FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago

Again, guilty until proven innocent, huh?
Guilty is for the court to decide, however it is a fact Trump was in possession of documents that he was not supposed to have and refused requests for them to be returned. He brought this on himself
That’s simply not true. The archives took possession of the vast majority of the administration’s documents. Trump left with a few dozen boxes of documents he had been squirreling away throughout his presidency.
Archives General Counsel told congress a different story
The WH Counsel is not a part of the DoJ, so it is not a lie.

"The new disclosures indicate the Department of Justice was in touch with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) during much of 2021, undermining the DOJ’s claims that it became involved in the matter only after the Archives sent it a criminal referral on Feb. 9, 2022, based on the findings of records with “classified markings” in 15 boxes of materials Trump gave to the Archives a month prior.

The court exhibits, which were compiled by Trump’s defense lawyers and kept under seal until last week, also show that Deputy White House Counsel Jonathan Su regularly communicated with Archive officials."

Yep. Hoffman Estates is a NARA run facility.
And they could just have easily set up a NARA run facility for Trump in Florida. But they didn't. They started withing with the Biden's DOJ and WH counsel rather than Trump's team
Give us all your boxes of unnamed and unknown documents or we will shoot to kill
Lib 101
Those documents were already in NARA custody.

Bullshit. There was no negotiating. There was Trump screwing around and not doing anything until the last minute under threat of escalating pressure.

Yes, they were negotiating and had already turned over boxes. Some Presidents negotiate with the Archive for years.

Meanwhile, 18 months after Øbama left office, he had classified documents stored in an unsecure warehouse, and they finally negotiated a deal that saw the Obama Foundation pay the Archive to retrieve and remove to proper storage classified documents.

Obama paid NARA 18 months after he left office to remove classified documents to proper storage.


They were negotiating, as was Trump, during that time. We now KNOW that NARA started this BS against Trump the day the usurper Biden was sworn in.
Trump never negotiated. He defied the NARA time and again, then tried to hide them, then denied he had them.

He is a gangster.
Archives General Counsel told congress a different story
Not even remotely true.
"The new disclosures indicate the Department of Justice was in touch with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) during much of 2021, undermining the DOJ’s claims that it became involved in the matter only after the Archives sent it a criminal referral on Feb. 9, 2022, based on the findings of records with “classified markings” in 15 boxes of materials Trump gave to the Archives a month prior.

The court exhibits, which were compiled by Trump’s defense lawyers and kept under seal until last week, also show that Deputy White House Counsel Jonathan Su regularly communicated with Archive officials."
Again, White House Counsel office is not part of the DoJ.
And they could just have easily set up a NARA run facility for Trump in Florida. But they didn't. They started withing with the Biden's DOJ and WH counsel rather than Trump's team
Why would have they set up a facility in Florida? Who is going to pay for that?
Yes, they were negotiating and had already turned over boxes. Some Presidents negotiate with the Archive for years.
A handful of boxes picked largely at random in an attempt to placate the archives and get them to stop asking.

And that was only after nearly a year of being asked to then them over.
Meanwhile, 18 months after Øbama left office, he had classified documents stored in an unsecure warehouse, and they finally negotiated a deal that saw the Obama Foundation pay the Archive to retrieve and remove to proper storage classified documents.
The warehouse was a secure NARA facility.

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