 second sound bite for sure and then when you READ/WATCH the fine print
you see the setting of the "tone of hatred" in the headline/sound bite.
Again.. do a search on "Trump anti-immigrant"..
Screen Shot 2017-02-18 at 10.00.31 AM.png

WHAT Trump "anti-immigrant rhetoric"? Trump's married to a immigrant... is he against her? My daughter-in-law is an immigrant. I love her!
So too the 40 million "legal immigrants" that are really really pissed that they are like Trump and me lumped into "anti-immigrant" tone!
How can we 40 million plus Americans be against "legal immigrants"?

But as I've pointed out frequently what does the biased MSM say... "Republicans reveal Trump's Anti-immigrant Endgame"!
How about honesty in the MSM instead of the "tone of hatred"?
The MSM needs to understand that 70% of the public doesn't Trust the MSM because WE CAN read between the lines!

It can't be that high !

I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Given the loser of an election this was (with the exception of the left getting it's ass kicked at all levels), I can't imagine he'd get more that 25%.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

Wherever you see red.



It can't be that high !

I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Given the loser of an election this was (with the exception of the left getting it's ass kicked at all levels), I can't imagine he'd get more that 25%.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

Wherever you see red.


lol dumbest map ever.

It can't be that high !

I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Given the loser of an election this was (with the exception of the left getting it's ass kicked at all levels), I can't imagine he'd get more that 25%.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

Wherever you see red.


lol dumbest map ever.

Can't help that you don't like it.

Suck on it.

You lost.

It can't be that high !

I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Given the loser of an election this was (with the exception of the left getting it's ass kicked at all levels), I can't imagine he'd get more that 25%.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

Wherever you see red.


lol dumbest map ever.


It can't be that high !

I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Given the loser of an election this was (with the exception of the left getting it's ass kicked at all levels), I can't imagine he'd get more that 25%.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

Wherever you see red.



It can't be that high !

I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Given the loser of an election this was (with the exception of the left getting it's ass kicked at all levels), I can't imagine he'd get more that 25%.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

Wherever you see red.


lol dumbest map ever.


It's the dumbest map ever because when you adjust it for people, i.e. VOTERS, it looks like this:

It can't be that high !

I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Given the loser of an election this was (with the exception of the left getting it's ass kicked at all levels), I can't imagine he'd get more that 25%.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

Wherever you see red.


lol dumbest map ever.


It's the dumbest map ever because when you adjust it for people, i.e. VOTERS, it looks like this:


Still enough red that it is a reflection on you that you don't know where to find anyone like that.

I know plenty of blue people.
I voted for him, I don't approve of him (but I'd vote for him again).

Where do they find you people?

Wherever you see red.


lol dumbest map ever.


It's the dumbest map ever because when you adjust it for people, i.e. VOTERS, it looks like this:


Still enough red that it is a reflection on you that you don't know where to find anyone like that.

I know plenty of blue people.

Whaaaaaaa????? lol
Again you people are IGNORING the reason why the vast majority of us "deplorables" have a gross disbelief of the MSM!
My favorite network Fox News even forgets that words have meaning. I just heard one of their people reading a tease for an upcoming segment and she said..

"Trump's plan for immigrants!"

Trump HAS NO plan for Legal immigrants!

Illegal immigrants! Illegal Immigrants! When will you anti-immigrant people get it through your heads!
"Illegal immigrants" are not "legal immigrants" which Trump with a "Legal immigrant " wife and millions like
me with "legal immigrant" relatives wants the MSM to make as a distinction!

It's the dumbest map ever because when you adjust it for people, i.e. VOTERS, it looks like this:


Still enough red that it is a reflection on you that you don't know where to find anyone like that.

I know plenty of blue people.

Whaaaaaaa????? lol

Your statement about "When you tolerate the intolerant, you become their accomplice."
is absolutely funny! Where is your tolerance of us "deplorables"... aren't you by your actions describing yourself???
Again you people are IGNORING the reason why the vast majority of us "deplorables" have a gross disbelief of the MSM!
My favorite network Fox News even forgets that words have meaning. I just heard one of their people reading a tease for an upcoming segment and she said..

"Trump's plan for immigrants!"

Trump HAS NO plan for Legal immigrants!

Illegal immigrants! Illegal Immigrants! When will you anti-immigrant people get it through your heads!
"Illegal immigrants" are not "legal immigrants" which Trump with a "Legal immigrant " wife and millions like
me with "legal immigrant" relatives wants the MSM to make as a distinction!
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Yet you follow the xenophile media's lead by no longer using the term "illegal aliens." "immigrant" is a positive term, making it sound better. Next step, which the media have already tried to establish prematurely, is "undocumented citizens."
Again you people are IGNORING the reason why the vast majority of us "deplorables" have a gross disbelief of the MSM!
My favorite network Fox News even forgets that words have meaning. I just heard one of their people reading a tease for an upcoming segment and she said..

"Trump's plan for immigrants!"

Trump HAS NO plan for Legal immigrants!

Illegal immigrants! Illegal Immigrants! When will you anti-immigrant people get it through your heads!
"Illegal immigrants" are not "legal immigrants" which Trump with a "Legal immigrant " wife and millions like
me with "legal immigrant" relatives wants the MSM to make as a distinction!
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

Yet you follow the xenophile media's lead by no longer using the term "illegal aliens." "immigrant" is a positive term, making it sound better. Next step, which the media have already tried to establish prematurely, is "undocumented citizens."

I agree! I should use the words "illegal aliens"! Your point is well taken. Thank you!

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