Trump sends out Fake News

Satire goes completely over Trumps head. Babylon Bee is now Trumps “Go To” news source
The Babylon Bee often makes fun of liberals, and has been described as a conservative version of "The Onion" with a focus on religious conservatives.
Yeah...we know...DIPSTICK!!! Everyone knows that Babylon Bee is like the Onion.
Yeah, but does Trump know? He claims he knows nothing about QAnon, but keeps retweeting their messages. What DOES he know? IMO, on Nov. 3 the American people are going to say, "not much".
Trump knows nothing about a lot of people and things

He has selective amnesia. He claims to know nothing about QAnon and then a few seconds later, he seems to know they oppose pedophilia
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

Margin of error

Biden 375 to 163 Trump in Electoral Votes

How does that look?

It looks a lot like the 2016 projections:

Yup and we all know how 2016 turned out.

Seems RWinger is a big believer in polls. Of course anyone who believes in polls is dumber than a box of rocks. 2016 proved that.

Hillary is not running this year

With an economic collapse and unpopular President, 2020 is more like Obama/Biden in 2008

How did that turn out for you?

2008 Turned out less than the stellar time you think it was. Hell UE was extended time after time, the economy was in the toilet and we had millions on food stamps. No jobs anywhere. Oh yes it was a great time.

Trump is far from unpopular. Unlike you millions remember just how great this country was doing before the Chinese unleashed a virus on the world.

Trump as POTUS turned our great for me and millions of others.
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:
Trump is proving to be that “Crazy Uncle” who sends out anything they come across regardless of how stupid it is
Russia has been pumping Rudy Giuliani with fake news

Yeah, Russia snuck into Hunter's bedroom to snap that shot of him with the crack pipe. There is no way you can be that dumb, can you?
Ten year old picture at best. Biden acknowledges Hunter once had a drug problem

Sad to see this is the best Russia can come up with this time.

At least with Hillary, they claimed she murdered Seth Rich and was running a sex slave ring out of a pizza shop
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
Not in battleground states
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

LMAO Every poll is wrong. Even the ones that show you what you want to see. 2016 proved that.
well of course the Hunter Biden thing is not getting traction, the major so called news organizations are trying to keep a lid on it.

They have seen these desperate Republican fake news drops before
Roflol. Man you just never get a clue.
yet they hung on Trump being impeached before he even spent one day in office.
they followed Mueller into the bathroom
They reported every word Pelosi speaks.
Funny how the desperation of the left gets all the press. They reported non stop how Trump had no chance of gaining the White House.
They have given press to every fool that claimed they would leave the U.S. but somehow they dropped the ball when these same low IQ idiots still stayed. They report “mainly peaceful riots“. And somehow you Think it is Republicans? Man i don’t care who you are that here is funny.
Satire goes completely over Trumps head. Babylon Bee is now Trumps “Go To” news source

The Babylon Bee often makes fun of liberals, and has been described as a conservative version of "The Onion" with a focus on religious conservatives.
Republicans know a lot about fake news

Trumpworld seems to believe it has found an October bombshell that will damage Biden’s dominant standing in the polls. But critical elements of the story are dubious, contradictory or outright false.

It’s a highly suspicious narrative that’s riddled with inconsistencies and other red flags. The story’s premise and very first sentence contain a glaring, long-debunked falsehood: Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor in question, was not investigating Burisma, as The Washington Post reported more than a year ago in response to Trump’s similar false claims at the time. In fact, Biden and other Western officials had pushed for Shokin’s ouster precisely because of his failure to probe the firm. The Obama-Biden administration was actually considering launching a U.S. investigation into Burisma’s alleged money laundering.
It’s one of several inconsistencies in the story’s version of events.
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
Not in battleground states
Interesting point

What it doesn’t point out is that there are additional battleground states from 2016

Arizona, Texas, Georgia......once solid red are now battlegrounds.
Satire goes completely over Trumps head. Babylon Bee is now Trumps “Go To” news source

The Babylon Bee often makes fun of liberals, and has been described as a conservative version of "The Onion" with a focus on religious conservatives.
Republicans know a lot about fake news

Trumpworld seems to believe it has found an October bombshell that will damage Biden’s dominant standing in the polls. But critical elements of the story are dubious, contradictory or outright false.

It’s a highly suspicious narrative that’s riddled with inconsistencies and other red flags. The story’s premise and very first sentence contain a glaring, long-debunked falsehood: Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor in question, was not investigating Burisma, as The Washington Post reported more than a year ago in response to Trump’s similar false claims at the time. In fact, Biden and other Western officials had pushed for Shokin’s ouster precisely because of his failure to probe the firm. The Obama-Biden administration was actually considering launching a U.S. investigation into Burisma’s alleged money laundering.
It’s one of several inconsistencies in the story’s version of events.
Pretty lame attempt at a smear this time around
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
Not in battleground states
Interesting point

What it doesn’t point out is that there are additional battleground states from 2016

Arizona, Texas, Georgia......once solid red are now battlegrounds.
Democrats a fleeing shit holes to
Republican states.. I don’t blame them lol
FBI investigation 18 days before an electionView attachment 402302

RCP has Biden up 9.4 percent with 18 days left

The polls are still trying to compensate for the evil ballot mailouts plotted to doom the incumbent's surety of winning with no blame to what voter misrepresentation the Democrats are hoping to disguise. along with propaganda's prattle. Ho hum, Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb. Seems to worsen with each stumble bum. :spinner:

Hillary was at 5.8 nationally 4 years ago
Biden is at 8.9 and holding steady

You guys really better come up with better fake news
View attachment 402356

Your poll is wrong. Don’t know why you keep posting misinformation.

Oh yes, I forgot. You are a Trump supporter

RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
Not in battleground states
Interesting point

What it doesn’t point out is that there are additional battleground states from 2016

Arizona, Texas, Georgia......once solid red are now battlegrounds.
Democrats a fleeing shit holes to
Republican states.. I don’t blame them lol

Three solid Republican states

Texas, Georgia and Arizona

Georgia and Arizona are leaning Biden while Texas is slightly for Trump.
Republicans lose those states they will never win the White House
Satire goes completely over Trumps head. Babylon Bee is now Trumps “Go To” news source

The Babylon Bee often makes fun of liberals, and has been described as a conservative version of "The Onion" with a focus on religious conservatives.
Republicans know a lot about fake news

Trumpworld seems to believe it has found an October bombshell that will damage Biden’s dominant standing in the polls. But critical elements of the story are dubious, contradictory or outright false.

It’s a highly suspicious narrative that’s riddled with inconsistencies and other red flags. The story’s premise and very first sentence contain a glaring, long-debunked falsehood: Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor in question, was not investigating Burisma, as The Washington Post reported more than a year ago in response to Trump’s similar false claims at the time. In fact, Biden and other Western officials had pushed for Shokin’s ouster precisely because of his failure to probe the firm. The Obama-Biden administration was actually considering launching a U.S. investigation into Burisma’s alleged money laundering.
It’s one of several inconsistencies in the story’s version of events.
Pretty lame attempt at a smear this time around
I knew the Ukraine thing would come back to bite him in the ass. He tried to get the President of Ukraine to make shit up. Why would we listen to his bullshit now? Even if Hunter Biden got the job because of who his dad is, so what? What about Eric and Don Jr? What about the millions Trump has made by getting foreign leaders to stay at his hotels?

And where are Trump's taxes?

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